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More like this, please

Tuesday, Jun 27, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Daily Southtown

A Will County judge ordered the losing candidate in the 2022 race for Will County clerk and her attorney who filed an election fraud lawsuit to pay $35,000 in sanctions for what he called a “frivolous lawsuit.”

Republican Gretchen Fritz filed the lawsuit Dec. 28, claiming she believes “mistakes and fraud have been committed in the casting and counting of ballots” in the race because her opponent, Democratic Will County Clerk Lauren Staley Ferry, received more votes than Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker. […]

“It’ll be a deterrent so that these fake election lawsuits don’t get filed,” said Burt Odelson, Staley Ferry’s attorney. […]

In the lawsuit, Fritz claimed that “some unknown and unidentified person or thing” used a mathematical process to fradulently decide a winner in the clerk’s race, he wrote.

“But her supporting factual allegations are as vague as they are outrageous,” Anderson wrote in Monday’s order.

“In short, Ms. Fritz and her counsel violated Rule 137 by filing an election contest petition that was not well grounded in fact, and was not predicated on a reasonable factual inquiry,” Anderson wrote. “The Court finds that sanctions are proper.”

That county has always been a bit different, but it’s getting downright bizarre these days. The adults need to follow this judge’s example and step the heck up.

…Adding… By the way, these folks were supporters of Tom McCullagh, who dropped out of a House GOP primary after being accused of grooming. Every accusation is a confession with these people.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Pritzker addresses coming July 1 tax hikes on groceries, motor fuel

Tuesday, Jun 27, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background

On July 1, Illinois’ gas tax will undergo its annual increase [roughly three cents per gallon] and the state’s moratorium of [the local 1 percent] grocery tax will expire.

* Gov. Pritzker was asked about this today

* Reporter: On Saturday, folks are gonna see prices go up at the grocery checkout line. Prices will go up at the gas pump for the second time in six months. Critics, when you passed that tax relief plan last year, called it an election-year stunt. The election year is over. Were they right about that?

* Pritzker: Dan, I hope you’ll report - you haven’t yet, so I’m gonna ask you to do it now - report on the fact that the grocery tax doesn’t go to the state of Illinois. It goes to local governments.

What we did last year was a temporary measure because we had very high inflation. Inflation, you may notice, has come down. But we had very high inflation. We wanted to do everything that we could and we provided $1.8 billion of tax relief for families across Illinois. The grocery tax was one of them. But what we did was we replaced the money that local governments were getting from that grocery tax for the year at the state level. We provided the money to replace that tax.

Now I hear often Republicans complaining that the grocery tax is being reimposed. But these are the same folks who don’t have a solution for well, how would you reimburse local governments for the grocery tax that you would like to get rid of? I would like very much to eliminate entirely the grocery tax, but it is a matter of local governments and what they would do if they didn’t have that income as a result of the grocery tax.

Please pardon all transcription errors.

*** UPDATE *** Reporter in question brings receipts…



*** UPDATED x1 *** Chicago’s air quality is worst in world because of Canadian wildfires

Tuesday, Jun 27, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Sun-Times

How bad is the air quality in Chicago today?

It’s the worst anywhere on the planet, according to the World Air Quality Index. That’s right — worse than the biggest, most polluted cities in India and China. Minneapolis was ranked second; Detroit fifth., which uses the official U.S. Air Quality Index, listed Chicago as “unhealthy” as of 9 a.m. Chicago time. […]

“Definitely people with respiratory issues should definitely limit their time outdoors today and try to maintain themselves indoors if at all possible,” said Zachary Yack, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Romeoville.

* Map from yesterday…

* NWS Chicago…

* Block Club Chicago

The problem is predicted to last through the day Tuesday.

Chicago Public Schools said in an email to families Tuesday it would move its summer programs indoors “to reduce the risk to students and staff.”

The American Lung Association and Mount Sinai Health System shared the following tips for those looking to limit exposure to unhealthy air:

    Avoid exercising outdoors and stay inside with windows closed an air conditioning on if possible.
    Walk, bike or carpool. Combine trips. Use buses, subways, commuter trains or other alternatives to driving your car.

    Don’t smoke.

    If you must be outside, consider wearing an N95 or KN95 mask. Surgical masks will not be helpful with air pollution, according to Mount Sinai Health.

* Reuters

Wildfires burning through large swathes of eastern and western Canada have released a record 160 million tonnes of carbon, the EU’s Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service said on Tuesday.

This year’s wildfire season is the worst on record in Canada, with some 76,000 square kilometres (29,000 square miles) burning across eastern and western Canada. That’s greater than the combined area burned in 2016, 2019, 2022 and 2022, according to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.

As of June 26, the annual emissions from the fires are now the largest for Canada since satellite monitoring began in 2003, surpassing 2014 at 140 million tonnes.

* Adriana Pérez…

* Paris Schultz of WTTW…

* More from Twitter…

* ABC Chicago

ABC7 Meteorologist Tracy Butler said it will remain hazy throughout the day.

With the poor air quality, recommends people with heart or lung disease, older adults, children and teens to reduce exposure by:

    -Avoiding strenuous outdoor activities

    -Keeping outdoor activities short.

    -Consider moving physical activities indoors or rescheduling them.

* Milwaukee is in second place

Early Tuesday morning, the city at one point moved into the “very unhealthy” category for everyone with an Air Quality Index of 248 (purple zone) as smoke from Canadian wildfires is blanketing the state, making the skies hazy.

Milwaukee’s air quality reached the “very unhealthy” level for the first time in a spring and summer that is being defined by deteriorating air quality. Other parts of Wisconsin remain in the “unhealthy” category as defined by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. […]

Milwaukee’s air quality is the second worst in the country and the world as defined by

…Adding… Chicago Mayor Johnson…

“The City of Chicago is carefully monitoring and taking precautions as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has categorized our Air Quality Index as “unhealthy” due to Canadian wildfire smoke present in the Chicago region. We recommend children, teens, seniors, people with heart or lung disease,and individuals who are pregnant avoid strenuous activities and limit their time outdoors.

For additional precautions, all Chicagoans may also consider wearing masks, limiting their outdoor exposure, moving activities indoors, running air purifiers, and closing windows. As these unsafe conditions continue, the City will continue to provide updates and take swift action to ensure that vulnerable individuals have the resources they need to protect themselves and their families. Anyone who needs immediate medical attention should dial 911.

This summer, cities across North America have seen unhealthy levels of air quality as a result of wildfire smoke, impacting over 20 million people from New York City, Washington DC, Montreal, and today here in Chicago. As we work to respond to the immediate health concerns in our communities, this concerning episode demonstrates and underscores the harmful impact that the climate crisis is having on our residents, as well as people all over the world.

We must take drastic action to mitigate these threats and ensure that every Chicagoan in every neighborhood has the resources and protection they need to thrive. Please visit for information on the latest air quality in Chicago.”

*** UPDATE *** More from the city…

Smoke from wildfires in Canada continues to impact air quality in Chicago, which was rated as “very unhealthy” beginning at 11 a.m. Tuesday, according to Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) air monitors. By midday, the IEPA issued an Air Quality Alert in effect until midnight on Wednesday, with recommendations that all Chicagoans – and particularly sensitive populations, including individuals with heart or lung disease, older adults, pregnant people, and young children – avoid outdoor activities and take precautions to protect themselves from exposure.

The City initiated a comprehensive response, including outreach to vulnerable populations and special precautions such as moving Chicago Park District camps, Chicago Public Schools and other activities indoors where possible. For Chicagoans without access to properly ventilated and safe indoor conditions, please utilize our public libraries, senior centers, Park District facilities, and the Cultural Center or the six community service centers that operate from 9am-5pm:

    • Englewood Center – 1140 W. 79th Street 
    • Garfield Center – 10 S. Kedzie Ave. (24 Hours) 
    • King Center – 4314 S. Cottage Grove  
    • North Area Center – 845 W. Wilson Ave.  
    • South Chicago Center – 8650 S. Commercial Ave.  
    • Trina Davila Center – 4312 W. North Ave. 

These facilities are open to the public for respite.  Other critical actions being taken by the City today in response to the air quality conditions include: 

    • Urging the private sector, members of the public, and City departments to delay, reduce, and/or halt outdoor activities wherever possible. 
    • Alerting Chicago Housing Authority, delegate agency clients, Department of Family and Support Services Seniors, and Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities clients of the air quality situation and providing helpful safety information. 
    • Urging the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), particularly for sensitive populations. 
    • Making PPE available to vulnerable residents through our street outreach teams. 
    • Urging employers to allow telecommuting where possible. 
    • Urging the public and City departments to limit automobile use and refueling. 
    • Providing 3-1-1 with helpful air quality safety information. 
    • Utilizing the City’s broad communication network, including digital assets, to share information with the public. 
    • Monitoring 9-1-1 call volume and hospital visits for respiratory related health emergencies. 
    For the duration of the Air Quality Alert, all individuals, and particularly sensitive populations should:
    • Avoid spending time outdoors. If you must go outside, keep outdoor activity short and wear a KN95 or N95 mask while outside. 
    • Stay indoors and keep your indoor air as clean as possible by not smoking, using candles, or vacuuming. 
    • Follow your doctor’s advice if you have asthma, lung or cardiovascular disease. Some symptoms of breathing smoke include wheezing, chest pain, shortness of breath, and trouble breathing. If your symptoms worsen, call your physician or 911. 
    • Keep windows and doors closed and turn on your air conditioner if you have one. Seek shelter elsewhere if you do not have an air conditioner and your home is too warm. 
    • Use an air filter if you have one. 
    • Limit driving a vehicle if possible.  
    • Stay tuned to local news media advisories.   

To learn more about air quality in our area and monitor for updates from the U.S. EPA, visit  Residents can also sign up to receive NotifyChicago alerts at or download the Chicago OEMC App through the Apple App or Google play stores for public safety tips and alerts.  

* Related…


Bears dangle Taylor Swift, professional wrestling and monster truck jams to woo Arlington Heights

Tuesday, Jun 27, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This presentation by Bears team president Kevin Warren seems kinda desperate and even somewhat pathetic to me…


This thing has a definite “Monorail!” vibe to it.

* Crain’s

Warren let slip another locale that had — literally — come calling: Lake Forest. According to the Daily Herald’s report of the event, Warren mentioned that officials from the North Shore community had called about the team’s move while he was on his way to Monday night’s event. The team’s headquarters, Halas Hall, are already based in Lake Forest.

The apparent Lake Forest overture comes just two weeks after nearby Waukegan made known its interest in being the Bears’ new home.

Crain’s updates

A spokesperson for the Bears clarified Warrens’s comments on the overture from another suburb, saying Warren received the call from another suburb while coming from Lake Forest but that the call was not by reps of Lake Forest.

* Waukegan’s proposal has some, um, problems

So, Waukegan Mayor Ann Taylor wants to lure the Chicago Bears to the city by offering a toxic site for a new stadium. Can you say, “Dead on arrival.”

One can imagine the guffaws emanating from Halas Hall, a short trip south in Lake Forest, when news reached them that a 300-acre, one-time asbestos wasteland is the chief spot where officials in the City of Progress want to host the Bears’ $5 billion domed football arena. […]

If the Bears decline, what does become of one of the foremost reminder of Waukegan’s industrial legacy? It’s in a somewhat deserted location.

It would take more costly environmental mitigation, if at all, to turn it into usable open space. As Bridge Industrial’s plan for turning the old Baxter International property in Deerfield into a logistics center is stymied, the Chicago-based company may want to turn to that location.

* WGN appears to have gone into sportswriting mode

Kevin Warren, the CEO and President of the Chicago Bears, answered questions on a variety of topics, including livability concerns, whether an impact study will be provided, how the organization would work with and give back to schools, and whether the organization is asking for tax breaks.

He also said the Bears organization has made offers to pay back more than $4 million in taxes to the school districts.

* Daily Herald

The Bears and three school districts — Palatine Township Elementary District 15, Northwest Suburban High School District 214 and Palatine-Schaumburg High School District 211, whose boundaries cover portions of the sprawling shuttered racetrack property — are far apart on what the tax payment should be the next two years.

The Bears’ last offer was $4.3 million, while the schools suggested $7.9 million. Though it’s being challenged, Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi’s reassessment of the property would increase the annual property tax bill from $2.8 million to $16.2 million.

Warren hasn’t met with the school superintendents since April 18, but amid the stalled negotiations, he has had meetings with the mayors of Chicago and Naperville. […]

Warren was interviewed on the theater stage by attorney Ernie Rose, who is on the six-member steering committee of Touchdown Arlington, a coalition of Arlington Heights business owners who support the Bears’ move to town. Warren didn’t take questions from the assembled media before or after the hourlong event, but Rose said his questions to Warren were among the 300 or so written queries of those who registered for the event.

* More

Newly-obtained letters by NBC 5 Investigates underscore why the Bears may have said that the former horse racecourse site is “no longer their singular focus.”

In a letter sent May 4 to school districts that serve the northwest suburbs, Warren called the current $95 million valuation on the land a “non-starter.” […]

In his May 4 letter to the school districts, Warren countered with a $52 million value for the land, alluding to the team’s fears that the tax bill would only increase as they build a stadium.

“Because we do not have property tax fairness,” Warren wrote. “We will not be moving forward with plans to develop the property at this time…”


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Question of the day
* 2024 Illinois State Fair breaks attendance record
* Is this a war declaration?
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* Isabel’s morning briefing
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