Sanguinetti ties Blagojevich to Pritzker
Tuesday, Jun 12, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Rauner campaign…
Today, Lt. Gov. Evelyn Sanguinetti joined Scott Slocum on WJOL to discuss the success of passing a budget, increased K-12 education funding, and the Pritzker-Blagojevich TV ads the campaign is running.
CLICK HERE for highlights from Lt. Gov. Sanguinetti’s interview.
Lt. Gov. Sanguinetti:
For me, the biggest plus in the budget was in education. As you know I’m an inner city kid and I failed the first grade and education was always big for me. Here with this budget, the governor added $350 million in new K-12 spending for fiscal year 2019. Now that’s a $1.4 billion increase in spending since 2015. And a huge reversal from the reductions that we’ve seen in years past. That’s a very positive takeaway. And again the fact that all parties were able to come together to reach this budget that is all very positive.
…Well as you know we just released one of those FBI wire tap tapes where JB Pritzker and Rod Blagojevich are joking around about a seat that President Barack Obama left open. Talking about Reverend Wright occupying that seat and they were laughing about it. You know to them, you know and to Rod Blagojevich he’s shown no remorse for his crime. And he says that he’s in jail for just practicing politics and that may be practicing politics to Blago and JB Pritzker. But to Bruce Rauner and I, practicing politics means showing up to work every day and serving the people of our state.
…You compare JB Pritzker to Bruce Rauner, they are hundreds of millions of miles apart. With JB Pritzker, you have a person that tears out his toilets in his neighboring mansion so that he won’t have to pay as much in property taxes. That’s problematic. With JB Pritzker you have a person that says that on day one he’d eliminate that scholarship program that Bruce Rauner has put in place to help those kids in underserved communities. That speaks to his core. You know and then you compare him to Bruce Rauner. He came in not collecting pay for the work he’s been doing. He believes in the greatness of our state because he wants our children to grow here and stay here and find jobs here. That’s what Bruce Rauner has been all about since day one. And you’ve seen it with the budget. He believes in growth. Not taxing our way out of our problems but rather growing our way out.
Emphasis added because I thought it was a particularly sharp line.