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Today’s quotable

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m posting this press release because I do not ever recall a Republican legislator saying “Illinois is a great place to do business”…

Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) today announced the launch of the Blue Collar Jobs Act (BCJA) Tax Credit application for eligible companies. BCJA is a bipartisan legislative package designed to promote economic expansion and growth in Illinois by incentivizing construction projects. The legislation makes $20 million in tax credits available per year for eligible companies. […]

The BCJA amended legislation for Illinois’ premier incentive programs to provide tax credits attributable to the wages paid to construction workers on eligible projects. Eligible companies include those who are located in an Enterprise Zone (EZ) or a River Edge Redevelopment Zone (RERZ), companies designated a High Impact Business (HIB), or companies with an agreement under the Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) Program. Companies that completed construction projects in 2021 (the effective date of the legislation) or later are eligible to apply for credits. […]

Eligible companies can receive tax credits equal to 75 percent of the income tax attributable to construction workers on eligible projects located in an underserved area, or 50 percent for projects located in other areas. The BCJA is designed to further incentivize major capital investments in communities across Illinois and create good-paying construction jobs. […]

“Illinois is a great place to do business, and the tax credits provided by the Blue Collar Jobs Act will encourage capital investments across Illinois,” said Representative Joe Sosnowski (R-Rockford). “Incentivizing major construction projects while supporting manufacturers will have a long lasting, positive economic impact on Illinois communities.”

…Adding… On-topic update…

Senate Republican Leader John Curran (R-Downers Grove) released the following statement on DCEO’s announcement that the Blue Collar Jobs Act will be coming back online.

“We have consistently requested that the governor implement the long-stalled Blue Collar Jobs Act that was a part of the 2019 Rebuild Illinois bipartisan agreement. Manufacturers and businesses throughout the state can now begin applying for these jobs and development tax credits. This is a step in the right direction for rebuilding our economy and providing more job opportunities to Illinois workers.”

* Senate President Don Harmon…

“This is the result of a bipartisan effort to foster economic development in Illinois. These tax incentives are an excellent way to create good-paying jobs and continue our growth as a business leader in the Midwest.”


*** UPDATED x1 *** It’s almost a law

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

*** UPDATE *** Heading to the governor…

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Brenden Moore…

* Chicago Tribune

A measure aimed at keeping anti-abortion pregnancy centers from employing deceptive practices in an effort to dissuade women from seeking the procedure has been sent by Illinois legislators to Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker, who already has indicated his support.

Sometimes referred to as “limited practice facilities,” the nonprofit clinics operate nationwide and often open near or even adjacent to clinics where abortions are performed. The bill, passed by the House last week after earlier clearing the Senate, empowers the Illinois attorney general to investigate claims that a limited practice facility engaged in fraud, deception or false pretense. Violations could lead to fines of up to $50,000.

“This is literally giving and clarifying the authority of the attorney general in order to prosecute these cases where people are using misleading and deceptive practices in order to take women away from being able to actually get the abortion care that they are looking for,” Democratic state Sen. Celina Villanueva of Chicago said in an interview.

Opponents say the bill violates the First Amendment, discriminates against certain organizations and gives too much leeway to the attorney general’s office to decide what facilities should be penalized.

* Sen. Loughran Cappel…

In an effort to recognize and honor Illinois veterans, State Senator Loughran Cappel led a measure that would allow the Secretary of State to issue United States Submarine Veterans special license plates

“After hearing from a number of constituents, I saw the reason this was important to submarine veterans,” said Loughran Cappel (D-Shorewood). “We have to honor the sacrifices all our veterans have made and this is one way we can show our support.”

House Bill 1581 would allow the Secretary of State to issue United States Submarine Veteran license plates to Illinois residents who served in the United States Navy as a submariner. New York and Connecticut offer similar submarine service license plates.

The Illinois Secretary of State’s Office offers a number of different specialty license plates. Requests for these license plates can be accepted at Driver Services Facilities.

“Our armed forces uproot their lives, leave their families and head off to fight for our country and we can’t thank them enough for that,” Loughran Cappel said.

* Ben Szalinski…


Illinois could be the first state in the country to ensure children featured in social media videos with their families are compensated for their work. […]

The bill states children under 16 could be entitled to a share of the revenue from videos if they are featured in at least 30% of a vlogger’s content within a 30-day period. Minors would receive access to the money once they turn 18 or become legally independent from their parents or guardians. […]

Senate Bill 1782 passed out of the House Tuesday on a 98-17 vote. Some House Republicans opposed the plan as they feel government should not impede on family relationships.

The legislation now heads back to the Senate on concurrence. This measure previously gained unanimous support in the Senate on March 29.


After emergency appeal, US Supreme Court doesn’t block implementation of assault weapons ban

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* New York Times

The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to block two Illinois laws prohibiting the sale of high-powered guns and high-capacity magazines while challenges to them move forward.

The court’s brief order gave no reasons, which is typical when the court acts on requests for emergency relief. There were no noted dissents.

Several other states, including California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Washington, along with many municipalities, have enacted similar laws in the wake of mass shootings around the nation. Recent shootings, including one at a Texas mall that left eight people dead, have prompted calls for further efforts to address gun violence.

The case that reached the Supreme Court was a challenge to a city ordinance in Naperville, Ill., enacted in August and a state law enacted in January. The ordinance prohibited “the commercial sale of assault rifles,” listing 26 categories of weapons, including AK-47 and AR-15 rifles. The state law covered similar weapons along with high-capacity magazines.

The order is here.

…Adding… Annie Thompson at the attorney general’s office…

We are pleased the Supreme Court has denied the emergency application for injunction pending appeal, and that communities in Illinois will continue to benefit from this important public safety measure. The Attorney General’s office remains committed to defending the Protect Illinois Communities Act’s constitutionality.

* Rep. Morgan…

State Rep. Bob Morgan, D-Deerfield, is commenting publicly following news that the U.S. Supreme Court declined to halt enforcement of the statewide assault weapons ban while cases against it are decided. Those cases are currently before the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Justice Coney Barrett’s decision reinforces what we already knew–that the Protect Illinois Communities Act is, by design, constitutional, and that it comports with legal precedent,” Morgan said. “That this ruling comes from a member of the Court’s conservative majority without noted dissents is the clearest indication yet of the strength of this lifesaving law.”

“The Protect Illinois Communities Act has already prevented the sale of thousands of assault weapons and high capacity magazines in our state. This ruling is a victory in the fight to keep these weapons of war from creating more carnage in communities like mine and countless others across this state.”

* Sen. Morrison…

State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) released the following statement after the nation’s top court refused to block two Illinois laws prohibiting the sale of high-powered guns and high-capacity magazines:

“The decision by the U.S. Supreme Court is a positive step toward further ensuring military-style weapons – designed for war and not for sport – do not decimate our communities.

“I remain hopeful that this is a positive sign for the Protect Illinois Communities Act and trust in Attorney General Kwame Raoul to work diligently to defend its constitutionality.”

* G-PAC…

Today, the Gun Violence Prevention PAC (G-PAC) released the following statement from John Schmidt, a former U.S. Associate Attorney General and member of the Executive Board of G-PAC, in support of the denial from the United States Supreme Court to halt the state’s ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.

“The Supreme Court today rejected the last-ditch effort by a Naperville gun dealer to stop continued enforcement of the Illinois ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines passed in January.

The Court issued a one word order: Denied.

As a strong supporter of the new law, we welcome the Court’s action. The dealer had previously lost in the United States District Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit. He now has nowhere left to go.

The Illinois law will now remain fully in effect while the dealer appeals to the Court of Appeals from District Judge Virginia Kendall’s decision to deny a preliminary injunction because, she said, the statute is “constitutionally sound”. The Court of Appeals will hear oral argument in the case on June 29. It will also hear arguments in a second case in which District Judge Lindsay Jenkins denied relief against the statute in an action brought by a Chicago gun owner, and in a third case in which Judge Steven McGlynn in East St. Louis issued an injunction against the statute that was immediately stated by the Court of Appeals.

We applaud the Illinois Attorney General and the superb lawyers in his office for their effective representation of the public interest in these cases. Stopping enforcement of the law would allow resumption of a continuing flow of new assault weapons and large capacity magazines into our communities. Sale of those dangerous weapons has now stopped and it should never be resumed.”

* IFC…

The IL Freedom Caucus is issuing the following statement on the US Supreme Court decision to allow enforcement of Illinois’ weapons ban law to continue.

“The US Supreme Court is being consistent with a similar decision in January to allow a New York gun ban to remain in effect while the legal challenges move forward. It is our belief the United States Supreme Court will ultimately decide the constitutionality of the New York law, the Illinois state law as well as the Naperville, IL gun ban. We don’t believe unconstitutional laws should ever be allowed to be enforced, but we remain confident the High Court will rule to uphold the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens and prevent state and local governments from enforcing laws that blatantly violate our constitutional rights.”


Work your bills, people

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Freshman Rep. Dennis Tipsword (R-Metamora) spent much of his interview with the Pontiac Daily Leader complaining about how woke ideology has infected the legislature, Chicago’s dominance, and even mentioned the counties topic

“But it’s just frustrating that we, as the Republican Party with only our 40 members, have constituents in every one of our 102 counties. We, as Republicans, touch every county in this state. Democrats can’t say that.”

* Anyway

Tipsword’s frustrations include his bills not getting a chance to be read. One such bill involved monitoring those with Alzheimer’s or with other dementia or brain-injury issues. This is bill was based on something employed by Woodford County. […]

He pointed out that this program in Woodford County began three years ago. It involves a monitoring bracelet to allow for easier location of the individual when such a situation arises. Tipsword said that there have already been 12 successful finds. […]

He said he wanted to do a test through a few counties but could not get it off the ground. Tipsword found this to be very frustrating and couldn’t understand why there was no momentum.

It got sent to sub-committee, which is an abyss, a place where bills go to die, he said.

The statewide pilot project seems like a decent enough bill. It would even be privately funded.

But Rep. Tipsword only convinced a single member to co-sponsor his bill, and that wasn’t until more than two weeks after the committee passage deadline had passed, and that co-sponsor was a Republican. Only one person filed a witness slip in support.

* Contrast that with fellow Downstate Republican freshman Rep. Bradley Fritts, who passed a bill removing the testing requirement for motorcycle operators who are under the age of 18. Fritts worked that bill hard with ABATE, and they signed up lots of Democratic and Republican co-sponsors (including Speaker Welch) and more than 100 witness slips in support. It passed with a unanimous vote. Rep. Fritts also passed a bill allowing one of his local park districts to buy solar panels and signed up Majority Leader Robyn Gabel as his chief co-sponsor. It cleared the chamber 112-1.

Freshman Republican Rep. William Hauter passed a medical licensure bill with bipartisan support and medical institutional backing.

Republican freshman Rep. Jennifer Sanalitro passed a bill that expanded the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act to include some mortgage marketing materials and a bill mandating insurance companies cover medically necessary home saliva cancer screening every 24 months. Both had bipartisan support.

* Do the House and Senate Republicans get the shaft? Heck yes, they do. And some of it, probably more than some, is not of their own making.

But don’t put in minimal visible effort and then complain you can’t get anything done.

…Adding… Even this guy got a bill to the governor’s desk…

The Illinois Senate has given final approval to a measure State Rep. Adam Niemerg (R-Dietrich) sponsored to enable abuse victims under 13 years of age to avoid appearing in open court when providing their testimony.

House Bill 2607 passed both the House and the Senate without any opposition. The measure establishes a presumption that the testimony of a victim who is a child under 13 years of age shall testify outside the courtroom, and the child’s testimony shall be shown in the courtroom using a closed-circuit television. The presumption could only be removed if the defendant proves the child will not suffer emotional distress by providing testimony in the courtroom.

“This bipartisan legislation is a common-sense solution to prevent kids in abuse cases from facing their abuser in open court,” Niemerg said. “It sets the practice of closed-circuit TV testimony as the norm. Nothing is more important than protecting our kids, and that’s exactly what this legislation does. I hope the Governor will sign this bipartisan legislation into law.”


Protected: *** UPDATED x1 *** SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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