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Fresh Burris disaster thread

Wednesday, Feb 18, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gee, where have we heard this one before?

Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) is planning a public relations offensive to counter growing concerns about whether he lied about the circumstances of his appointment to the Senate, and he has no intention of resigning, his advisers said Wednesday.

Rod Blagojevich appears to be on hiatus from his public relations offensive, so maybe his PR firm can get to work Twittering on Burris’ behalf and booking him on every goofy cable TV show in New York. Then again, I think I read somewhere that Drew Peterson’s girlfriend just moved back in so maybe they’re busy.

…Adding… How can you do a PR offensive if you don’t talk to the media?

But it’s unclear how much more the public will hear from Burris on the scandal. The Democrat said he’ll no longer speak with the media.

Maybe he just means the “Illinois media.” You have to parse every word with him and then suspend all reality.

* Fred Lebed probably reveals more than he intended

Lebed, Burris’ former partner in their consulting firm, said today that Burris spoke once “for like 30 seconds” about fundraising for then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who went on to appoint Burris to the Senate seat once held by President Barack Obama.

“I said ‘no way,’” Lebed said.

So, essentially, Fred had to make sure that former Attorney General Roland Burris understood his ethical duties? Sheesh. This gets worse by the minute.

* Meanwhile, it won’t come as a surprise to you that Burris lied again

As calls for his resignation continue to roll in, U.S. Sen. Roland Burris grew emphatic in his defense today, telling a packed luncheon in Chicago to “stop the rush to judgment.”

“You know the real Roland,” Burris told a City Club of Chicago gathering. “I’ve done nothing wrong, and I have nothing to hide.”

Burris said the issue of his varying sworn testimony before an Illinois House impeachment panel is as explainable as “one, two, three.”

Burris insisted his affidavits didn’t contradict one another, saying he explained to “anyone who would listen” that he wanted the U.S. Senate appointment. [Emphasis added]

His affidavits didn’t contradict each other? Who’s he kidding? Himself?

* This is how Burris parses it

“No, I did not have conversations about my appointment — I’m talking about actually being appointed — with anyone other than the governor’s attorney.”

It’s impossible to argue with someone who can’t accept basic facts. He said he was interested in the appointment. He made that statement to six people close to the governor. His original sworn affidavit claimed there was “not any contact” between himself or any representatives of the governor “regarding my appointment.”

Burris ought to be ashamed of himself for splitting hairs like this. It might stand up in court, but it certainly shouldn’t be presented to the court of public opinion.

* The Illinois House had a bit of an explosion today over Majority Leader Currie’s failure to inform the impeachment committee that Sen. Burris had submitted a new affidavit for over a week…

House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie, D-Chicago, tried to diffuse criticism she’s heard in recent days from her role as head of the House impeachment committee that took testimony from Burris in late January.

Currie read a statement where she explained why there was more than a week’s delay in turning over an affidavit Burris provided Feb. 4 updating his testimony to include that he did discuss fundraising with allies of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich. […]

Currie said she believed the affidavit included only clarifying testimony and a miscommunication with staff caused a delay in having it sent to other committee members.

“Any suggestion that I engaged in a deliberate cover up, that I purposely delayed distribution of the information is totally false,” Currie said in a statement she read on the House floor Wednesday. “Any suggestion that I should do a better job of reading my mail in a timely fashion is a suggestion I enthusiastically - and more than a little ruefully - embrace.”

The Republicans, as expected, went on a full rampage after Currie’s speech.

* Congressman Phil Hare became the first member of Congress to go all the way

“I believe it is in the best interest of all Illinoisans that Sen. Burris resigns. Our state and its citizens deserve the whole truth, not bits and pieces only when it is convenient,” Hare said in a statement. […]

“I’m troubled by [Burris’ evolving explanations] because he either has a tremendous lack of memory or he wasn’t being forthright with the committee,” Hare said, referring to the state House Impeachment Committee. “This was pay-to-play with the former governor … I’m done with this whole Blagojevich thing.”

Burris “has been a good public servant for the state for 30 years, but you’ve got to answer questions when you’re under oath,” Hare continued. “What Illinois deserves is a senator they can trust to do the right things, that if they’re asked a question, they answer honestly.”

“We’ve just been through a lot out here, and I thought we’d put this behind us. Anybody that this governor appointed would obviously have problems and would be under suspicion, and here we go again,” Hare added.

You said it, Phil.

State Rep. Lou Lang is another Democrat who has called on Burris to resign, by the way.

* But Bill Daley stops well short of calling for Sen. Roland Burris’ resignation…

DALEY: We’re being defined by terrible situation that Governor Blagojevich created and has left in his wake in spite of his impeachment.

Daley didn’t answer directly whether he thinks Burris should stay in office.

DALEY: I think he should do serious reflection on whether or not he can be effective for the people of Illinois…not for himself.

Yeah, that’ll happen.

…Adding… The Associated Press finds two people in a southern Illinois diner who say some nice things about Roland Burris and the headline reads: Burris getting support from Illinoisans.

I’m at a loss for words.


Live video, live blogging of Burris’ City Club appearance

Wednesday, Feb 18, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 12:14 pm - Watch Sen. Roland Burris’ City Club address live via CBS2 by clicking here.

The Sun-Times is live-blogging Sen. Burris’ appearance as well.

I have other things to do, so please help others by live-blogging here in comments. Thanks.

* 1:03 pm - I was only paying half attention, but I didn’t hear much new. Same old “Roland Burris is a great guy and you all know it” pablum. Now come the questions.

Asked if all the facts are now out. “They’re out from me,” but he joked that he didn’t know if they were all out.

And it’s over. Burris refused to take questions about specific aspects of the appointment controversy. Pretty much useless.



Wednesday, Feb 18, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE 1 *** Here’s Ald. O’Connor’s new cable TV ad which is mentioned below. The campaign claims to have raised $200K in the past couple of weeks and say they’ll be expanding the buy…

*** UPDATE 2 *** A Democratic candidate is getting some very conservative endorsements. From a press release…

National Taxpayers United Illinois (NTUI) announced here today that it is endorsing Cary Capparelli, candidate on the Democratic ballot to fill Rahm Emanuel’s seat representing Illinois’ 5th Congressional District.

Cary received the news from Jim Tobin, president of NTUI, the largest and a highly effective taxpayer group in Illinois. Founded in 1976, the group takes credit for saving Illinois citizens more than $74 billion in income, property, sales and other taxes - both at the state and local levels. NTUI has defeated proposed income tax increases every year since 1993, and has helped taxpayers defeat 190 local property tax increase referendums since 1977.

“Cary has made a pledge to protect taxpayers by opposing any effort to increase taxes,” said Mr. Tobin. “By making this endorsement, we are recognizing his integrity and commitment to fighting taxes.”

The NTUI endorsement is the second one in just a few days’ time. He received the endorsement of Family-Pac Federal last weekend. Family-Pac Federal is a bi-partisan group that has endorsed candidates who are or have been committed to upholding family values.

That’s quite interesting.

[ *** End of Updates *** ]

* As of February 6th, Democrat Paul Bryar’s relatively uncovered, unknown congressional campaign claimed to have raised $250,000 in contributions. That’s pretty darned good and in the top tier of all candidates if true.

But, as they say on the teevee, that’s not all.

Check out the independent expenditures in the district as of today. The American Academy of Opthalmology PAC has spent almost $59,000 in the district so far. According to his website Bryar plays a “leadership role” with the American Academy of Opthalmology. Bryar says he had a volunteer post to help streamline electronic health records.

Bryar said today that my call to his campaign manager asking about the IE was the first he had heard of the expenditure, and pointed out that he’s not on the board of directors and wouldn’t know of its activities. By law, he’s not allowed to coordinate his message or activities with the group. Coordination complaints are sometimes filed even if there’s no actual wrongdoing (just for a press pop, in other words), but Bryar is so unknown (his first poll showed him at 0 percent) that nothing will likely be said or done.

Bryar said he’s running about 1,100 cable TV ads a week, which he claims is more than anyone else in the race. He didn’t know how many ratings points that translates into, and it’s tough to figure that without knowing which channels and programs are running his ads. It’s not a huge amount. Cable requires big buys over a long period of time to work most effectively.

Here’s his ad…

He’s also doing mail. He has the money to be competitive, but this special election will require a serious, seasoned ground game. “Normal” people just won’t vote. Campaigns will have to physically drag their identified supporters to the polls.

* Also, if you clicked on that IE link above, you saw that Emily’s List has spent about $11K on behalf of Rep. Sara Feigenholtz’s congressional campaign. Expect that to grow. Also, expect SEIU to jump in as well. If both groups take the big leap, these independent expenditures could turn out to be the real story in the campaign.

* Ald. Pat O’Connor has also hit the cable TV “airwaves” with a new ad. He’s spending $25K over five days. A commenter reported last night that O’Connor is also now doing robocalls.

* Meanwhile, the Sun-Times has a piece about Rep. John Fritchey getting hammered for defending Roland Burris during the House impeachment committee…

State Rep. John Fritchey (D-Chicago) said he had no interest in protecting Roland Burris when the now-senator appeared before the Illinois House impeachment committee last month.

Here’s the exchange in question…

Burris, who was then trying to be installed as a U.S. Senator, faced a question from Durkin about whether Gov. Blagojevich asked him for any quid-pro-quo in exchange for naming Burris to the senate. Burris said “No.”

“If you were aware of a quid pro quo, what would you have done?” Durkin asked.

Fritchey spoke before Burris answered, saying, “Mr. Burris had already stated that he was not aware of any quid pro quo, which answers that question and puts it to rest.”

Burris eventually volunteered that he would never accept a quid pro quo.

When Durkin asked Burris, “What were your thoughts upon the arrest of the governor?” Fritchey interjected, “Our mission today is to investigate Rod Blagojevich, not Roland Burris.”

That ain’t exactly felonius, but we’re in the middle of a bona fide media feeding frenzy and Fritchey is getting munched. He hasn’t gotten a whole lot of good press this cycle anyway. Witness this Tribune hed about Fritchey’s latest TV ad: Fritchey airs attack ad in race to replace Rahm Emanuel. Oof. As I told you yesterday, the Tribune’s endorsement of Mike Quigley included a whack at Fritchey.

* Fritchey has said he’d support a special election, but Rep. Feigenoltz just called for Burris to resign. From a press release…

“Three months ago I called for a special election to fill President Obama’s seat because I believed voters should have had the right to choose their Senator, not politicians in Springfield. This appointment has been under a dark cloud since the day this seat became vacant. And look where it got us. These disappointing disclosures on the part of Senator Burris mean only one thing: he must resign. It’s time that we hand this decision over to the voters and have a clean break. Let them decide.”

* Related…

* O’

* Political newcomers vie for Congress

* The Fritchey Defense Returns to Bite Him

* The Paul Bryar Interview

* Tribune: Democrats’ best: Quigley


Burris on the defensive

Wednesday, Feb 18, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune called for Sen. Roland Burris’ resignation in an editorial this morning. The SJ-R did so as well

And that lack of judgment, we fear, will keep Burris on his present course — clinging tenaciously to his office, changing his story at every turn, denying the people of Illinois the Senate representation they deserve. We would much prefer that Burris embrace reality here and step aside, but we won’t hold our breath.

The Sun-Times demanded answers

His political career, effectively, is over, but his legacy, or what’s left of it, hangs on gossamer threads, awaiting his next move.

Phil Kadner called him a crud

Burris, like Badgojevich before him, says he has done nothing illegal. The senator from Badgojevich is touring the state to tell people his side of the story. He didn’t lie, he just didn’t tell the truth.

He didn’t give Badgojevich any money for the Senate seat because he couldn’t find anyone willing to donate to the governor’s campaign.

Now there’s a stand-up guy for you.

* Mark Brown offers up a theory

…our new U.S. senator not only was the sucker at the table, but he never even knew it.

And continues…

One of the strange aspects about this to me is that none of the recent revelations — before Tuesday’s — would have necessarily been fatal to Burris’ chances to get the U.S. Senate to accept him as the rightful appointee, if only he’d been honest about it in the first place.

The fact that he’d had conversations with most of the members of the governor’s inner circle to make known his interest in the seat isn’t terribly suspicious, nor would have been brother Rob Blagojevich’s fund-raising overtures to him, if he really had rejected them.

I agree. If, that is, Burris is telling the truth now. We don’t know whether that’s the truth or not.


The fact Burris hid these contacts suggests he always had something else to hide. With the revelation that he tried to raise money for Blagojevich, maybe we’re coming closer to the truth about what that something was.

It now seems clear from looking at the rest of what we know about the Blagojevich case that the governor had devised a system. His inner circle would keep him informed about what favors various individuals were seeking. He would then make some computation of what he thought that favor might be worth and then instruct his brother, newly installed as his fund-raising chief, to put the arm on the potential donor.

If Blagojevich put down Burris for $10,000 because of his interest in the Senate seat, then he was playing him for a sucker.

* Eric Zorn offers up a possible way out

The best bet, it seems to me, is for voters as well as editorialists to prevail on President Obama and major political and civil rights leaders to apply significant pressure on Burris to step down. First privately, then publicly. Not only is his own reputation crumbling by the day, but he’s hurting the country, the state and his party by staying in office.

But with this stick he’s going to need a carrot; a way to save face and not look like he’s simply fleeing as the media hounds nip at his heels. Offer him a deal in which he steps down but gets the assurance that Gov. Pat Quinn will appoint any one of a number of qualified black politicians to be his replacement. In such a defeat is a shred of honor, and if Burris is as smart as he thinks he is, he’ll see it’s his last chance at political grace.

Dragging Obama into this won’t be pleasant. He doesn’t want to go there. And African-American ministers and civil rights leaders are still solidly (at least publicly) expressing their support.

Even Bobby Rush is keeping things muted

Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) is standing behind Burris, a spokesman said, although that could change as events continue to unfold. “The congressman is still supportive, but the news is still coming out,” the spokesman said. “He has a responsibility to reserve judgment until everything is known.”

And didn’t completely take the racial bait

“It kind of reminds me of the environment and atmosphere that existed when Harold [Washington] was running for mayor,” Rush said. “It has the same tenor.”

When asked if he thought there was a racial element involved, Rush did not dismiss the possibility.

“I can’t go standing on innuendos and try to make some kind of determination when I haven’t heard from Roland himself.”

Congressman Danny Davis’ defense of Burris yesterday was tepid, as Bored Now notes…

…But it was still a defense.

* And his friends list is shrinking. Organized labor is also upset with him

As if he wasn’t dealing with enough this week, newly appointed Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) is coming in for heavy criticism from some of President Barack Obama’s biggest backers in organized labor.

Union leaders are blasting Burris, saying he has not yet taken a clear position on legislation that would make it easier for workers to organize into unions.

* And Sen. Durbin has finally responded, but was more than a bit vague

ATHENS — U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin says he believes the testimony Roland Burris gave to Illinois lawmakers about his appointment to the U.S. Senate was incomplete. […]

But Durbin says he believes that the public statements Burris has made have raised questions about the circumstances surrounding his appointment to the U.S. Senate by ousted Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Durbin says those statements need to be examined carefully. He says he believes that the investigation the Senate is undertaking is appropriate and that he’ll wait for that investigation to be completed.

* Related…

* Burris to address City Club of Chicago today

* Senate Majority Leader Reid cautious on Burris

* Burris discusses Peoria projects with Ardis

* The never-ending story

* Burris timeline

* Burris’ Senate-seat story changes again

* During ISU visit, Burris says testimony was ‘truthful and consistent’

* Prosecutor reviewing comments about Burris contact with Blagojevich

* State’s Attorney in Springfield Reviewing Burris Testimony

* Burris open to ethics probes, will cooperate with perjury review

* Burris says he’s open to an investigation

* US Sen. committee opens Burris inquiry: report

* ‘I will answer any and all questions’

* Burris Unsuccessful in Attempts to Raise Money for Guv.

* Burris admits he asked friends to donate to Blagojevich

* Burris Tried To Raise Funds For Blagojevich

* Burris should step down, editorial says

* Newspaper demands senator’s resignation

* Senate Ethics Committee Opens Burris Inquiry

* Orr: Open Letter to Roland Burris

* Unfiltered: Orr Asks Burris to Resign

* Burris’ chances in 2010 election: ‘He’s going to get steamrolled’

* Burris before the Illinois House impeachment panel. Jan. 8, 2009. C-SPAN video


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