* Tribune…
In a 90-minute hearing, attorneys for the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission took a three-member panel that will decide the status of Blagojevich’s license through his worst hits as governor, including his convictions for attempting to sell a U.S. Senate seat, shaking down the CEO of a children’s hospital for campaign cash and lying to the FBI.
“As governor, (Blagojevich) had the responsibility to do what was right for the people of Illinois,” ARDC attorney Christopher Heredia said. “Instead, he only did what was right by himself. […]
Blagojevich’s longtime attorney, Sheldon Sorosky, said the ex-governor was in a “damned if he did, damned if he didn’t” situation in defending his law license, knowing that if he showed up to defend himself he would have been accused of lying all over again.
Sorosky also trotted out familiar lines in his argument, blaming the media for overemphasizing the FBI recordings that captured Blagojevich’s schemes, and saying the governor’s campaign fundraising and political horsetrading were well within legal bounds.
He would have accurately been accused of lying all over again. Fixed it for you, Sheldon. And a federal jury, a federal appellate court and the US Supreme Court all believed his actions were well outside legal bounds.
* Daily Herald…
The Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission issued no ruling Tuesday.
Blagojevich, 63, wasn’t at the hearing in Chicago, leading Christopher Heredia to complain about the former governor’s “dismissive attitude” toward the proceedings.
This is all a formality. He’s losing his license and he knows it.