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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - This just in… (Updated)

Wednesday, Sep 27, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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IDFPR head says months of work on improving antiquated state licensing system just went down the drain

Wednesday, Sep 27, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Secretary Mario Treto, Jr. testified today at a committee hearing we told you about yesterday…

State Rep. Bob Morgan, D-Deerfield, Chair of the House Health Care Licensing Committee, will continue the process of addressing the ongoing delays in licensure processing by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), by holding a public hearing of his committee on Sep. 27 at 10:00 a.m. in room C-600 on the 6th Floor of the Michael A. Bilandic Building on LaSalle St. in downtown Chicago.

The delays have led to many professionals, including nurses and other health care workers, as well as their employers, having to worry about their ability to keep working should their licenses lapse.

* Secretary Treto dropped a bombshell about IDFPR’s efforts to fix the problem by replacing an antiquated system from the previous century

Procurement is not an easy process, particularly one of this magnitude. It requires oversight and cooperation from other agencies. We have been working hard with DoIT, with the Chief Procurement Office and many others. We have had an extraordinary amount of back and forth over the past several months in an effort to purchase licensing software through a joint purchase master contract.

Unfortunately, as we drill down into the very specific needs that have to be met, and how we may go about the process to obtain them, we have reached a point where we don’t think the joint purchase master contract will work. That has a development that happened this week. Just this Monday. And candidly we were quite disappointed with the news.

However, we are not going to rest with this urgency to act upon us. As such, we immediately pivoted to very quickly assess the most efficient options. Fortunately, the work that we have done over the last several months to spell out how to best address all the needs of our licensees is not wasted at all. We will build on that using a different procurement method. While I’m going to be limited in the details that I can provide until the procurement process is over, due to legal concerns. I would be happy to give updates as I can.

Emphasis added and please pardon all transcription errors.

…Adding… Remember how we talked about the dire need for workforce development today? Well, getting these licenses to people is an absolutely crucial piece in the puzzle. Not good!


DCFS hit with yet another blistering audit report

Wednesday, Sep 27, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Man, when an Illinois Auditor General report summary begins this way, you know there’s big trouble afoot

Because of the significance and pervasiveness of the findings described within the report, we (the accountants) expressed an adverse opinion on the Department’s compliance with the specified requirements which comprise a State compliance examination. The Codification of Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements (AT-C § 205.74) states a practitioner “should express an adverse opinion when the practitioner, having obtained sufficient appropriate evidence, concludes that misstatements, individually or in the aggregate, are both material and pervasive to the subject matter.”

The department, in this case, is DCFS.

* More

* The Department did not immediately communicate the investigation reports of child abuse and neglect for a newborn infant whose blood, urine, or meconium contains any amount of a controlled substance to the State’s attorneys’ offices for 17 (28%) of 60 reports tested. Specifically, we noted the State’s attorneys’ offices were notified between 218 to 920 days from report date.

* The Department notified the Directors of DPH and HFS of the report of suspected abuse or neglect of a child alleged to have been abused or neglected while receiving care in a hospital 34 days to 885 days from the investigation date for 15 of 15 (100%) reports tested. […]

* The Department did not timely notify the children’s school of its final findings from an indicated report of child abuse and neglect within 10 days of completing an investigation of alleged physical or sexual abuse for 40 of the 40 (100%) indicated reports tested. Specifically, we noted the schools were notified 129 to 890 days late.

* The Department did not timely notify the local enforcement personnel and the office of the State’s attorney of the involved county for 5 of 25 (20%) reports tested. Specifically, we noted the local enforcement personnel and the office of the State’s attorney were notified of a report alleging the death of a child, serious injury to a child, torture of a child, malnutrition of a child, and sexual abuse to a child 5 to 43 days after the required 24-hour timeframe. (Finding 5, pages 27-32) This finding has been reported since 2012.

* But wait, that’s not all

During our testing of 25 alleged incident of sexual abuse investigations, we noted that for 24 of 25 (96%) indicated investigations tested, the Department did not timely notify the relevant schools when an investigation of an alleged incident of sexual abuse was completed. Specifically, we noted the notifications were sent to relevant schools between 431 to 908 days from the investigation report date. […]

The Department could not provide documentation demonstrating it had conducted monitoring of its non-substitute care service provider agencies. The non-substitute care provider agencies provide services which include, but are not limited to, counseling, habilitation, advocacy centers, system-of-care grants, and other child specific services. Specifically, we noted the Department was unable to provide documentation it had conducted monitoring, as specified in the contracts, for 12 of 60 (20%) contracts tested. Total grants expended for the 12 contracts during fiscal years 2021 and 2022 totaled $15,593,544. Due to the Department being unable to provide documentation to demonstrate it had conducted monitoring, we cannot determine whether annual reviews required to be submitted by 9 of 12 grantees were performed by Department staff. (Finding 11, pages 47-48) This finding has been reported since 2012.


* CBS 2

In the most serious cases involving child death, injury, torture, malnutrition, and sex abuse, it is DCFS’ job to notify - within 24 hours - local authorities like the state’s attorneys of credible cases.

DCFS failed to do so 20 percent of the time - in some cases waiting five to 43 days.

“The fact that they’re waiting more than almost five days to almost month out before they’re coordinating is highly concerning,” [Cook County Chief Deputy Public Guardian Alpa Patel] said, “because a lot of info on the wellbeing and safety of those children is lost during that period of time.”

The report says this has been happening since 2012.

“A huge sense of in terms of lack of urgency in terms of what the department needs to be doing,” Patel said.

* The pervasive misstatements were about internal financial statements. The department’s response

The Department agrees with the recommendation and has implemented a corrective action plan. Due to unprecedented vacancies in the Division of Budget & Finance, review procedures in place were not able to be followed to catch the misstatements identified in the auditor’s review of our financial statements. The Department uses a consulting firm to assist with compiling their financial statements and has since been able to fill its CPA position. To further ensure the accuracy of future financial statements, the Department added senior management positions to its approved headcount to provide duplicity and support to be better able to manage the ebbs and flows of staffing levels and add expertise to ensure the accuracy of Departmental financial statements.

…Adding… Leader McCombie…

House Minority Leader Tony McCombie released the following statement after the Illinois Auditor General issued a scathing report on the Department of Children and Families Services:

“Under this DCFS Administration, children continue to be at risk and workers are still not safe. Protecting children in the state’s care should be the most important job we have. Unfortunately, children continue to suffer due to perpetual mismanagement by this agency. Billions of dollars have not fixed the problems; the agency needs to take into account the common-sense proposals pushed by House Republican lawmakers, to give this the attention it demands.”

Click here for the rest of it.


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