* Bernie profiles Republican congressional candidate Mike Flynn…
While he describes himself as a “pro-life libertarian,” he also said he voted in a Democratic primary in Virginia in 2008 because he wanted to support a local candidate he knew. He did vote for Barack Obama for president on that ballot.
“I thought it would be my only chance to vote against Hillary,” he said of 2016 Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton.
It may seem like a little thing, until you remember what happened to Kirk Dillard five years ago in the GOP primary after he supported Obama. If Flynn gets any traction and tries to portray Sen. Darin LaHood as some sort of Republicrat centrist, you can bet good money you’ll see the admission about voting for Obama in a mailer and/or TV ad - sans the Hillary stuff, of course.
* Meanwhile…
Flynn says his family has been in Quincy for six generations, but he’s been in the Washington area for 20 years. He is married with four children, ages 9 to 17, and living in Alexandria, Virginia. He got an apartment in Quincy to run for Schock’s seat, and he says “there would be a transition” and his family would move to Illinois if he wins. He lived in Springfield while on the Illinois House Republican staff from 1992 to 1995. […]
In response to some issues raised by Flynn, LaHood’s campaign spokeswoman, Karen Disharoon, wrote in an email, “It’s impossible to change D.C. with a candidate from D.C., and that’s why Darin’s message of eliminating wasteful spending in government, fighting to repeal Obamacare, and working for term limits to get rid of the career politicians in both parties resonates with the families of central Illinois.” She also said LaHood was “the chief prosecutor of an anti-terrorism unit” and understands national security threats.