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Drip, drip, drip…

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Burris has yet to get his story straight…

In a November conversation caught on an FBI wiretap, Roland Burris promised Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s brother that he’d write the governor a campaign check by mid-December, Burris’ lawyer said today.

That was about a month before Rod Blagojevich appointed Burris to the U.S. Senate. […]

But lawyer Timothy Wright told the Chicago Sun-Times today that his client never sent the check because he believed it wasn’t a good idea given Burris’ interest in the U.S. Senate seat appointment. Wright said Burris’ decision not to send the check had nothing to do with Blagojevich’s Dec. 9 arrest.

Burris did not mention a promise of a check in a Feb. 4 sworn affidavit that Burris submitted to an Illinois House panel investigating Rod Blagojevich’s impeachment. That affidavit sought to supplement Burris’ testimony before a House panel, where Burris only mentioned having contact with Lon Monk with regard to the appointment.

But Wright said the amount of the check was to be $1,500. The conversation with Robert Blagojevich happened when Burris was interested in the U.S. Senate. Wright said Burris’ answers to the House panel have been consistent, and he has made repeated efforts to be as complete as possible to the public.



Tuesday, May 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Potential Democratic US Senate candidate Chris Kennedy just called and said it was “physically impossible” for him to make any announcement about his US Senate race this week. Apparently, others are jumping the gun here.

Also, a widespread rumor that Kennedy would announce tomorrow via online video is false, Kennedy claimed.

* Senate President John Cullerton was just asked about what happened in today’s leaders meeting with the governor. His answer? “We talked about Capitol Fax.” lol [Audio via Dave at IRN. Thanks much.]

* House Speaker Michael Madigan was also asked about progress at the meeting. “Nothing’s decided,” he said. Asked whether that was good or bad, Madigan said, “You tell me.” Video via Patterson

* The infamous Grover Norquist was at the Statehouse today to talk about the budget…

Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, said the state’s shortfall results from politicians’ over-spending and financial mismanagement and isn’t taxpayers’ problem to solve - it’s lawmakers’ responsibility.

Maybe not. From a recent study

• Spending growth: Elementary-secondary education and medical assistance are the only major program areas that have seen significant spending growth since FY 2000. Over the same period of time, funding for human services, higher education, and most other parts of the General Funds budget has not kept pace with inflation. […]

• Understanding the deficit: Almost 60 percent of the $12.3 billion budget gap reflects declining revenues caused by the recession. Most of the remainder is related to the structural deficit — increased payments for state retirement systems and the backlog of unpaid Medicaid bills.

* Thanks to a commenter, here are a couple of quotes we missed earlier today…

Patrick Collins, head of the reform commission, took umbrage when the senate committee rejected the commission”s proposals but unanimously approved of a reform measure sponsored by state Sen. Dan Kotowski, D-Park Ridge.

“I asked my commissioners to change their lives to engage in this process for 100 days. I am not going to participate in a process like the one that happened in there. If any of you think that”s a fair process, that”s wrong,” Collins said.

A committee killed some bills that a large number of people worked months or even years to pass because they believed the measures were vitally important to the state’s future. Happens every day. Literally.

Sen. Mike Jacobs (D-East Moline) responded…

“All I can say is ‘Waah waah waah, I want my Mommy,’” Jacobs jokingly sobbed.

“For him to think that we should drop whatever we”re doing to make sure he gets whatever he wants is amazing. Patrick Collins ought to learn that this is a give-and-take process. You just don”t get whatever you want.”

Yowza, man. Everybody really needs to take a breath here.


*** UPDATED x2 - Judge to release tape *** Roland Burris’ tenuous relationship with reality

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE - 11:23 am *** Fine, but the tapes should also be released to the general public….

A federal judge today authorized the release of audio tapes of secret recordings of coversations between U.S. Sen. Roland Burris and former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s brother to a Senate ethics committee. […]

Before the hearing, [Burris’ criminal lawyer, Timothy Wright] said, “the truth will finally come out,’’ in an apparent reference to recordings that took place last November and involve discussions between Friends of Blagojevich campaign fund chair Robert Blagojevich and Burris regarding fund-raising for the ex-governor.


Timothy Wright, a lawyer for Burris, said he also did not object to the release and said he believed the tape would show Burris did nothing wrong. “We think it is what it is,” Wright said. “The truth is coming out. We think it helps to vindicate the senator.”

*** UPDATE - 11:59 am *** The tape may be released to the public after all. From the US Attorney’s office..

When a formal order is issued regarding today’s proceedings and any materials are publicly docketed, the Government will make available any of its filings and materials that are ordered unsealed. There is no estimate available of when this will occur.

[ *** End of Updates *** ]

* Is Roland Burris beginning to see reality? Maybe, maybe not

Burris wants to jump in the 2010 election, despite longshot odds. Durbin will not support him. The Senate Democratic political operation is trying to recruit Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan to run. On the day we talked — May 19 — Burris met with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to discuss his political future. Earlier, he conferred with Sen. Robert Menendez, the chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. And the day before — May 18 — Burris called on William Daley.

“My impression is he is going to be a candidate,” Daley told me. […]

I asked Burris about his timetable for deciding if he will run.

“Lynn . . . if you don’t have money, whether or not you say you are going to run is not relevant. . . . You take away your option.”

That last quote was probably the most sense I’ve heard from Burris since he was appointed by Rod Blagojevich. Then again, it might’ve just been a momentary lapse into reason.

* Speaking of momentary lapses, is Steve Preston really a viable alternative to Mark Kirk?…

The NRSC chairman also mentioned Chicago-area Rep. Mark Kirk, a social issues moderate, as a strong candidate against Burris (who faces a stiff primary challenge from businessman Christopher Kennedy, son of the late Robert Kennedy).

“But if Mark doesn’t run, there are other possible strong candidates,” he said. (Although Cornyn gave no name, sources in the Illinois GOP suggested to me he was referring to Steve Preston, Housing and Urban Development secretary under George W. Bush).

* Related…

* Roland Burris In St. Louis Area Talking About The Stimulus Package

* Attorney Gen. Madigan objects to Chrysler sale: Ms. Madigan filed her objection on behalf of the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission and the Illinois Self-Insurers Advisory Board. She opposes the sale to Fiat SpA if it fails to set aside monetary provisions for injured Chrysler workers in Illinois.


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