Rauner campaign demands release of all Blagojevich wiretap tapes
Tuesday, Jun 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Check out the Rauner campaign’s new Facebook ads… ![]()
According to Facebook, the ads (I counted six slightly different versions) started running today. Blagojevich, you will recall, made the exact same demand to release all the tapes during and after his trials. The tapes were ordered sealed by a federal judge. I can’t see how an online petition will do much of anything besides gather names for a campaign database. We’re through the looking glass.
*** UPDATED x3 - Blagojevich files paperwork - Pritzker, Rauner weigh in *** Blagojevich begs for the mercy he rarely provided others
Tuesday, Jun 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Yep…
* From that September, 2017 interview…
In my opinion, he denied and ignored those requests because he feared the political consequences. He was a former assistant state’s attorney and wanted to look “tough on crime.” And now he begs for mercy while proclaiming his innocence. I just can’t with this guy. *** UPDATE 1 *** Gov. Rauner was asked about possible presidential clemency for Blagojevich today. His response…
…Adding… Video is here. *** UPDATE 2 *** Sun-Times…
*** UPDATE 3 *** Tribune…
Rauner, Pritzker release first TV ads of the general election
Tuesday, Jun 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Rauner is kicking off the festivities by taking the Blagojevich route, which is mighty interesting since President Trump is considering letting the man out of prison and Rauner’s Blagojevich TV ads during the primary didn’t really hurt Pritzker all that much. I mean, the dude won by 20 points after Rauner spent millions. Then again, general election audiences are very different than Democratic primary audiences, and it’s well known that the Rauner folks have been polling and focus-grouping the heck out of this topic. And the spot most definitely takes a wicked shot at Pritzker, which his GOP base will appreciate. Press release…
* Rate it… Not a lot of context there. But the patriotic theme could take hold. Again, this is a sop to the base, which is absolutely fine for this point in the campaign. * Background text from a GOP operative…
* On to the next one. Press release…
* Rate it… * If you wanted Pritzker to draw serious blood with his first ad, this definitely ain’t it. They’re trying to build a narrative, though, so we’ll see. Actual general election voters may not want this thing to start out as an 11 on a scale of 1-10 and the ad does tell a story about how a real person was hurt by the governor’s choices. Even so, it looks to my eyes like an overreaction to Hillary Clinton’s unexpected blue-collar losses in the “Rust Belt” states. Illinois isn’t Wisconsin, or Michigan, or Pennsylvania or Ohio, however. Hillary won Illinois by 17 points. The spot seems like a too-careful-by-half, overpaid consultant’s ad and not what the relatively small number of people who are actually paying attention right now really want (which is what the Rauner ad most definitely is - a vicious assault). Instead of kicking it all off with some nasty red meat for a few days, they’ve taken the safely bland route from the get-go. They may live to regret that choice. If you’re gonna say you’ll “protect” the state from President Trump and Gov. Rauner then you need to show you’re up to the task. This ad most definitely falls short. I’ve been warning for months that Pritzker may not be tough enough to win this thing, and his inaugural ad, in my opinion, only bolsters that prediction. But, hey, they’ve got reams of polling data and endless focus group experience and I don’t. * Script…