Reader comments closed for the weekend
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller * Chicago’s very own Mary Lane will play us out…
Isabel’s afternoon roundup
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller * Daily Herald…
* Background is here if you need it…
* Crain’s…
* The Triibe | Black and brown veterans call on Gov. Pritzker for pardons to avoid deportations: The group is calling on Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker to act urgently to issue pardons to six veterans who were convicted of crimes that were committed in Illinois. It’s unclear if the six have already served out their prison sentences; the group of veterans did not name the six due to fear of targeting. The six are “in exile,” according to the group, and are currently based in Illinois, Texas, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala and Guyana. Grassroots organizations in attendance at Healthy Hood were Black Deported Veterans of America (BDVA), Common Defense, Centro Sin Fronteras and Illinois LULAC. * Courthouse News Service | Can the KIND Act help fix Illinois’ foster care system?: tarting in July, the Illinois Department of Family and Child Services will make certified relative caregivers eligible for compensation at the same rates as licensed foster homes. Those who aren’t certified are still eligible to receive “no less” than 90% of that funding. The bill also eases standards for kinship caregivers, so that they’re no more restrictive than what federal law requires. * Sun-Times | Chicago students share mixed feelings on Pritzker proposal to restrict classroom use of cellphones: Seniors Diego Servin and Esmeralda Orozco say they don’t even bother bringing their phones to school anymore. Orozco, 17, says she doesn’t think the ban is the solution to keeping students engaged. “If someone doesn’t want to do their work, they’re going to find a way not to do it,” she said. “So I don’t think having your cellphone will make a difference.” * Sun-Times | Illinois tourism office spotlights Black History Month and Black-owned businesses: The Illinois Office of Tourism this month launched a new Black History Month webpage to promote travel to places across the state that celebrate Black culture, as well as to spotlight Black-owned businesses from bakeries to barbecue restaurants. “The goal is to elevate the voices and stories of Black Illinoisans, highlighting how their entrepreneurial efforts and creativity shape the state’s success,” Kristin Richards, director of Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, said in a statement. The department oversees the Illinois Office of Tourism. * Farm Week | IPT Bull Sale breaks record sale average: The 2025 Illinois Performance Tested (IPT) Bull Sale reached a new record average of $7,096 on 33 lots for a sale total of $234,200. That far surpassed the previous record average of $4,966 on 43 lots in 2024. “This sale continues to be one of the best sources for total performance genetics in the Midwest,” Sale Manager Travis Meteer said of the event held on Feb. 20 during the Illinois Beef Expo in Springfield. “During the past 57 years, the sale has sold 5,030 bulls valued at over $10 million.” * 25News Now | Illinois students will now be required to take the ACT test instead of the SAT: “It’s going to be good”, Peoria Sylvan Learning Center Director Shawna Stewart said. “I think it’s going to be better just with all the changes that ACT is laying out with giving students more time with less questions. I think it’s good that they’re going to make science a separate score from the reading the English and the math.” A big difference between the two tests is that the ACT includes a science and optional essay section. * WTTW | Mayor Johnson to Form Task Force to Rid CPD of Extremist Groups, After 8 Month Delay: Johnson’s decision to launch the effort comes nearly eight months after Inspector General Deborah Witzburg urged him to take that step as part of an effort to “implement a comprehensive, whole-of-government approach to preventing, identifying and eliminating extremist and anti-government activities and associations within CPD.” Witzburg told WTTW News Thursday evening that it was “very good news” that Johnson had finally accepted the recommendation her office made in July, after the third investigation of CPD members with ties to right-wing extremist groups since 2022 ended without any of the officers being disciplined. * Tribune | Chicago Police Board meets for first time without exiting COPA leader: According to data made publicly available by COPA since May 2021, the month Kersten was named interim chief administrator by former mayor Lori Lightfoot, the agency has opened more than 2,400 investigations based on complaints of police misconduct in the years since. Since the start of 2021, COPA has called for CPD to suspend 1,074 officers, though the lengths of those proposed suspensions were not known. Meanwhile, the agency has recommended CPD fire 188 officers in the last four years, according to agency data. * WBEZ | Anjanette Young, victim of an infamous 2019 wrongful Chicago police raid, marks another year without reform: “Six years since I stood before officers — crying, pleading, afraid — only to be ignored,” Young said at a news conference outside City Hall Friday. “And yet I stand here again, afraid and demanding for justice, accountability, still demanding that those in power would keep their promise.” Young criticized Mayor Brandon Johnson for delays, though she said she doesn’t blame him that “we haven’t gotten it right.” * Block Club Chicago | ‘Devastating’ Trump Funding Cuts To Disrupt Diabetes, Cancer And HIV Research, UIC Faculty Say: “These are life and death matters,” said Aaron Krall, president of the union representing tenured and nontenured professors at the University of Illinois at Chicago. “We have researchers on this campus right now and across the city who are working to save people’s lives.” * Crain’s | 179 Chicago jobs cut as Blackstone consolidates home rental business: The 179 job cuts were disclosed in a WARN notice filed with the state Feb. 7 as the company is absorbed into Tricon Residential, another Blackstone subsidiary, in a process that started seven months ago. Blackstone did not comment on whether employees would be able to transfer to other Tricon offices. […] “Rent-to-own has this really sordid history. It’s an area of the housing market that remains under-regulated. That’s part of the attraction for many operators,” David Reiss, research director for the Center for Urban Business Entrepreneurship at Brooklyn Law School, told Business Insider. * Tribune | Hundreds of vacant lots in Chicago to be sold after landlords’ bankruptcy, opening up opportunities for redevelopment: Community advocates say it’s a chance to get the properties into the hands of fresh owners who can fill the empty spaces with new homes, businesses or affordable apartments. “It’s all up for grabs, and I think everyone in Englewood is following it,” said Felicia Slaton-Young, executive director of the Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce. “Some of the properties are along commercial corridors, and it’s negatively impacted Englewood because these owners sat on them with no true plan of development. So, there is definitely the opportunity for revitalization.” * Crain’s | Law firm moving across the street from Google’s future Loop home: It’s one of many moves by downtown office tenants to reduce their footprints as post-pandemic work patterns change the way they use workspace. That space-shedding trend is the main reason downtown office vacancy has hit record highs in each of the last 10 quarters. While that’s frustrating for other landlords to hear, Wilson Elser’s move also shows the positive effect that Google’s redevelopment could have on restoring foot traffic in the heart of the Loop. Other companies that have recently signed leases in buildings near the Thompson Center have cited their high expectation of what the tech giant will bring to the area. * Block Club | Remembering Tuyet Le, A Champion Of Civil Rights, Community Empowerment — And Laughter: “Folks probably don’t know that she is the reason there is a progressive Asian American political movement in Illinois,” said Nebula Li, one of her many proteges at Advancing Justice, who’s now a program officer for the Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois, a nonprofit foundation. * WGN | Celebrating 120 years of the Chicago Defender: Ethan Michaeli, author of “The Defender: How Chicago’s Legendary Black Newspaper Changed America,” discusses the history of The Chicago Defender newspaper and the legacy of the paper’s founder, Robert S. Abbott. * Sun-Times | Jerry Butler dead at 85; singer known as ‘Iceman’ also had a long career in Cook County politics: The Bronzeville resident went on to a 32-year political career as a member of the Cook County Board, helped by backing from Mayor Harold Washington. Mr. Butler, whose voice was stilled by Parkinson’s disease, died Thursday night at home, according to a family friend. “He’s one of the great voices of our time,” said Motown legend Smokey Robinson, who said he’d admired Mr. Butler since Robinson was a young singer and heard The Impressions’ “For Your Precious Love” for the first time. “It sweeped through ‘the hood.’ I have known Jerry Butler way back, since the Miracles and I first got started, around 1958. He’s a great person, and I love him.” * Sun-Times | Embattled Dolton Tiffany Henyard faces election challenge from one of her ‘Dream Team’ members: Trustee Jason House was part of Henyard’s “Dream Team” ticket in 2021, when she succeeded in her bid for mayor. At the time, she touted his experience as a bank manager and his service on the south suburb’s finance committee. Now he’s trying to oust from her post. * Daily Herald | How the Batman-esque ‘Grappler’ is ending police chases in Kane County: The Grappler takes aim at what’s been described as a post-pandemic epidemic of drivers fleeing from police. The sheriff’s office is the first police agency in Illinois to put it into action. “It’s exciting,” David Wolf, chief of operations for the sheriff’s office, told us this week. “We can stop a pursuit before it really starts.” The Grappler operates like its name implies — by grabbing hold of a fleeing vehicle and stopping it in its tracks. * | Metra donates F40C locomotive to Illinois Railway Museum: Metra has donated F40C No. 614, one of just two such surviving locomotives, to the Illinois Railway Museum. IRM says in a press release that it hopes to restore the locomotive to operating condition. It had seen some cannibalization for parts during its final years in storage at Metra, and is missing components including its turbocharger, aftercoolers, radiators and ducts. * BND | Furnace malfunctions at Belleville school, leaving students to rely on portable heaters: The school used portable heaters in the affected areas on Tuesday. Thursday, students, teachers and staff relocated to warmer parts of the school, Belleville District 118 Superintendent Ryan Boike said. He said temperatures in the affected classrooms were around 60 degrees on Thursday. Illinois Department of Public Health’s website says classrooms should between 68 and 75 degrees during the winter. * PJ Star | ‘Piece of garbage’: Campaign mailers heat up Peoria mayoral race as primary nears: In particular, a campaign mailer sent out by Kelly struck the wrong tone with his opponents, who both claim the mailer features inaccuracies about their positions, calling things Kelly wrote about them in the mailer “erroneous” and “desperate.”Each candidate sent out multiple campaign mailers, but only Kelly’s mailer — which is the largest and most information-dense of the three — mentioned the other candidates by name. * WCIA | USPS announces reversal of plans to Champaign facility, operations and jobs staying put: The plans were opposed by community members, local politicians, postal workers and their union, and two congresswomen who represent Central Illinois. In an act of bipartisanship, Democrat Nikki Budzinski (IL-13) and Republican Mary Miller (IL-15) jointly penned a letter to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to explain the downsides of this plan. On Friday, the USPS announced that it was backing down on these plans. Officials said the decision to reverse course was made possible by a proposed operational strategy that could save the USPS $3 billion a year nationwide. This would allow the USPS to absorb the cost of continuing to provide local cancellation service in Champaign. * Smile Politely | Nick Offerman returns to the University of Illinois for Japan House fundraiser: From woodshop sage to Parks & Rec icon, Nick Offerman is bringing his signature blend of wit and wisdom home his alma mater this March. Catch him first at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts on Friday, March 7, for a book signing of his latest book, Where the Deer and the Antelope Play (leave your Ron Swanson fanart at home, folks – it’s strictly the new book at this shindig). * Press Release | NCSL Joins Others in Expressing Concerns Over Federal Medicaid Proposals: Medicaid accounts for over half of all federal funds to states and is the largest source of federal funding for state budgets, making it essential to states’ ability to design and administer healthcare programs that meet the unique needs of their populations. Preserving state flexibility and preventing significant funding cuts are both critical to ensuring Medicaid can be tailored to local priorities, as such cuts would severely limit this ability, forcing states to reduce services, restrict eligibility, or shift costs to local governments. These reductions would jeopardize access to affordable healthcare and long-term services and place an unsustainable financial burden on states and counties, which often serve as payers of last resort. * CNN | US consumer sentiment plunges over tariff and inflation fears: The University of Michigan’s latest survey, released Friday, showed that US consumer sentiment declined in February for the second consecutive month, according to a final reading, down by a steep 10% from January. That was double the decline initially reported earlier this month. It’s a stunning about-face after American consumers and businesses grew hopeful (briefly) about the economy’s future following Trump’s election in November. The latest decline in consumer sentiment was driven by worries over Trump’s tariffs potentially jacking up prices. * MediaIte | New WaPo Poll Reveals 83% of American Disapprove of Trump’s Jan. 6th Pardons for Violent Rioters: The poll found that this decision by Trump was his most unpopular move since retaking the White House. More than 8 in 10, 0r 83%, oppose the pardons for violent criminal offenders, while 55% of Americans oppose the pardons for those rioters convicted of nonviolent crimes. Only 14% of those surveyed in the poll agreed with Trump’s decision to pardon violent criminals and three percent had no opinion or refused to answer the poll’s question. * WTTW | ‘Bird Flu’ Has Been Confirmed in Rats for the First Time: USDA: The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) confirmed the presence of the “bird flu” virus in four rats submitted for testing. All of the rats were found in Riverside, California. In the last month alone, APHIS has confirmed bird flu in a number of wild and domesticated animals. In addition to the rats, numerous house cats, a harbor seal and a pair of bottlenose dolphins tested positive for HPAI.
Pritzker’s proposed homeless program cuts criticized
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller * This statement from the Housing Action Illinois and the Illinois Shelter Alliance kinda fell through the cracks on Wednesday, but I wanted you to see it…
* Excerpt from the Chicago Coalition to end Homelessness press release…
A statement from the Supportive Housing Providers Association is here.
ILGOP calls out Jewish governor for ‘vile, antisemitic attacks” (Updated)
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller * Background is here if you need it. Actually, you may want to read it again to refresh your memory because you’re not seeing many actual quotes in responses like the one below. Also, calling a Jewish person who helped found a Holocaust museum an antisemite may be a first…
* Pritzker was asked about this on Wednesday after his speech…
The topic was also debated on the House floor on Thursday. From Rep. Dan Didech’s comments…
I’ve asked the Pritzker campaign for a response. …Adding… From the Pritzker campaign…
RETAIL: The Largest Employer In Illinois
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Retail creates more jobs in Illinois than any other private sector employer, with one out of every four workers employed by the retail sector. Importantly, retail is an industry in which everyone, regardless of credentials, can find a viable career path. Retailers like Bernita and Derrick enrich our economy and strengthen our communities. We Are Retail and IRMA showcase the retailers who make Illinois work.
It’s just a bill
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller * The Illinois End-of-Life Options Coalition…
* Crain’s…
* 25News Now…
* HB3858 from Rep. Tony McCombie…
Open thread
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller * What’s going on? Keep it Illinois-centric please…
Isabel’s morning briefing
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller * ICYMI: State regulators order Peoples Gas to finish pipeline replacement by 2035. Tribune…
- The order directs the utility to retire the remaining 1,000 miles of aging leak-prone cast iron and ductile pipes running under Chicago by 2035. - A safety monitor will oversee and report on Peoples’ progress annually beginning in 2027, with the threat of civil penalties if the company “fails to comply with the completion deadline.” * Related stories…
∙ ABC Chicago: Controversial Peoples Gas Pipe Replacement Program can move forward with reforms: ICC ∙ WBEZ: State regulators clamp down on Peoples Gas pipeline replacement program * Tribune | Mayor Brandon Johnson criticizes ethics reform recommended by inspector general: Mayor Brandon Johnson Thursday ripped a proposal Chicago’s top independent watchdog recommended as a way to prevent him and future mayors from impeding investigations by her office. […] The legislation matched recommendations Inspector General Deborah Witzburg made in a recent letter to aldermen as she criticized the mayor-controlled Law Department for hindering investigations that “may result in embarrassment or political consequences to City leaders.” * WBEZ | Transgender teens and their parents speak out after Lurie Children’s pauses surgeries: In the two weeks since Lurie paused surgeries for transgender youth, WBEZ has spoken with 10 patients or their parents about what it means for their lives. They described their disappointment, their loss of hope for one day having a procedure, and their anger that this is coming now, after they already feel threatened and marginalized by hateful rhetoric around the country. * Tribune | Illinois Department of Human Services lines up leader for consolidated mental health, substance abuse division: David Albert, head of DHS’ Division of Mental Health, will lead the new Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery. Rafael Rivera, interim head of the Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery, will be assistant director of the combined department, the IDHS spokesperson said. * Illinois Times | Don Tracy clears his name: A six-year legal battle recently came to an end with longtime GOP powerbroker Don Tracy claiming victory. In 2019, the Illinois executive inspector general found the Springfield lawyer engaged in a prohibited political activity by making a $1,000 campaign contribution to a legislative candidate while serving as chair of the Illinois Gaming Board. But Tracy said that was nonsense because the contribution made to Republican Seth McMillan, who was challenging then-Sen. Andy Manar, a Democrat, was made not by him but by his wife, Wanda, from their joint checking account. * NBC Chicago | Not everyone needs a Real ID at May deadline — or possibly ever. Here’s who does: “There has been a lot of confusion and misinformation when it comes to Real IDs. So let me try to clarify. As of May 7, if you have a current valid standard driver’s license, you do not need a real I.D. to legally drive a vehicle,” Giannoulias said in a press conference Thursday. “You do not need a Real ID to show identification. You do not need a Real ID for proof of citizenship. As of May 7, you will need a Real ID-compliant driver’s license or state ID if you are over the age of 18 and intend to fly a commercial airline or visit certain federal facilities. But let me be very clear: you can still fly if you have a valid U.S. passport.” * WBEZ | Alderman introduces plan to punish Chicago city employees and officers for having extremist ties: The Chicago Police Department and Mayor Brandon Johnson have faced growing calls to fire police officers with ties to hate and extremist groups. With those concerns in mind, Ald. Matt Martin, 47th Ward and chair of the City Council’s Committee on Ethics and Government Oversight, said the city needs to quickly investigate allegations and cease employment for those actively participating in extremism groups. * Sun-Times | Andrea Kersten headed COPA, the agency that investigates Chicago police misconduct. Here’s what happened before she quit.: The backstage drama days before she resigned included a threatened no-confidence vote by a city oversight panel that could have led to Kersten being fired as chief administrator of the Civilian Office of Police Accountability, sources told the Chicago Sun-Times. * Sun-Times | Amid heated debate, city agency endorses ‘framework’ to change zoning on Broadway: Called a “land use framework,” the proposal recommends that the city replace a quilt of zoning rules for property along Broadway mostly with a category that critics said could allow for the densest development outside of downtown. The proposal sets “clear expectations” for growth, said Katharyn Hurd of the city’s Department of Planning and Development. But it doesn’t authorize any project or zoning change, matters that would require City Council approval. * Sun-Times | Everything Cubs, White Sox fans need to know about spring-training TV, radio broadcasts: How great was it to see a Major League Baseball game Thursday on TV? MLB Network’s broadcast of the Cubs-Dodgers spring-training game warmed my heart amid the bitter cold outside. It didn’t matter that it was SportsNet LA’s broadcasters and not Marquee Sports Network’s crew. It could’ve been a Marlins-Rays game, for all I cared. It was baseball. * WTTW | City of Aurora Staff Aided Development of Privately Owned Tourism App at No Cost to App’s Owner, a Mayoral Ally: For the last several months, the city of Aurora has been proudly promoting a new mobile app aimed at drawing more visitors to its downtown attractions. […] But it’s not Aurora that owns the app — it was developed by a company whose owner’s firms have received multiple lucrative contracts and incentives from the city, and who has supported the campaign funds of Irvin and his allies. * Sun-Times | In Cicero’s primary, longtime Town President Larry Dominick faces a stiff challenge from Esteban Rodriguez: Dominick — who has served as town president since May 2005 and last ran uncontested in 2021 — has focused his policies largely on public safety. Rodriguez stepped down in January as executive director of Corazón Community Services, a Cicero-based nonprofit. * Daily Southtown | Will County judge to decide if one of four candidates removed by clerk should be reinstated: Burt Odelson, an attorney for Joliet Township supervisor candidate Cesar Guerrero, said Guerrero has paid back $6,550 in penalties from the Illinois State Board of Elections, and is no longer on the ballot forfeiture list. Odelson said Democratic precinct committee persons have nominated Guerrero to fill the vacancy caused when he was removed from the ballot, but Parker has not accepted that nomination. * Daily Northwestern | University President Michael Schill provides update after Education Department gives universities two weeks to eliminate race-based programs: In a letter sent to universities late last Friday, the Education Department threatened federal funding if universities fail to comply with guidance against considering race in scholarship or hiring decisions or acknowledging race in “all other aspects of student, academic and campus life” within fourteen days. This update comes after a Jan. 21 executive order entitled “Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity,” which forbids federal funding for organizations that are found to be discriminating based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. * Shaw Local | Manteno uses PR firm to answer questions: When the village of Manteno was inundated with calls, questions and information requests several months ago, it turned to a public relations firm for help. It was the beginning of a contentious time for the village back in the fall of 2023, when the proposed Gotion lithium battery plant was seeking a change of zoning from light to heavy industrial at the 333 S. Spruce St. site. The village turned to Jasculca Terman Strategic Communications in Chicago to handle public relations for all the planning and board meetings surrounding the zoning change. * Daily Herald | What’s in store for Lisle’s French market; food trucks to roll into downtown: Lisle trustees next month will consider a revised agreement with the organizer of the village’s French market that will keep it in town through October 2027. Bensidoun USA, the operator of more sprawling markets in downtown Wheaton and Geneva, has proposed moving Lisle’s to a commuter parking lot along Burlington Avenue to accommodate a larger market for the 2026 season and beyond. The lot could support as many as 36 to 40 vendors. * BND | Opponents question timing of Belleville city clerk candidate’s decision to run: Why would someone launch a campaign for Belleville city clerk within days of their election as a St. Clair County official? That’s one of the questions being asked by Irma Golliday’s opponents and others in local political circles. Some also wonder why she would delve into Belleville politics after decades of community involvement in East St. Louis. “It doesn’t make any sense,” said Brian Triska, who lost his bid to replace Golliday on the St. Clair County Board of Review in November. * Freedom From Religion Foundation | FFRF stops staff favoritism toward Christian club in Illinois school district: The Freedom From Religion Foundation has made certain that Geneseo Community Unit School District #228 employees do not help put together a Christian club’s activities in district schools. The state/church watchdog was informed that staff members regularly organized events for Geneseo Middle School’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes club. For instance, on Dec. 4 last year, a teacher sent out an email to parents organizing an end-of-the-year event for the club that took place on Dec. 10. * WCIA | Danville superintendent is out: What’s coming next?: On Wednesday, the Danville School Board voted to place Geddis on paid administrative leave and have John Hart, assistant superintendent, take over for now. And on Thursday, WCIA dug deeper into the details of the deal… and the steps to finding a replacement. Board member reactions were a bit of a mixed bag. They were nearly split on the type of search firm to hire to find a replacement. But, they were all able to agree on one thing: it was time for a change. * WTTW | More Americans Identify as LGBTQ+ Than Ever Before, Poll Finds: The proportion of American adults who identify as LGBTQ+ has risen to 9.3% of the population, according to a Gallup Poll released Thursday. The finding represents an increase of more than 1 percentage point from 2023’s estimate. The proportion of the population identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or non-heterosexual has nearly doubled since 2020 and has jumped from 3.5% since 2012, when it was first measured by Gallup, an analytics and advisory company based in Washington, D.C. * Fortune | Amid worst U.S. flu season in decades, RFK Jr.–led CDC pulls vaccine campaign: es, seasonal flu shots are still available, and no, it’s not too late to get yours. But you’d be forgiven for being confused, because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has halted one of its educational flu vaccine campaigns. The agency’s Wild to Mild initiative, launched at the start of the 2023–24 flu season, aimed to inform the public that while getting immunized against the flu doesn’t guarantee you won’t catch an influenza virus, it can protect you from severe illness, hospitalization, and death. * Bloomberg | Bird Flu Kills Dairy Workers’ Cats, Suggesting a Viral Change: Two house cats died after contracting bird flu in the homes of dairy workers, a troubling sign that the virus may be moving between species and becoming more widespread. The cats’ owners lived in separate households in Michigan and developed symptoms of H5N1 last May, according to a report released Thursday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Both worked on farms that had cases of bird flu and displayed symptoms before the cats fell ill, but declined testing.
Stop Credit Card Chaos In Illinois
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] A last-minute provision called the Interchange Fee Prohibition Act (IFPA) was snuck into the budget process last May and will create chaos for small businesses and consumers across Illinois if it takes effect on July 1, 2025. The IFPA gives corporate mega-stores like Walmart and Home Depot — who pushed for this backroom deal — millions more in profits, while small business owners get new expenses and accounting headaches. What’s more, consumers could be forced to pay for parts of their transactions in cash if this law moves forward. A recent court ruling in the litigation challenging the law suggests IFPA is likely pre-empted by federal law for national banks and will only apply to credit unions and local Illinois banks, putting local banks at a disadvantage against their national competitors. Illinois lawmakers should repeal the IFPA and focus on protecting small businesses and consumers across the state — not lining the pockets of corporate mega-stores. Stop the countdown to chaos by supporting a repeal of this misguided and flawed policy. Learn more at ![]()
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller
Live coverage
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller * Click here and/or here to follow breaking news. Hopefully, enough reporters and news outlets migrate to BlueSky so we can hopefully resume live-posting.
Selected press releases (Live updates)
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller