Zopp “better than Obama”
Thursday, Aug 20, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * US Sen. Dick Durbin reiterated his support today for US Rep. Tammy Duckworth’s Senate bid. But others are touting one of her opponents…
* Sen. Raoul left out part of her work history, however. Zopp sat on the CPS board when it closed all those schools. And one of the other African-American Senate hopefuls brings that topic up everywhere he goes, including today…
* Zopp, who will formally announce her candidacy today, responded…
* Meanwhile, a bit of member management…
* Duckworth spent a good part of her speech today talking about her upbringing. Her middle class family went broke after her middle-aged father was deemed “over qualified” for his job, she said. They wound up in a one-room apartment and had real trouble making the rent payments. She also told some jokes…