* It’s starting to look like former Sen. Roger Keats will be the slated GOP candidate…
Former state Sen. Roger Keats tells Sneed he intends to toss his hat in the ring for Cook County Board president . . . and appears to be, at the moment, the lead Republican candidate. “I’m probably going to announce at the end of the week,” he told Sneed.
* I haven’t listened to the program yet, but I can’t help but wonder if Congressman Mark Kirk mentioned Don & Roma’s blatant shilling for Rod Blagojevich while using their show to announce his US Senate candidacy…
During an interview on WLS Radio’s “Don Wade and Roma Morning Show'’ on Monday, Kirk said he’s announcing his candidacy and hopes to “restore ethics and integrity to Illinois government.'’ Kirk says Burris hasn’t been able to be effective in Washington because of the controversy over his appointment and it’s time to change that.
* Speaking of Kirk, he apparently got an earful from some constituents over the weekend about his “Cap and Trade” vote…
The 39-year-old policy wonk gave a 30-minute (stretched in more ways than one) answer to the first prepared question of “why did you do it?” with a defense that walked all over US energy policy, national security and the best interests of the men and women of the US Navy. (That last point he indicates is the pervasive motivation for his votes on a wide variety of issues - evidently!) He brought out his charts and maps to outline America’s need for energy independence, which sparked shouts of “why then do you vote against ANWR?”
* Democrat Alexi Giannoulias responds to Kirk’s announcement this morning via press release…
“If Mark Kirk and I are the respective nominees of our parties, then voters will have a clear choice: go backwards to the reckless Bush-Cheney fiscal policies Kirk supported that cost this state hundreds of thousands of jobs and created the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, or move forward to fundamentally change our economy and create the next generation of good jobs here in Illinois.
“I believe in fair trade, an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work, and tax cuts for middle-class families. Mark Kirk takes the opposite view. He voted to give tax breaks to corporations that ship our jobs overseas, but against cracking down on China’s unfair trade practices. He voted for a massive bailout of the biggest banks in the country, but against raising the minimum wage. Mark Kirk voted against middle-class tax cuts by opposing President Obama’s economic recovery plan, but supported George W. Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthiest. It’s a simple choice between the failed past or a promising future – a clear choice between the right course and the wrong one.”
As does Republican Eric Wallace…
“With Mark Kirk’s entrance, the stage is now set to begin the Illinois Republican Party’s next phase. For a while now, the Illinois GOP has been experiencing a grueling metamorphosis. As the standard bearer for the inspiring LIFT principles, this election cycle will be pivotal in shaping the direction of the Illinois GOP,” Wallace said. “In this cycle, the IL GOP’s base will show that from the top of the ticket down they want a new crop of principled Republicans who will challenge the status quo.”
“For far too long the rank and file of the party has been relegated to the back of the bus while the party lords steered us away from enduring traditional governing principles. We saw we were headed towards party deterioration and those at the wheel ignored our concerns. The party adopted a conservative platform, only to nominate people who vote contrary to that platform.”
* Laura Washington talks about potential black candidates for US Senate…
Yet there’s still only one announced Senate aspirant. Giannoulias has $1.65 million in his campaign war chest and 60 elected officials on board. His list of endorsers includes a few African-American players such as state Senate Majority Leader James Clayborne, who brings a diverse Downstate power base; state Sen. Kwame Raoul, a rising star based in Hyde Park, and Larry Rogers, a Cook County Board of Review commissioner.
Just a handful. Giannoulias has not corralled one black congressman, alderman or committeeman.
Wonder what they’re all waiting for?
I think many are probably waiting to see if a truly viable African-American candidate announces.
* Carol Marin also looks at race and a couple of campaigns. Congressman Danny Davis say’s he’s in for Cook County Board President, which shakes up that race and creates a vacuum for his own seat…
The political risk is that each office, long held by an African American, is vulnerable to a white or Hispanic challenger.
Call it the Reverse Harold Washington Effect.
Marin has a list of possible candidates for Davis’ seat…
Potential black candidates include state Representatives Karen Yarbrough and LaShawn Ford; state Sen. Rickey Hendon and Deputy Recorder of Deeds Darlena Williams-Burnett.
Potential white candidates being mentioned are 2nd Ward Ald. Bob Fioretti and state Sen. Don Harmon. Harmon, for one, says he’s not running, arguing, “We should not be trying to erode the representation of the African-American community.”
* Republican National Committeewoman Demetra DeMonte is just one candidate eyeing the lieutenant governor’s race. State Rep. Dave Winters is also preparing a bid. And I hear he’s planning to do a fly-around. I hope he uses a different plane.
Carbondale Brad Cole is another…
Despite earning only $9,000 a year as mayor, Cole said he treats it as a full-time job, living off that salary and savings.
“I’m skinny and single,” he joked. “I’ve saved every dollar I’ve ever made, so I don’t have a lot of expenses.”
I mean no real offense, but didn’t that quote strike you as just a wee bit odd?
* Related…
* GOP’s Durkin bows out of statewide races: After mention as a potential candidate for governor, U.S. senator and attorney general, state Rep. Jim Durkin, R-82nd, of Western Springs, said Friday he will seek re-election to the Illinois House next year.
* Dennis Hastert son running for dad’s ex-seat - Schock headlines funder
* GOP bypasses regulars, puts faith in 28-year-old to regain 56th House District seat: Schaumburg Township Republicans have placed their hopes in a young lawyer and political novice to recapture the Illinois House seat held by party defector Paul Froehlich. Ryan Higgins, 28, who’s never held elected office, beat out two seasoned office holders - local school board member Char Kegarise and library board member Anita Forte-Scott - to win the endorsement from precinct captains for next February’s GOP primary for the 56th House District.
* Durkin, Schillerstrom speak out against early release of Illinois prison inmates
* Private-equity exec Kirkpatrick running for state treasurer: Kip Kirkpatrick, co-founder of Water Street Healthcare Partners, said he’s decided to run for the Democratic nomination for treasurer because “I’m tired of being a critic (of Illinois government) like everyone else — on the sidelines.”