President Obama is delivering a speech in Chicago today designed to “pivot back to the economy,” but he could hardly have picked a worse state to do it in. Illinois’ economy has suffered badly under Gov. Pat Quinn, who is himself struggling desperately to hold on to his own job.
“Gov. Quinn and President Obama may say unemployment is going down, but more and more Illinoisans are giving up because of Quinn’s economy,” said Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider. “The only way to improve Illinois’ jobs climate immediately is to fire Gov. Quinn and elect Bruce Rauner.”
What Will Obama say about Caterpillar?
Obama Then: 2013 State of the Union: “Our first priority is making America a magnet for new jobs and manufacturing. After shedding jobs for more than 10 years, our manufacturers have added about 500,000 jobs over the past three. Caterpillar is bringing jobs back from Japan. Ford is bringing jobs back from Mexico. And this year, Apple will start making Macs in America again.” (2013 State of the Union Address)
Caterpillar Today: “Caterpillar representatives say they are is still concerned about Illinois’ business climate.” “LaHood says people continue to leave the state because of job loss, and that’s something that needs to change by turning the business climate around, not only will IL attract more business, but it will solidify caterpillar’s decision to build its new headquarters in Peoria.” (WEEK-TV NBC, Peoria, IL - LaHood insinuates that Caterpillar might not put headquarters in Peoria if Quinn wins, Rauner campaigns in Peoria, 10/1/14)
What will Obama say about Quinn’s Record on Jobs?
Illinois is 2nd-worst for business under Pat Quinn “A Chicago-area research group is out with its annual listing of best and worst states in which to do business — and Illinois, once again, is bringing up the rear. According to the Park Ridge-based American Economic Development Institute, the Land of Lincoln ranked 49th of the 50 states in its overall pro-business status, ahead of only California.” … “Most damaging, I thought, was a grade of F on ‘marketing/website response to new and existing employers.’ If so, that’s inexcusable.” (Greg Hinz, “Illinois second-worst state for biz, study finds” Crain’s Chicago Business, 9/23/14)
Illinois has the worst unemployment in the Midwest for African Americans ”Illinois is the worst state in the Midwest for black male unemployment, new data reveals. The unemployment rate for black men is 47.9 percent, placing it highest among all Midwestern states in this category.” (Brady Cremeens, “Illinois is worst state in Midwest for black male employment”, 9/29/14)
Illinois has the 3rd-worst jobless rate for veterans of any state - According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Illinois’ jobless rate for veterans was 9.2 percent, tied for third worst of any state behind Michigan (10.6) and New Jersey (10.8), and well above the national average of 6.6 percent. More veterans were outside the labor force in Illinois (359,000) than were employed in Illinois (347,000) in 2013. (Bureau of Labor Statics, Table 6a, Employment status of veterans 18 years and over by state, 2013 annual averages, Accessed 10/2/14)
Hispanic workers are struggling in Quinn’s economy “Hispanic Illinoisans are struggling to find work as well, with an employment rate decline of 6.4 percent since 2008 and a decrease of more than eight percent for Hispanic males in that same time period.” (Brady Cremeens, “Experts tackle IL’s minority unemployment problem”, 9/18/14)
Illinois Jobless rate for Teens and Millennials the worst in the Midwest “Young workers have also taken a hit. Illinois has the worst employment rate in the Midwest for teenage workers age 16-19.” “Illinois also has the worst employment rate in the Midwest for workers age 20-24.” (Michael Lucci, “Who’s hurting in Illinois?” Illinois Policy Institute - 9/22/14)
More illegal cronies than under Blagojevich “In a blow to Gov. Pat Quinn, his former transportation secretary has accused his office of pushing ‘the vast majority’ of improper political hires in her agency … “It is my recollection that [the] vast majority of Rutan-exempt hires were chosen from those recommended to me or my staff by the governor’s office,” [Former IDOT Secretary Ann] Schneider said, referring to the landmark Rutan U.S. Supreme Court opinion that placed limits on political hiring in government jobs.” … “’Neither I nor my staff were in a position to reject the recommended individuals for these exempt positions as no additional interview process was required,’ she said.” (Dave McKinney Ex-IDOT boss blames gov’s office for majority of improper hires Chicago Sun-Times – 8/22/14)
Will Obama respond to Quinn’s NRI Scandal, which included nearly $4 million in federal disaster money?
Sen. Kirk, Republicans demand answers for $3.76 million in HUD disaster relief funding transferred to Quinn’s NRI: “The Illinois Republican Congressional Delegation, including U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk and Republican U.S. Reps. Peter Roskam, Aaron Schock, John Shimkus, Adam Kinzinger, Randy Hultgren and Rodney Davis sent a letter Wednesday to President Obama expressing their continued concern over the misuse of federal disaster funds by the state of Illinois for the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative.” (Kirk and ILGOP Congressmen call on Obama to investigate Quinn’s use of federal funds Illinois Review, 10/1/14)
Today President Barack Obama returns to his hometown to support his friend Governor Quinn, a leader who is getting the job done and shares his vision for creating more jobs and opportunities for working families.
In contrast, Bruce Rauner, a billionaire who has made a fortune at the expense hard working families and the suffering of the most vulnerable, will continue stumping on issues that limit the economic opportunity and health of those struggling to get ahead.
Here’s a recap of Bruce Rauner versus President Obama, Governor Quinn and the Working Families of Illinois:
Rauner would have vetoed the expansion of healthcare for the working poor.
Bruce Rauner told extremist Tea Party supporters that he would have rejected Medicaid expansion in Illinois, the key component of the Affordable Care Act championed and enacted by Governor Quinn that has provided healthcare coverage to more than 468,000 people in Illinois.
Rauner wants to eliminate the minimum wage completely.
Bruce Rauner was caught on video earlier this year advocating to cut the minimum wage. Facing criticism over his remarks, he claimed to the media that he “misspoke” at the time and was “flippant.” Nope: Video later surfaced showing he wanted to eliminate the minimum wage altogether.
Rauner would tax the consumption of items like food and medicine, while giving huge tax breaks that benefit the wealthy the most.
Bruce Rauner previously announced a regressive plan to tax services (while protecting the buyout business that made him so rich), and has recently made clear he wants to tax consumption. Taxing consumption on everyday items like food, medicine and groceries, would be a disaster not only for our economic recovery-but also for hard-working families who would end up paying a greater share of their income than the wealthy. Conveniently, Rauner’s plan includes tax breaks that benefit the very wealthy the most.
Rauner would advance an irresponsible budget that slashes public schools.
Bruce Rauner’s regressive tax plan would put an additional one million dollars in his own pocket, while requiring historic cuts to education. The cuts could lead to layoffs of more than 27,000 teachers - 1 in every 6 teachers statewide.
Whether its his opposition to affordable care for all, cutting wages for workers or his tax plan to shift financial burdens onto the backs of working families, Bruce Rauner has made it clear that he is out for himself. Policies that trample working families shouldn’t pave the way to the Governor’s Office.