Democratic candidates weigh in on Pritzker/Blagojevich story
Thursday, Jun 1, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller * In case you need to refresh your memory, the Chicago Tribune story is here. From the Chris Kennedy campaign…
* Sen. Daniel Biss’ campaign…
* Ameya Pawar’s campaign…
I haven’t heard back from Bob Daiber. Rate ‘em.
Trib reporter denies Pritzker story was a Rauner leak
Thursday, Jun 1, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller * If you click here and watch this video, you’ll see JB Pritzker blame the Tribune’s Blagojevich story yesterday on Gov. Rauner’s campaign…
Pritzker said more about that later in the same media availability and then said much the same thing during another avail he had last night. Click here for that one…
* But the Tribune’s Jeff Coen was on WBEZ this morning and was asked about his source…
* Audio… * I asked the Pritzker campaign if they still stood by the allegations that this story was leaked by Rauner and/or the GOP to “distract” people…
So, they tightened it up a bunch and dropped the direct connection allegation. * The Pritzker campaign does appear to have some legit beefs about the way this story was reported out. They say they were only given an hour to respond to the story and weren’t told that tapes even existed. The Tribune reporters, the campaign claims, wouldn’t even read them any excerpts from the Blagojevich conversations, which is why the campaign’s first response seemed so oddly off-topic. The question remains as well whether a federal judge’s order sealing these tapes was somehow violated. Remember, this was a huge issue back in the day. Blagojevich kept demanding that the judge “Release the tapes!” and the judge wouldn’t do it. This was a private conversation that didn’t result in any charges or even any testimony and yet it’s now public. Campaign opposition researcher Will Caskey said this in comments yesterday…