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*** UPDATED x1 *** Comptroller fires employee after she admitted posting horribly anti-semitic comments online

Thursday, Oct 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Comptroller Susana Mendoza’s office…

The Instagram exchange appears to have happened mid-day today (Thursday).

It was posted on X(Twitter) and brought to the office’s attention around 12:30 p.m.

The office reached the employee about 2 p.m. and she admitted to at least some of the posts.

Comptroller Mendoza has zero tolerance for anti-semitism or hate speech.

The employee was immediately fired.

Please see the attached unequivocal statement of support for Israel’s right to defend herself that Comptroller Mendoza issued in the wake of the Hamas attacks on Israel:

* The Instagram posts in question from Sarah Chowdhury, who until this afternoon was a legal counsel for the comptroller…

Obviously, she was dealing with a sexist moron, but still. Zero excuses for that.

Take a couple of deep breaths before commenting, please.

*** UPDATE *** Chowdhury had been president of the South Asian Bar Association of Chicago. She’s been dismissed

Posted by South Asian Bar Association of Chicago on Thursday, October 19, 2023


*** UPDATED x2 *** Mayor Johnson condemns ‘physical attack’ on alderperson, aide during protest against tent encampment

Thursday, Oct 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson…

“I learned today that an alderwoman and an aide, while attempting to meet with constituents, were victims of a physical attack by area residents. My administration supports the right to peaceful protest and free speech, but this type of action against a public servant is unconscionable.

Any violent act against an elected official in our city is unacceptable and must be condemned in the strongest terms. My office and the Chicago Police Department are currently investigating this incident, and we will provide updates as they become available.”

* Block Club Chicago

Police had to whisk an alderperson to safety Thursday during a heated protest about the city’s plan to build a tent encampment for migrants at a Southwest Side lot. […]

Nearly 100 protesters gathered Thursday morning to voice opposition to the city’s plans for the site near 38th Street and California Avenue, saying officials haven’t notified them properly about the proposed camp or taken their input into consideration.

Ald. Julia Ramirez (12th), whose ward includes the site, was swarmed by protesters when she arrived. People threw signs in her face and screamed, and police officers worked to break up the crowd.

Eventually, officers escorted the alderwoman away, helping her get into a car so she could leave. […]

One protester’s sign read, “We don’t want your migrants in Brighton park nor McKinley Park.”

Neighbor Jacquelyn Zuniga said she and others feel “stabbed in the back” by the city’s lack of notice about the tent plan.

* Pics and video…

If you watch the video, you’ll see the CPD did a good job of evacuating Ald. Ramirez.

That neighborhood is about 80 percent Latino.

* More context from WTTW

A community meeting on the proposal is set to take place at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at Kelly High School, 4136 S. California Ave. In a letter sent to 12th Ward residents Monday, Ramirez warned that it may already be a done deal – whether or not she objects.

The Brighton Park lot at 38th Street and California Avenue is owned by the Harvey-based Sanchez Group, said Ramirez, who also said the firm responded to a request for proposals issued by Mayor Brandon Johnson’s office seeking locations to set up temporary shelters for the more than 18,500 migrants sent to Chicago from the southern border.

“I also want you to be open minded and not buy into the fearmongering and false information spread by right-wing, anti-immigrant voices who wish to divide our city,” Ramirez wrote on Monday. “We are a nation of immigrants and people that are fleeing economic and political turmoil deserve an opportunity for a better life in this country.”

More than 3,769 migrants are living in police stations across the city and at O’Hare International Airport with another 11,334 migrants living in city shelters as of Thursday morning, according to city data. Johnson has said the crisis was caused by “right-wing extremists bent on sowing chaos and division in our city.”

…Adding… Chuy García…

Today, Congressman Jesús “Chuy” García (IL-04) released the following statement following threats of violence towards 12th Ward Alderwoman Julia Ramirez at a Brighton Park protest:

“Earlier today, Alderwoman Julia Ramirez and an aide were physically attacked while trying to meet with constituents. All people have a right to peacefully protest and make their concerns known, but we can never tolerate violence towards elected officials and their staff.”

…Adding… Ald. Ramirez

“Today my staff and I went to meet with 12th Ward residents protesting Mayor Johnson’s plan to construct a temporary shelter for migrants at 38th and California. Residents contacted my office this week and asked that I attend to hear their concerns. I wanted to engage directly with my community to address misinformation being spread about my involvement in the plan, and how we should move forward as a community.

“After having a few conversations, it became clear that most of the protesters did not want to engage in peaceful dialogue with me. It was truly a disappointing experience.

“As I was leaving the protest, a group of protesters surrounded me and my staffer and began assaulting us. Fortunately I’m okay, however my staffer was taken to the hospital and is in good condition.

“I understand residents are fearful and have concerns about the city’s plan. I have the same concerns. I’m a born and raised resident of Brighton Park. I ran for Alderwoman so that I could be in a position to address the years of disinvestment in my community. I hear my residents and want them to know I will always advocate for their safety and ensure our communities have the resources they deserve. I also respect everyone’s right to peacefully protest, however violence and hate is not the answer.

“I hope to continue to build bridges across the different communities in the 12th Ward as we address this crisis in a humane and compassionate way. Brighton Park should be a welcoming community to both existing residents and new arrivals.

“I call on the mayor’s office for more transparency, accountability and more local involvement in the decision-making process, to explore more options for establishing the permanent shelters, and reevaluate if tents are an appropriate solution at this site.”

*** UPDATE 1 *** Sen. Villanueva…

State Senator Celina Villanueva (D – Chicago) released the following statement after learning of the assault of Alderwomen Julia Ramirez and her aide during a protest in the 12th Senate District as they were discussing the new construction of a migrant tent city with local residents:

“I am appalled to learn of the physical attack against Alderwoman Ramirez and an aide as they met with local residents to hear concerns regarding the construction of a shelter for asylum seekers. While I support peaceful protest and freedom of speech, violence is unacceptable.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Gov. Pritzker…


Getting tense!

Thursday, Oct 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yikes…

Kinda reminds me of this…


* Bailey’s retort

“Lock the door.” Yeah, that’ll work.

…Adding… All’s well that ends well, I suppose…


*** UPDATED x1 *** Health insurance for undocumented hits enrollment ceiling so HFS announces pause, but no co-pays yet imposed

Thursday, Oct 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* HFS told the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules this week that it wasn’t yet fully prepared to impose co-pays and other cost-sharing aspects of the health insurance program for undocumented immigrants. Today, HFS announced a pause…

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) announced today that as the Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors program nears 16,500 individuals, a temporary pause on new enrollees will take effect Nov. 6.

HFS previously announced that new HBIS enrollment would be temporarily paused at 16,500 individuals, an enrollment benchmark the program is expected to reach in the coming weeks. Anyone who is already enrolled in the HBIS program and remains eligible for coverage will stay covered. The Department will not be removing any current enrollees who remain eligible for HBIS coverage.

The HBIS program provides Medicaid-like health care coverage to individuals aged 65 and older who would be eligible for Medicaid but for their immigration status, which launched in late 2020. The Department also operates the Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults program (HBIA), which provides similar coverage for individuals aged 42 to 64. Through the end of September, nearly 69,000 individuals are covered across the HBIA and HBIS programs.

HFS announced in June that new HBIS enrollment would be capped at 16,500 individuals, when the Department filed emergency and regular rules outlining a range of HBIA and HBIS program changes the state has implemented to bring program costs within the amount the General Assembly budgeted for State Fiscal Year 2024, which began July 1.

Compared with the traditional Medicaid population, month-over-month enrollment has grown at a higher rate, and per-enrollee costs have tracked higher among the HBIA and HBIS-enrolled populations due to more prevalent, untreated chronic conditions and higher hospital costs, pushing the limit of the funds made available for these programs for the current fiscal year.

HFS understands that this program is a vital resource for individuals who would otherwise be eligible for Medicaid but for their immigration status. The Department will continue to monitor the costs associated with the program and is committed to preserving this nation-leading program for the future.

*** UPDATE *** Healthy Illinois Campaign responds…

“While expected, today’s announcement is still a disappointing step backwards from the collective progress our state has made around health care access. The HBIS program provides vital, lifesaving health care services to thousands of vulnerable older adults across Illinois. After a series of other significant program changes in the past year, pausing enrollment in the HBIS program with short notice will not only limit access to critical health care services, but it will also significantly diminish the state’s ability to care for its elderly residents. We strongly encourage seniors who may qualify for the HBIS program to enroll immediately before the Nov. 6 cutoff date.”

“We urge HFS and the Pritzker administration to continue to work with advocates and community organizations to find fiscally responsible solutions to protect, preserve and expand the Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults (HBIA) and HBIS programs. Our state leaders have repeatedly said that health care is a human right that should be accessible for all Illinois residents, and we will continue to fight to make that a reality.”


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Update to several subscriber posts from yesterday (Updated)

Thursday, Oct 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
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* Pritzker says he has not had any discussions with city about its budget deficit
* Pritzker doesn't think city and state currently need as much migrant shelter capacity
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* Uber Partners With Cities To Expand Urban Transportation
* Jury selection underway in the trial of former AT&T boss La Schiazza
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