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COVID-19 roundup

Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I asked the Illinois Hospital Association if any problems were being reported as a result of Sunday’s vaccination deadline for healthcare workers…

We are hearing from our members that more of their healthcare workers are stepping up to get vaccinated (many of them after getting educational materials and info from their hospitals).

Also, it’s important to note that about two dozen of the state’s largest hospital systems (representing about two thirds of hospitals) across the state had already announced/implemented their own mandatory vaccination policies over the summer, and many of these policies are more strict than the Governor’s mandate.

We did greatly appreciate that the Governor and IDPH extended the implementation deadline by two weeks (from Sept. 5 to Sept. 19) to give hospitals and health systems additional time to implement the requirements. That has been a great help.

My doctor’s nurse told me yesterday that she just got vaxed. Mandates work. The vast majority of people aren’t giving up their jobs, and that goes for AFSCME workers, too. Where are all those Downstate employees gonna find jobs that pay as well and have the same lifetime benefits and job protections that they’re getting now? And the tiny number of hardcores who do quit should’ve probably been weeded out anyway because I’m betting they have other, um, issues.

…Adding… I asked the Illinois Health Care Association the same question about nursing home staffing…

Anecdotally hearing there is some level of staff attrition, but it is much less than what some centers saw when they put one in place on their own prior to the EO. The Governor handled it well by applying it to all settings and allowing for some flexibility through a vigorous testing option. My association certainly appreciates the thoughtfulness he applied in how to do this, we believe it undoubtedly helped us avoid greater staffing losses.

* I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: It should be much easier to check this number on IDPH’s website

* Decent overall trendline, but southern and western Illinois really need to pull their heads out of the sand…

* New daily deaths per 100,000 people

* New daily cases per 100,000 people

* NY Times

Echoes of the pandemic’s early months are resounding through the halls of hospitals, with an average of more than 90,000 patients in the United States being treated daily for Covid. Once again, many hospitals have been slammed in the last two months, this time by the Delta variant, and have been reporting that intensive care units are overflowing, that patients have to be turned away and even that some patients have died while awaiting a spot in an acute or I.C.U. ward.

* The gullible never cease to amaze me

A leading asthma patient group has issued a warning against a coronavirus treatment circulating on social media that is leading some people to post videos of themselves breathing in hydrogen peroxide through a nebulizer.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America called the practice “concerning and dangerous” in a Tuesday blog post, emphasizing that it will neither treat nor prevent the virus and is harmful to the lungs.

“DO NOT put hydrogen peroxide into your nebulizer and breathe it in. This is dangerous!” wrote the foundation in a brief blog post.

* More…

* COVID-19 update: 2,028 hospitalized, 38 more deaths, 3,561 new cases: The state’s current seven-day case positivity rate is at 3.2%

* ‘Post-Vax COVID’ Is a New Disease: Eventually we might all have to deal with COVID-19—but a shorter, gentler version, thanks to vaccines.

* ‘Disappointed’ Lightfoot admits CPS’ COVID testing, contact tracing falling short

* CTU leaders point to West Side school, renew call for COVID-19 safety measures

* After CVS Denies Bicyclist COVID Test, Some Urge Test Sites To Allow People Without Cars In Drive-Thrus: But Jen Walling, executive director at Illinois Environmental Council, said she waited in line for 30 minutes at a Walgreens in Edgewater before ultimately being turned away. Walling has to get regularly tested before going to the state capitol for her work as a lobbyist. “When I got to the front of the line, they refused to serve me,” Walling said. “It’s just a nasal swab — I easily could have done that on my bike. If the confirmation email had said no bicycles, I wouldn’t have gotten in line.”

* Rev. Jackson released from Shirley Ryan AbilityLab


Musical interlude: Mavis Staples

Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release excerpt

Governor JB Pritzker today announced the 2021 recipients of the Order of Lincoln, the state’s highest honor for professional achievement and public service. Established in 1964, the Order of Lincoln honors Illinois residents whose work uplifts every community in the state. This year’s Lincoln Laureates will be honored at the upcoming 57th annual Convocation at the Chicago History Museum. The eight recipients join a cohort of over 350 distinguished Illinois residents who have joined the Order of Lincoln over the last five decades.

One of this year’s recipients, Dr. Joanne Smith of the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab will be awarded the honor posthumously.

“This year’s Order of Lincoln recipients represent the values that make Illinois great. Hard work, innovation, and determination have long been the foundation of our communities and the eight recipients of the Order of Lincoln have exhibited all of that and more,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “I’m so proud to award these talented men and women with our state’s highest honor and I commend them for their incredible contributions to Illinois – and the world.”

“The Lincoln Academy is honored to award the Order of Lincoln to these remarkable individuals,” said Frank Clark, chancellor of the Academy. “Abraham Lincoln exemplified what is great about our state, and the achievements and contributions of these honorees continues to illustrate the vibrancy and richness of Illinois.” […]

Mavis Staples, now in her eighth decade of singing truth, is an intrepid musical pioneer who has blurred the lines between gospel, soul, folk, pop, R&B, blues, rock, Americana, and hip hop. Since her first paying gig at Chicago’s Holy Trinity Baptist Church in 1948, the Chicago native has found success as both a solo artist and member of her family’s band, The Staple Singers. Close friends of Martin Luther King, Jr., The Staple Singers were the spiritual and musical voices of the Civil Rights movement before finding international pop radio stardom during the 1970’s with hits like “I’ll Take You There” and “Respect Yourself.” Staples was the subject of the Peabody-award-winning 2015 HBO documentary “Mavis!,” was named a 2016 Kennedy Center Honoree, and was inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame in 2017; The Staple Singers were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1999 and the Gospel Music Hall of Fame in 2018.

* Turn it up


Question of the day

Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Neil Steinberg

There is no parole in Illinois. I did not know that until Katrina Burlet told me.

“We got rid of our parole system in 1978,” said Burlet, campaign strategy director of Parole Illinois, a coalition committed to addressing the needs of prisoners.

Along with Illinois, 15 other states have abolished parole. California, on the other hand, has mandatory parole and in August pushed the issue into the headlines when a parole board voted to free Sirhan Sirhan, who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy in 1968.

This is one of those debates where people of goodwill can have opposing views. You could argue that Sirhan’s crime is so vile, not only snuffing out the life of a father of 11 but a beloved leader who inspired millions, that he should never go free. I can see that.

Or you could counter that 53 years in prison is punishment aplenty, that keeping Sirhan in jail until he dies won’t bring RFK back, that we are too punitive a nation already, with 1.8 million incarcerated at any time. I can see that too.

Burlet is pushing Senate Bill 2333, which would allow convicted criminals in Illinois who have served 20 years in prison to be eligible for a parole hearing.

“It restores parole for people serving the longest sentences,” she said.

* Bill synopsis

Amends the Unified Code of Corrections. Provides that notwithstanding to the contrary, any provision of the Code, the Post-Conviction Hearing Article of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963, or the Habeas Corpus Article or the relief from judgment provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, a person serving a term of imprisonment, including a term of natural life, in a Department of Corrections institution or facility is eligible for earned discretionary reentry if he or she has served a term of imprisonment of at least 20 years. Provides that petitions for earned discretionary reentry shall be administered by the Prisoner Review Board. Establishes procedures for the hearing. Removes provision that no person serving a term of natural life imprisonment may be paroled or released except through executive clemency. Provides that if any incarcerated person is released on earned discretionary reentry, his or her sentence shall be considered complete after the term of mandatory supervised release. Applies retroactively. Contains a severability provision.

* From Parole Illinois

We believe in the power of redemption and transformation; and that it is inhumane to order people to spend decades in prison until they die there without any periodic assessment of whether such sentences are necessary for public safety. We therefore stand against policies that sentence people to death by incarceration, whether that be life-without-parole or excruciatingly long sentences that people cannot outlive.

We recognize that excessive sentencing laws have piled up in Illinois, to the point that few people understand them and thousands of people are now required to die behind bars. We also recognize that each of these problematic sentencing laws needs to be repealed. And we recognize that each ameliorative law needs to be applied retroactively. However, we don’t believe that we can wait to establish a fair parole system until each of those battles are won individually, because many people will die behind bars in the meantime.

Therefore, our first course of action is to bring to Illinois a fair, inclusive, and retroactive system of Earned Discretionary Release. We are building a grassroots movement and working with legislators to promote parole legislation that is inclusive and that prioritizes rehabilitation and return to full citizenship. In addition, this legislation must distinguish the initial trial (which focuses on responsibility for the crime) from the parole hearing, which should focus on a person’s level of rehabilitation and current risk to public safety.

We believe that such a system of discretionary release would present the most expeditious way for the many over-incarcerated and wrongly incarcerated men and women in Illinois to obtain their freedom. We don’t take this lightly. We are prepared to devote substantial effort to establishing a fair and inclusive parole system and maintaining a fair and effective parole board.

* The Question: Should Illinois reinstate parole? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…



*** UPDATED x1 *** Campaign roundup

Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

Illinois House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch picked a new election czar Tuesday, tapping a former House Democratic staff member — and former ComEd lobbyist — to ensure the party keeps and builds its supermajority in the chamber.

Lizbeth Ramirez, 36, will oversee full and part time staff in the state’s lower legislative chamber, fundraising for the caucus’ campaign fund — Democrats for the Illinois House, as well as the coffers of individual House Democrats. She was chosen executive director of the House Democrats’ campaign fund by a committee of members of the House Democratic Caucus and staff.

Ramirez will also take on recruiting Democratic candidates to run for House seats.

In an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times on her first day on the job, Ramirez said Tuesday that she was nervous, but, “more than anything, excited to be here.”

As subscribers know, I also interviewed Ramirez yesterday. This is a significant development in more ways than one.

* Tribune

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board President Kari Steele announced her campaign against incumbent Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi on Monday, pitching herself as a grassroots candidate who would tidy up an office she said was replete with disorganization.

Steele, Kaegi’s first challenger in next June’s Democratic primary, is the first Black woman to lead the agency tasked with managing wastewater and stormwater in Cook County. The debut of her campaign comes a month after Kaegi announced he will seek a second term in 2022.

…Adding… Sigh…

* The rest of this post is about the secretary of state race. Press release…

Today, Anna Valencia, candidate for Illinois Secretary of State, announced the support from Fire Fighters from across Illinois. Both the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois and Chicago Fire Fighters Union - Local 2 will be assisting the campaign through the primary election on June 28th, 2022.

“As Fire Fighters, we know the importance of having strong leadership in all elected offices. Valencia is the leader we need and will be a terrific Secretary of State.” said Chuck Sullivan, President of AFFI.

Both Unions announced that they will provide robust support for Valencia’s bid and are looking forward to supporting the campaign financially and on the ground.

“We are the people that will knock on your door, look you in the eye and tell you the truth. That’s exactly the reason we are supporting Anna Valencia so enthusiastically. Her honesty, transparency and commitment to good government are what we need and align with our values.” said Rodney Shelton, City of Chicago Fire Fighter.

“I am so proud to have earned the endorsement of these great men and women,” said Anna Valencia. “These are our real, everyday superheroes, so to have their support is one of the great honors of my career. With their support, I am even more confident that we can continue to uphold Jesse White’s legacy as Secretary of State.”

Combined, the two Fire Fighter Unions include 15,000 members in Illinois.

“Our volunteers are able to connect with Democrats and Republicans, Chicagoans and Downstaters,” said Joe Sernorski, Chicago Fire Fighters Union - Local 2. “That is why our members are so excited to endorse in this race.”

Valencia grew up in Granite City, IL, a small town in Southern Illinois. Her father is a union painter, and her mother worked for a non-profit. After becoming the first in her family to graduate from college, Valencia dedicated her career to public service. She became City Clerk of Chicago in January 2017 and has worked tirelessly to build a Clerk’s office that benefits all Chicagoans.

Valencia is vice president of the Firemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago.

* Press release…

As part of his agenda to further modernize the Illinois Secretary of State’s office, Democrat Alexi Giannoulias wants the State to move toward developing digital driver’s licenses.

Giannoulias, the former State Treasurer, contends people have come to rely more on their phones to prove their identity and provide information. More than a dozen states have already implemented mobile driver’s license pilot programs or are currently testing technology.

In addition, Apple announced earlier this month that eight states will be among the first, allowing residents to add their driver license or state identification card directly to their iPhone or Apple Watch within its Wallet app.

“A mobile driver’s license will make it easier, faster and more convenient for people who don’t have the time to wait at driver’s license facilities or for the mail to arrive,” Giannoulias said. “With more people using mobile wallets and boarding passes for flight travel on their phone, a digital license is a logical next step when it comes to providing proof that you’re qualified to drive and also using it at bars, grocery stores, banks and doctor’s offices.”

A mobile driver’s license or state identification allows individuals to update their information remotely without having to physically visit a driver’s license facility or wait for a new card to arrive in the mail. Allowing for the adoption of contactless identification is especially critical as the nation emerges from the pandemic, Giannoulias said.

Like most states, Illinois already allows drivers to use an electronic copy of their insurance card during a traffic stop.

Giannoulias supports legislation that was introduced in the Illinois General Assembly earlier this year by State Rep. Kam Buckner and co-sponsored by State Reps. Barbara Hernandez and Carol Ammons. Although the bill was not called for a vote, Giannoulias pledged to work with the state lawmakers to pass legislation in the future.

A digital driver’s license would come in the form of a phone app protected by biometrics or a PIN. Instead of handing over a physical license to a police officer or store clerk, an individual could display the relevant information or send it electronically. Nevertheless, Giannoulias wants the technology thoroughly tested to ensure that privacy is protected, and personal information is not compromised in any way.

Unlike plastic cards that can easily be counterfeited or tampered with, mobile licenses are less susceptible to fraud and easier to confirm someone’s identity or authenticity.

Giannoulias said digital driver’s licenses would not totally replace plastic ones. Instead, they would serve as a supplement and that physical driver’s licenses and state identification cards would remain an option for anyone who chooses not to obtain a digital license.

The trouble with linking anything to biometrics is that you can’t just quickly change your eyes or your fingerprints if your identity is stolen. It’s why Illinois has such a strong law on that topic.

*** UPDATE *** From Ald. Pat Dowell’s SoS campaign…

Today, September 22, Alexi Giannoulias proposed a policy that Pat Dowell has presented more than a month ago. It is a good idea, as it was when Dowell talked about it in much great detail and with policy proposals on August 16.

We applaud Apple’s innovation and we do not want Illinois to lag behind other states. Under Pat Dowell’s leadership, the Illinois Secretary of State’s office will be an innovation leader and build on the programs put forth by Secretary Jesse White.

On August 16, 2021, Pat Dowell released an innovative policy proposal to create a digital driver’s license that would be available on your phone. Dowell’s policies are designed to innovate the Secretary of State’s office and make things more convenient for residents.

Dowell continues to lead in proposing innovative solutions for the Secretary of State’s office, like digital driver’s licenses, an online personal dashboard for each Illinois resident, and doubling the supplier diversity spending at the Secretary of State’s office.

* Politico

There’s one “more” candidate in the Illinois secretary of state race.

Sidney Moore is undaunted that he’s never run for an elected position before, acknowledging he’s “worked in those circles” behind the scene of the campaigns of aldermen, judges, state reps and even Barack Obama and Dorothy Brown, the former county clerk of the courts.

“This isn’t something that anyone put me up to. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time,” he told Playbook. It must just be coincidence that there are now two “Moores” in the race.

Chicago Ald. David Moore is also running for secretary of state along with Ald. Pat Dowell, former state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, and Chicago Clerk Anna Valencia.

David Moore’s camp doesn’t believe it’s a coincidence that another Moore joined the race. “Given that secretary of state candidate David Moore’s logo is ‘Moore for Illinois,’ what better way to create confusion, siphon off potential votes and waste money challenging signatures than to put a candidate in the race with the same last name,” said Moore’s veteran campaign spokeswoman, Delmarie Cobb. “This conjures up memories of Jesse Jackson Jr. and Jesse Jackson — a candidate with the same name who was used as a pawn for one purpose only. The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

Cobb was referring to the 2002 election, when a mysterious out-of-nowhere candidate named Jesse Jackson emerged to run against the then-four-term congressman.

If Ald. Moore actually had a shot at winning that office, then maybe I’d be more inclined to be upset at this.


*** UPDATED x1 *** After IDPH issues new emergency rules, DeVore urges followers “Bring this state to its knees”

Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mike Miletich

The Illinois Department of Public Health has filed emergency rules to make Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s recent executive order regarding schools less vulnerable to legal challenges.

Most of the language in the IDPH rules is identical to the executive order Pritzker filed late Friday. However, the department deleted any references to “modified quarantine” in previous guidance. That previously allowed students to continue in-person learning after coming in contact with someone who had COVID-19.

Attorney Tom DeVore won several cases stating schools couldn’t put any student under quarantine without a court order.

Attorney Brian Bare says by deleting “modified quarantine”, IDPH is sending a message to the courts that they did not agree with DeVore’s interpretation of their previous regulations.

The new rules clarify that school districts don’t need court action to require testing, masks, or excluding students and school personnel.

“By making it clear that these types of things can happen without a court order or without an order from the county health department, that makes it much easier for schools to continue to operate in accordance with the executive orders and the guidance form the State Board of Education,” Bare said.

The rules are here.

* Tom DeVore blew his stack on Facebook the other night about the new rules

Boy, I got a story for you guys. I don’t usually, I try to keep you guys calm as much as I can, but with what I’m getting ready to tell you right now, you need to be so p*ssed off. I don’t, I don’t even know how to tell you to respond to this. Because what I just printed off. What I just printed off, you guys need to see if you can get about a million people to watch what I’m going to tell you right now. What I just printed off right here is tyranny. By definition this is tyranny. Okay. The courts have been protecting you for the last month, saying that your due process rights cannot be violated under the law. That exclusion from school, makes sense right, exclusion from school, putting mass on your babies, sticking a needle in your damn arm or sticking a swab up your nose, you have a right to that integrity as people… and it can’t be taken away from you without due process of law.

Um, that upends a century of clear judicial rulings on stopping the spread of infectious diseases, but whatever.

* More DeVore

Do you know what these useless b*stards have done, or they’re trying to do, you know what you’re trying to do? The Department of Public Health just created an emergency rule and you didn’t hear about it on TV. You didn’t hear the governor talk about it. They created an emergency rule. And you know what they tried to say that it says, because COVID is an emergency after 19 months. They are trying to by a rule take all of your constitutional due process rights away from you. That’s what these no good, sons of b*tches are trying to do. They have no shame. They ought to all be in prison in my opinion, they ought to be in a federal prison is what they all ought to be in. […]

These tyrants are coming after your kids, they’re coming after them with this bullsh*t. It’s all bullsh*t.

Keep in mind that this man is running for the appellate court.

* “I need you to leave your houses in droves,” DeVore continued

Bring this state to its knees. You have the power to do it because otherwise these dirty son of a b*tches. I’m sorry. I’m cussing now because I’m that mad at this. These people are not going to relent, they are not going to relent unless you make them relent.

Hat tip to a commenter for discussing this rant earlier today.

…Adding… If you’d like a bit more insight into the bizarre nature of this small but vocal faction, watch this video from a Vandalia, Illinois school board meeting

*** UPDATE *** DeVore’s “quarantine” logic has led to at least one arrest

Similar to its last meeting, COVID matters largely took center stage at Monday’s Waterloo School Board meeting.

But this time, the police were called.

After addressing the board stating his discontent with Gov. JB Pritzker’s school mask mandate and Waterloo’s compliance, resident James Link refused to put his mask back on at the meeting.

He was subsequently escorted into a hallway by two Waterloo police officers and arrested for criminal trespass to state supported property, Waterloo Police Chief Jeff Prosise confirmed. […]

When school board member Gary Most told Link he needed to mask up, Link asked Most to present “an order of quarantine,” following up with “You show it to me and I’ll put the mask on.”


Unclear on the concept

Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mayor Lightfoot in Crain’s

Prodding Pritzker further, she predicted union leaders who have blocked meaningful pension reforms would step up to negotiate a comprehensive solution to prevent pension plans from running out of cash to pay retirees.

“The leaders I have talked to understand the importance of doing something,” she said. “I think if there was leadership by the governor, labor would come to the table.”

Not sure which union leaders those would be.

* Also Mayor Lightfoot in Crain’s

Well, here’s what Lightfoot said when I asked if she would back a constitutional amendment eliminating or altering the clause [in the state Constitution forbidding reductions in pension benefits]:

“I don’t favor that,” she said, adding that state pension plans are contracts that must be honored.

That sounds a lot like Pritzker, who says essentially the same thing whenever he’s asked about amending the constitution to eliminate or modify the pension protection clause.

The Illinois Supreme Court has decreed that government-promised pensions are an individual right and therefore cannot be collectively negotiated away.

…Adding… Good point in comments…

So the union leaders who won’t agree to vax requirements for fear of their members are now going to sell out those members’ retirement security?

Call me when the shuttle lands.


Today’s must-read: The Unbelievable Grimness of HermanCainAward, the Subreddit That Catalogs Anti-Vaxxer COVID Deaths

Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Lili Loofbourow at Slate

HermanCainAward, one of the fastest-growing subreddits on, is exactly what it sounds like: an archive of those who have been hospitalized and/or killed by COVID and didn’t believe the disease could harm them. It is named after Republican Herman Cain, the onetime candidate for president who succumbed to COVID some weeks after attending a Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at which he was photographed maskless in the summer of 2020. Cain’s Twitter account would continue to downplay the virus even after his death.

The Herman Cain Award concept is simple and ugly. A single entry to the subreddit consists of anywhere between two and 16 screenshots of a social media profile (usually Facebook, with last names scrubbed out) belonging to someone who died after aggressively rejecting precautions that could have protected them and others. The idea is to track the individual’s journey from COVID theory, so to speak, to COVID practice: what a person posted or commented about masks or shots, or those who advocated for either before getting sick, and how they and their community narrated their disease once they were ill. As the forum has grown, entries have started following a fairly standard format: The first few screenshots typically feature the individual in question deploying a remarkably consistent set (there are 30 or so) of memes. Some vilify Dr. Anthony Fauci or champion the right to be unvaccinated. Others warn people they’re experimental rats or offer scripts that will properly punish wait staff for daring to inquire about vaccination status. Some deride masked liberals as “sheep” and the unvaccinated as proud free lions or refer to immigrants as vectors of disease or compare vaccination requirements to the Holocaust. Most of them treat the pandemic as a joke and frame ignoring it as brave or clever or both. The final few screenshots typically announce the disease, its progress, and the eventual death announcement, frequently followed by a GoFundMe for the family. If someone is merely hospitalized, the flair on that entry reads “Nominated.” When they die, it changes to “Awarded.”

It is cruel, a site for heartless and unrepentant schadenfreude. This is a place where deaths are celebrated, and it is not the only one. While endless ink has been spilled on the anger of Trump voters and Fox News viewers and QAnon adherents, there are other angers that haven’t been nearly as well explored. The exhaustion and fury doctors and nurses feel, for example, as they deal yet again with overwhelmed ICUs. Instead of being hailed as heroes, this time around they’re risking their lives to serve while walking through anti-vax protesters and being called murderers or worse by misled family members demanding or indeed suing for sick unvaccinated relatives on ventilators to be dosed with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or vitamin C. There is the anger of family members of those without COVID who are dying or sicker than they should be because treatment was delayed or denied to them at dozens of hospitals that had no beds available. There’s the frustration of parents trying to keep their children safe, the constant, destabilizing calculations and adaptations people are forced into when (for instance) the governor of Texas prohibits schools from taking safety measures and then two teachers at a single school die, forcing closures once again. There’s the run-of-the-mill anger of those weary of living under pandemic conditions and demoralized—in the most literal sense—by the selfishness of their compatriots.

Subscriptions to the HermanCainAward subreddit are increasing exponentially, from 2,000 subscribers on July 4 to 5,000 at the beginning of August to more than 100,000 on Sept. 1 to 243,000 Friday to 276,000 today. If that rate is any indication, rage is growing toward anti-vaxxers deliberately prolonging the pandemic out of an anti-social and deadly understanding of their rights. Now, it’s true that not everyone on the subreddit assents to its spiteful premise: One exhausted nurse wrote a long post about how much one of her anti-vax patients suffered, as an attempt at counterbalance. She acknowledged her own compassion fatigue but also urged readers to think harder about how we got to this sorry pass. Plenty of the discussions do orbit around that basic question. But most of the comments are angry. A collection of screenshots generally elicits a common sentiment: The person got their just desserts.

Go read the whole thing.


Open thread

Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Anything sticking in your craw?


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Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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