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Another look at 2010

Friday, Jun 12, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tom Dart has been proclaimed a hero of the working class for refusing to enforce eviction notices, but today’s Sun-Times has a story which shows just how difficult it’ll be if Dart decides to move up the political ladder

Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart is being sued for enforcing a “shackling policy” that requires correctional officers to shackle pregnant woman in the custody during and immediately after labor and delivery. […]

In labor, a sheriff’s deputy shackled Morales by her hand and foot to the hospital bed as required by Dart’s “shackling policy” and disregarded a physicians request to remove the shackles.

The sheriff deputy explained that Dart’s “shackling policy” required the shackles to stay on.

Not a pleasant mental image.

* Yet another Republican has emerged as a lieutenant governor candidate. Randy White. Click here to see his online ad. And here’s one of his newspaper op-eds

People! It is time to remember our founding fathers’ intent. I have been to Washington. I have read the original documents on which this country was founded. I have seen the notes in the margins made by the men as they worked on each issue. They were basing everything on God-given principles. God is in every thought as they drew up the documents. Do we as Bible-Belt Americans realize the media-backed, popular candidates stand for the very things our founding fathers stood against, and would be appalled by?

* Republican Sen. Kirk Dillard said yesterday that he’s seriously considering a bid for governor, the same day he was scheduled to “co-host” a fundraiser for GOP Sen. Bill Brady’s gubernatorial campaign. He explains

Dillard tells Animal Farm he signed on months ago for Brady’s local fundraiser and hasn’t asked for his name to be removed. But he won’t be attending. Instead, he has made plans to attend a fundraiser for Western llinois University.

“I gave Senator Brady permission to use my name before I began seriously considering a run for governor,” Dillard said.

* As I told you yesterday, earlier this week Congressman Patrick Kennedy took some seriously nasty shots at Alexi Giannoulias on behalf of his cousin Chris Kennedy.

Well, here’s what we learned this morning

Rep. Patrick Kennedy, who has struggled with depression, alcoholism and addiction for much of his life, said Friday that he has checked into a medical facility for treatment.

The Rhode Island Democrat, who sought treatment three years ago after an early-morning car crash near the U.S. Capitol, said in a statement that his recovery is a “lifelong process” and that he will do whatever it takes to preserve his health.

That might explain some things.

* Earlier this week, Kass touted former reform commission chairman Patrick Collins and others for Chicago mayor

How about Reform Commission Chairman Patrick Collins, the former federal prosecutor? Collins has integrity. Others include Ald. Toni Preckwinkle (4th) and ex-Chicago schools chief Paul Vallas, who may lack hair but knows how to craft a budget.

* As I told you before, the Tribune editorial board lavished praise on Paul Vallas this week and begged him to come back and run for Cook County Board Chairman. Vallas, as you already know, announced yesterday that he would not run. Today, the Tribune whacks Vallas

We’re thrilled that Huberman has put the central bureaucracy of Chicago’s school district — the second largest employer in the city, behind the federal government — on a diet. The job cuts come as the district faces a budget deficit of at least $475 million.

But his dramatic move leaves us wondering how these jobs survived the district’s two previous reform administrations. Why wasn’t this excess bureaucracy removed by Huberman’s predecessor, Arne Duncan, now the U.S. secretary of education, or by Paul Vallas, now running schools in New Orleans? Or did they help to create it?

* Speaking of Cook County Board President…

Cook County GOP Chairman Lee Roupas said Thursday other candidates have been pondering a run and they see the post as winnable next year given the public’s dissatisfaction with the sales tax hike under county board President Todd Stroger, a Chicago Democrat.

Potential GOP candidates include state Sen. Matt Murphy of Palatine and a second run by Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica of Riverside.

Sen. Murphy has already ruled out a run for the post and confirmed yesterday that he hasn’t changed his mind.


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