The trouble with Hillary
Thursday, Feb 18, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * WGN TV…
* Sun-Times…
20th Century. 19th Century. Does she ever talk about the future? * No offense meant at all to senior citizens, but Clinton not only talks mainly about the past, she also seems to surround herself with older people, and then wonders why she isn’t attracting any young folks to her campaign…
She also got clobbered among younger women. * And guess who her new state press secretary is…
Yes, the same person who backed Clinton in 2008 and who derided the Obama campaign’s pursuit of young voters. The same person who called Obama’s supporters kool aid drinkers. The same person who said, when speaking of her client Roland Burris, “We should be happy as Illinois citizens, because now we actually do have a senator who wants to be there.” Of all the people who could’ve been chosen to be the face of Clinton’s campaign here and it’s Delmarie Cobb. * She’s probably gonna murder me for suggesting this, but wouldn’t somebody like Rikeesha Phelon have been a much better pick? She’s young, respected by just about everyone and, above all, she has mad skills. American politics is always about the future. Well, at least it is for the winners. Losers generally inhabit the past. /rant