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*** UPDATE: ALL FOUR GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS ***Jury reaches verdict in ComEd 4 trial

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Pramaggiore and McClain are now in the courtroom. Stay tuned.

*** UPDATE *** All four guilty on all counts…

OK, back to the softball game for me.


Afternoon roundup

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a subscriber…

About a quarter mile south of where the pavement is burned to a crisp on 55, a bunch of cars and trucks were pulled off as another dust storm kicked up and made for bad visibility.

Once it settled, we had a bunch of dust clouds out to the west.

Pic from about 1 o’clock this afternoon…

…Adding… Crain’s

Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi has thrown a haymaker punch at the Chicago Bears as they ponder whether to proceed with plans to build a stadium complex in Arlington Heights, moving to raise six-fold the property tax value of the land involved even before any construction occurs.

The move is being appealed to the Cook County Board of Review, a three-person panel that can overrule Kaegi’s decisions. But if the assessment is upheld, it would cost the team roughly an additional $15 million a year in property taxes — a very steep price the NFL franchise would have to pay while it decides whether to develop the former Arlington International Racecourse property.

* Daily Herald

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett is giving the city of Naperville until next Monday to provide further information regarding its local ordinance prohibiting the sale of certain high-powered weapons.

Barrett’s request comes after a Naperville gun shop owner asked her to temporarily halt enforcement of Naperville’s gun ban and Illinois’ similar ban while both are being challenged in lower courts. […]

The National Association for Gun Rights claims in a statement Barrett’s request “indicates interest from the Supreme Court in granting the request for relief.”

“We’re thankful the Supreme Court is taking the Second Amendment rights of Illinoisans seriously,” said Dudley Brown, president of the National Association for Gun Rights. “Any ban on so-called ‘Assault Weapons’ is plainly unconstitutional, and now it is on the city of Naperville to explain the legal justification for their ban. Of course, there isn’t any. The bans were ludicrous from the start, and if Illinois had any sense, they would wave the white flag now and save us all some time.”

* G-PAC…

Today, the Gun Violence Prevention PAC (G-PAC) released the following statement from its CEO and President, Kathleen Sances, in response to reports of gun shops experiencing surges in sales following a judge’s recent decision to place an injunction on Illinois’ assault weapons ban.

    “As our country continues to reel from a slew of mass shootings, gun dealers in our state are using a recent court decision to continue to push the gun industry’s agenda of guns everywhere for anyone. Once again, we’re reminded that the gun lobby’s primary goal is to make a profit at every turn – and they’re willing to sacrifice the safety of our communities and families to make it happen.

    “Make no mistake, assault weapons only serve one purpose, and that is to kill and injure as many people as possible as quickly as possible. They have no legitimate civilian use, and their accessibility to the public only increases the risk of mass shootings, homicides, and other violent crimes.

    “While the gun lobby remains hellbent on turning back the hands of time on Illinois and doing away with critical laws, our people-powered movement of lawmakers, survivors and gun safety advocates is prepared to fight for the future of our state. We have a right to be safe, and we are determined to protect it.”

* Still growing, but a tiny bit slower

The University of Illinois Flash Index for April 2023 continued to decline from 103.1 in March to 102.9 in April. This suggests growth is slowing, but still positive. Any index value above 100 indicates expansion.

“In the ongoing recession watch, the needle has moved more toward a recession later this year according to many observers.”

GDP for the first quarter slowed to 1.1% accompanied by many reports of layoffs in the formerly hot tech sector. However, the unemployment rate continues its robust performance with both the Illinois and national rates falling one-tenth of a percentage point. These rates remain near the post-WWII low.

The three main components of the Index (individual income, corporate, and sales tax receipts) were all down in inflation-adjusted terms from April 2022. Individual income tax revenues fell the most compared to the strong receipts in the April 2022 filing period.

* Gov. Pritzker has been doing this same thing a lot lately

President Biden is flipping the script on Republicans by casting himself as the protector of “freedom,” going on offense by using a word and concept conservatives have frequently cited to push back on the president and his party.

Biden’s campaign launch video was titled “Freedom,” and he referenced “freedom” or “freedoms” six times over the course of the clip. The campaign’s first official ad used those words seven times.

* No news yet today…

Keep an eye on the live coverage post for quick updates.

* Press release…

Following the news that Dr. Cristina Pacione-Zayas will leave the Illinois State Senate to join the administration of mayor-elect Brandon Johnson as his First Deputy Chief of Staff, six northwest-side grassroots, independent political organizations have come together to host a “People’s Appointment” process for the pending vacancy in the 20th State Senate District.

The People’s Appointment process will ensure that 20th State Senate District residents vet applicants for the Senate vacancy in an open, transparent, and democratic process. Upon Senator Pacione-Zayas’s resignation, 20th State Senate District Ward Democratic committeepeople will have 30 days to fill the vacancy via a weighted vote. 1st Ward Democratic Committeeman Daniel La Spata and 35th Ward Democratic Committeeman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa have already committed to participate in the People’s Appointment process and abide by the results.

“Illinois’ 20th State Senate District is one of the most progressive districts in the nation,” said Cesareo Moreno, a leader with United Neighbors of the 35th Ward, “our community will not accept an insider selected behind closed doors. The People’s Appointment process will democratically identify a candidate our community and our Democratic committeepeople can proudly support.”

The community groups convening and supporting the People’s Appointment are United Neighbors of the 35th Ward, 1st Ward United, 33rd Ward Working Families, United Northwest Side, 30th United, and 39th Ward Neighbors United. 20th State Senate residents interested in the process can sign up at: All Democratic committeepeople in the district are invited to participate in this open and democratic process.

…Adding… DPI…

On Saturday, members of the Democratic State Central Committee voted to approve the Democratic Party of Illinois’ Delegate Selection Plan for the 2024 Democratic National Convention.

Illinois will use a proportional representation system based on the results of the March 19, 2024 Primary Election for apportioning district level delegates to the 2024 Democratic National Convention. Participation in the state’s delegate selection process is open to all voters who wish to participate as Democrats.

Prior to its passage, the plan was publicized and open for public comment for 30 days and was reviewed during a convening of the appointed Affirmative Action and Inclusion Committee where members discussed strategies for achieving outreach and inclusion goals. The plan includes educational and informational materials and programming that will commence in September to ensure the delegation is representative of the demographic diversity across Illinois. Diversity is a high priority of the Democratic Party of Illinois, and for this reason, DPI has increased delegate representation goals across historically underrepresented constituencies by 15% over National Party recommendations. To achieve those goals, DPI will hold educational workshops in each delegate district beginning September 2023 open to all Democratic voters. […]

The approved Illinois Delegate Selection Plan is being submitted to the Democratic National Committee for review by the Rules and Bylaws Committee for final adoption.

* Perhaps the dumbest “both sides” argument I’ve seen in a while…

I’m 100 percent certain that Colonel McCormick loved paid advertising

Under his direction the Chicago Tribune achieved the largest circulation among American standard-sized newspapers and led the world in newspaper advertising revenue.

* I texted Jim Edgar yesterday to “inform” the former governor that a hair style had been named after him

Picture a bowl cut but with the bangs straight across — and the sides shaved clean.

It’s called The Edgar, and it has gained widespread popularity among Gen-Z Latinos in recent years.

The owner of a barbershop on the Southwest Side says kids request the somewhat divisive haircut with Mexican and Indigenous roots on a near-daily basis.

First popularized in border states such as California, New Mexico and Texas, the haircut has become a viral meme on social media during the pandemic.

In classic Edgar style, he wondered how much the haircut costs.

* Isabel’s roundup…


It’s just a bill

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* HB2531 is on Second Reading in the Senate

* Illinois Radio Network

State Rep. Mark Walker, D-Arlington Heights, said House Bill 3479 creates the Uniform Money Transmission Modernization Act, which requires exchanges and crypto businesses to obtain a license from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.

“We can add stability to our entire banking system and put them in a situation where they don’t have to be bailed out,” said Walker.

If businesses are approved for a digital asset license in Illinois, the bill allows the state to access their books and pass along relevant information to enforcement agencies.

Walker said the legislation also includes safeguards to help prevent fraudsters from taking advantage of Illinoisans. […]

The measure passed the House by a 90-21 vote.

* Rep. Kam Buckner

As Chicago and Illinois get ready to host the 2024 Democratic National Convention, our state should be paving the way towards a more democratic system of voting, starting with the presidential primary.

Bringing ranked choice voting (RCV) to Illinois is something we can all get behind, regardless of political ideology. Legislation (HB2807 and SB 1456) is now making its way through Springfield that would put Illinois on the growing list of states that are considering adopting RCV.

Such a system would benefit both voters and candidates, creating a political landscape that is more hospitable to a larger and more diverse pool of qualified candidates to run for office.

One of the biggest problems with our current presidential primary system is that votes go to waste. State primaries take place over months, and during that time, people are voting early or absentee for candidates who may end up dropping out before primary election day, or are otherwise not viable because they don’t receive enough votes. This impacts both Democrats and Republicans. During their last competitive presidential primary in Illinois, over 70,000 Democrats and 30,000 Republicans had their votes thrown out because the candidate they voted for dropped out before their primary.

* SB684 is on Second Reading in the House. Here’s 25News Now

A proposed bill would create a new tax for people in rural McLean County, helping fund the Central Illinois Regional Airport. […]

Legislation co-sponsored by State Sen. David Koehler (D - Peoria) says “This issue is about fairness. Right now, the only tax support for the Central Illinois Regional Airport is from residents of Bloomington and Normal. The goal is to spread the support to the entire county of McLean, as we did for the airport in Peoria and Peoria County in 2007.”

Last year, about 180,000 passengers flew through CIRA in Bloomington. However, the only taxes supporting it, were the people who live in Bloomington and Normal. […]

The bill would reduce the tax rate for people in Bloomington-Normal by about 33%. It would bring their current 14 cents per $100 of assessed value to 9.5 cents per $100 of assessed value.

For people outside the Twin Cities, it would be about $55 more a year for the owner of a house valued at $175,000.

* SB85 has not left the Senate. From Resource Recycling

The aluminum recycling industry continues to push for new beverage container deposit programs, with an executive pointing to potential in the Upper Midwest and in the nation’s capital. […]

Henry Gordinier, president and CEO of Louisville, Ky.-based Tri-Arrows, which recycles used beverage cans (UBCs) into sheets for making cans, said that since the Aluminum Association and Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI) launched their campaign to lobby for bottle bills, the industry “has been firing on all cylinders to advocate for these policies.”

Gordinier pointed to progress in the legislatures in Illinois and Minnesota, while also mentioning that Maryland lawmakers held a hearing recently on recycling refunds. He also noted that U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, a Democrat from Oregon, is working to introduce legislation for a national bottle deposit program.

“There is strong bipartisan support for recycling refund programs,” he said, adding that states with bottle bills have aluminum can recycling rates nearly double those in states without them.

* Center Square

There is legislation moving through the Illinois Capitol [Added by Rich: Despite what the Center Square people claim, this particular bill is not “moving” - it has been stuck in House Rules since early March, for crying out loud] that would require auto insurance companies to undergo the same rate hike oversight that utility companies are subjected to. […]

The measure would empower the Illinois Department of Insurance to reject or modify excessive rate hikes and end the use of non-driving factors, such as credit scores, to set rates. A coalition of 15 consumer, community and civil rights organizations is backing the legislation.

“Yet again, insurance companies raise rates on families who are struggling to get by, all while lavishing its CEO with exorbitant compensation,” said Rep. Will Guzzardi, D-Chicago, the bill’s sponsor. “We need accountability for these rate hikes, and we need strong rules to protect consumers from predatory, discriminatory, and unnecessary rate increases.” […]

Kevin Martin, executive director of the Illinois Insurance Association, said if passed, the legislation will do the exact opposite of what it is designed to do.

“I think if this bill is passed and signed into law, Illinois will go from probably the premiere state for insurance companies to want to do business to by far the worst,” said Martin.


Agriculture advocates gathered at the Capitol for Black Farmers Lobby Week.

State Legislators say they’ve seen a decrease in black farmers and black-owned farms across the state. […]

Advocates presented several bills to provide additional support to farmers of color:

    House Bill 2557, the Farmer Equity and Innovation Act, creates a program with the University of Illinois Extension to keep small and midsize farms competitive.

    House Bill 3556 creates the farmer restoration and conservancy program which helps historically underserved farmers get assistance with land access.

    House Bill 3557 increases the proportion of food used by state agencies that is sources from socially disadvantaged farmers.

    House Bill 2523 appropriates 5 million dollars from the general revenue fund to the Department of Agriculture to create grants for socially disadvantaged farmers.


* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Indictment alleges NYC mayor gamed campaign reform to scam $10 million out of taxpayers
* The Importance Of Energy Storage
* Big staff changes announced for Pritzker’s communications team
* Question of the day
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
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