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Darren Bailey uncut

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Darren Bailey was on Outside the Beltway on Monday

John Fredericks: Your governor there, totally woke. Tell me about the status of your race.

Darren Bailey: Well, absolutely, man, you got me fired up after that last segment. So thank you. And that sums it up. The people are sick and tired of it. I am by far the front-runner. I have the grassroots organization. I believe we’re going to do something that’s going to far eclipse what Virginia did a few months ago here in the state of Illinois in November. And but we’ve got to, we simply, you know, have to carry through. I am the prime target of both members of my party and the Democrats because of our lead. And I stood up and sued Governor Pritzker back in July of 2020, and we won over these lockdowns and began to free the state. So, I’ve been the only one that’s been standing up and pushing back even as a state representative and now as a state senator.

John Fredericks: Have you had enough? And the constituents that you talk to, I really think and I want to get your view here Darren because because I think you got a hell of a shot to win. I think November is going to be the biggest landslide seachange we have ever seen. And I really believe this push for transgender wokeism, this push for males swimming in the NCAA and winning medals, breaking records by 30 seconds. I mean, and then being celebrated. I mean, do you and the constituents that you’re talking to I know a lot of people are now afraid to deal with this. Do you see people just outraged by what is going on here?

Darren Bailey: Yes, they are. And you know, many people don’t know what to do. And God help us if we had the same citizenship today that, you know, instead of 250 years ago, when men and women stood up, put their lives and their fortunes and their homes and their families on the line. Yeah, they’re fed up. Proverbs 28-2 tells us when there’s moral rot in a nation, its government topples easily, but wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability. And everything you’ve been talking about is the moral rot that is destroying society. And that’s exactly why my wife Cindy and I are in this in this race for our four children and our 11 grandchildren, because we see a bleak future. And if we can’t stop this in Illinois in November of 2022, I believe it’s going to spread across the nation like cancer.

John Fredericks: We’ll see. I agree with you. And a lot of times, a lot of Republicans want to stay away from the so-called culture wars, they want to focus on gas prices, inflation. I don’t think you can separate these out, now, Darren, and that’s why I agree with what you’re saying. And look, average people down there looking at this, they might not be on Facebook, they might be afraid of going on social media. There’s there’s and I’ll tell you the other thing going on Darren is corporate blackmail, okay? If you speak out, you’re going to lose your job, you’re going to get ostracized, etc. So a lot of people are afraid to speak out. I think inside their homes, at the kitchen table. I mean, just ask yourself, does a seven year old have the mental capacity to come home and say, Hey, I think I’m a girl, or I think I’m a boy when they’re not? I mean, that is a taught behavior, that we’re letting these imbeciles teach in schools. And nobody’s saying a word until now we’re finally standing up. Do you see this as a part of your campaign?

Darren Bailey: Oh, it absolutely is. I’ve been there for the last I’ve only served as a state representative for two years and now I’m in my second year of a Senate race and it’s because of the platform that I’ve been one of the only few in my own party to stand up in a super minority here in Illinois and to push back. And just last Friday, I stood up and spoke against a woke bill and explained and argued the case of the destruction of the family. That’s what we should be propping up and lifting up. We should be working to keep the family unit together to keep dads as head of the household. And because of that breakdown of which what you’re explaining is exactly it’s a destruction of the family unit is what’s taking place. And until we get that under control, until we empower our churches across the land and wake them up to keep the family structure together, we’re going to continue to struggle with this absolute nonsense that we’re dealing with. And I’ve been speaking for the last three years as a state legislator, I come off the farm in Southern Illinois, so I’m from the school of hard knocks and hard work and common sense and and unfortunately that is missing in society today.

John Fredericks: Darren, let me ask you this. You got four children. Why is the left so determined to slice out fathers? What what is their goal here. It started with Black Lives Matter right on their website. And I just couldn’t believe they were getting billions of dollars with it said right there fathers have to go, they’re the problem. What is the left’s objective here in getting rid of fatherhood?

Darren Bailey: Well, if we take a really quick look at society and history and how a God in His creation, He intended, you know, the family unit to be headed by the dad, the dad is supposed to be out, you know, teaching his children hard work, ethics, honesty and integrity. And you remove that, and then you begin to deplete everything, morality, everything, of integrity, and our children wander around lost, waiting for a Democrat Party to give them everything and teach them their ways. And you know, it’s crazy that we have allowed ourselves to get where we’re at in such a quick amount of time. But it’s people like me who realize this, who have been enjoying freedom have been enjoying working and providing and living in with all of our family living around us and realizing that if I don’t get involved in this thing called the government to stand up to serve in a position to uphold our Constitutional Republic and freedom. If I fail to do that, then we lose. And we as Americans have indeed become a little too comfortable, a little too apathetic, we don’t want to upset anybody. So we sit back, and we compartmentalize our lives. And this is what we get.

John Fredericks: Well, because now they’re going after our children. Because this is now becoming a learned behavior. So they can basically implode the family unit. And that gives them better opportunity for control. That’s why we have the masks. That’s all we have the mandates the whole bit. All right. Tell us tell us about your race. How do you become the Republican nominee for governor of Illinois?

Darren Bailey: Well, the simple fact that I chose to stand up two years ago, when all these mandates started happening. And I stood up as a private citizen, and I filed a lawsuit against our governor. I won. And because of that, we have been invited all across the state to empower and educate people to stand up, open your schools, open your businesses, open your churches. And then about 40 days later when we reconvened in August of 2020, I was kicked out of the General Assembly for standing up and refusing to put a mask on because the General Assembly had rented an arena out so that our desks could be 12 feet apart. And I even stood up and I said, you know, I’ll put my mask on if someone comes over and to talk at my desk or if I have to get up use the restroom or get something eat but I’m not going to sit here for 20 hours a day and and wear this mask when we are 20 feet apart when your own CDC says that six feet’s good enough and at the time they were debating if three foot was enough. So I’ve been standing up and I’ve been educating the people of Illinois and and they become very responsive. So they’ve known who I am for the last two plus years. And now when these lies come out against me from opponents in the Republican Party and and from the Democrat party, you know, they can stand and they say that’s not who Darren Bailey is. We know him because we’ve, my wife and I are putting in the you know, we’re putting in the work all across this state and our Facebook page and our web page documents that every day so people know what we’re doing. They know who we are. And that is why that the establishment on both sides of the you know, both sides of the aisle are concerned about our movement. You know, there’s times when I began to wonder, do Republicans really want to be in charge? we had the our amazing President Donald Trump stand up and come against all of this. And common sense and business mind ruled the day and our country was great for a moment. But then…

John Fredericks: I’m, I’m running out of time, we got to get the bottom of the hour. I’m going to keep you for a couple more minutes so we can figure out what your campaign is and how you win this race. And God knows we need a farmer as governor of Ilinois, not one of these politicians. Hang with us a couple of minutes. I’m going to come right back […]

We’re back right now with our candidate for governor Darren Bailey. Farmer, four children. It’s the kind of people we need in government. I’m in Richmond, one of one of my representatives here changes oil for a living. One time I’ve got on my radio show, her name is Kim Taylor. 8am She’s like text me Look, I gotta be late. I just got somebody didn’t show up. I got to change somebody’s oil before he gets to work. And then I got to wash wash up, I’ll be about 10 minutes late. See? These are the kind of people we need government, right? Not these lawyers and these gangster banksters running around on Wall Street, hedge fund managers and everything else, screwing you and shipping our jobs to China. We need farmers like Darren Bailey. Alright, Darren, I want to get back to your campaign. Your primary is June 28. Latest polls out you had about 35%, you’re ahead, your two closest competitors 15, 20 percent, you keep working hard, you’re going to be the nominee. Then how do you win this race? How do you flip Illinois red?

Darren Bailey: I’m going to contend that we’ve already got it. It’s interesting, as soon as we get off this interview, I’m headed to the capitol and and this is the last week of session for Illinois. And we’ve seen several Democrats that even with the redistricting that they thought they had figured out Democrats are either not voting or voting with Republicans on many bills. So and they’re doing that because the people of Illinois, even downtown Chicago are sick and tired of what’s going on and they’re scared to death because of the the lack of police presence, thanks to JB Pritzker and Mayor Lightfoot.

John Fredericks: The crime in Chicago out of control, another police officer shot, another pinned between vehicles during a traffic stop. I mean, this goes on day after day, weekend after weekend. The carnage. You know we talk about Ukraine and what’s going on there. Nobody will talk about Chicago. If you’re governor, what are you going to do to keep people so they can like stay in their homes without getting shot?

Darren Bailey: Absolutely. And Cindy and I have actually witnessed, been very close to witnessing some shootings in Chicago. 16 shootings and two deaths this past weekend. We talked to the people. Governor Pritzker should have been, all this started with the riots two years ago. Governor Pritzker should have been boots on the ground, he should have been there, he should have brought in the Illinois National Guard, he should have ramped up the Illinois State Police. And unfortunately, none of that happened. And instead, bills were passed taking the rights away from police officers and so they’re retiring early, they’re moving out of state, they’re changing professions. And so we’ve got to repeal some of these laws that have been put into place and we’ve got to, you know, reinstitute this ability for the men and women who protect us to actually be able to uphold the law without worrying about their careers.

John Fredericks: Darren Bailey, you keep doing what you’re doing. I want to see you as governor of Illinois.

* I was tipped to the interview by a Democratic Party of Illinois press release…

Republican candidate for governor Darren Bailey has once again shown his true colors as a dangerous, far-right extremist. In a new interview, Bailey refers to “transgenderism and wokism” as “moral rot that is destroying society,” says God “intended the family unit to be headed by the dad,” and brazenly attacks women, LGBTQ+ Illinoisans, and more.

Illinois Republicans have increasingly embraced far-right incendiary rhetoric—including refusing to condemn the QAnon conspiracy theory and agreeing that the violent January 6 attack on the Capitol was “legitimate political discourse.”

Now, as Republican legislatures across the country ramp up attacks on women’s rights and the LGBTQ+ community, Illinois Republicans must take a stand: will the Illinois GOP condemn Darren Bailey’s vitrolic remarks?

While Gov. Pritzker and Illinois Democrats fight to protect and strengthen the rights of Illinoisans of all backgrounds, Republicans across the nation and our state continue to embrace these shameful attacks, moving the ILGOP even further toward the fringe. It is time for the Illinois Republican Party to hold the extremists in their own party accountable—including Darren Bailey.

That’s one thing to attack, but his reply after the Black Lives Matter question about the concept of God intending that “the family unit to be headed by the dad,” and when the dad is removed, “our children wander around lost, waiting for a Democrat Party to give them everything and teach them their ways,” is quite something as well.

Also, his mask lawsuit applied only to himself, not to anyone else. And after he pulled that mask stunt during the 2020 session, he dutifully wore his face mask every session day.


Let’s please get something done here

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* HB17 synopsis

Amends the Illinois Controlled Substances Act. Provides that for various offenses involving the manufacturer or delivery of fentanyl analogs 3 years shall be added to the term of imprisonment imposed by the court, and the maximum sentence for the offense shall be increased by 3 years. Provides that the 3-year penalty enhancement applies when the person knew or should have known that the substance containing the controlled substance contains any amount of fentanyl or fentanyl analog.

Provides that provisions regarding limited immunity from prosecution for a victim of sexual assault for the use, possession, and consumption of a controlled substance and the limited immunity of a person from prosecution for a drug overdose or for a person who in good faith seeks or obtains emergency medical assistance for someone experiencing an overdose in relation to fentanyl only apply to a person possessing less than 3 grams of a substance containing fentanyl or an analog thereof. Effective immediately.

The bone of contention during Senate debate yesterday was the “person possessing less than 3 grams of a substance containing fentanyl” language. The reason for that language is that small amounts of fentanyl are usually used to lace larger amounts of other substances. Potential lethality is reached at just 2 milligrams, according to the DEA, and such a small amount is super difficult for dealers to package. Oftentimes, people don’t even know that the substance they possess has fentanyl in it, and sometimes those people have died.

Republicans objected because 3 grams of pure fentanyl is enough to kill a small town. So, members of the two parties spent most of the debate talking past each other.

* The debate was unusual in that it featured two speeches from members in each party who had both lost loved ones to accidental and unknowing fentanyl overdoses. First up was Republican Sen. Sally Turner, whose son died from a fentanyl overdose. “He had no idea that fentanyl was laced in what he had,” Sen. Turner said through great emotion

* Democratic Sen. Patricia Van Pelt then related a story about her friend TJ, who struggled for years with drug abuse and had managed to stay clean for a year. But then he bought some cocaine that was unknowingly laced with fentanyl and died. A person who was with him wouldn’t call for help because, she said, he was afraid that the police might think he had something to do with the drugs. “How many lives have we lost because nobody said anything because they were afraid?” Sen. Van Pelt said through tears as she urged a vote in favor of the bill

The sponsor, Sen. Laura Ellman, pulled the bill out of the record soon after Sen. Van Pelt’s plea in order to try and find a way to get this bill passed. Sen. Van Pelt is now a co-sponsor.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Republican gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin quoted in the National Review

“All a state is is a number of cities, just like the city of Aurora,” he said.

* The Question: Do you agree with Irvin’s take?


Campaign notebook

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Irvin’s ex has only worked at this particular developer’s office for a few weeks, so if this is some sort of pay to play, it’s pretty darned brazen. But I dunno. Here’s WTTW

The ex-wife of Aurora Mayor and GOP gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin works with a development team that stands to receive up to $15 million in Aurora city incentives, with the potential for millions more.

Crystal Rollins is listed as director of business development and strategy for JTE Real Estate Services, which says on its website it does construction management, property acquisition and development, and property management for the $128 million redevelopment of the city’s long-vacant former Copley Hospital. JTE is part of a group of companies called Fox Valley Developers that came together to land the redevelopment deal.

JTE is run by Irvin’s former mayoral campaign treasurer Michael Poulakidas. Through a spokesperson, Poulakidas said Rollins joined the company in a full-time position in mid-March and “has had no role in our Aurora-based projects.”

All the projects currently listed on JTE’s website are Aurora-based.

Rollins and Irvin were married at the time the city struck the redevelopment deal in 2019. They finalized their divorce in December 2021, weeks before Irvin announced his run for governor, according to DuPage County court records. […]

All told, a WTTW News analysis found that the companies and individuals connected to the massive project that will transform the former Copley Hospital into a mixed-use development donated $66,636 to Irvin’s mayoral campaign fund, $22,150 to the Kane County judicial campaign of Irvin’s former private practice law partner, Brittany Pedersen, and $35,000 to a political action committee called Build R Future run by Irvin’s mayoral campaign manager Dennis Cook.

Emphasis added. The one curious constant in these stories is the Aurora developer contributions to the mayor’s former law partner. And the above-mentioned Build R Future has contributed heavily to Pedersen’s campaign fund

Public records show that Build R Future has contributed $50,000 to the campaign of Irvin’s former private practice law partner Brittany Pedersen, a criminal defense attorney who is running as a Democrat for Kane County Circuit Court judge. Scientel has also contributed $10,000 to Pedersen’s judicial campaign, and Santos has contributed an additional $4,000. In 2020, the Illinois State Bar Association rated her as “not recommended” for the office.

* 19 Democrats are vying to replace retiring US Rep. Bobby Rush. Crain’s looks at fundraising

Heading the list at the moment: That would be Jonathan Swain, a civic activist and small-business owner who has strong ties to City Hall. His campaign reports taking in $357,000 in the quarter ended March 31, with almost all of it ($314,000) still in the bank. The list of donors is not yet available, but is said to include only minimal cash from Swain himself.

Other wannabes: Businessman Jonathan Jackson, the son of civil rights leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson and brother of former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., also is doing pretty well. He said his total will be “in the high 100s,” though that man include a fairly large amount from the candidate himself.

Another contender worth watching is Chicago Ald. Pat Dowell, 3rd. Her campaign declined to release figures early, but has told union friends that her total will be north of $300,000. Dowell has an edge because she assembled a $475,000 warchest when she earlier was running for Illinois secretary of state. That money can’t be directly transferred to a federal race, but Dowell can and has written refunds to some donors, who in turn have re-donated to the congressional account.

Also reporting some figures is the campaign of state Sen. Jacqueline Collins. She took in $79,000 with $62,000 left in the bank, but she was among the last contenders to enter the race and thus hasn’t had as much time to stock her piggy bank.

* Press release

Club for Growth Action released two new IL-15 ads. “Ally,” which will run on television, and “Our Top Story Tonight- Mary Miller,” which will run on radio, highlight Rep. Mary Miller’s commitment to conservative values and President Donald Trump’s endorsement of Miller.

Politico’s Illinois Playbook published an exclusive report on the new ads.

Click here to watch the TV ad, “Ally”

Click here to listen to the radio ad, “Our Top Story- Mary Miller”

This is the first flight of ads that Club for Growth Action plans to run in the race to ensure Mary Miller secures the Republican nomination. The ads will begin today, April 6th.

Response from Rodney Davis campaign…

Washington, DC’s biggest opponent of the Farm Bill, dark money Super PAC Club for Growth, is backing double-talking politician Mary Miller’s campaign with $400,000 in advertising, despite the fact that Miller has raked in over $1 million in government subsidies from Farm Bill programs over the years.

“Mary Miller is a fraud. Her campaign is failing, so she’s selling out her constituents to get campaign support from a dark money group opposed to the interests of Illinois farmers and rural America. Mary Miller should immediately denounce Club for Growth for their opposition to the Farm Bill and reject their endorsement, or she should return the $1 million in government subsidies she received back to taxpayers. She can’t have it both ways. This dark money group is working to defeat Rodney Davis because he’s a leading voice for Illinois farmers and rural America in Congress. He will never back down from his pro-Ag record.” - Davis campaign spokesperson Aaron DeGroot

Club for Growth, a DC based dark money organization, has been one of the leading opponents of the Farm Bill, federal legislation with vital programs that support the American farmer, agribusiness, and rural America as a whole. Club for Growth opposed the Farm Bill in 2018 and 2014 and is expected to oppose it again next year. They called the Farm Bill “…nothing less than socialism with a Republican seal of approval on it.”

Why would Mary Miller tout an endorsement from a group so hostile to her own constituents? Does Mary Miller agree that the Farm Bill is nothing less than Socialism?

* Casten…

Today, Congressman Sean Casten announced he raised over $784,000 in the first quarter of 2022. The campaign’s impressive fundraising haul is its highest first-quarter ever and brings its total cash on hand to over $2,000,000. The campaign has raised over $2.75 million this cycle and has a lifetime average online donation of $42.58.

* Budzinski…

Today, Nikki Budzinski announced that her campaign raised over $500,000 in the first quarter of 2022 and enters the second quarter of 2022 with well over $1 million cash-on-hand. To date, she has raised over $1.4 million since entering the race in August 2021. Budzinski’s fundraising puts her in a strong position to communicate with voters and get the vote out.

* Press release…

The Irvin for Illinois campaign is proud to announce the endorsement of Aurora Firefighters Local 99. The union represents nearly 180 firefighters working in the City of Aurora who have seen improvements in their industry under Mayor Richard Irvin’s leadership. Irvin’s commitment to public safety has not only impacted crime statistics but has also spurred economic development.

“In the last five years, Mayor Irvin has empowered the Aurora Fire Department by always giving us a seat at the table on major issues,” President of Aurora Firefighters Local 99 Garrett Oros said. “His leadership on public safety issues in Aurora has proven that he is the best candidate to make Illinois a safer place to live and work.”

“Richard Irvin is the best choice to lead Illinois forward. Our state faces many challenges in the coming years and Richard Irvin is the proven leader who isn’t afraid to tackle those head on, to find solutions that will make Illinois a better, safer state. We know Mayor Irvin has made Aurora a safer place to live and work and he can do the same for the greater state of Illinois.”

* 11th CD…

Today, Jerry Evans, a small business owner and music teacher seeking the Republican nomination to represent Illinois’ 11th Congressional District, announced he has been endorsed by former State Representative Jeanne Ives.

“We need more people with a background like Jerry Evans in Congress,” writes Jeanne Ives. “As a small business owner Jerry will watch out for taxpayers. As a parent, Jerry will make sure that parents get a say in all aspects of their children’s education. And as a conservative, I trust Jerry to protect our borders and secure our energy independence once again.”

“Throughout her career, from serving on the Wheaton City Council, to the Illinois State House and eventually running for Congress, Jeanne has demonstrated not only a willingness to lead on difficult issues and question powerful House leaders, but also an insightful understanding of policy,” writes Jerry Evans. “Jeanne is a true conservative leader whose tireless work has paved the way for victory in Illinois’ 11th Congressional District. It is a genuine honor to receive her endorsement.”

Catalina Lauf, another GOP candidate in that district, was with Rauner and against Ives in 2018.

* More…

* Lauf shows lack of honesty and maturity with video bombing at Congressman Bill Foster’s Aurora district office claiming it was “closed” when facts reveal it was open, and all one had to do was knock, or ring the doorbell which Lauf video shows was present for her to use


House advances its own public safety legislative package

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

The House early Tuesday evening voted 95-5 to approve a measure that would create a new state fund to help recruit and retain officers and lower the retirement age for some Illinois State Police employees, among other steps aimed at addressing law enforcement staffing issues.

It’s unclear how the measure, sponsored by Democratic state Rep. Dave Vella of Rockford, will fare in the Senate or whether it will be part of a larger Democratic proposal.

Republicans largely voted in favor of the legislation to avoid “no” votes being used against them in an election year, but nonetheless were critical.

“This isn’t state government — this is an apology,” Republican Rep. Andrew Chesney of Freeport, who voted for the bill, told Democrats during the debate. “You are suffering from political amnesia because your policies hurt people, and now, you want a redo.”

Legislatures redo and readjust and reevaluate all the time, particularly after an over-reach. They announce “final passage” just before bills clear the second chamber, but nothing is ever truly settled law. And Rep. Chesney voted “Yes” on that bill and numerous other public safety bills last night after most reporters’ deadlines. Must’ve been decent bills.

* House public safety dot points…

House Democrats
Public Safety Package Fact Sheet April 5, 2022

HB 1097 – Eavesdropping and Gang RICO 2-year Extension (L. Hernandez/Costa Howard/Manley) – Introduced April 5

    - Extends the Illinois Street Gang and Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Law (RICO) for two years from June 11, 2022 to June 11, 2024.
    - Extends qualified exemptions to the eavesdropping section of the Criminal Code used by law enforcement for two years from Jan. 1, 2023 to Jan. 1, 2025. Qualified exemptions include drug and sex offenses.

HB 1100 – Car Crime Package (Delgado/Croke/Stava-Murray/Ford/Buckner) – Introduced April 5

    - Makes it a Class 1 felony for the offense of predatory vehicular hijacking for any person 18 years or older who knowingly commands or coerces a minor under age 18 to commit an offense of vehicular hijacking.
    - Provides grants for programs that provide street level intervention services for at-risk youth in danger of being recruited for purposes of predatory vehicular hijacking.
    - Allows victims of violent crimes that result in towing fees for their vehicle to seek compensation through the Crime Victims Compensation Act.
    - Expands the scope of the Illinois Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention and Insurance Verification Council to allow for multi jurisdictional law enforcement cooperation and funding to combat vehicular hijacking.

HB 1095 – Victim/Witness Package (Gordon-Booth/Gonzalez/Buckner/Manley) – Introduced April 5

    - Establishes the Co-Responder Pilot Program at police departments in East St. Louis, Peoria, Springfield, and Waukegan. Focused on behavioral health, these units would be tasked with helping to coordinate social services with violence survivors, including trauma- informed crisis intervention, assistance with finding safe housing, victim advocacy, and counseling.
    - Provides that the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) shall establish and administer a program to assist victims and witnesses of violent crimes – including help with temporary living costs, moving expenses, rent, security deposits, and other appropriate relocation expenses.
    - Requires all ISP homicide investigator training to include instruction on victim-centered, trauma-informed investigation no later than July 1, 2023.

HB 1103 – Tech/Camera Package (Greenwood/Zalewski/A. Williams/Manley) – Introduced April 5

    - Increases highway cameras beyond Cook County expressways to include highways in 21 other counties – and allows footage to be kept for 180 days.
    - Expands the purpose of using highway cameras beyond offenses involving a firearm – including investigations of forcible felonies, detecting highway conditions and safety hazards, and any law enforcement agency conducting an investigation.
    - Creates a $1 million pilot incentive program for residential security cameras – allowing individual residential security camera owners to submit footage to law enforcement for a $100 reward if the footage contributes to the criminal conviction of an offender.

HB 1568 – Police Retention and Recruitment Package (Vella/Yednock/Stuart/Buckner/Manley) – Introduced April 4

    - Creates deferred retirement option plans (DROP) for Illinois State Police troopers under the State Employees Retirement System (SERS) and sheriff’s law enforcement employees under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF).
    - Lowers the retirement age for select Illinois State Police employees from 60 to 55 years of age.
    - Creates the Illinois Law Enforcement Recruitment and Retention Board (including representation from Chicago) and an associated
    - Tasks the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board, the Illinois Board of Higher Education, and the Illinois Community
    College Board with creating a report with recommendations to the General Assembly for establishing minimum requirements for
    credits that may transfer from Illinois colleges to satisfy the requirements of law enforcement and correctional intern courses.
    - Allows retiring sheriffs, investigators, security employees, and probation officers to purchase their badge and service firearm.

HB 1571 – First Responder and Shift Worker Child Care (Manley/Collins/Stuart/Vella) – Introduced April 4

    - Creates the Off-Hours Child Care Act, which allows the Department of Human Services (DHS) the flexibility to design an off-hours child care program that meets the needs of first responders and off-hours workers. The implementation date is July 2023 following a DHS study, which is due to the General Assembly in Jan. 2023.
    - Recognizes that finding child care is a burden on third shift workers (e.g. firefighters, paramedics, police, nurses, etc.) because
    most child care centers in Illinois are only open during normal work hours.

HB 1321 – Law Enforcement Mental Health (LaPointe/Hurley/Ortiz/Gong-Gershowitz/Conroy) – Introduced April 4

    - Creates a fund and grant program to provide behavioral health services to first responders.

* Restore Justice…

Hi Rich - I am sharing Restore Justice’s statement on HB 1100, HFA 2, which will create a new Class 1 felony for predatory vehicular highjacking. We oppose this bill and encourage the Legislature to instead invest in solutions that would actually deter carjacking and other crimes. Restore Justice Illinois | Oppose HB1100, HFA 2 and a Return to Over-Incarceration Policies

    • Current sentences for robbery and vehicular carjacking in the state of Illinois are severe, and Illinois already has some of the strongest gun enhancement penalties in the country.
    • Vehicular hijacking carries a penalty of 4-15 years in prison. If the individual is armed with a gun, they must serve an additional mandatory minimum sentence of at least 20 years in prison.
    • The average sentence for people currently in the Illinois Department of Corrections for vehicular hijacking or aggravated vehicular hijacking is already more than 16 years. Three individuals are serving natural life sentences for these convictions.

* Meanwhile, here’s Capitol News Illinois

Sen. Kimberly Lightford, D-Maywood, said she and her husband were victims of a carjacking around Christmas. Lightford said they were dropping a friend off and as they were getting back into their car, three masked individuals came up to them and told her husband to get down on the ground.

Lightford said the moment felt like a movie as she pleaded with the carjackers not to shoot her husband. She said they took her purse and started to look in the car’s glove compartment and armrest. But she said the car was a loaner and it was empty, which caused the carjackers to become upset.

To distract the other two men, Lightford said her husband threw the keys across the ground to get them on the driver’s side of the car so she could leave the passenger’s side and run.

“My husband told me to run. I was terrified and I believed that I stopped breathing,” Lightford said.

Lightford said the carjackers still have yet to be caught but that law enforcement responded quickly that night and did a good job in handling the situation as best as they could.


As Gov. J.B. Pritkzer has proposed, the efforts commits to funding and progressing Illinois’ mostly-dormant state witness protection program.

In 2014, Peoria Democratic Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth’s son was killed; without a witness who testified about the shooting “our family probably never would have gotten justice.”

That witness, she said, had to move because of threats to the witness’ family safety.

Witnesses need not just cooperate; “they also have to go and take the stand in court and stand before that individual who they saw take someone else’s life” Gordon-Booth said.


House Democrats unveil tax cut and public safety funding packages

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Subscribers were given a heads up about this earlier today…

Members of the media,

Please see the attached one-pager that outlines the relief package Leader Harris and House Democrats outlined in this morning’s press conference, which also includes proposed new funding for public safety. These items are in addition to the Governor’s proposed Family Relief Plan and public safety funding levels.

These House-led proposals were filed last night. HB 1497 is the House’s proposed relief package, HB 969 is the House’s proposed budget.

* The proposal…

House Democrats
Illinois Family Recovery Act – Fact Sheet April 5, 2022
House-proposed Assistance Package
Governor’s Proposed Illinois Family Relief Plan

We propose funding the Governor’s Illinois Family Relief Plan, including the proposed relief plans on gas, groceries, and property taxes. Estimated cost: $1 billion.

Additional House Proposals for Family Recovery

    • Create the FY 2023 Low-Income Family Tax Rebate (LIFT Rebate). Estimated cost: $165 million.
    o $100 per EITC-eligible filer
    o $50 per child in an EITC-eligible household
    • Permanent Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Estimated cost: $103.5 million.
    o Expand to include ages 18-24 and 65+
    o Expand to include ITIN filers; refundable and with same age expansion
    o Add 2% of federal EITC level, inclusive of age and ITIN expansion
    • Create the FY 2023 Reducing Inflation Impact Fund (RIIF Fund) to give a one-time add-on to the Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF). Estimated cost: $100 million.

House-proposed Teacher Support

We propose doubling the tax credit for teachers purchasing classroom materials. Estimated cost: $15 million. Total Illinois Family Recovery Act Cost: $1.38 billion, paid for with higher than expected revenues.

House-proposed New Public Safety Funding

In addition to public safety funding in the Governor’s budget, including the $250 million for the Reimagine Public Safety Act, we are proposing an additional $236M for public safety:

    • $124M will go to support local police and reduce violent crime
    o This includes funding for body cameras, automatic license plate readers, ballistics testing and
    forensics, and non-lethal equipment to subdue suspects with less risk to life
    o This includes funding for mental health screenings for local police departments, funding for a
    co-responder pilot program, and law enforcement retention grants.
    • $48M is allotted to prevent carjacking with funding for local safety councils, youth summer jobs
    programs, YouthBuild Illinois, Teen REACH, Youth Redeploy Illinois, Parents Too Soon, and
    Comprehensive Community-Based Youth Services
    • $12M to fund a program for neighbors to actively assist in reporting crime. This will include money for
    witness protection, a tip line and a pilot program to use ring cameras to help solve crime.
    • $50M will go towards domestic violence
    • $2M will go towards expanding trauma recovery centers

* React from the Coalition to Make EIC Work…

Leaders in the House of Representatives unveiled a $1.38 billion tax relief proposal on Wednesday morning. The proposal called the “Illinois Family Recovery Act” answers advocate calls to expand eligibility of Illinois’ Earned Income Credit (EIC). It would include nearly one million Illinoisans who are currently excluded from the refund—namely, childless workers aged 18-24 and over age 65, as well as immigrants who file taxes with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). In addition to newly eligible filers, it would benefit the existing 3.6 million EIC recipients by increasing the credit amount available for each family, raising the match of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) from the current 18% to 20% of the EITC value. House Democrats also propose $165 million to fund a one-time cash transfer for all EIC eligible families at the value of $100 plus $50 for each child dependent.

The Coalition to Make EIC Work has been leading the charge in advocating for tax relief that directly benefits Illinois’ low-income families (see details below). Amber Wilson, Statewide Campaign Manager at Economic Security for Illinois issued the following statement on behalf of the Coalition to Make EIC Work:

“We are thrilled to see House leadership take seriously the need to expand the Earned Income Credit and put cash directly into our neighbors hands. The impact of the House proposal is huge: It would reach over 4.5 million Illinoisans across every single zip code in the state and offer hundreds more to low-income families at a moment when relief is sorely needed.

Based on similar estimates of our proposal, we know this is a wise investment that can create hundreds of millions in local and state economic benefits, far exceeding the cost of implementation.

Most importantly, an expansion to the Earned Income Credit is permanent, and will continue to benefit ITIN filers and childless workers for years to come.”

…Adding… Gov. Pritzker commented on the HDem plan this morning…

My early observation is that House Democrats took a comprehensive approach and adhered to my goals of achieving a fiscally responsible, balanced budget, and delivering tax relief to families that need it most. My team and I are still in the process of reviewing the details of their legislation. But I’m certainly pleased to see more ideas in the mix to cut taxes and give working families a break.

I also want to commend them for including a responsible expansion of the Earned Income Credit, which is something that I’ve supported for quite some time.

During my tenure as governor, I’ve worked to support local governments and have delivered more than a billion dollars more to them so far, in this latest House budget proposal, I want to ensure that what’s being provided to local governments continues to be affordable within a balanced budget framework.

I look forward to working with legislators to provide relief to working families while continuing to strengthen our state’s fiscal foundation. It’s particularly important to put away money in the rainy day fund, maintain a responsible bill payment cycle and make an extra payment into our pension systems. My partners in the Statehouse and I are having productive conversations about how to ensure that relief prioritizes those who need it most. Putting working families first has been a hallmark of my time in office. And I have full confidence in our ability to further that mission in these final days of the legislative session.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Campaign updates

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: *** UPDATED x1 *** SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Tom McCullagh drops out of House GOP primary race after “grooming” allegations surface

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. Joliet Patch

Amid allegations of grooming, the Illinois executive director of the House Republican Majority is calling for Shorewood Republican Tom McCullagh to drop out of the primary for State Representative in the 97th District. […]

“In light of this extremely disturbing information, Tom McCullagh should immediately withdraw as a candidate for elected office and seek help,” Jayme Siemer, executive director of the House Republican Majority, said in a statement to Patch. “Children should always be protected by adults, and our prayers are with the victim of this horrific situation.” […]

According to Channahon’s police report, McCullagh met the juvenile last summer at Channahon’s Three Rivers Festival, and he spent considerable time with them on a golf cart.

In mid-November, the juvenile’s family contacted the Channahon police, a few days after the family discovered the juvenile had received a bottle of Smirnoff Marshmallow Vodka on the night of Nov. 9, 2021, according to the police report. The youth told their parents the alcohol was given to them by McCullagh.

According to Capitol Fax, the publication reached out to McCullagh for comment, and he responded by stating, “That my political opponent would leak this to you demonstrates how desperate my opponent is.”

Smirnoff Marshmallow Vodka and a juvenile. Ugh.

* Shaw Media

Channahon Deputy Police Chief Adam Bogart said no charges were filed in the case because the family of the alleged victim declined to prosecute.

McCullagh directed questions to Eric Blatti, an attorney based in Joliet whom McCullagh described as a “family friend.”

While Blatti said he couldn’t comment on the specifics of the police report since he had not seen it, he described the surfacing of the accusation as a “smear campaign.”

“It’s a shame that Republicans are doing this to each other,” Blatti said. […]

Blatti dismissed the surfacing of the accusation as a political move to get McCullagh to drop out of the race.

Yeah, well, McCullagh did drop out late yesterday afternoon.

* As subscribers know, McCullagh supporters Sen. Darren Bailey and Rep. Chris Miller both demanded that he get out of the race.

I didn’t hear from this candidate, though

* You may remember McCullagh from 2020

The self-declared “Trumpocrat” [Rod Blagojevich] will headline an Aug. 27 fundraiser in St. Charles to support a west suburban Republican state Senate candidate and “to celebrate President Donald J. Trump’s RNC 2020 nomination,” six months after Blagojevich was freed with a commutation from his former reality television boss. […]

Illinois Republican Party leaders called it “a bad idea,” but GOP candidate Tom McCullagh said he invited Blagojevich to “highlight corruption in Illinois, and how to fight it.”

“I’m not defending him or his actions in any way,” McCullagh said. “He’s been speaking out against Mike Madigan’s corruption since he got out. That’s the only reason I would involve myself with a person of such notoriety: to outline how the Madigan machine works, and how to dismantle it.” […]

McCullagh, who had $286.38 in his campaign fund at the end of June, wouldn’t say how much Blagojevich is being paid for the appearance.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Mapes grand jury excerpts released

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Last night from Jason Meisner

A federal judge on Tuesday ordered the unsealing of a court filing containing excerpts of grand jury testimony by Tim Mapes, the former chief of staff to House Speaker Michael Madigan who was indicted last year on obstruction of justice charges.

The order by U.S. District Judge John Lee came after Mapes’ attorney, Andrew Porter, filed a motion to dismiss under seal last week out of “an abundance of caution,” since grand jury testimony typically is kept secret.

But since the charges against Mapes are directly related to that testimony, both Porter and Assistant U.S. Attorney Julia Schwartz on Tuesday agreed that what is contained in the defense motion can be made public. Lee directed the clerk of the U.S. District Court to unseal the motion, but the filing was still not visible on the docket as of Tuesday evening.

Mapes, 66, of Springfield, has pleaded not guilty to lying to a grand jury investigating sprawling corruption allegations against Madigan, including an alleged scheme by utility giant Commonwealth Edison to bribe Madigan by paying his associates as lobbyists and consultants in exchange for the speaker’s help with legislation in Springfield.

* Today…

That last bit is pretty important as far as semantics and legalese go, but, man, everyone should’ve known that McClain was still doing tasks for Madigan after McClain “retired.” Most of us didn’t think anything of it at the time, but still.

*** UPDATE *** Click here for the full document.


Rate the new Giannoulias TV ads

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Alexi Giannoulias’ Democratic campaign for Illinois secretary of state will launch two television spots Wednesday, both linking him to former President Barack Obama, with one of them criticizing former President Donald Trump.

Both ads show Giannoulias playing basketball with children in a gymnasium, a nod to his days playing overseas in Greece. In one, he explains how he was inspired to become a politician by Obama, whom Giannoulias refers to as his “basketball buddy.”

In the other ad, he makes a reference to Trump and his efforts “to overturn the last election” while saying he wants to use the secretary of state’s office to make it easier to register to vote. The ad noted the importance of protecting voting rights, expanding voter registration and encouraging vote by mail.

“When I played pro ball, we practiced to make the game easier. When I’m secretary of state, I’ll do the same. We’ll never let anyone stop you from casting your vote,” he says in that ad.

In fact, while other states’ secretary of state’s offices play an integral role in elections, in Illinois the office plays only a small role in helping the public register to vote.

* “Assist”

* “Line Up”

* Full response from Anna Valencia campaign manager Cheryl Bruce…

“Alexi Giannoulias has spent the last decade helping rich people get richer while wealth director for a Wall Street bank with close ties to the gun industry, coal companies and even North Korea. He has pledged transparency, but he’s hiding from voters who exactly he’s been working for during his time as a Wall Street banker.

“Funded in part by family loan of nearly $1 million, he’s now trying to paper over his shady history: he was senior loan officer for a bank that loaned money to convicted mobsters, he engaged in reckless lending practices that led authorities to seize his family bank, and he lost millions of dollars in college savings for thousands of Illinois families.

“Illinoisans rejected Alexi when he lost Barack Obama’s Senate seat. Then, he endorsed a Republican with an anti-choice voting record and urged us to rally behind Donald Trump’s presidency. Now, Alexi on the ballot risks losing Jesse White’s Secretary of State office, too. That’s why Secretary White endorsed Anna to succeed him. Anna was raised by working class parents in a union household and has delivered bold and innovative ideas as Chicago City Clerk, and she fought for our communities during the Rauner and Trump administrations. Illinois voters know that Anna will always fight for them.”


Preserve Accessible, Equitable Healthcare - Bring Stability to Your Local Hospital

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken an emotional, physical and financial toll on Illinois’ hospital community. Pre-pandemic, over 40% of Illinois hospitals were losing money or operating on slim margins of less than 2%. Now, in the wake of COVID-19, hospital staffing costs have jumped by up to 20%, due in large part to the exorbitant rates being charged by nurse staffing agencies. Record inflation is driving up other operating costs.

Hospitals are shouldering this significant financial burden, but this situation is not sustainable. Without securing the resources and support necessary to provide much-needed stability, hospitals will be forced to make difficult choices, including reduction or closure of service lines, impacting patient care, or even closure of some of the state’s most vulnerable hospitals.

To preserve and promote access to care for patients and communities across Illinois, the Illinois Health and Hospital Association urges the General Assembly to pass IHA’S 3-pronged legislative package, including:

    • Reauthorization of the $3.8 billion Hospital Assessment Program.
    • A one-time $350 million in hospital assessment tax relief in the next fiscal year.
    • $68 million for Safety Net Hospital Health Equity grants to support all safety net hospitals.

Support IHA’s legislative package to ensure Illinois hospitals can remain focused on the mission of caring for patients in their time of need.

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Open thread

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Have at it.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Morning edition preview

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Senate Democrats unveil anti-carjacking package

Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Have a look and tell us what you think…


House Bill 3699 (Martwick/Hastings)

    • House Bill 3699 would allow Metropolitan Enforcement Groups, or cooperatives of law enforcement, to work together to target carjacking.
    • The measure would allow the Metropolitan Enforcement Groups to receive state grants to assist in enforcement.
    • A person commits vehicular hijacking when he or she knowingly takes a motor vehicle from the person or the immediate presence of another by the use of force or threatening the imminent use of force.
    o Carjacking is currently a Class 1 felony, punishable by 4-15 years imprisonment. If a gun is used in the carjacking, the person is guilty of a Class X felony, punishable by 15 years up to natural life imprisonment.
    • House Bill 3699 would provide additional resources to law enforcement to target and capture these offenders.

House Bill 3772 (Aquino/Peters)

    • House Bill 3772 would provide protections for victims of carjackings who receive red light or speed camera violations after their vehicle has been hijacked.
    • Under the measure, if a person receives a citation due to one of these systems, the court or hearing officer would be able to consider whether the vehicle was hijacked before the violation occurred or not under the control of or possession of the vehicle at the time of violation.
    • Under current law, any county or municipality can charge administrative, towing and storage fees if a person’s car is impounded. However, under House Bill 3772, those fees would be waived if an owner submits proof that a report demonstrating the vehicle was hijacked was filed with law enforcement in a timely manner.

…Adding… Press release…

Last year alone, more carjackings were reported in Chicago than in any other city. To address the increase of the crime and provide relief to victims, Illinois Senate Democrats are spearheading legislation which they outlined at a press conference Tuesday.

“When someone is a victim of a carjacking, they are already dealing with a traumatic experience that could be worsened by burdensome fees and tickets they weren’t even at fault for,” said State Senator Omar Aquino (D-Chicago). “This measure is about ensuring economic security for folks who have already been victimized.”

Aquino’s House Bill 3772 would provide protections for victims of carjackings who receive red light or speed camera violations after their vehicle has been hijacked. Under the measure, if a person receives a citation due to one of these camera violations, the court or hearing officer would be able to consider whether the vehicle was hijacked before the violation occurred or the victim not under the control of or possession of the vehicle at the time of violation.

Additionally, if a person’s car was towed following a carjacking, the associated fees would be waived if they submit their police report.

According to a January report from CNN, cities around the country have seen an increase in the rate of carjackings in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 1,800 carjackings were reported in Chicago last year, according to data released by police departments to CNN.

Chicago’s 2021 tally was the most on record over the last 20 years. Carjackings had been steadily declining in the city after 2001, hitting a low of 303 in 2014 but began to tick upward before skyrocketing to 1,400 in 2020 following the onset of the pandemic. Last year saw more than five times as many carjackings as in 2014.

State Senator Robert Martwick (D-Chicago) is sponsoring House Bill 3699, which would allow Metropolitan Enforcement Groups, or cooperatives of law enforcement, to work together to target carjacking. Further, it would allow the Metropolitan Enforcement Groups to receive state grants to assist in enforcement, and provide additional resources to law enforcement to target and capture these offenders.

“The uptick in carjackings is a disturbing trend,” Martwick said. “But because of the nature of the crime, suspects aren’t often caught. By allowing law enforcement officers to put their heads together to decipher ways to tackle the ongoing issue, we are a step closer to getting to the bottom of the issue.”

Members of the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus hope to hear the bills on the Senate floor before the planned April 8 adjournment date.


Fitch’s state ratings chief says Illinois may see credit upgrade

Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dan Vock

“Our view is that the state is heading in the right direction,” said Eric Kim, the head of U.S. state ratings for Fitch Ratings, which dropped Illinois’ bond rating to a notch above junk bond status in the early days of the pandemic.

Fitch was the last of the three major bond ratings agencies to put Illinois on the cusp of junk bond status, but the other two ratings agencies increased Illinois’ bond rating last summer. The upgrades were the first time in two decades that Illinois had received better bond ratings.

If trends continue, Kim said, Fitch may upgrade its grade for Illinois bonds, too. “We’ve been seeing some positive things over the past year and a half,” he said. […]

While congressional Republicans have criticized the $350 billion in support for state and local governments as a blue state bailout, Kim, the Fitch Ratings analyst, said other federal support helped Illinois and other states even more.

“Frankly, the entire country, every state, every city and every local government benefited from all the economic stimulus that the federal government provided – trillions and trillions of dollars,” he said.


The kids are alright

Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* First, a little background

When 7th grade student Gentry Heiple of Carterville approached State Rep. Dave Severin with an idea for a new law, he began a journey that now includes a visit to the State Capitol in Springfield to serve as a Page for a Day.

“It has been a pleasure getting to know Gentry and his mom and dad through this process,” Severin said. “Gentry is an animal enthusiast, and came to me with an idea to designate the Eastern Milksnake as the state’s official snake.” […]

Last week, the Illinois Senate unanimously passed HB 4821. The bill now heads to the desk of Governor JB Pritzker.

Gentry and his family got to meet the governor yesterday, too. At the governor’s urging, he posed for a pic with his feet up on Pritzker’s desk.

Rep. Severin made a point of introducing me to Gentry yesterday…

* Last week, I had the opportunity to meet Kyra Jagodzinski, who is a volunteer for Sen. Melinda Bush. Kyra is just 16 and she wrote this bill

Provides that all employees shall be entitled to use a maximum of 2 weeks (10 work days) of unpaid bereavement leave to be absent from work due to (i) a miscarriage; (ii) an unsuccessful round of intrauterine insemination or of an assisted reproductive technology procedure; (iii) a failed adoption match or an adoption that is not finalized because it is contested by another party; (iv) a failed surrogacy agreement; (v) a diagnosis that negatively impacts pregnancy or fertility; or (vi) a stillbirth. Provides that the employer may not require that the employee identify which category of event the leave pertains to as a condition of exercising rights under the Act.

Her bill passed both chambers. That’s pretty darned amazing.

Kyra is on my left in this picture…


Campaign notebook

Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pritzker was asked today if he supports the DGA’s efforts against Richard Irvin

I’ve been a Democrat my whole life and I’ve supported not just the DGA, but the DCCC, the DNC and Democrats up and down the ticket both here in Illinois and across the nation. So, I think it’s important that Democrats be involved in telling the truth out there. And when it comes to what the DGA is doing here in Illinois, they’re simply telling the truth, which is more than the Irvin campaign can say. So they’re getting the word out about what the truth is about his record.

* Press release…

Continuing to build a statewide, grassroots-powered campaign, Democratic Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia today announced her best fundraising quarter of the campaign, bringing in a total of $456,451 from January 1 through March 31– an increase of $127,000 from the previous quarter’s total of $329,131.

Valencia received 1,004 grassroots contributions of $100 or less. Since launching her campaign, Valencia has received more than 2,000 donations of $100 or less. The campaign has just over $1.1M in cash-on-hand. Eighty-nine percent of contributions came from Illinois donors.

“I’m so grateful for the grassroots supporters across our state who are backing our campaign because they know I’ll always fight for hard-working Illinoisans, not the wealthy and well-connected,” said Valencia. “Because of their support, we have the resources to share my story of being raised by working class parents in a union household and delivering bold and innovative ideas as Chicago City Clerk, a record I’ll build on as the first woman Secretary of State in Illinois history.”

“While her opponent has benefited from nearly a million dollars in family loans and has cultivated wealthy donor friends through his time as a Wall Street investment banker, Anna’s worked hard for every dollar she’s raised from grassroot supporters across Illinois who know she fought for them during the Trump and Rauner administrations,” said Cheryl Bruce, Valencia’s campaign manager. “With fewer than three months to go until the June 28 primary, we are in a strong position to communicate with Democratic primary voters about why Anna’s the best candidate to be on the ticket in November and to succeed Secretary White—who has endorsed Anna because he knows she will continue his legacy of leading with integrity and putting people first.”

* Press release…

Today the Villegas for Congress campaign released a preliminary estimate of the total funds raised since announcing his run for Congress on the birthday of the United States Marine Corps November of 2021. In the 1st Quarter of 2022, Villegas for Congress expects to report more than $390,000 raised bringing in approximately $775,000 since Alderman Gilbert Villegas entered the race for the newly created Third Congressional District of Illinois.

Campaign Magdalena Fudalewicz released the following statement:

“We’ve been absolutely blown away by the support from across the district and it’s a testament to the fact that Gilbert’s background and message are resonating strongly in his run for Congress,” said Magdalena Fudalewicz.

That’s almost double Delia Ramirez’s total.

* Daily Herald

Candidates for congressional districts serving the North, West and Northwest suburbs are divided — almost perfectly along party lines — as to whether they’ll respect a strike by WTTW Channel 11 employees and not participate in election forums or interviews with the station.

Local Union 1220 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, representing technicians, graphic artists and floor crew members, walked out March 16 over work jurisdiction and job protection issues.

The Daily Herald asked more than 40 candidates running for Congress in the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 14th districts if they intend to honor the picket lines. About half responded.

All but one of the Democrats who replied said they wouldn’t speak with WTTW until the strike is settled. Juan Aguirre, a Chicagoan running in the 3rd District representing parts of Cook and DuPage counties, said he’d appear on WTTW if asked. […]

Most of the Republicans who replied said they would speak with WTTW despite the strike. Three — Burr Ridge Mayor Gary Grasso, who’s running in the 6th District, Winfield’s Justin Burau in the 3rd, and Susan Hathaway-Altman of the Geneva area, who’s running in the 11th — said they wouldn’t cross the picket lines.

* And a story which was covered here yesterday…

* Richard Irvin’s campaign acknowledges mailer blasting rival violated election code, blames the printer: In reaction to Irvin’s mailer, Bailey’s campaign retweeted a tweet from David Smith, executive director of the evangelical conservative Illinois Family Institute, a group opposed to abortion and same-sex marriage. “Wow! The Richard Irvin campaign is lying like a rug in an attempt to discredit the best GOP candidate in the primary race for #Illinois governor,” Smith’s tweet said.

* DPI: After nearly three months dodging reporters and voters, it is time for Richard Irvin to answer the question: Did you vote for Donald Trump?


Governor signs bill giving vaxxed education workers extra paid time off

Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Joined by stakeholders, advocates and lawmakers, Gov. JB Pritzker signed House Bill 1167, a measure that will keep students and teachers safe in the classroom without penalizing vaccinated school employees for taking COVID-required leave for themselves or their children. Ensuring support for all working families, the legislation protects all hourly school employees in addition to classroom teachers, such as bus drivers, food service providers, and administrative personnel.

“We want to ensure that our school children see the fewest disruptions to their in-person learning due to the public health crisis,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “The bill I signed into law today fulfills that promise by guaranteeing that if a teacher has done their part to keep their classroom safe for their most vulnerable students, they won’t have to worry for a second about their pay or their paid time off should COVID-19 affect their livelihood. At a time when we want to bring people into the education professions, this bill will help Illinois retain and attract teachers and support staff.”

“For the last two years, we have lauded our educators and support staff for their Herculean efforts in keeping our schools running and our students learning, all while keeping them safe and healthy,” said State Rep. Janet Yang Rohr (D-Naperville). “With this Covid wage and benefit protection legislation, we’re putting real action behind our words and making a difference for the teachers and staff that make a difference every day for our students and community.”

“This is a step to recognize those who have done all they can to protect themselves, their families, their students and their schools, but still end up facing hardships because of the pandemic,” said Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park). “They’ve played by the rules, done everything that was recommended, and they shouldn’t lose sick days or pay for doing the right thing. I want to thank the governor for working together with us to find a common-sense approach to address this situation.”

“Our state is in the middle of a growing teacher and education employee shortage,” said Kathi Griffin, President of the Illinois Education Association. We have thousands of open public education positions right now. We need to be doing everything we can to attract young people to the profession and to also show those who’ve chosen education as their life’s work that they are respected. Providing COVID administrative days and paycheck protection for hourly employees is one way we can do that. House Bill 1167 would provide much needed relief to our teachers and support staff who’ve worked diligently to not only provide a quality education for students but also work to keep their students, schools and their communities safe over the past two years.”

“The pandemic has been emotionally and economically daunting for us all, especially educators, school staff, and their families who have been on the front lines of COVID’s effects from day one,” said Illinois Federation of Teachers President Dan Montgomery. “By signing this bill today, Governor Pritzker has provided important relief and ensured that education personnel can afford to take time off if they or their families become ill with COVID-19. His leadership will help keep our students and communities healthy even as new variants arise and COVID rates in our state fluctuate over time.”

HB 1167 requires school districts, public universities, and community colleges to pay educational support personnel and contractors during any school closure and provides paid administrative leave to vaccinated employees for purposes related to COVID-19.

The legislation delivers on a promise to offer the following protections for educators, school employees, and their families in more than 800 school districts statewide:

    • Paid administrative leave for every employee of a public school district established under Article 10 or Article 34 of the School Code, public university, and public community college who meets the following criteria:
    o fully vaccinated or has received the required doses to become fully vaccinated within five weeks of the effective date of the Act.
    o required, or whose child is required, to be excluded from school because of a positive COVID-19 test result or close contact with a person who had a confirmed case of COVID-19.
    o has been required by the school or school district policy to be excluded from school district property due to COVID-19 symptoms.
    • Restoration of sick leave for every employee of a public school district, public university, and public community college who meets the following criteria:
    o fully vaccinated or has received the required doses to become fully vaccinated within five weeks of the effective date of the Act, and
    o who has previously used their sick time because they or their child were required to be excluded from school because of a positive COVID-19 test result or close contact with a person who had a confirmed case of COVID-19.
    o has been required by the school or school district policy to be excluded from school district property due to COVID-19 symptoms.
    • Maintains wage protections for all hourly school employees, including but not limited to, custodians, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, classroom assistants, or administrative staff. This protection applies for the entire 2021-22 school year, including any days that a school has already closed or switched to e-learning which caused the paraprofessional to go without pay or take their own earned paid time off.

This legislation is effective immediately.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Legislators want “thorough and independent investigation” of Springfield cop accused of multiple racist and anti-Semitic online posts

Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some background from International Business Times

A Springfield police officer has been placed on unpaid leave after allegedly posting racist and anti-semitic posts on social media.

Springfield opened an investigation after online reports identified officer Aaron Paul Nichols, 46, as the person responsible for racist and anti-Semitic postings on multiple social media forums.

The website Anonymous Comrades Collective, which describes itself as “dedicated to exposing Nazis, racists, and fascists” shared a series of posts made by accounts reportedly belonging to the nearly 20-year veteran of the Springfield police force on Gab – a social media network that champions free speech and is known for its far-right userbase.

In his posts, made from accounts with the name “WeWillWin” and “MagicDirtFarmer,” Nichols not only praised Hitler but also disparaged Jews and people of color. In one post, Nichols said the convicted vigilante killers of Ahmaud Arbery “did nothing wrong” and were only charged “because of Jews.”

* Press release…

As members of the Illinois General Assembly, we come from several different caucuses (Asian-American, Black, Jewish, Latino, Progressive, and Queer) to demand that the Springfield Police Department fully address the incredibly disturbing allegations of hate activity by an officer in their employ. We further urge all of our law enforcement partners to identify and eliminate the presence of officers in your ranks who operate without respect for our constitution, the human dignity of our communities, or basic human decency.

We learned this week via an investigation by Anonymous that Officer Aaron P. Nichols appears to be the person behind several online accounts (including one on Ken Griffin funded Gab) associated with extreme right wing agendas including racism, homophobia, and antisemitism. A post published 4/1/2022 provides extensive details of the investigative methodology and links to Officer Nichols’ online accounts and disturbing posts. We have subsequently learned that the Springfield Police Department has suspended Officer Nichols and are thankful for their swift action. We await the results of a truly independent investigation.

A few examples of online traffic from accounts allegedly tracing back to Officer Nichols include:

“I despise the government and have for nearly 3 decades. The best place I can possibly be inside the beast.”

“Hitler did nothing wrong”

“Hitler is the most lied about figure in history, bar none.”

“If I found a genie and I had one wish? The Jews would be a distant memory in 72 hours.”

“I am a supporter of as many holocausts as it takes to cleanse this world of Talmudic influence.”

“N**’s ruin everything. Even if it’s Whites doing the stealing, they’re likely selling the meat to blaq run restaurants or trading it to n**’s for dope. Real talk.”

“I frequently deal with a basketball American who is related to a pro basketball American. Dude parks a $200,000 car in the drive of a $60,000 house. N**’s are so fucking dumb.”

“Being forced to live with n**’s is a human right violation. Where’s Merrick Garland when he could actually be useful?”

(With a pic of Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson) “Here’s our next Sheeboon Supreme Court Justice. I’m sure she’ll be completely impartial.”

“Homosexuality is rampant in the blaq community because the majority didn’t have dads around to protect them.”

“I’m a n** harm reduction specialist and we have minimum manning requirements. Someone has to clean these streets.”

“I dumped a homeless women’s (sic) cart out in the drive up of a @tacobell because she repeatedly refused to unload it herself. I then took the cart back to the @babiesrus she appropriated it from. I’m doing the Lord’s work out here”

“When I seize power ‘hate crimes’ will be encouraged.”

“I’m not willingly giving up my way of life. I’ll die in a pile of brass.” “When you decide you’re not afraid of death you’re finally free”

His social media handles have changed over time. While this investigation initially focused on @NogAirForce, he also allegedly wrote on an explicitly racist site known as Gab under the handle @_14words, which refers to the white supremacist slogan “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children,” quoting American neo-Nazi David Lane. The published results of their investigation provide significant evidence of the validity of the claims.

It would be disturbing enough to know someone with these views was living in your community. But to learn that such a person is exercising authority over the very people he declares his hatred for is terrifying. We need a thorough and independent investigation on Officer Nichols and anyone else espousing these beliefs. We need transparency on any misconduct and allegations. After such investigation anyone holding these beliefs must be immediately removed from their positions of authority before someone is hurt.

Senator Omar Aquino
Senator Chris Belt
Senator Melinda Bush
Senator Jacqui Collins
Senator Sara Feigenholtz
Senator Napoleon Harris
Senator Mattie Hunter
Senator Adriane Johnson Senator Emil Jones III
Senator Laura Fine
Senator Julie Morrison
Senator Cristina Paciones-Zayas Senator Robert Peters
Senator Elgie Sims
Senator Mike Simmons
Senator Doris Turner
Senator Ram Villivalam
Senator Celina Villanueva
Representative Carol Ammons
Representative Dagmara Avelar
Representative Kambium Buckner
Representative Jonathan Carroll
Representative Kelly Cassidy
Representative Lakesia Collins
Representative Margaret Croke
Representative Daniel Didech
Representative Robyn Gabel
Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz
Representative Edgar Gonzalez
Representative Will Guzzardi
Representative Greg Harris
Representative Theresa Mah
Representative Joyce Mason
Representative Anna Moeller
Representative Bob Morgan
Representative Delia Ramirez
Representative Anne Stava-Murray
Representative Denyse Wang Stoneback
Representative Ann Williams
Representative Sam Yingling

*** UPDATE *** I’m told that Nichols has resigned from the police department. Because he quit while under investigation, he’ll be decertified and placed on the “do not hire” list by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board.


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Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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It’s just a bill

Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

…Adding… Advisory…

MEDIA ADVISORY: Senate Democrats outline plan to address increase in carjackings statewide

SPRINGFIELD – Last year alone, more carjackings were reported in Chicago than in any other city. To address the increase of the crime and provide relief to victims, Illinois Senate Democrats are spearheading legislation which they will outline at a Tuesday press conference.

WHO: State Senators Robert Marwick, Omar Aquino, Kimberly A. Lightford, Bill Cunningham, Michael E. Hastings and Robert Peters

WHAT: Press conference on plan to address carjackings

WHEN: Tuesday, April 5 at 1 p.m.

WHERE: Blue Room, Illinois State Capitol and live on

* Capitol News Illinois

Officials at the Department of Healthcare and Family Services believe they made “significant progress” last week toward reaching agreement on a plan to overhaul the way nursing homes are reimbursed through the state’s Medicaid program, according to a letter obtained by Capitol News Illinois.

It’s something Gov. JB Pritzker’s administration has been working on for two years to ease the severe staffing shortages that exist in many of the state’s long-term care facilities. An estimated 45,000 Illinois Medicaid recipients live in about 700 nursing homes throughout the state.

In his budget proposal in February, Pritzker proposed a $500 million plan to increase reimbursement rates for facilities that raise their staffing levels up to certain targets. Some of the money would also be used to fund pay raises for certified nursing assistants as they gain more experience in their jobs.

The money for that would come from a bed tax the state levies on nursing homes, which would draw down additional federal reimbursements.

* Press release…

On Monday, Rep. Will Guzzardi (D-39) passed House Bill 1466 in the Illinois House. The legislation aims to make insulin more affordable and accessible for all Illinoisans.

HB 1466 tackles insulin affordability in two ways. First, it creates an Urgent Need Program, which allows people with diabetes to access an emergency 30-day supply of insulin at a minimal cost of $35 from their local pharmacy. This program ensures that people with diabetes have access to life-saving and sustaining medication regardless of their insurance status, and prevents the need for insulin rationing and other high-risk cost-cutting measures.

The bill also caps the total copay amount an insurer is allowed to charge an insured person at $35 a month. The $35 copay cap will apply to all Illinoisans who purchase health plans on the state-regulated exchange, roughly 20% of insured people in the state.

“Taken together, these two provisions will provide a vital safety net for people struggling to afford their insulin,” said Rep. Will Guzzardi (D-39). “People in crisis will be able to get insulin when they need it, rather than rationing and putting their health at risk.”

This act strives to make diabetes medicine more affordable to people who need it, many of whom now have to choose between their medication and other life-saving essentials such as food, housing, or other healthcare.

According to the American Diabetes Association, the price of the most popular types of insulin has tripled over the past decade. For instance, a 10ml vial of Eli Lilly’s Humalog cost $93 in 2009; today it costs around $335. One in four insulin users across the US have said cost has impacted their insulin use. Using less insulin than medically necessary can lead to drastic health impacts including brain swelling, organ failure, and death.

“The past two years have been a vivid reminder that pharmaceutical research can produce incredible results. But no matter how great they are, drugs don’t work if people can’t afford them,” said Rep. Will Guzzardi (D-39).

* Press release…

[Yesterday], the Illinois House of Representatives passed legislation sponsored by State Representative Chris Bos (R-Lake Zurich) to ensure no one has to die alone, even in a pandemic. Senate Bill 1405, sponsored in the Senate by Republican Minority Leader Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods), ensures a family member may be by the side of their loved one in their final moments while in a healthcare facility.

“No one should have to die without a family member by their side. No one should have to learn their mother or their husband is suffering rapid decline but be denied the opportunity to give them love and compassion in their final moments,” said Bos. “Unfortunately, many were denied this opportunity.”

Due to executive orders in response to COVID-19, no exceptions existed to allow for end-of-life visitation with a family member in a healthcare facility. Even as mitigation rules were changed in response to the pandemic, residents in skilled nursing homes, extended care, or intermediate care facilities were denied even one visitor. Under SB 1405, at least one visitor, not including a member of the clergy, must be permitted to visit a loved one. Healthcare facilities are empowered to set safety guidelines and ensure that neither the patient nor visitor are endangered by the visit, but no longer could they be outright denied due to an executive order.

“This legislation recognizes the dignity of every life and ensures no one else will be forced to face death alone,” said Bos.

As SB 1405 was amended in the House, it now heads back to the Senate for a concurrence vote before being sent to the Governor for his signature. Bos is hopeful it receives the same strong level of support and will be signed into law without delay.

* Press release…

The following statement is attributable to Jacqueline Gomez, executive director of the Hispanic American Construction Industry Association (HACIA), on House Bill 5412, which may soon be called for a vote in the Illinois State Senate:

“We are disappointed that Illinois lawmakers have allowed House Bill 5412 to reach this phase of the legislative process despite several warnings from minority and women-owned construction firms of the detrimental impacts it will have on small business. Wage theft is a crime that ruins working families. It deserves more attention and more thought-out solutions than this hastily crafted legislation. HACIA is committed to working with the Legislature and the Illinois Dept. of Labor to prevent these crimes from taking place.

Unfortunately, Illinois lawmakers seem to believe they know better than those of us who work in this industry day in and day out. Instead of incorporating ANY of our suggestions into their proposal, they are moving forward with their own. If HB 5412 becomes law, prime contractors will unfairly be held responsible for bad acting subcontractors who do not fulfill their payroll obligations and will create competitive barriers for small businesses as a result of higher liability costs.

On behalf of HACIA members and women and minority-owned construction firms across Illinois, I call on the Illinois State Senate to reject HB 5412 and instead engage in honest discussions with our dedicated small business owners and entrepreneurs who are the backbone of our community and who believe that a diverse construction industry is a direct bridge to the middle class for our young and talented workforce.”

* Some very informal proponent dot points on the revamped Organized Retail Crime bill…

• It creates a dedicated [Organized Retail Crime] statute. Illinois is one of the few states in the nation that do not have a dedicated ORC statute. No more piecing together various crimes trying to come up with something. Doesn’t exist today.
• Funding for AG and assistant state’s attorneys dedicated to ORC and illicit trade; a major focus is on investigators which is a priority of the AG’s office. Doesn’t exist today.
• Funding for a statewide intelligence gathering platform. Does not exist today and is essential to effectively addressing ORC.
• We changed it so an individual cannot get caught up in ORC. Has to be 2 or more people working together with the intent to monetize. Again, the ORC measure is aimed at what we all saw what occurred in Chicago and the suburbs (and continue to see) – smash and grabs, U-Hauls, social media folks organizing, etc.
• We inserted a $300 threshold so someone stealing lip gloss, as an example, can’t get caught in ORC. The current felony threshold in retail theft is $300 so it is consistent.
• Addresses on-line marketplaces which are the flea markets and pawn shops of the 21st century. Mirrors the legislation being pushed in DC by Senator Durbin and Congresswoman Schakowsky. Doesn’t exist today.
• Allows a state’s attorney in any jurisdiction in which any element of the crime occurred to bring suit. This is imperative to prosecute criminals. Doesn’t exist today.
• AG given specific authority to utilize statewide grand jury for ORC. Doesn’t exist today.

* Open letter

Re: Opposition to HB 1091
To the members of the Illinois House and Senate:

The undersigned organizations represent thousands of Illinoisans who are writing to express strong opposition to HB 1091, the “organized retail theft” bill. While the impact of this legislation on mass incarceration is ample reason to oppose it, we would like to share our specific opposition to this measure because of its impact on survivors of gender-based violence and women in general.

Retail theft laws already disproportionately impact women and survivors of gender- based violence.

There is a strong connection between domestic violence and incarceration of women. When a survivor leaves an abusive relationship, they are usually at an economic disadvantage. This can exacerbate mental health challenges including problems with substance use, and result in resorting to survival crimes. Results of a 2017-2018 survey of women incarcerated at Logan Correctional Center showed that 99 percent of the women incarcerated there have experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse at some point in their lives. Women who are subjected to domestic violence are nine times more likely to use drugs and 15 times more likely to use alcohol. While men are more likely to be targeted by law enforcement, many of the victims of the war on drugs are women and are disproportionately women of color. These factors all mean that further criminalizing retail theft will harm survivors of domestic violence.

Statewide data shows that a significant number of women are arrested for retail theft. According to data from Loyola University, from 1989-2019, there were 29,307 court admissions to women’s prisons for property crimes, representing 38% of ALL court admissions during this period. Retail theft cases have rightfully been linked to supporting an addiction or basic survival needs, but the link to domestic violence and human trafficking is often overlooked. In our collective experience, it is common for domestic abusers and traffickers to force and coerce their victims into committing crimes, including retail theft. Also, survivors experience extreme financial control leaving them to commit theft to meet basic needs for themselves and their children, including diapers, clothing and food.

More here.

….Adding… Press release…

State Senator Laura Ellman (D-Naperville) advanced a measure out of the Senate that would collect additional information for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services in an effort to strengthen support and care for children in the foster system.

“One of the best ways we can improve our foster care system in this state is to listen to the kids about their experiences,” Ellman said. “It’s our responsibility to make sure they’re cared for and their concerns are heard as they move from one home to another.”

House Bill 4304 requires exit interviews to be conducted within five days of removal for every child age five and older who leaves a foster home. This process is modeled after a similar procedure followed by caseworkers in Florida.

Under current regulations, DCFS caseworkers are involved in the child removal process when requested by the foster home. This legislation lays the groundwork for a formal process to work to ensure caseworkers are gathering important information about each child’s experience in a home upon removal.

Information gathered during these interviews will depend on the age and maturity of the child and the circumstances of the removal request. House Bill 4304 requires the child to be asked if their basic needs were met in the home, if they had access to a caseworker or therapist, if they felt safe and comfortable in the home, and whether or not they felt included by their foster family.

“When fostering situations change, we need to understand why,” Ellman said. “Children should feel safe and included in their foster homes, and the data collected from these interviews will improve foster family conditions over time.”

The legislation now awaits further action by the governor.

…Adding… Press release…

In response to an event that stopped traffic on Eisenhower Expressway, Assistant Majority Leader Tony Munoz (D-Chicago) lead a measure through the Senate Tuesday that would prohibit a street sideshow on any street or highway that causes traffic to slow or stop.

“People should not be allowed to stop traffic for their own entertainment, especially on a busy, fast expressway,” Munoz said. “Situations like these put residents in unneeded danger. It’s important that we work with law enforcement officials to ensure they are able to protect people in any situation.”

According to a CBS report, Eisenhower Expressway was shut down in December 2021 with drivers blocking the on- and off-ramps and every lane while a group of people engaged in dangerous stunts, such as doing donuts with their cars and dancing on the expressway.

House Bill 5439 defines a street sideshow as any event in which one or more cars block or impede traffic to perform unauthorized motor vehicle stunts, motor vehicle speed contests, or motor vehicle exhibitions of speed. Munoz’ measure would prohibit a street sideshow on any street or highway in Illinois and a person may not knowingly cause the movement of traffic to slow or stop for the purpose of facilitating street racing or a street sideshow. Under current law, people cannot be arrested for blocking a street or highway.

The measure would penalize the impediment of traffic for a street sideshow or street racing in the same manner as the act of street racing. The first violation is considered a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a determinate sentence of less than one year and a minimum fine of $250. A second or subsequent violation is considered a Class 4 felony punishable by a sentence of one to three years and a minimum fine of $500.

“As a former Chicago police officer, I know law enforcement’s number one job is to protect people,” Munoz said. “Without this measure, drivers could be put in an unsafe situation and police officers can’t do anything to protect them.”

House Bill 5439 passed the Senate with bipartisan support and now heads to the House for concurrence.


Preserve And Promote Healthcare Access – Support Your Local Hospital

Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

For over two years, your hospitals, and their physicians, nurses, caregivers, and myriad additional staff have been there every, single day, caring for every patient with compassion and commitment. Your hospitals, and their caregivers, are now in need of your help.

Pre-pandemic, over 40% of Illinois hospitals were losing money or operating on slim margins of less than 2%. In the wake of COVID-19, hospital staffing costs have jumped by up to 20%, due in large part to the exorbitant rates being charged by nurse staffing agencies. Record inflation is driving up other operating costs.

To preserve access to healthcare services and to advance health equity across Illinois, the hospital community is asking Illinois lawmakers to support IHA’s 3-pronged legislative package, including:

    • Reauthorization of the $3.8 billion Hospital Assessment Program.
    • A one-time $350 million in hospital assessment tax relief in the next fiscal year.
    • $68 million for Safety Net Hospital Health Equity grants to support all safety net hospitals.

Without the requested state support, hospitals will be forced to make difficult choices, including reduction or closure of service lines, and we risk the potential closure of some of the state’s most vulnerable hospitals.

Please support IHA’s legislative package to preserve access to healthcare services and to advance health equity in communities across Illinois.

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Democratic public safety legislation coverage roundup

Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

A group of Democratic state legislators made another anti-crime pitch Monday with measures aimed at showing support for law enforcement and countering the Republican narrative that their party’s policies are facilitating an uptick in violence.

The legislators who laid out a plan at a news conference in Springfield were mostly from the more moderate wing of the Democratic Party, which has found itself somewhat at odds with progressives in the effort to come up with a winning formula for anti-crime legislation.

The legislators offered plans to give police officers greater incentives to stay on the job at a time when police forces across the country are seeing an exodus of cops, and to increase funding for officer wellness programs. It’s unclear how much money the Democrats are seeking for that — but they said the current state budget includes $5 million for addressing the mental health of cops and firefighters.

“We have to look at comprehensive ways to support law enforcement and to make sure that we can really bust through those barriers that have prevented first responders from accessing the desperately needed mental health support that they need,” said state Rep. Lindsey LaPointe, who is considered part of the Democratic progressive wing but whose Northwest Side district of Chicago includes many cops and firefighters.

* Dot points…

Lawmakers were joined Monday by Jason Devino, Secretary of Trooper’s Lodge 41, Jim Kaitschuk, Executive Director of the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association, Ed Wojcicki, Executive Director of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police. Introduced bills include:

HB 1568 – Police Retention and Recruitment Package (Vella)

    - Creates deferred retirement option plans (DROP) for Illinois State Police officers under the State Employees Retirement System (SERS) and sheriff’s law enforcement employees under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF).
    - Lowers the retirement age for select Illinois State Police employees from 60 to 55 years of age.
    - Creates the Illinois Law Enforcement Recruitment and Retention Board and an associated fund.
    - Tasks the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board and the Illinois Community College Board with creating a report with recommendations to the General Assembly for establishing minimum requirements for credits that may transfer from Illinois community colleges to satisfy the requirements of law enforcement and correctional intern courses.
    - Allows retiring sheriffs, investigators, security employees, and probation officers to purchase their badge and service firearm.

HB 1571 – First Responder and Shift Worker Daycare Grants (Manley)

    - Creates a grant program for child care centers to provide after hours and nightly child care for the children of first responders and other workers working late shifts.
    - Recognizes that finding child care is a burden on third shift workers (e.g. firefighters, paramedics, police, nurses, etc.) because most child care centers in Illinois are only open during normal work hours.

HB 1321 – Law Enforcement Mental Health (LaPointe/Hurley)

    - Creates a fund and grant program to provide behavioral health services to first responders. Allows the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board to establish statewide minimum standards for mental health screenings for officers, based on statutory guidelines.

HB 3863 – Law Enforcement Funding (Morrison/Hastings)

    - Creates the Law Enforcement Recruitment and Retention Fund to be used by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board to provide grants to law enforcement agencies for hiring and retention of law enforcement officers.

HB 3893 – Eavesdropping Sunset Extension (Joyce/Munoz)

    - Extends the Jan. 1, 2023 sunset date for certain eavesdropping exemptions, permitting law enforcement to use a device to record a conversation during an investigation of qualified offenses, such as drug and sex offenses, for four years to Jan. 1, 2027.
    - Extends the Illinois Street Gang and Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Law (RICO) by one year to June 11, 2023.

HB 4228 – Sheriff Pay (Turner/Crowe)

    - Adjusts sheriff’s pay to 80% of pay for state’s attorneys.

HB 4364 – Mental Health and Substance Use Prevention Funding (Cappel/Stadelman)

    - Allows DHS to fund grants to offer mental health and substance use prevention to people who are incarcerated and individuals in county jails or recently discharged.

HB 4608 – Body Cameras (Bennett/Turner)

    - Allows body camera grant funds to be used for data storage costs.
    - Allows officers to flag video if they believe it may have evidentiary value.
    - Makes clarifying changes on when an officer does not have to have a camera turned on, such as in training or only in the presence of other officers.

* Capitol News Illinois

While opposed to the SAFE-T Act, the law enforcement groups previously worked with lawmakers on two trailer bills that softened use-of-force guidelines and pushed back implementation dates of decertification standards among other changes.

[Illinois Sheriffs’ Association Executive Director Jim Kaitschuk], after the news conference, told Capitol News Illinois he viewed the measures proposed Monday as separate from the SAFE-T Act, and declined to directly answer whether he believed they would counteract any real or perceived negative effects on officer recruitment that resulted from the 2021 criminal justice reform.

“This wasn’t about the SAFE-T Act,” he said after Monday’s news conference. “This was about efforts to recruit and retain. And this has been a – it hasn’t been just one thing that caused the issues in terms of recruitment and retention. Back in the 90s, we had a lot of federal funding that came to hire officers, those officers – one, the funding went away, and two, those officers are obviously, they’re my age, so they’re retirement age, so they’ve moved on to other careers and retired.”

The measures laid out Monday are a message from lawmakers “that we do care about law enforcement,” Kaitschuk said, making recruitment and retainment easier.

* AP

With four days left in the spring session, this is the second crime-reduction package to come from Democrats in four days. The first focused on support services for victims. Monday’s measures aim to support police communities that complained they were demonized 15 months ago when the Black Caucus-led policing overhaul was signed into law. Known as the -T Act, the overhaul came amid a spate of police-involved shootings in Chicago and nationwide.

SAFE-T set standards for police use of force, set a schedule to require all police to wear body cameras, eliminated cash bail for criminal suspects and more.

Presenters at the Democrats’ state Capitol news conference Monday were overwhelmingly white. Rockford Democratic Rep. Dave Vella said members of the Black Caucus were meeting on other issues but had worked on and endorsed the package. He rebuffed a question about whether the the plan is an “antidote” to ease the discomfort police feel about SAFE-T.

“This isn’t an antidote to anything,” Vella said. “This is us trying to make the streets safer and get more police on the street. That’s it.”

* The Deputy House Majority Leader and co-chair of the public safety working group matter of factly pushed back against criticism yesterday…

* Richard Irvin campaign…

As election season is in full swing and the legislative session comes to an end, Illinois Democrats are scrambling to come up with “crime proposals” to combat their record of siding with criminals over police, rather than proposals to actually combat crime.

One proposal unveiled yesterday would give officers “incentives” to stay on the job as law enforcement agencies across the state are seeing a wave of resignations and retirements after the SAFE-T Act became law. The incentives dangled by Democrats include day care grants and allowing police officers to buy their badge after they retire.

Absent from the Democrats’ package was the biggest incentive law enforcement needs right now: any proposal to repeal the dangerous and misguided provisions of the SAFE-T Act, including abolishing cash bail, allowing anonymous complaints against police officers, and dangerous changes to electronic monitoring rules that enabled accused criminals to commit more crimes.

Just last week, a new report uncovered dozens of criminals have reoffended, from armed robbery to murder, after a new provision of SAFE-T Act took effect in January that allows criminals on home confinement 48 hours of unmonitored movement to roam freely.

“Our law enforcement agencies across the state are struggling with low morale and depleted work forces because they don’t feel supported by our state’s leadership, and no amount of ‘incentives’ can erase those sentiments,” said Irvin for Illinois campaign spokesperson Eleni Demertzis. “Our men and women who wear the badge deserve our full support, and that starts with repealing the dangerous policies in the SAFE-T Act.”

* Leader Durkin…

House Republican Leader Jim Durkin offered the following statement after Illinois Democrats introduced legislation that attempts to distract from the disastrous effects of the SAFE-T Act.

“Democrats in Illinois have repeatedly attacked our police and justice system. Today, they are trying to rewrite history. Until they wake up and repeal their pro-criminal SAFE-T Act, there will be no safe communities in Illinois.”


Protected: *** UPDATED x4 *** SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - GOP candidate under severe fire

Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Open thread

Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Governor Pritzker endorses Kamala Harris for president (Updated)
* Mayor Johnson's actual state ask is $5.5 billion, and Pritzker turns thumbs down
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