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Rep. Marron to retire; Reps. Collins, Williams angling for Senate appointment

Monday, Jul 31, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

State Rep. Mike Marron (R-Fithian) announced he will not seek reelection today.

“Serving the citizens of Vermilion and Champaign Counties in the General Assembly has been a great honor. I’ve appreciated all the support from the constituents of the 104th and the partnerships we’ve built from my days as Vermilion County Board Chairman to my time in the State House. I feel lucky to have been part of a team that accomplished some good things over those years. My favorite part of the job was always helping constituents resolve some significant issues they needed help with. Those successes were largely due to my outstanding staff members who always worked as hard as possible. A special thank you to Tracie Petersak, Barb Nelson, and Marguerite Bailey for those efforts. I am announcing I will not seek reelection again for State Representative in 2024.

Thank you to everyone who was a part of my successes over the years. It really has been a humbling experience. It is time to focus on my family farm and spend more time with my wife and daughter. After all, there is so much more to life than politics.”

Marron’s retirement might give the Democrats a chance to compete, depending upon who wins the GOP primary.

…Adding… Leader McCombie…

House Republican Leader Tony McCombie released the following statement after Assistant House Republican Leader Mike Marron announced he will not be seeking reelection:

“Mike Marron is a reasonable and thoughtful voice in the General Assembly and for the residents he serves in central Illinois. He is a strong advocate for hardworking Illinoisans—and I join the many who will never forget his several-day demonstration outside the IDES offices, supporting constituents from his district and around the state through some of our hardest times. This is one of many examples of the true leadership he exemplifies. He has made his mark in our statehouse, and as my friend, I look forward to celebrating the great things he accomplishes in the years to come.”

* Meanwhile

The next appointment to the state Senate will expose the strength of Chicago progressives vs. old-school pols.

State Rep. Lakesia Collins (9th), a progressive who heads the Illinois House Black Caucus, is talking to multiple people about running for the seat and is already lining up support from progressives, including the powerful Chicago Teachers Union, SEIU 73, Healthcare and Local 1 and some trade unions, too.

State Rep. Jawaharial “Omar” Williams (10th) also wants to be appointed.

And get this: Williams is the son of Ald. and Vice Mayor Walter Burnett Jr., who in the Chicago way also sits on the Democratic committee that will appoint the new senator.

The 5th District Senate seat is opening up with the retirement of Sen. Patricia Van Pelt.

Forget conflict of interest: Burnett has the weighted vote, meaning his voice counts nearly double when the Democratic leaders gather to make the appointment. He told Playbook that “yes” he will be part of the selection process. Ald. Jason Ervin (28th) also has a strong voice on the committee.

Ald. Burnett has a quarter of the weighted vote.

…Adding… Agreed…


*** UPDATED x1 *** Much ado about very little

Monday, Jul 31, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NewsWeek

A new bill allowing eligible non-U.S. citizens in Illinois to become police officers was signed into law by Governor J. B. Pritzker on Friday, amid criticism from some Republican lawmakers. […]

The bill’s primary sponsor, Democratic Rep. Barbara Hernandez, defended the bill saying that the measure is a “natural progression” of the federal government’s 2021 decision to allow some undocumented immigrants to become healthcare workers and military members, as reported by CBS News.

According to the bill’s description on the Illinois General Assembly’s website, it amends the state’s Municipal Code providing that “an individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law is authorized to apply for the position of police officers.”

Eligible non-U.S. citizens are subject “to all requirements and limitations, other than citizenship, to which other applicants are subject,” and must be able to obtain, carry, purchase, or otherwise possess a firearm under federal law.

So - and this is important - if they can’t obtain federal authorization to possess a firearm, they’re out of luck.

* Criticism from a couple of federal lawmakers is highlighted in the article

But the bill passed the House 100-7. It had less bipartisan support in the Senate, but still passed easily.

* The Illinois FOP is quoted in the article as being virulently opposed, but the group never officially registered a position with the General Assembly either way, so what the heck were they doing when the bill was being crafted?

On the other hand, Chicago FOP Lodge #7 was an early proponent as was the Illinois Municipal League. The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police was originally opposed, but then switched to neutral after the bill was changed. The Illinois Sheriffs’ Association slipped as neutral.

*** UPDATE *** Gov. Pritzker was asked about US Rep. Mary Miller’s claim during a press conference today and gave a full-throated response

That’s wrong. That’s false. I appreciate you asking the question, because as usual the far-right is proposing and putting out their false information. They’re saying that we’re allowing illegal, illegal immigrants is the word that they would use. You know, undocumented immigrants are not allowed to become police officers in the state of Illinois. What we have allowed is legal permanent residents and DACA recipients now to become police officers. So we have the ability for people who are legally in this country. And again, permanent residents or DACA recipients now to apply for jobs as police officers.

But I am tired of the right wing twisting these things. They put it out on Facebook, they tell lies. They attack based upon those lies. They’re perpetuating lies. So there are people out there that think that we’re just allowing anybody to become a police officer, that’s just not accurate. Two other states already have provided this. We have a US military that has 35,000 immigrants who are not US citizens who are serving in the US military today. 8,000 more sign up every year. We allow that in our US military. We allow it in a couple of other states and more states are adding on to this list of states that are allowing legal permanent residents. So I’m proud that we are doing this I think it’s the right thing. To do. It’s also good for our police departments. And oh, by the way, the Fraternal Order of Police has supported it.

Please pardon all transcription errors.


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