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*** UPDATED x1 *** Cook County Public Guardian: “Maybe we’re at point that we should just abolish DCFS altogether”

Friday, Mar 24, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* CBS 2

A 16-year-old girl was already a sex trafficking victim – and we have learned the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services placed her with a three-time convicted felon who is accused of forcing her into prostitution. […]

“They licensed him as a foster parent,” said Cook County Public Guardian Charles Golbert. “They licensed this 24-year-old pimp as a foster parent for a 16-year-old girl who had a history – they were paying tax money as a foster parent while he was trafficking a 16-year-old girl in DCFS care.” […]

His name is Erick Johnson, and he is also an accused sex trafficker. […]

A court order we obtained says while the teenage girl has waited to get the care and placement she needs, the teen has been trafficked, sexually assaulted, and shot, and has lived on the streets. And ultimately, the order said, “the agency made a pimp the child’s foster parent.” […]

Johnson has a lengthy criminal record. The teen was placed with him just months after he was released from federal prison after a 24-month sentence on a firearms charge.

Before that, Johnson spent three years in state prison for two robbery convictions. […]

Johnson’s latest charges detailed in the court record say the “juvenile victim was being advertised” and prostituted on “a known sex website.”

Savini asked Golbert what this says about the background-checking system at DCFS.

“It says that they’re not doing background checks. It says that it’s broken. It says that it’s dysfunctional,” Golbert said. “It says that maybe we’re at point that we should just abolish DCFS altogether.”

* From the above-referenced court order

A psychological dated October, 2020 diagnosed xxxx with posttraumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorder and borderline intellectual functioning. Since that time, according to her attorney, the Cook County Public Guardian, she has been raped, shot and sexually trafficed. When she first came into the system, according to the Public Guardian, DCFS put her in a foster home from which she ran within hours. DCFS then placed the child in a shelter from which she again ran. While on the run, according to the DCFS reports, she was at a hotel and being trafficked to multiple men. She was later psychiatrically hospitalized and then DCFS placed her in yet another shelter. At that placement she jumped out of the 2nd floor window and DCFS then placed her in a hotel with one on one staff. She ran from the hotel as well. On or about May 26, 2020 she was placed in another foster home where she remained for 2 days before running. She was located on or about June 19, 2020 and placed in a non-secure facility for victims of sex trafficking. While there she threw chairs, punched holes in the walls and was ultimately psychiatrically hospitalized. The staff at that facility said they were unable to care for.

On or about November 17, 2020 DCFS placed the child at Indian Oaks, a residential facility where she remained until March, 2022. While at Indian Oaks she ran on multiple occasions.

In April 2022 DCFS a DCFS consulting psychologist wrote an 11 page report in which the first recommendation was for DCFS to provide her with a “Secure Residential Treatment Facility – Sex Trafficking Program.”

No such placement was obtained and there is no evidence that the agency ever attempted to find such a placement.

In July 2022 the child had a seizure while riding on a CTA train and was brought to St. Bernard’s hospital. It was recommended she receive psychiatric hospitalization at that time but she ran away before she could be so placed. In August, 2022 she had another seizure on an elevated train and was allegedly attacked by 3 men on the train. Chicago Police Department brought her to a psychiatric facility. She ultimately ran from that facility and on August 12, 2022 was shot. The bullet remains in her leg which is causing her continued distress.

In December, 2022, according to the public guardian, the child self-selected a placement with a 24-year-old man, named Erick Johnson. “Ultimately, Mr. Johnson passed placement clearance and was approved by DCFS to be her fictive kin foster parent.” Apparently, Mr. Johnson was a pimp with a lengthy criminal history. Presently he is incarcerated at the Cook County jail.

* From the governor’s office…

In this case, the 16-year-old was placed with a friend of the family with the support of both her birth and adoptive mothers and the guardian ad litem in an effort to provide her with stability due to her history of running away from previous placements.

Over the next several months DCFS regularly met with the friend of the family as well as the adoptive and birth mothers and the guardian ad litem on a placement plan. These are the individuals with parental rights and responsibilities related to the child and DCFS, therefore, works closely with them to determine an appropriate plan of action for the child.

The child has since been removed from this household and there are no other foster or adoptive children living in this household. The child is currently in the care of a DCFS private partner and DCFS is working expeditiously to find a permanent and medically appropriate placement for this child that will provide her with the care she requires.

*** UPDATE *** It turns out, the Cook County Public Guardian is the girl’s guardian ad litem. From Charles Golbert…

I saw DCFS’s disingenuous statement. We are the child’s Juvenile Court-appointed attorney and guardian ad litem. It’s true that the girl expressed an interest in living with Johnson. DCFS represented that Johnson had passed DCFS’s placement clearance, and that DCFS had approved Johnson as a paid fictive kin placement for her. Under DCFS’s regulations, DCFS must perform a criminal background check on an individual before he or she can pass DCFS’s placement clearance.

DCFS either never did this required background check on Johnson or, if DCFS did do this required background check, it did not do so competently or was not concerned about his lengthy record. We most certainly never told DCFS, or anyone else, that we supported DCFS placing her with Johnson if DCFS’s required background check came back to DCFS with a record as long as an arm including Johnson being a three-time felon. Moreover, as is clear from the judge’s order entered yesterday in the case, DCFS also never disclosed to the court that Johnson had this extensive criminal background despite DCFS passing him for placement clearance and approving him as a paid fictive kin placement.


Afternoon roundup

Friday, Mar 24, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Personal PAC’s latest mailer…

* Trouble at EIU…

* More disturbances at Pontiac’s prison

Two officers at Pontiac Correctional Center were attacked earlier this week, marking the third assault on staff at the facility in just five months.

According to Will Lee, President of AFSCME Local Chapter 494, two inmates jumped on the officers in the law library Wednesday morning. Both officers were taken to the hospital, with one released the same day. The other required additional treatment, and was taken to a different hospital to have more work done. There’s no word on his condition, per privacy reasons.

Both of the inmates are identified. Their names are confidential, pending more information from the Department of Corrections. It’s unknown if they’re facing charges.

The latest in a string of attacks at Pontiac, Lee says not much has changed since their demonstrations last fall calling for additional security measures at the facility. He points to a continued lack of staffing as the primary reasons. For now, the union has monthly meetings with facility management, with union members bringing up consistent issues.

* Pantagraph story about a teacher who quit after parental rage

A Heyworth teacher has resigned following public backlash over a sex education book in her classroom.

The Heyworth school board approved a separation agreement at a special meeting Thursday with eighth grade English teacher Sarah Bonner. The vote came after a closed session and more than an hour of public comment, generally in her favor.

Bonner declined a request for an interview with The Pantagraph following the meeting.

The book in question was Juno Dawson’s “This Book is Gay,” a young adult nonfiction work on sexuality and gender. It was not in the school library but was Bonner’s own book in her classroom, Superintendent Lisa Taylor said.

Parent Jeff Klawitter, who spoke twice, said the issue had nothing to do with Bonner’s teaching style but he believed the book was inappropriate and was brought into the classroom without his or other parents’ knowledge.

* For no reason in particular, here’s the Illinois unemployment rate since 1976

* ICC…

Chicago, IL – The Illinois Commerce Commission released its annual report on accidents and incidents involving hazardous materials (hazmat) on Illinois railroads. Of the 8,549 rail cars inspected in 2022, the ICC found violations in just 1.3 percent of all inspections. When these inspections first started in 1981, violations topped 12 percent.

“The disaster in East Palestine has rightfully turned attention to our nation’s rail safety efforts. Our hazardous materials report is an important resource for understanding the kinds of incidents that occur on Illinois railways and helps the Commission to inform its ongoing safety measures,” said ICC Chairman Carrie Zalewski. “Investigating these incidents when they occur is critical, but the goal of routine inspections is ultimately to minimize and prevent these disasters from occurring in the first place.”

To help prevent hazmat disasters, ICC inspectors conduct frequent field checks to evaluate signals, track structure, operating practices, and hazardous materials transported by rail. In cooperation with Federal Railroad Administration inspectors, ICC inspectors focus on railroad mainline tracks, rail yards, and the industrial facilities of shippers and consignees of hazardous materials. Any violations or defects discovered, regardless of severity must be corrected to prevent serious incidents.

In addition to routine inspections, the ICC’s Hazardous Materials Safety Program includes technical assistance to shippers, consignees, and rail carriers; the inspection and escort of nuclear materials; and education and outreach activities. To keep communities safe in the event of a derailment, ICC works with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency to provide technical aid to local emergency responders and investigate the cause of hazmat incidents.

The ICC is required by law to prepare a report on hazmat accidents for the General Assembly including the location, substance involved, amounts involved, and the suspected reason for each accident, as well as the rail line and point of origin of the hazardous material involved in each accident. Three categories of information contained in the report have also been added by the ICC’s Railroad Safety Section to make the report more useful. These include the type of equipment involved, date of incident, and the amount of hazardous material released in the accident. “Amount Released” is distinct from the required “Amount Involved.” “Amount Involved” is simply the quantity of commodity that was being transported; the “Amount Released” into the environment by an accident is far more critical.

To read the report on accidents and incidents involving hazardous materials on railroads in Illinois click here.

* “Entry is free for high school and college kids”…

Looks like grooming /s.

…Adding… I forgot about a pic I had. This press release reminded me…

Last night, Illinois State Representative Jennifer Sanalitro (R-Bloomingdale) celebrated the unanimous passage of her first bill through the House of Representatives. The legislation – HB2094 – aims to protect homeowners from deceptive mortgage marketing practices. The bill cracks down on bad actors who take advantage of unsuspecting homeowners, specifically those who are new to the home buying process and seniors who may be more vulnerable to deceptive marketing tactics.

She was wearing a red jacket loaned to her by former Rep. Randy Ramey. It used to be, freshmen were compelled to wear Ramey’s red jacket during floor debate on their first bills. But like most other freshman hazing rituals, the tradition was (thankfully) abandoned…

That’s just a wee bit big on her.

* Isabel’s roundup…


House celebrates historic first

Friday, Mar 24, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yesterday was the first day of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan

A commemoration of Muhammad’s first revelation, the annual observance of Ramadan is regarded as one of the Five Pillars of Islam and lasts twenty-nine to thirty days, from one sighting of the crescent moon to the next.

Fasting from dawn to sunset is fard (obligatory) for all adult Muslims who are not acutely or chronically ill, travelling, elderly, breastfeeding, diabetic, or menstruating. The predawn meal is referred to as suhur, and the nightly feast that breaks the fast is called iftar

* For the first time, the Illinois House has two Muslim freshmen. The House paused at sunset so the two members, Reps. Abdelnasser Rashid and Nabeela Syed, could speak. It’s definitely worth a look

Speaker Welch catered the subsequent iftar.

* Rep. Syed’s speech was particularly touching…

I just wanted to add on that it is so cool to be here, to have the privilege to be on the House floor observing my fast. And even cooler is to have such kind and understanding colleagues who have checked in on me throughout the day, who have asked me questions about this important month, my favorite month of the year. And I’m just so, so grateful to live in a state that is so inclusive and so welcoming to religious minorities, to racial minorities, to women. So, thank you to my fellow legislators for making this state as inclusive as it is And Ramadan Mubarak. Thank you.

…Adding… From the meal…


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