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After two failed covid lawsuits, GOP congressional candidate manages to get himself kicked off a school board

Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From December 2nd

Oak Lawn resident Rob Cruz is expected to formally announce his candidacy for the 6th Illinois Congressional District at a political fundraiser set for Friday, Dec. 3, at Cork and Kerry, 10614 S. Western Ave., in Chicago’s Beverly neighborhood. Cruz is running for the Republican nomination in the new IL-06 in the upcoming gubernatorial primary June 28, 2022.

“Join us, on December 3, as we hold the line with Sheriff David Clarke and our men and women in blue,” the invitation said. “Now, more than ever, we need to show our support for those who work tirelessly to keep us safe. It’s time for us to show them how we can support them! And we can do this by pushing through the right candidates who will get the right policies passed.”

He just got some bigtime local publicity for that campaign.

* Today in the Tribune

The Oak Lawn High School District 229 Board voted Wednesday to remove Robert Cruz from the board, claiming he violating his oath of office and board policy by twice filing a lawsuit against Gov. J.B. Pritzker objecting to the statewide mask mandate in schools.

The lawsuits cost the district $25,000 and Cruz sought to recoup his own legal fees from the district, said Burt Odelson, the board’s attorney. […]

Former school board member Joseph Amado spoke on behalf of Cruz.

“If you don’t wake up, you’ll all be in the camps together,” Amado told the audience.

* Daily Herald

Cruz had come under fire by his peers on the board and District 229 administrators for filing a lawsuit against Gov. J.B. Pritzker and state schools Superintendent Carmen Ayala in August over the state’s mask order. The suit, filed in Cook County circuit court, noted Cruz was acting “in his official capacity as a Member of the Oak Lawn Community High School District 229 School Board.”

Under state law, school board members cannot take action on their own or on behalf of the board or district. The school board has formally said it doesn’t support litigation against Pritzker or Ayala and that District 229 will follow directives from the state.

The first lawsuit was dismissed. Cruz filed a second lawsuit in early September that added District 229 as a defendant. That case, filed in Sangamon County, has cost the district more than $25,000 to defend, documents indicate.

The second suit [which was dismissed] also violated a state law that states board members should protect their districts from lawsuits, District 229 officials said. The lawsuit created a conflict of interest for Cruz, too, officials alleged.

…Adding… From Cruz…

On Wednesday, January 12th, at a special meeting was called for the censure of
Robert Cruz. A resolution to have Cruz removed from the board for filing a lawsuit against
Governor Pritzker, on August 19th, 2021, was passed.

“I want to thank the all of the people who came out in support of me last night, your kind
words did not go unnoticed”, said Rob Cruz, after the vote.

“I am saddened that my right to due process was circumvented by the members of district 229
resolution to declare my seat vacant. I will be pursuing my rights as an elected official under
the Illinois constitution for due process”. he continued.

“Removing elected officials because you disagree with their methods is simply an act of cancel
culture and has no place in American government. All options including appeal of my lawsuit
are now on the table”. he said. “This is not twitter, this is a dulv elected position on a school
board, if we allow abuse of power at this level, we have breeched our democracy “, he said
during a Fox tv segment this morning.

“The lawsuit has been about retrieving local control as the Legislature has failed to pass laws,
during this time of emergency, to quide the people of IL through this time. Instead we have
allowed unchecked executive authority, by the office of the governor, to advance a one-size.
fits-all approach”, stated Cruz.

“Across the state, we have had more children die of suicide than Covid-19!”, claimed Cruz.
“let us tell the truth on what is going on here… I am being cancelled because I refuse to accept
government overreach in America, especially in our state of Illinois.” said Cruz.


Judge issues third contempt order against DCFS Director Smith

Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* CBS 2

Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Director Marc Smith was held in contempt of court again on Thursday for violating the rights of a teenage boy.

This is the third contempt of court order issued against Smith recently.

In this case, the order involved a 17-year-old who has been locked in a psychiatric hospital more than four months after being ready to be released. If the youth is not properly placed, $1,000-per-day fine will start racking up starting on Tuesday.

In court Thursday, it was stated that wrongly keeping the youth in a psychiatric facility is costing taxpayers $1,000 a day, or $30,000 a month. He has been locked up for more than four months.

Three $1,000 a day contempt orders is over a million a year.


COVID-19 roundup

Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller


The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration from enforcing its sweeping vaccine-or-test requirements for large private companies, but allowed a vaccine mandate to stand for medical facilities that take Medicare or Medicaid payments.

The rulings came three days after the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s emergency measure started to take effect.

That mandate required that workers at businesses with 100 or more employees must get vaccinated or submit a negative Covid test weekly to enter the workplace. It also required unvaccinated workers to wear masks indoors at work.

“Although Congress has indisputably given OSHA the power to regulate occupational dangers, it has not given that agency the power to regulate public health more broadly,” the court wrote in an unsigned opinion. […]

In a separate, simultaneously released ruling on the administration’s vaccination rules for health-care workers, a 5-4 majority sided with the Biden administration.

* Center Square

After the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Thursday against the Biden administration’s vaccine or testing mandate on employers of more than 100 employees, it’s expected the Illinois Department of Labor’s COVID-19 vaccine or testing mandate will be withdrawn.

* Press release

According to preliminary data compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF), as of December 31, 2021, 458 federal, state, tribal and local law enforcement officers died in the line-of-duty in 2021. This is an increase of 55% from the 295 officers killed during the same period last year, and is the highest total line-of-duty officer deaths since 1930 when there were 312 fatalities. […]

Preliminary data shows that some 301 officer fatalities have been identified as caused by Covid this year, and this number appears to increase almost daily. Covid-19 related fatalities continue to be the single highest cause of law enforcement deaths occurring in 2021.

* Marni Pyke

New cases of COVID-19 reached 37,048 Thursday with 142 more people dying from the respiratory disease, the Illinois Department of Public Health reported.

Patients in the hospital with COVID-19 came to 7,380 as of Wednesday night, the highest count since the pandemic began.

On Wednesday, 58,899 more COVID-19 shots were administered. The seven-day average is 51,776.

The state’s positivity rate for COVID-19 cases is 11.5% based on a seven-day average.

Today’s report brings the 7-day rolling average hospitalization increase number to 0.57 percent, slightly up from yesterday’s 0.24 percent. The 14-day rolling average hospitalization increase is now 1.71 percent, slightly down from 1.9 percent yesterday.

…Adding… Press release…

Out of an abundance of caution and due to the continued high numbers of new COVID-19 cases statewide, Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White is announcing that all Secretary of State departments – including Driver Services facilities – will resume conducting in-person transactions Monday, Jan. 24. The Secretary of State offices and facilities first closed on Jan. 3, due to the surge in COVID-19 cases statewide. Driver Services facilities operating on a Tuesday – Saturday schedule will reopen on Tuesday, Jan. 25.

* More…

* COVID-19 in Southern Illinois: Washington County records nearly 31% positivity rate

* How other pandemics started. And ended.

* Biden to double free COVID tests, add N95 masks, send military aid to overwhelmed hospitals

* Another 1,000 military health workers to deploy to U.S. hospitals -White House

* Arlington Heights mayor: Vaccine mandate compliance up to businesses, county

* Almost all teens needing ICU care for COVID are unvaccinated, study says

* Fire Jeff Zients: Biden’s COVID czar has gone from ‘Mr. Fix-It’ to grim reaper, steering the administration’s pandemic response to catastrophic lows

* Anxiety and pandemic fatigue are spiking amid latest COVID surge

* Chaotic day for some students returning after 5 days of canceled classes

…Adding… Gary Rabine on the SCOTUS decision…

“The Supreme Court confirmed today what we have known all along - that the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate was a massive and unconstitutional government overreach. I am proud to have led the charge with Job Creators Network fighting this unconstitutional dictate through the lower courts and ultimately to a resounding victory today in the United States Supreme Court.”

“As your next governor and a freedom loving American, I will work tirelessly for the people of Illinois to make sure that the government doesn’t step on your freedom to make a living, raise your children or make health care decisions. It’s time for big-government liberals like failed Governor JB Pritzker to be voted out of office and replaced with new leadership that respects the basic and fundamental rights of all citizens of Illinois. We need to put an end to top down, big brother knows best government.”


Illinois reaches funding milestone with its second-largest pension fund

Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The State Actuary issued a report on December 22nd entitled “Actuarial Assumptions and Valuations of the State-Funded Retirement Systems.” Yeah, I didn’t read it, either.

But one of my very smart readers did go through it and reached out to me yesterday…

Hi Rich,

Long time follower, first time writer. In full disclosure, I recently retired from the [redacted] after more than [redacted] years. I just read the COGFA article today and was encouraged about the State’s finances yet again.

Another report that came out in late December that received no coverage was the State Actuary Report (see link below). The unheralded news in this report was that there were several State pension systems that passed the “Tread Water” point in FY21; meaning we are now paying in more than we owe and reducing the liability for those systems.

* From the report

One of the persistent sources of the increase in unfunded actuarial liability [UAL] is due to actual contributions to the System being less than the tread water contribution (the amount needed to prevent the unfunded actuarial liability from increasing if all assumptions are met). Actual contributions have been significantly less than the tread water cost. Each year that total contributions remain below the tread water cost, the unfunded actuarial liability is expected to grow. […]

Contributions that are less than the tread water contribution causes the UAL to increase. The tread water contribution consists of two components: the normal cost, which is the cost of benefits earned in a given year, and the interest on the unfunded actuarial liability. This sum is referred to as the tread water contribution because it is the contribution necessary so that the UAL will remain constant, or “tread water” (absent experience gains or losses). The difference between actual contributions and the tread water contributions have increased the UAL by $4.71 billion [between June 30, 2011 to June 30, 2021].

Get that? It’s like paying the minimum balance on a credit card.

* From the section on the State Employees Retirement System: “As the chart below shows, actual contributions have been significantly less than the tread water cost, however this trend has reversed this year. When the total contributions are above the tread water cost (blue line), the UAL is expected to decline”


* I called the Auditor General’s office yesterday and asked for the SERS chart’s underlying numbers. They sent along a spread sheet and I plugged in the net above/below numbers

* Caveat

Future results may differ significantly from the projections presented here due to such factors as the following: plan experience differing from that anticipated by the assumptions; changes in assumptions; and changes in plan provisions or applicable law.

* Back to the report. Here’s where the other state pension funds stand in relation to breaking through the “tread water” mark

General Assembly Retirement System: 2017

Judges Retirement System: 2021

State Universities Retirement System: 2025

Teachers Retirement System: 2028

* TRS, by far the largest state pension fund, is really close right now


Speaker Welch again says anti-crime measures high on House priority list

Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jeremy Gorner at the Tribune

With Republicans hammering the statewide spike in crime as their top election year issue, Democratic state legislators are being forced to defend last year’s sweeping criminal justice legislation and have opened the door to adding crime-fighting proposals to the agenda of this year’s condensed session in Springfield.

Illinois House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch was vague about what measures could be under consideration, but acknowledged a need to address increases in crimes like carjackings and organized retail theft.

“I can’t talk to you about specifics 11 days into session. But I can tell you that conversations are already taking place on, you know, a possible crime package, anti-crime package,” the Hillside Democrat said in a telephone interview this week to mark his first year as the General Assembly’s first Black House speaker.

“It’s being done with all stakeholders involved. And we’re just getting started. But that’s certainly something that’s high on our priority list,” Welch said.

I took a really quick look around Twitter this morning to see what some of Welch’s caucus members are saying.

* Strong ally of the governor…

…Adding… Rep. Croke introduced this bill yesterday

Amends the Unified Code of Corrections. Adds as “excluded offenses” attempted first degree murder, reckless homicide, aggravated vehicular hijacking in which the defendant was armed with a firearm or other dangerous weapon, being an armed habitual criminal, and any offense that requires the defendant to register as a sex offender under the Sex Offender Registration Act. Effective immediately.

Co-sponsors so far include Democratic Reps. Ann Williams, Eva Dina Delgado, Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. and Angelica Guerrero-Cuellar.

* Progressive agrees to more money for cops…

* Rep. Ann Williams (D-Chicago) letter to her constituents about her priorities in the coming year

As we begin the new year, I am hopeful that 2022 will be better and brighter – and bring some resolution to the many significant challenges we face as a city, state and nation.

At the top of the list is the surge in violent crime - the issue I hear most about from constituents. The past year was one of the most violent on record in Chicago, and almost 800 homicides were recorded by CPD – the most in 25 years. I stand with you, as both a representative and resident, and am committed to doing whatever I can to keep our communities safe.

Toward that end, I am working with local aldermen, colleagues at the state level, and the law enforcement community to identify and implement solutions, including directing additional resources and tools to address surges in criminal activity such as shootings and carjackings and ensuring we have policies in place to hold violent gun offenders accountable.

…Adding… But Welch is so far shooting down any suggestions of reversing course on things like cash bail

Welch said he remained a supporter of cash bail elimination and cautioned against tying a measure that hasn’t yet taken effect to the rise in violence.


*** UPDATED x2 *** Oppo dump!

Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Campaign operative FOIAs emails between an elected opponent and her spouse, who has reported making a whopping $39,000 since 2017 as a lobbyist. Opponent’s city office says they’ve found 612 emails (including calendar invites) and it would be unduly burdensome to go through them all and redact the personal stuff, so the operative is asked to narrow the search. Juicy “What is she hiding?” story then appears in Crain’s

As a candidate for Illinois secretary of state, Chicago City Clerk Anna Valencia has been arguing that she and not former State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias has the reputation and record to hang onto a seat Democrats have owned for nearly three decades.

So why did Valencia write or receive more than 600 emails on her official Chicago city email account referencing her husband, one of his lobbyist clients, or both? And why has Valencia so far refused to release copies of those emails? […]

In a series of Freedom of Information Act requests, a Giannoulias ally asked for and passed on to his campaign requests for copies of all emails to or from Valencia that also included the key words “Monterrey,” “Reyahd” or “Kazmi.”

Those are a reference to Valencia’s husband, Reyahd Kazmi, and the company for whom he has worked as a lobbyist, Chicago-based Monterrey Security.

Looks like more sizzle than steak. But, hey, maybe Valencia and her husband were indeed concocting nefarious plots over a FOIA-able government email account when they could just talk to each other every evening at home. Dumber things have happened, I suppose.

In the meantime, it’ll make for a tough advertising hit.

* Press release…

It’s no surprise that Alexi Giannoulias has turned to the Republican playbook of “what about her emails?” in a desperate attempt to cover up for his own misdeeds—a failed bank, mob connections and losing working families’ hard-earned college savings. To suggest that scheduling-related emails between spouses are in the same league as his corrupt history is absurd.

In other campaign-related news, Chicago Cubs co-owner Laura Ricketts announced her support for Anna today and will also now serve as her campaign co-chair. See below for the statement from Laura:

    There is far too much at stake this year for the Democratic Party—we need the right candidate on the ballot in the general election. Anna Valencia has a proven record and history of showing up for Democrats when it’s mattered most. I encourage voters to join me in supporting Anna in her bid to become the first woman elected as Illinois Secretary of State.

Giannoulias has such a huge head start that Ms. Ricketts had better start pumping money.

*** UPDATE 1 *** The Giannoulias campaign called and insisted that there’s more to this story than is posted here. I have since been sent a file of emails that the campaign obtained through FOIA from when Valencia ran Rahm Emanuel’s intergovernmental relations shop. Here are some bullet points from the oppo report

* Valencia facilitated a municipal board appointment for a Monterrey VP: Patricia Gaytan Perez is Vice President of Administration at Monterrey Security. She also donated to Valencia in both 2017 and 2021. Records released through FOIA show that, on April 2, 2016, Valencia emailed Perez, saying they had spoken in the past about possible nominations and “a great opportunity” had possible come up. A staffer from Mayor’s office then got in touch about necessary forms, which Perez then sent along. Perez formally joined to the Chicago Public Library board in June 2016.

* Valencia facilitated municipal youth mentorship participation for Monterrey: Records released through FOIA show that Valencia connected a Monterrey VP with Mayor Emmanuel’s Director for Youth and Education Policy, Sarah Stockdale, about the One Summer Chicago Youth Programs; Valencia suggested she had already spoken to the VP about the program the previous evening. Valencia told Stockdale that Monterrey was “a very successful Latino private security firm” and “It would be a great partnership and a unique opportunity for our youth to have such a successful Latino business as mentors.” Both Stockdale and the Monterrey VP thanked Valencia for the introduction and implied that they would discuss Monterrey’s involvement in the program.

* Valencia sought invite for husband’s fellow board member, noted it was for “a donor”: In September 2016, newly-elected London Mayor Sadiq Khan visited Chicago and met with Mayor Emanuel.34 Ahead of the visit, Valencia was sent a list of attendees and asked “to cut it down to 10-15 people (not including guests)” due to capacity issues. After making cuts, Valencia then wrote that her husband served on the Human Relations board with a Muslim woman and asked to see if she was invited. Valencia noted, “I need to get her name but I believe she is a donor too.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Valencia campaign…

We understand the mentality of “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” when you are a politician with as shady of a history as Alexi Giannoulias, but facts are important. His research must be as inaccurate as he is corrupt. Anna’s husband, Reyahd Kazmi, was not a lobbyist during her time in the mayor’s office and did not register as a lobbyist for Monterrey Security until 2017, a year after the emails referenced here were sent—at which point Anna was no longer in that office.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Unvaxed Springfield workers will have to use own days off if they test positive

Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Matt Roy at WICS TV

Unvaccinated City of Springfield employees will now have to use their paid time off if they test positive with COVID-19.

According to Springfield Mayor Jim Langfelder, the change is to reward the workers who are doing what is asked of them by getting vaccinated and boosted. […]

Under the new policy, all city workers who test positive for COVID-19 and are required to quarantine, but have both vaccine shots and their booster will be allotted five reimbursement sick days from the city.

Others who test positive but have not received their vaccination and booster will have to use their paid time off.

Good for the mayor. And this is one reason why HB2778 can be considered unwise and expensive public policy.

The bill, which is still awaiting gubernatorial action, requires all school districts and colleges to pay for unlimited, fully compensated covid leave for teachers and staff regardless of their vaccination status. It also requires the districts to restore all sick days for covid-related illness back to the beginning of the school year regardless of vax status.

But even people like Rep. Jonathan Carroll, who wanted to illegally strip the unvaxed of their health insurance coverage, voted for a bill that rewards unvaccinated workers and could worsen the already intense teacher/substitute shortage and cause schools to shut down. Why? Well, it could be because the teachers’ unions put the bill at the top of their legislative agenda.

*** UPDATE *** Bridget Shanahan at the Illinois Education Association…

HB 2778 specifies the benefit and wage protection provided by the bill only applies to education employees who are following the Governor’s executive order, which means it would pertain to those who are vaccinated and those who are testing.

We know school districts are sending people home, forcing them to take unpaid time off, because they’re out of sick time and need to quarantine. We are in the middle of an education employee shortage. We don’t have enough adults in our schools. Who is going to want to work in schools when they’re forced to take unpaid days off to keep students safe?

Further, there is $7 billion ESSER dollars available to help school districts cover the costs of the COVID administrative days provided in HB 2778 that would be used instead of employees exhausting their sick leave time to quarantine. The ESSER money is intended to help school districts keep students and staff safe. The bottom line is quarantining helps stop the spread of COVID.

Take a look at this page on ISBE’s website – all school districts are supposed to be posting their plans for how they’re spending their ESSER dollars. If you look at the list, you can see that fewer than half of the districts in the state have done so. We did a spot check of 40, or so, of the districts that provided information and found that some districts are in fact posting those plans, but there are others who have not posted anything at all or link to the school district webpage where no information on spending can be found.


Superintendent warns district may have to go remote if DeVore wins lawsuit

Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Message to parents yesterday from Triad Community Unit #2 Superintendent Leigh Lewis

As you may be aware, Triad is one of many school district defendants in two different lawsuits regarding COVID mitigations. The first lawsuit, Austin v. Pritzker, was brought by parents across the state against 145 school districts and the State regarding the mask mandate and the requirement that districts exclude close contacts from school. The second lawsuit, Allen v. Pritzker, was brought by staff members across the state against 21 school districts and the State regarding the testing mandate for staff and the requirement that staff wear masks in schools. Both lawsuits ask for class certification. In other words, they ask that the Court apply whatever the outcome of the case is to all students or staff in a school district instead of applying the outcome to only the named Defendants.

These two lawsuits will be heard in Court next week on motions for temporary restraining order. It is possible that the judge in these cases will determine as early as next week that Triad cannot enforce the use of masks in school for students or staff members, at least on a temporary basis. If that happens, we will have to make some quick decisions about how to conduct school until the lawsuits are resolved. We wanted to give you as much notice as possible regarding the options we are considering.

    • Even if the mask mandate is lifted for some or all students or staff, due to the current high transmission rates in our area, Triad will continue to strongly encourage our students, staff, and community to wear masks in schools and in many cases will make additional efforts to create more physical distance between students and staff members not wearing masks in order to prevent additional spread.

    • Depending on the transmission rate in our area at the time the decision of the court is released, if we cannot employ COVID mitigations, we may have to move to remote learning. We will work to find other options before we make this decision, but we want you to know that it is a possibility.

We will keep you informed as to mitigations and the outcome of the lawsuits as soon as we have additional information.

Triad is in Madison County.

* Attorney Tom DeVore, by the way, is against the concept of public schools…

* He’s also busy spreading goofy “resist” propaganda when he isn’t working to maybe shut down schools by prohibiting statewide mitigations…

* But he’s not the only one. Jesse Sullivan is out there with the resisters…

If you don’t know who Emma Woodhouse is, well, count your lucky stars.

* Pic from the rally…


*** UPDATED x2 *** Steve Kim launches AG campaign

Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Another slate member. Press release…

A respected attorney, former advisor to Gov. Jim Edgar and son of immigrants, Steve Kim today launched his campaign for Illinois Attorney General, a position that is critical to repairing the state’s reputation as a haven for crime and public corruption.

“Under J.B. Pritzker and Mike Madigan, Springfield remains a cesspool run for the benefit of the politicians and insiders and not the people of Illinois,” said Kim. “Illinois is in dire need of leaders who will stand up for the rule of law, fight public corruption on behalf of the people, and curtail the crime that seems to be getting worse with every passing day. For too long our state has had career politicians in positions of power, including critical offices like Attorney General, that ignore the crime and corruption that plagues our state. That will end when I’m Attorney General.”

Kim understands that the Attorney General plays a special role in assisting state’s attorneys and federal prosecutors in any cases of corruption and will always stand ready to help in rooting out corruption throughout Illinois.

Chicago and Illinois have become synonymous with crime in recent years, as the homicide and violent crime rates have skyrocketed. Chicago just experienced its deadliest year since 1996, recording more homicides than any other city in America. Violent crime isn’t only a problem in Chicago however, as the statewide crime rate is 6.9% higher than the national rate and increasing.

Following Gov. Pritzker’s signing of the disastrous crime bill and push to weaken our police, Kim believes Illinois needs an Attorney General who will stand with law enforcement and ensure safety for families and help victims of crime.

“Crime is spiraling out of control throughout Illinois, and our leaders continue turning a blind eye, pushing to defund our law enforcement,” said Kim. “As Attorney General, I will work with our law enforcement to tackle our growing crime problem.”

Steve Kim is a father, husband, and an American success story. Born in South Korea and the son and grandson of immigrants, his expansive knowledge and experience has influenced all levels of Illinois government and benefited the United States nationally and abroad.

Early in his career, Kim advised former Gov. Jim Edgar on international trade, economic development, and Asian affairs issues. Kim has gone on to become one of the most respected international business attorneys in Illinois. Currently a partner at a boutique international law firm, Steve works with companies across the globe where he has developed a deep understanding of the importance of anti-corruption policies, the rule of law, and public safety.

Kim was appointed to the Illinois Human Rights Commission with bipartisan approval by the Illinois State Senate where he adjudicated hundreds of civil rights cases. He has also serves as a member of the Rules Committee of the Illinois Supreme Court, and previously as an International Trade Specialist at the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, Director of Export and International Trade for the Illinois State Chamber of Commerce and on former Senator Mark Kirk’s Small Business Advisory Board.

Learn more about Steve Kim at

Lost twice statewide. I dunno. In 2010, Pat Quinn won by less than a point, but Lisa Madigan thumped Kim by 33. [Typo in original. More coffee needed.]

* Politico

Kim is a familiar name on the political scene, having challenged Democratic AG Lisa Madigan when she ran for reelection in 2010. Kim was also the running mate to Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Rutherford in the 2014 primary contest that ultimately went to Bruce Rauner.

A source close to Kim’s campaign said he would be part of a slate that includes state Rep. Tom Demmer for treasurer, former U.S. Attorney John Milhiser for secretary of state, and McHenry County Auditor Shannon Teresi for comptroller, who announced yesterday. Don’t be surprised if Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin leads the slate as the gubernatorial candidate. These candidates aren’t the only Republicans running for statewide offices, but by teaming up they hope to have an advantage securing a statewide seat (or seats) that are now controlled by Democrats.

Does anybody do a live launch anymore?

*** UPDATE 1 *** Press release…

Attorney General Kwame Raoul today released the following statement about the 2022 campaign for Illinois Attorney General.

“I look forward to debating the issues and challenges that matter most to voters across Illinois. This election comes at a critical time for our state as we continue to combat Republican attacks on our democracy, our access to health care and reproductive rights, and our right to vote.

“As the people’s lawyer and champion, I have:

    • Worked in a bipartisan manner with prosecutors and police chiefs across Illinois to fight crime and develop criminal justice policy;
    • Partnered with federal and local law enforcement to prosecute murder, violent crimes, crimes of sexual violence and gun trafficking;
    • Fought organized retail crime that has contributed to smash-and-grab crimes across the state;
    • Investigated and prosecuted child predators for preying on children online;
    • Worked in partnership with the U.S. Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center to conduct trainings to avoid mass shooting threats in schools, places of worship, and other public places;
    • Pushed for stronger federal regulation of “ghost” guns that criminals, carjackers and domestic abusers prohibited from buying a gun access without important safety measures;
    • Protected access to health care and fought to uphold reproductive rights in Roe v. Wade for women in the Midwest and surrounding states;
    • Fought for women’s equality to ensure the Equal Rights Amendment is recognized as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution; and
    • Protected the right to vote in free and fair elections against Republican attempts to suppress voters.

“The global pandemic and Trump presidency have shown us how important state attorneys general are to preserve the fundamentals of our democracy, protect the public’s safety, and uphold our rights. I have been honored to serve as Illinois’ 42nd Attorney General and look forward to asking voters for the opportunity to serve a second term.”

…Adding… ILGOP…

ILGOP Spokesman Joe Hackler released the following statement:

“Chicago just had its deadliest year since 1996. The Illinois crime rate continues to outpace the national average. The dirty corrupt secrets of politicians across the state are coming to light in multiple federal investigations. And what is Kwame Raoul doing as the state’s top law enforcement officer? Failing and keeping quiet.”

…Adding… DPI…

Democratic Party of Illinois Deputy Director Jake Lewis released the following statement regarding the latest candidate announcement from the Ken Griffin slate:

“Another day, another Griffin candidate. Today it’s Steve Kim, who has apparently been tapped by Ken Griffin to join his handpicked Rauner Reboot slate as the Attorney General nominee. And who better to continue Rauner’s legacy of destruction than Kim, himself a Rauner appointee and twice-failed statewide candidate. Unfortunately for the Griffin ticket, voters have no interest in going back to the Rauner days of dysfunction and chaos.

“As we close in on the unveiling of the full Rauner Reboot ticket, it’s clear that Illinois Republicans are unwilling to make a peep about this corrupt process. They’ve stood by as one man anoints the entire Republican slate — no matter what the voters think. For the Illinois Republican Party, apparently only Ken Griffin’s opinion counts.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** I told you yesterday that the campaigns for comptroller candidate Shannon Teresi and SoS candidate John Milhiser were both using Peter Fitzgerald’s Chain Bridge Bank and had the same treasurer, Les Williamson of The Larrison Group. So is Kim.


Small Shift, Big Impact. A Better World With Biodiesel.

Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

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Open thread

Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller



Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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