Rauner on Obama: “One of the most anti-business presidents we’ve had in the last 70 years”
Wednesday, Oct 1, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * With President Obama coming to Chicago today to fundraise for Gov. Pat Quinn, I thought it might be a good time to post something I’ve had for a couple of weeks (I came up with the idea the week I was sick and never got around to posting it). Back then, I was looking for something else and stumbled upon a Politico story from this past March…
That’s true. He avoids talking about Obama. * But I figured there had to be something out there, so I asked the Quinn campaign if they had any anti-Obama remarks in their files. They sent over a Bloomberg interview from May, 2011…
If you do the math, he’s referring to FDR as being the most anti-business president before Obama. * When asked if Obama’s actions represented “outright hostility” or just “neglect,” Rauner responded…
* Raw audio… …Adding… Oops. Forgot to post this one…