Rahm throws Jesse White under the bus
Tuesday, Jan 20, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Rahm Emanuel placed full blame on Jesse White for Roland Burris’ seating in the US Senate…
Jesse White never signed the appointment certificate, and Emanuel surely knows it. White autopen signed a different document which merely authenticated the original, unsigned (by White) document. The Senate Democrats then used that technicality to weasel out of its pledge to block any appointment made by Gov. Rod Blagojevich. This is just one more reason why I despise Washington, DC. First, the Senate Democrats said they’d block anyone appointed by RRB. Then they watched with horror as Blagojevich & Co. played the race card at every opportunity, so they began to backtrack. When they realized that their bluff was called, they found a convenient African-American politician to be their scapegoat, Jesse White. “See? It’s not us white guys and gals in the Senate who are blocking Burris, it’s that black guy!” And they, through Emanuel, continue this fiction to today. Disgusting. * This is interesting…