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Friday, Jan 12, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Harmon uses formerly CTU-backed bill against a CTU-backed candidate

Friday, Jan 12, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tina Sfondeles on November 8 of last year

The CTU, which has always supported a fully elected [Chicago school board], prefers [Rep. Ann Williams’ hybrid, half-elected half-appointed House plan], in part because it would give the union more time to choose candidates and raise campaign funds. The union would only have to find 10 candidates, as opposed to 20, under the House Democrats’ plan. And the union’s political action committee will have to play catch-up after contributing a hefty $2.46 million to Johnson’s mayoral campaign.

In other words, as I wrote in a subsequent newspaper column, why spend precious dollars on 10 extra elections if the mayor you elected will appoint your people for free?

* But Greg Hinz reported this week on another aspect to this fight. As you know, Senate President Don Harmon moved a fully elected school board bill during veto session which he said (accurately) was done at the behest of the CTU. There’s more to it, however

Amid that standoff, a fight for a state Senate seat now held by appointed Harmon ally Natalie Toro has turned red-hot. Toro was named by Democratic ward committeemen to replace Cristina Pacione-Zayas, who resigned to take a top job with the Johnson administration, where she has, among other things, overseen the city’s migrant response. Now that her Senate seat term is ending, progressives badly want the position back. They’re backing CTU organizer Graciela Guzman in the March primary. There also are two other candidates in the race, physician Dr. David Nayak and former radio account executive Geary Jonker.

CTU has made the race a top priority, with progressive groups stepping up precinct work and big checks from teachers unions beginning to arrive in Guzman’s warchest. Harmon in turn dropped $500,000 into Toro’s campaign earlier this week — and according to Guzman is responsible for an internet push poll that asserts, “Guzman’s political organization is attempting to stall Natalie Toro’s plan to fully elect the school board now and wants to keep the school board out of the hands of voters.”

Harmon, in a phone interview, said he’s not familiar with the internet item but that campaigns “often test out different messages.”

Harmon termed “baloney” charges from CTU insiders that he is using the Toro seat as leverage, offering to finally approve the hybrid school board bill if the union will drop its opposition to Toro, who also is a CTU member but has a poor relationship with union leaders. “We’re committed to a fully elected school board,” Harmon said. The only reason he supported a hybrid bill a few years ago was that it was the most that CTU could get out of the Legislature given the opposition to a totally elected board by then-Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Harmon said.


Toro’s Senate Democratic advertising campaign has positioned her as a progressive CTU member. So, Sen. Toro votes for a fully elected school board, which has been politically popular (and likely still polls well if they’re using this tactic), then blasts her primary opponent for conspiring to obstruct the beloved reform.

It’s almost like the Senate Democrats used the entire chamber last fall to weaponize an issue on behalf of a single appointed member facing a tough primary challenge.

Maybe more than almost.

…Adding… From Senate President Harmon’s spokesperson John Patterson…

“’Baloney’ was the one-word take on this theory, and “baloney” is about as profane as Don Harmon gets. The legislation we passed is our attempt to best ensure the most diverse representation of all voters of the City of Chicago. That’s the only motivation.”


Chicago ‘paused’ opening new shelters on 12/22, plans shelter ‘rightsizing’ in face of budget problems

Friday, Jan 12, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This was distributed by the city during a briefing about new arrivals today…

Kinda makes you wonder if the city intends to just dump folks into the street.

Meanwhile, Texas keeps sending people here.

…Adding… So, they told legislators they’re pausing new shelters and downsizing them, and then told the news media this, according to the Tribune

Mayor Brandon Johnson is delaying enforcing his 60-day migrant shelter limit policy for the first group of asylum-seekers who were due to be required to leave this month, his administration announced Friday as heavy snowfall and low wind chills pummeled the city.

Brandie Knazze, commissioner of the Department of Family and Support Services, said the first migrants set to be kicked out of the city shelters next Tuesday — about 50 of them, who have been in the system since 2022 — will no longer need to leave by then. Those due to leave between then and Jan. 21 will also be allowed to stay “until at least Jan. 22nd,” she said.

…Adding… Pritzker tries to appeal to Abbott’s humanity…

January 12, 2024

Governor Abbott,

The ongoing international migration crisis that our nation faces demands a strong, compassionate, and humane response. We agree that our nation needs immigration reform, but instead of advocating for that, you have chosen to sow chaos in an attempt to score political points. You are now sending asylum seekers from Texas to the Upper Midwest in the middle of winter — many without coats, without shoes to protect them from the snow — to a city whose shelters are already overfilled with migrants you sent here. Chicago’s temperatures this weekend are forecast to drop below zero. Your callousness, sending buses and planes full of migrants in this weather, is now life-threatening to every one of the arrivals. Hundreds of children’s and families’ health and survival are at risk due to your actions.

We refuse to play your political game of exploiting the most vulnerable for the sake of culture wars and talking points. You seem to have no interest in working on bipartisan solutions to the border crisis because that would put an end to your cruel political game, but I am writing to you today hoping to appeal to your humanity. Over the coming days, Illinois will experience a dangerous winter storm and subzero temperatures. I strongly urge you to stop sending people to Illinois in these conditions. You are dropping off asylum seekers without alerting us to their arrivals, at improper locations at all hours of the night. As we grapple with the existing challenges of your ongoing manufactured crisis, the next few days are a threat to the families and children you are sending here. I am pleading with you to at least pause these transports in order to save lives.

There is much more that needs to be done by the federal government to provide aid to asylum seekers and to secure the border. I understand that the border crisis is untenable for border states. Illinois, and all other states, especially Texas, ought to lobby Congress immediately to vote for bipartisan immigration reform.

While action is pending at the federal level, I plead with you for mercy for the thousands of people who are powerless to speak for themselves. Please, while winter is threatening vulnerable people’s lives, suspend your transports and do not send more people to our state. We are asking you to help prevent additional deaths. We should be able to come together in a bipartisan fashion to urge Congress to act. But right now, we are talking about human beings and their survival. I hope we can at least agree on saving lives right now.

Governor JB Pritzker
State of Illinois


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Friday, Jan 12, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

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