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Multiple dead, more than 30 hospitalized after blowing dust leads to accidents on I-55

Monday, May 1, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

…Adding… Horrible news…

* News Channel 20

I-55 shut down Monday from milepost 63 to 80 due to a large crash involving more than 20 cars.

Police say they started receiving calls reporting the crash around 10:55 a.m. on Monday. […]

Illinois State Police say the crash involved approximately 20 commercial motor vehicles and 40 to 60 passenger cars.

Police say they have reports of more than 30 people being transported to the hospital and multiple fatalities.

The cause of the crash is excessive winds blowing dirt from fields across the highway, creating zero visibility.

Police say two truck-tractor semi-trailers caught on fire as a result of the crashes.

* ISP press release…

UNIT: ISP Troop 8

LOCATION: Interstate 55 near Milepost 76, north of Farmersville, Montgomery County

DATE and TIME: May 1, 2023 at approximately 10:55 a.m.

BRIEF SYNOPSIS: Preliminary information indicates the following occurred: ISP Troops 6 and 8 responded to the above area for multiple crashes with injuries. Interstate 55 is currently shut down in both directions from milepost 63 to milepost 80. Visibility in the area is reported to be low due to blowing dust. Traffic is urged to seek alternate routes.

At 10:55 a.m. there was a crash on northbound Interstate 55 at Milepost 76. At the same time, there were numerous crashes on southbound Interstate 55 at Milepost 76. Approximately 20 commercial motor vehicles and 40 to 60 passenger cars were involved. This includes two truck-tractor semi-trailers that caught fire as a result of the crashes.

At this time, we have reports of more than 30 people being transported to the hospital and multiple fatalities. The cause of the crash is due to excessive winds blowing dirt from farm fields across the highway leading to zero visibility.

This information is still preliminary and the ISP continues to investigate this crash. We will have more information at our next briefing at 4:30 p.m.

…Adding… More from ISP…

Injuries range from minor to life-threatening and ages range from two-years-old to 80-years-old.

Reports show there are six fatalities, all occurring in the northbound lanes. We do not have any additional information on those individuals at this time.

…Adding… Another ISP update…

At this time, 72 vehicles are reported being involved in the crash. A total of 37 people were transported to area hospitals. […]

Reports show there are six fatalities, all occurring in the northbound lanes. At this time, one decedent has been identified as 88-year-old Shirley Harper of Franklin, WI. The Montgomery County Coroner’s Office is working diligently to identify the other five individuals and notify their families.

Northbound and southbound lanes remain closed. Once the interstate is cleared of all vehicles, the Illinois Department of Transportation will have to inspect the roadway before it is re-opened.

* Photos and videos from Twitter…


Afternoon roundup

Monday, May 1, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some folks who were eligible for Medicaid during the pandemic are no longer eligible because they have jobs again and can get their own insurance. So, judging the success of this effort by raw numbers alone will be difficult. Still, this is a huge test of how well the Pritzker administration can govern…

As the COVID-19 pandemic policy of pausing annual Medicaid renewals for customers comes to an end, the Pritzker administration is committed to protect coverage for eligible Illinois Medicaid customers, as annual eligibility verifications, or redeterminations, resume in Illinois. The first week of May is a critical time, as the first round of customers to go through the resumed renewal process will be receiving time-sensitive redetermination notices in the mail.

In Illinois, there will not be a “coverage cliff,” where everyone loses coverage at one time. Rather, redeterminations will happen on a rolling basis through mid-2024. Everybody’s due date is different, and all Illinois Medicaid customers will have a chance to go through the redetermination process.

“My administration is committed to making this renewal and redetermination process as smooth and efficient as possible, so that every Illinoisan knows the healthcare options that are available to them,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “We’ve been preparing for this moment for many months now, from increasing staffing to our widespread Ready to Renew marketing campaign. And we are collaborating with community health centers, local organizations, and public health partners to deliver resources for Illinois residents that will be most impacted by the restart of the Medicaid redetermination process.” […]

In the month of June, approximately 113,600 cases in Illinois are up for renewal. The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), which administers the Illinois Medicaid program, has conducted an ex parte screening on all cases using electronic data sources and known information to determine the customer’s continued eligibility. Thanks to robust preparations and enhanced data connections, HFS was able to automatically renew 51% of Medicaid customers due in June. […]

Customers who do not respond or are no longer eligible lose their Medicaid coverage a month after their due date. Anyone who is no longer eligible for Medicaid coverage will be notified and will receive information about how to enroll in alternative coverage.

* ComEd 4 jury deliberation update from the Tribune

Shortly after resuming talks Monday, the jury sent a note asking the court to “clarify a possible discrepancy with the use of conjunctions and/or” in the indictment and instructions. It was a nearly identical question sent by the jury in the sexual abuse trial last year of R. Kelly, which was also in front of Leinenweber.

“This is precisely the same issue I had with the Kelly case” the judge said. The problem is the indictment is conjunctive, using the word “and” while describing the probable cause for the various elements of the bribery counts, while the instructions use the word “or.”

The judge said he would respond the same way he did in the Kelly case, which is to follow the instructions.

The Kelly jury later acquitted Kelly and his two co-defendants of the conspiracy counts that contained the confusing language.

Defense attorney Patrick Cotter objected on behalf of all ComEd Four defendants, saying “we believe the instructions constitute an improper amendment of the indictment” that lessens the government’s burden of proof.

Leinenweber overruled the objection, but said, “I don’t blame you at all for raising that point.”

* April numbers were up year over year, but the rest of the year was better. WTTW

The number of shootings and homicides in Chicago are each down more than 10% through the first four months of 2023 compared to the same time last year, according to police department data.

There have been 166 homicides recorded in the city year-to-date, according to the Chicago Police Department. That’s fewer than the same time periods in both 2022 and 2021, but higher than the 156 homicides recorded through the end of April in 2020. […]

According to CPD data, vehicular hijackings are down more than 25% this year compared to last, while violent crime on the CTA is down 6% year-to-date.

* Unreal

[Cook County state’s attorney’s office’ chief data officer, Matthew Saniie] told the Tribune that prosecutors get digital files from more than 100 municipalities, many of which use wildly different systems. The county maintains one computer that runs Windows 2000 — a technology more than two decades old — because prosecutors still receive files that can only be played on that operating system, he said.

As we saw at the beginning of the pandemic, local public health departments and hospitals were using fax machines to report their data.

* Full video is here. The lack of bollards causes very real dangers…


While the rate at which murders are solved or “cleared” has been declining for decades, it has now dropped to slightly below 50% in 2020 - a new historic low. And several big cities, including Chicago, have seen the number of murder cases resulting in at least one arrest dip into the low to mid-30% range.

“We saw a sharp drop in the national clearance rate in 2020,” says Prof. Philip Cook, a public policy researcher and professor emeritus at Duke University and the University of Chicago Urban Labs who has been studying clearance rates for decades. “It reached close to 50% at that time nationwide, which was the lowest ever recorded by the FBI. And it hasn’t come up that much since then.”

That makes the U.S. among the worst at solving murders in the industrialized world. Germany, for example, consistently clears well over 90% of its murders.

While reasons behind the drop are multi-faceted, Cook and other experts warn that more people getting away with murder in the the U.S. is driving a kind of doom loop of mutual mistrust: low murder clearance rates impede future investigations which in turn potentially drive up killings in some communities where a lack of arrests undermines deterrence and sends a message that the police will not or cannot protect them.

…Adding… People driving back to Springfield today from points south should check ahead

A portion of Interstate 55 is shut down in both directions Monday afternoon after a dust storm caused a “large crash” in south-central Illinois.

Illinois State Police said a crash involving multiple vehicles happened about 11:40 a.m. from milepost 62 to 80 in Montgomery County.

The National Weather Service said on Twitter that visibility in the area was poor after a “combination of newly plowed fields and gusty northwest winds” generated a dust storm.

* Isabel’s roundup…


Pritzker says he doesn’t expect major movement on Mayor-elect Johnson’s tax ideas

Monday, May 1, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* WGN-TV Political Report interview with Gov. JB Pritzker

Q: You pushed back on [Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson’s] financial transaction tax, but he’s also looking for state help with the possible real estate transfer tax, changes to the school funding formula. Any negotiation room on those plans?

Pritzker: Well, it’s not something that, obviously, as governor, I’m not the one in the General Assembly, in the committees that are talking about this. But I do not think we’re going to see a lot of movement on the tax front.

But I do think that there are a lot of things that we’re doing at the state level that will be very, very helpful to the new mayor, to the city of Chicago. Always we’ve focused on providing the resources necessary to fight crime, to make sure that they’ve got violence interruption programs that are well funded. We’re providing literally tens of millions more dollars than ever before, each year to help do that. We’ve got to address that issue. That’s certainly one of the top ones and the mayor talks about that as well. And then of course, education funding. We’re increasing education funding, that will help CPS. So there’s a lot that’s coming to the city and we’re going to be as helpful as we can.

Look as Chicago goes, as you know, so goes the economy of the entire state. We need to make sure we’re supporting businesses across the state and job creation and people and working families. But it turns out, as you know, that the majority of the economy of our entire state is in the Chicago area. And so the mayor of Chicago and I and the legislature all need to work together to make sure we’re growing our GDP.

Please pardon all transcription errors.


…Adding… Yep…

Not to mention the many years that the city refused to allow video gaming and instead allowed gray market sweepstakes machines to establish themselves, even though the machines don’t produce a thin dime of city revenue.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Elections have consequences

Monday, May 1, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor, via the Democratic Party of Illinois, supported two candidates for Hinsdale Township High School 86’s board. Only one prevailed, and now the folks who took over the board are up in arms about an upcoming Pritzker visit. Here’s David Giuliani at the Patch

A Hinsdale High School District 86 board member is asking the district to cancel the half-hour assembly at Hinsdale Central High School with Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker as the speaker.

In a text to Patch, Board member Jeff Waters said that as a resident, he was “beyond disappointed” that Pritzker had been invited.

“It is inappropriate, completely lacking in precedence, and fails to serve the interest of students,” Waters said. “At the same time, it drives chaos and distraction to a student body needing nothing but calm and concentration.” […]

On Wednesday, the terms for Held and members Kathleen Hirsman and Cynthia Hanson end. Three new board members take office that night, with the new majority expected to be at odds with Superintendent Tammy Prentiss.

At Thursday’s board meeting, incoming member Catherine Greenspon said the assembly runs the risk of violating the school code. She also said it could be a logistics issue, with up to 40 percent of students who don’t agree with the governor opting out.

With Waters and Greenspon opposed, they would need just two more votes to cancel the assembly. In his statement, Waters suggested the board take action to end the event.

*** UPDATE *** From Jordan Abudayyeh…

We declined the invitation because it’s during the last week of session.

So, apparently the school district got ahead of itself when it announced the visit before confirming the governor’s attendance. And now everyone is angry over nothing.



*** UPDATED x1 *** Priorities, please

Monday, May 1, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Block Club Chicago

Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is creating a “humanitarian crisis” as his state prepares to resume bussing migrants to Chicago — when the city already doesn’t have room for them.

Lightfoot sent a letter Sunday to Abbott, saying Chicago officials learned he will resume bussing migrants Monday and calling it a “inhumane and dangerous action” as the city has already reached a “critical tipping point” in its ability to help people. […]

Lightfoot said Abbott is attempting to “cause chaos and score political points” by bussing people to Democrat-led cities in protest of federal immigration policies.

The mayor called upon the federal government to freeze all emergency funding to Texas if it resumes buses to Chicago.

“We simply have no more shelters, spaces or resources to accommodate an increase of individuals at this level, with little coordination or care, that does not pose a risk to them or others,” Lightfoot said in the letter. “To tell them to go to Chicago or to inhumanely bus them here is an inviable and misleading choice.”

It is inhumane. But you can’t on the one hand hold your city (and state) out as a welcoming place for immigrants and on the other hand say “We didn’t mean that many all of a sudden!”

They’re just gonna have to deal with it somehow.

* During the mayoral campaign, Chicago police were sent to O’Hare to sweep out homeless people. But then came last week

About 40 migrants, mostly young women and children, wrapped themselves in blankets and tried to sleep Wednesday morning outside a homelessness center inside O’Hare Airport.

The Venezuelan migrants said they crossed the border into Texas and were offered free flights to Chicago while staying at a shelter in San Antonio. They’re just dozens of the thousands of migrants sent here from Texas since last summer. […]

Upon arriving at O’Hare, the migrants were first directed to Haymarket Center’s O’Hare homelessness outreach program, a nonprofit with an office by the airport’s Blue Line. A Haymarket spokesperson said in recent days they’ve been dealing with a “unique and developing situation,” are unprepared to handle asylum seekers and “doing what they can” to connect them to appropriate social service groups.

The Haymarket Center helps folks deal with substance abuse issues. The group is simply not equipped for this particular task. And it’s taking their staff away from the invaluable services they provide to some of the city’s most vulnerable people.

* And the police aren’t equipped for it, either

There has been a tenfold increase over the past 10 days in daily arrivals of migrants, said Brandie Knazze, commissioner of the Department of Family and Support Services. Migrants — often families with children — are now sheltering in police station lobbies across the city. […]

The city has established 20 shelters since the 108 buses were sent from Texas, Doughtie said. Twelve of them have closed, leaving just eight, he said. […]

But none of this work can be done without appropriate funds at the state and federal levels, said Chicago budget director Susie Park. The total anticipated cost for January through June is $124.8 million, which includes planning for the current surge to reach a peak of 4,700 new arrivals per day, Park said.

Leveraging state and city funding and anticipated funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency still leaves a shortfall of about $53 million to meet needs through June 30 alone, she said.

* Yet, when politicians want the federal government to pay for security at and around their quadrennial party conventions, they act fast to protect the host cities from fiscal pressures

The city of Chicago is obliged to provide “at no cost” to the Democratic National Convention Committee “police, fire, security, bomb disposal, emergency and rescue service and all other goods or services related to security” according to the contract, obtained by the Sun-Times. […]

The Democratic and Republican presidential conventions are each routinely designated as a National Special Security Event. That opens the door to substantial federal funding. Presidential inaugurations have the same designation, as did the 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago.

Since 2004, host cities receive $50 million in federal funds to help pay security costs. Congress is being asked to boost this to $75 million each for Chicago and Milwaukee.

Quigley, D-Ill., is a member of the House Appropriations Committee and the Illinois lead in asking Congress for more cash. In a letter to House and Senate appropriations leaders, he wrote that “the City of Chicago anticipates the current federal funding of $50 million will not be adequate” for the 2024 convention, “due to inflation, potential supply chain issues, increased public safety personnel and equipment needs and increased insurance costs because of potential security threats.” […]

The contract outlines some of the special security needs: for police escorts to deliver credentials to state delegations and media at their hotels and lots of extra security at convention hotels and convention offices and all kinds of screening equipment for weapons and bombs at convention venues.

They’re gonna use cops to deliver delegate credentials? Are you freaking kidding me?

Also from that contract

The city will expedite all permits and other permissions needed to build out the convention

Chicago is notorious for over-permitting. One can’t help but wonder if that’s a problem with the migrant housing situation as well.

* Like the convention, the city and state simply cannot afford to handle this migrant influx on their own (and, for that matter, neither can Texas). US Rep. Quigley and others need to put at least the same effort into dealing with this problem as they are to ensure delegates’ credentials arrive safely at their heavily guarded hotels.

*** UPDATE *** Gov. Pritzker was asked about this today. A couple of his responses

Just to be clear with everybody, we’ve already provided about 150 million of state dollars and services to serve those asylum seekers that are coming to Illinois. That’s since August and continues on today. In January, we passed an additional supplemental appropriation that included money for the city of Chicago and for other agencies, about $90 million, again, to make sure that we were providing the services necessary. […]

But it is true, and the current mayor said it, that our resources are stretched. And we’ve gone to the federal government. I’ve spoken directly with the President, with the chief of staff, with the Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and others, and they are helping to push the money from FEMA out the door to states, but it isn’t enough. […]

We believe, we hope, we’ve heard that perhaps we’re going to receive some of that [federal] money this week, or next week. And we’re hopeful of that, but who knows. Meanwhile, my job is to balance the budget of the state of Illinois and take care of the people that are here in our state, all of our residents.

Translation: Take it up with Joe.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Full Danville City Council votes Tuesday on ordinance to outlaw abortion medication, instruments

Monday, May 1, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Background is here if you need it. Chicago Tribune

On Tuesday, the Danville City Council is scheduled to vote on the ordinance, which is titled “requiring compliance with federal abortion laws.” It’s unclear how the local ordinance, which directly conflicts with Illinois law, could be legally enforced in this rural city of about 30,000 people located roughly three hours south of downtown Chicago.

Danville Mayor Rickey Williams Jr. said the proposed ordinance invokes the Comstock Act, an 1873 federal law that barred the mailing of contraception, “lewd” writing and every “article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing which is advertised or described in a manner calculated to lead another to use or apply it for producing abortion.”

The 19th Century law has been largely considered moot for nearly 50 years, while the 1973 landmark Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade guaranteed the right to an abortion nationwide. But the Comstock Act has been in the spotlight since the high court overturned Roe in June, leaving the matter of abortion rights to be decided by individual states.

“The difficulty here in my opinion is we have state laws and statutes that contradict federal law, specifically the Comstock Act,” Williams said. “We made an oath to uphold the laws of the state of Illinois and the United States, so what do we … do when they contradict one another?”

* The ACLU Illinois argues the Comstock Act is not applicable in Illinois

The ordinance references the federal Comstock Act, which is a century-and-a-half old federal law that purports to prohibit the sending of abortion-inducing drugs and supplies by mail or common carrier. The ordinance’s attempted reliance on this law is misplaced and misguided.

As the federal Department of Justice has explained, there is over a century of judicial, congressional, and administrative understanding that the Comstock Act’s reach is “narrower than a literal reading might suggest.” Application of the Comstock Act to the Mailing of Prescription Drugs That Can Be Used for Abortions, 46. Op. O.L.C. __ (Dec. 23, 2022) at 5. The Comstock Act does not apply where the sender did not intend the materials to be used unlawfully. Id. at 1, 5-11. It is thus impossible for the mailing of abortion-inducing drugs or supplies to violate the Comstock Act in Illinois as abortion care is lawful and affirmatively protected by law throughout the state.

Furthermore, regardless of the meaning or scope of the Comstock Act, this ordinance exceeds Danville’s authority under state law and is preempted by the RHA

* Illinois Newsroom

“Proposing an unenforceable ordinance is a political maneuver that causes confusion and that harms people seeking care,” Chaundre White, a lawyer with the ACLU of Illinois, said.

Abortion rights advocates are organizing a protest at the Danville City Council meeting on Tuesday where the council could vote on the ordinance. […]

Many residents said they supported the measure because they want to prevent a proposed abortion clinic from opening in Danville.

“It’s not like the passage of this ordinance prevents women from choosing to pursue their rights in very near locations, unfortunately,” said Josh Hayes, a speaker at the meeting. “But I think it’s an opportunity for us to say this is against federal law and not in our community.”

* WCIA reported on last week’s City Council committee meeting

Mayor Rickey Williams Jr. explained that anyone shipping or receiving abortion pills or abortion-related supplies would be subject to fines of $1,500 per offense. There was discussion over an abortion clinic that may open up in Danville soon. Williams acknowledged that while he doesn’t think the ordinance would stop the clinic from opening, he said it could provide a means by which they couldn’t perform abortions.

Alderman Tricia Teague noted internal counsel estimates that if litigation was brought against the city, it could cost up to $1 million to defend, or more if it goes all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. […]

Ultimately, the committee voted 3-1 to recommend the ordinance be considered by the full City Council – the first step toward an outcome many who described themselves as pro-life during public comment are hoping for. That same group of speakers called providing abortions a “grisly business” that doesn’t belong in their city, while the other side says it’s necessary health care – telling the government to stay out of the doctor’s office.

Also during the meeting, Williams mentioned receiving a letter from a lawyer who offered to represent the city if it is met with litigation over the proposed ordinance. WCIA reached out to attorney Anthony Mitchell, who said via email: “Yes, I have offered to represent the city at no charge to the city or its taxpayers in any litigation arising out of the ordinance.”

* Smile Politely

You can read the full language of the ordinance here, beginning on page 123.

The full vote will happen during the Danville City Council meeting on Tuesday, May 2nd, at 6 p.m., at 17 W Main Street, in case you’d like to voice opposition to this action.

It should be noted that Danville currently has a crisis pregnancy center, the Women’s Care Clinic, with a website brimming with misleading information about abortion.

* From the proposal

C) Except as provided by subsection (D), it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in conduct that aids or abets the violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1461 or 18 U.S.C. § 1462 described in subsection (A).

(D) This section shall not apply to any conduct taken by a hospital, or by any employees, agents, or contractors of a hospital, that is necessary to ensure that a licensed physician is prepared to perform an abortion in response to a medical emergency.

(E) No provision of this section may be construed to prohibit any conduct protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, as made applicable to state and local governments through the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment, or by article 1, section 4 of the Illinois Constitution.

(F) Under no circumstance may the mother of the unborn child that has been aborted, or the pregnant woman who seeks to abort her unborn child, be subject to prosecution or penalty under this section.

(G) Any person found guilty of violating any provision of this section shall be fined $1,500 for each offense. In addition to any fine imposed under this chapter, the offender shall be ordered to pay all of the costs and fees incurred by the City in prosecuting the violation, which shall include but not be limited to the costs associated with an administrative adjudication proceeding or court proceeding, and reasonable attorney’s fees.

*** UPDATE *** AG Raoul…

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul issued the following statement after sending a letter to the mayor of Danville, Illinois regarding a proposed city ordinance that, if enacted, would violate state law.

“Today, I sent a letter to the mayor of Danville urging the city to reject a proposed ordinance that would violate the Illinois Reproductive Health Act by purporting to ban or severely limit access to abortion care in the city of Danville.

“The Reproductive Health Act enshrines the fundamental rights of individuals to make autonomous decisions about their reproductive health. The act clearly states that units of local government cannot limit abortion rights, and Danville has no authority under Illinois law to enact a municipal abortion ban.

“The ordinance proposed in Danville violates state law. I am calling upon the city’s elected officials to refrain from passing or attempting to enforce this unlawful ordinance and avoid exposing the city and taxpayers to unnecessary and potentially costly legal liability.

“Illinois law could not be clearer. Our state is a proud safe haven for access to reproductive health care that respects bodily autonomy and fundamental rights. I will continue to stand up for the rights of everyone in Illinois to access reproductive health care, and my office stands ready to take appropriate action to uphold Illinois law.”

* More…

    * Scientific American | This 19th-Century Obscenity Law Is Still Restricting People’s Reproductive Rights: The law forbids the sending of obscene materials through the mail. Comstock was enforcing the law by ordering thousands of items through the mail, from contraceptives and sex toys to erotic images and abortifacients [substances that end a pregnancy]. Then, after receiving the items, he would prosecute the people sending them. He was targeting people who were known to be selling the raw material but also, more importantly, people who were selling any kind of information that was education-related, not obscene—literally things like “Here’s how to make a baby” and also information about birth control and abortion.

    * WBBM | ACLU could sue city of Danville over abortion clinic ordinance: “You won’t know until the finality, which could go beyond potentially to the Supreme Court level,” said Alderman Ethan Burt. “My response to that would be are we willing to donate a million dollars to find out? Is it worth a million dollars to find out?” Alderwoman Tricia Teague asked.

    * Fox Illinois | Danville committee recommends ordinance restricting abortion to city council :“Illinois law is very clear that Danville does not have the authority to do this. In 2019, the Illinois General Assembly passed the Illinois Reproductive Health Act, which ensures that abortion remains legal in the state of Illinois, that law applies to municipalities like Danville,” explained Ameri Klafeta, director of Women’s and Reproductive Rights Project with ACLU Illinois.


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