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Tuesday, Jan 23, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Rep. Buckner: ‘If the federal government cannot adequately deal with the housing issue for tenured Chicagoans and our new arrivals, then Chicago and Illinois should be prepared to rescind the offer to host the DNC’ (Updated)

Tuesday, Jan 23, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Kam Buckner (D-Chicago) writes in the Tribune about asylum-seekers, housing issues and the 2024 Democratic National Convention

The influx of new arrivals entering Chicago has not and will not break us, but what it has done is reveal to us what is already broken. The housing issue didn’t begin when the first bus was sent from Texas. Tens of thousands of housing-insecure people in Chicago have waited for an answer to this issue for decades, but a sufficient one hasn’t been provided. Even in our political platforms, we have roundly ignored the issues of housing for the poor. The parlance we’ve adopted has generally included only the “middle class” — promising them a better existence — and the “ultrawealthy” — asking them to pay their fair share. But in a country with 43 million people living below the poverty line, we can’t keep pretending that poor and unhoused people don’t exist. […]

The Constitution grants the federal government exclusive power to regulate immigration. The federal government also must deal with housing insecurity in America. These are federal issues. […]

As Democrats prepare to showcase our big, broad, diverse coalition to the world, in this big, broad, diverse city, there is an opportunity to deliver on the promises that are embedded in our platforms. Federal resources need to begin to flow immediately, and the convention should be the impetus to do that. But, if the federal government cannot adequately deal with the housing issue for tenured Chicagoans and our new arrivals, then Chicago and Illinois should be prepared to rescind the offer to host the DNC.

In the coming weeks, I will be working with the Rev. Michael Pfleger and a contingent of concerned Chicagoans from St. Sabina Catholic Church who share these concerns and have begun to mobilize behind them.

I realize this is a bold and unprecedented suggestion, but our situation is also unprecedented. And we must act with that in mind. I am excited about the DNC. I am voting for Joe Biden; I believe the future of our democracy depends on it. I am even running to be a convention delegate. I am elated about having three rock star Black women, Minyon Moore, Christy George and Keiana Barrett, in positions of power to execute this convention for a party under the leadership of its second elected Black chair and a presidential ticket with a Black woman returning as vice president. To me, this is all the more reason for the convention not to be just a party but also proof that the values we espouse matter. At this moment, the full weight of the federal government is required.

I would suggest that Rep. Buckner is not wrong. Your own thoughts?

…Adding… From Natalie Edelstein, the spokesperson for the host committee/convention…

“The Democratic National Convention provides an unparalleled opportunity to invest in communities across Chicago. Previous host cities have enjoyed major economic benefits––upwards of $150 million––in addition to supporting good-paying, local jobs. We look forward to continuing to work with our partners at the city, state, and federal levels to ensure a safe and successful event for all of Chicago’s residents and visiting attendees.”


It’s just a bill

Tuesday, Jan 23, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Sun-Times

Five potentially harmful ingredients commonly found in food and drinks would be banned from retail sales in Illinois under proposed legislation that goes further than California’s first-in-the-nation ban on additives.

Senate Bill 2637, introduced by state Sen. Willie Preston, D-Chicago, and backed by Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias, would ban brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben and red dye No. 3 — four additives that California outlawed in October.

Preston said he’ll amend the bill, which was filed in November, to also ban titanium dioxide from foods and beverages. […]

The Illinois measure also would take effect in 2027, but it would exempt manufacturers and instead focus on retail sales.

Giannoulias, a father of three, said it’s “enormously important” for children to steer clear of harmful chemicals in food and beverages. He says he took an interest in the legislation as the official in charge of Illinois’ organ donation registry.

Adding… The Illinois Manufacturers’ Association…

The Illinois Manufacturers’ Association (IMA) released the following statement regarding SB2637, which sets a dangerous precedent for food regulation:

“Manufacturers oppose this well-intentioned legislation as it would set a dangerous precedent by usurping the role of scientists and experts at the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, which reviews and approves food additives to ensure they are safe,” said Mark Denzler, President & CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. “This measure would create a confusing and costly patchwork of regulations for food manufacturing, which is the single largest segment of Illinois’ manufacturing economy, generating more than $135 billion in economic impact each year.”

* Rep. Margaret Croke filed HB4550 yesterday

Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Increases from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class 4 felony the penalty for a first violation of the provisions that prohibit the knowing possession, transportation, purchase, or receipt of an unfinished frame or receiver of a firearm unless: (1) the party possessing or receiving the unfinished frame or receiver is a federal firearms importer or federal firearms manufacturer; (2) the unfinished frame or receiver is possessed or transported by a person for transfer to a federal firearms importer or federal firearms manufacturer; or (3) the unfinished frame or receiver has been imprinted with a serial number issued by a federal firearms importer or federal firearms manufacturer.

* HB4539 from Rep. Debbie Meyers-Martin

Amends the Credit Services Organizations Act. Expands the list of prohibitions imposed on a credit services organization to include: (i) charging or receiving any money or other valuable consideration before providing services listed in the contract (rather than charging or receiving any money or other valuable consideration prior to full and complete performance of the services the credit services organization has agreed to perform); (ii) making a guarantee that a buyer’s credit score or credit report will be improved through that buyer contracting with the credit services organization; (iii) adding an authorized user to a credit card account for payment of money or other valuable consideration; (iv) seeking an investigation by a third party of a trade line on a credit report without the authorization of the buyer; (v) failing to allow the buyer to cancel a contract with the credit services organization by phone call, email, text message, or a website; and other prohibitions as specified. In a provision concerning written statements a credit services organization must provide to a buyer before executing a contract or other agreement with the buyer, provides that, if a credit services organization agrees to provide services on a periodic basis, the organization must provide a detailed written description of those services that explains how the buyer will be billed in substantially equal periodic payments at fixed time intervals. In a provision requiring each written contract to include certain statements and information, provides that: (i) a statement alerting the buyer of the cancellation notice form attached to the contract must be written in at least 10-point boldface type; and (ii) the written contract must include a complete and detailed description of the services to be performed by the credit services organization and the total cost to the buyer for such services, including a detailed description on how a buyer will be billed for services provided by the credit services organization on a periodic basis. Requires a credit services organization to obtain a surety bond and adhere to certain procedures. Provides that the surety bond shall be maintained for a period of 5 (rather than 2) years after the date that the credit services organization ceases operations. Makes a change to the definition of “credit services organization”.

* HB4543 from Rep. Jackie Haas

Amends the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act of the Illinois Municipal Code. Provides that, if an ordinance is adopted after the effective date of the amendatory Act creating a redevelopment project area, the redevelopment project area will expire the 23rd year after the year in which the first project started using the moneys from the special tax allocation fund (rather than expire the 23rd year after the year in which the ordinance approving the redevelopment project area was adopted if the ordinance). Provides that the start of the 23 years for ordinances adopted after the effective date of the amendatory Act commences no later than 10 years after the year in which the ordinance approving the redevelopment project area was adopted even if no projects have been started using the moneys from the special tax allocation fund. Makes a conforming change in provisions extending the expiration of a redevelopment project area to the 35th calendar year. Provides that no more extensions of redevelopment project areas to the 47th calendar year may occur after January 8, 2025 unless added by a Public Act of the 103rd General Assembly. Effective immediately.

* Rep. Lance Yednock filed HB4551

Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a county may deny a permit for a commercial solar energy facility or commercial wind energy facility, including the modification or improvement to an existing facility, if the work requested to be performed under the permit is not being performed under a project labor agreement with building trades located in the area where construction, modification, or improvements are to be made.

* Rep. Anna Moeller’s HB4549

Amends the Illinois Plumbing License Law. Provides that, beginning on July 1, 2024, food service establishments with less than 2,000 square feet may provide one unisex, readily accessible restroom facility for the public. Effective immediately.


* Reader comments closed for the weekend
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* Cynical, practical, or no big deal?
* Uber Partners With Cities To Expand Urban Transportation
* Clever
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
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