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CTU president won’t answer questions about enrolling her son in private prep school

Wednesday, Sep 6, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I have been trying to reach CTU President Stacy Davis-Gates since yesterday about this story and have received no response. I asked the CTU for comment as well. Crickets. I’ve even tried back and side channels. Nada. I’ve waited long enough. ILGOP…

The spotlight is firmly on Stacy Davis-Gates, President of the Chicago Teachers’ Union (CTU), and her hypocritical stance on school choice. Davis-Gates, a vocal opponent of school choice programs, is championing the teachers union campaign to terminate Illinois’ Invest in Kids Act, a program that provides scholarships to nearly 9,000 underprivileged students for private school education. Her mantra: “I can’t advocate on behalf of public education and the children of this city and educators in this city without it taking root in my own household.”

But let’s take a closer look at her hypocrisy. While Davis-Gates advocates against school choice, she sends one of her own children to [school name redacted at Stacy Davis-Gates’ request], a private, Catholic high school in Chicago. Yes, you read that right - private school education for her own, while advocating for something entirely different for other children. Rules for thee, but not for me.

Now, let’s revisit some of Davis-Gates’ past statements on social media. She’s not one to mince words. According to her, “School choice was actually the choice of racists. It was created to avoid integrating schools with Black children.” She’s even gone as far as labeling private schools as “Segregation Academies,” and now she acts to provide her own child the benefits of a private education.

Stacy, if Illinois private schools are racist, why are you sending your child to one?

Davis-Gates’ actions speak louder than her words. They highlight the absurdity of the situation - advocating against something you choose to personally benefit from and can personally afford- unlike many other parents who cannot afford a private school without the Invest in Kids Act.

Davis-Gates’ actions, not her words, is proof positive that public education might not be the best fit for every student, and that parents should have the freedom to choose the education that best suits their children’s needs and aspirations.

To me, the Chicago Magazine quote, “I can’t advocate on behalf of public education and the children of this city and educators in this city without it taking root in my own household” really leaves her open to this.

* Receipts…



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Wednesday, Sep 6, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Better management, please

Wednesday, Sep 6, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller


In 2018, Chicago police officer Joseph DeRosa pleaded guilty to a felony in Michigan, admitting to resisting and obstructing police during an allegedly drunken meltdown at a casino. According to a police report, DeRosa kicked a Michigan officer in the face.

Under Illinois law, cops convicted of felonies lose their certification to be police officers in the state. The idea is to keep them from hopping from one law-enforcement employer to another.

Yet DeRosa is still a member of the Chicago Police Department.

CPD’s Bureau of Internal Affairs opened an investigation into DeRosa shortly after his arrest, and the department stripped the officer of his police powers. But it took 20 months for CPD to send notice of the felony conviction — notice required under the law — to the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board, according to that panel, which is in charge of decertifying cops.

Next it took the city’s Law Department another 31 months to move to fire DeRosa. Even today, the city’s Police Board has yet to schedule an evidentiary hearing on the dismissal charges. […]

The department has not provided records showing what became of the internal investigation into DeRosa’s arrest. CPD spokespersons also would not answer why it took the department so long to send notice of the felony conviction to the state board in charge of decertifications.

This is just so ridiculous. He’s been stripped of his police powers since 2018. He’s on the state’s attorney’s “do not call” list and was quickly decertified by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board, but only after CPD waited 20 months to send ILETSB the required notice. And he hasn’t been paid since 2020.

But CPD still hasn’t fired him?

* Meanwhile, from the city’s inspector general…

The City of Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG) has published the results of its inquiry into the completeness of the Chicago Police Department’s (CPD) 911 call response data, as recorded by CPD and the City’s Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC). OIG originally set out to evaluate geographic equity in CPD’s response times, but was unable to do so because of the frequency with which the data necessary to do so is missing. During the period of OIG’s inquiry, information on when CPD units arrived at the scene of an emergency call was missing more than half of the time.

In the course of planning and conducting this inquiry, OIG spoke with members of Chicago’s communities and representatives of 12 community-based organizations to gather data on public perceptions of CPD’s 911 responses. Several South and West Side organizations reported to OIG that they believe there to be geographic disparities in CPD’s response to 911 calls and that they have experienced slow or no response to 911 calls in their communities, leading to distrust of CPD members and the City’s emergency response apparatus. Neither OIG nor CPD, however, can meaningfully evaluate the efficiency or equity of 911 police responses because of inadequate data—despite a CPD policy which requires members to capture the relevant data.

“Effective emergency response is at the very core of CPD’s public safety function. The City and the Department are ill-equipped to evaluate and improve response times, simply because, more often than not, we have no information on when the police arrive to respond to an emergency,” said Deborah Witzburg, Inspector General for the City of Chicago. “Without this basic information, we can’t assess whether City services are provided equitably or efficiently—and we can’t improve what we can’t measure.”

A new information system procured by the City—though not yet implemented—promises some but not adequate improvement. OIG recommended that CPD provide training and appropriate technology to all members to reinforce and facilitate their responsibility to accurately report milestones throughout emergency events. OIG also recommended that CPD collaborate with OEMC to analyze and evaluate data for each time interval in the dispatch process and assess best practices for improving police responses to 911 calls.

The full report is here.

…Adding… Sun-Times

Chicago’s acting top cop has announced broad changes to the department’s leadership team, filling high-ranking positions before his replacement is expected to be confirmed.

Interim Supt. Fred Waller told department members that the staffing overhaul was effective Friday, but sources said some of his picks had already been installed.

Some of Waller’s choices have troubled records. Two commanders have been accused of fostering a hostile work environment, and two others have been named in costly lawsuits.


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