* SEIU Healthcare has posted the now notorious exchange between President Obama and Rep. Ken Dunkin, with a couple of amusing twists…
* And Rep. Reggie Phillips (R-Charleston) wasn’t exactly soft-spoken with some EIU students after a recent rally when he tried to explain why he didn’t come to Springfield to vote for the MAP grant appropriations bill earlier this month…
* From Bob Fioretti’s state Senate campaign…
The pyramid scheme that has allowed [State Sen. Patricia Van Pelt] to get rich through her public office ranks its salespeople from entry level to “Diamond” level. The more people you can get to join a business that is roundly criticized by former members and consumer advocates, the higher your rank.
Van Pelt has used her office to achieve Platinum level and her pursuit of Diamond level, a journey that has gotten her a Bentley and a BMW, has caused her to blur the line between the business of government and her personal wealth. It was covered in a recent Better Government Association Investigative Report.
In the accompanying video she talks about using her influence as a Senator to earn money as the Platinum Vice President of a pyramid scheme. She has repeatedly demonstrated she doesn’t understand why she can’t leverage her office and use the more than 300,000 households in the district as patsies to fuel her desire for an extravagant lifestyle.
A s reported in March of 2014, Van Pelt was asked if she was ” soliciting public-sector employees… [that] could be construed as improper if it’s the boss doing the ask.” Van Pelt refused to comment.
But Van Pelt has a lot to say about going diamond.
“I need 7 BMW’s on the ground in order for me to feel comfortable driving a Bentley… Before I turn diamond I need to have 5 Bentleys on the ground.”
The Van Pelt campaign has laced the community with lies and propaganda in the hope of shifting attention from the truth. Numerous ethical complaints have flowed into several agencies, including the State Board of Elections, alleging improper campaign violations. It has gotten so bad, that a cease and desist order has been issued to the Van Pelt campaign regarding the distribution of deceptive materials to her community.