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Chicago police superintendent submits resignation

Wednesday, Mar 1, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Every mayoral candidate vowed to fire Police Superintendent Brown if elected, so he’s getting while the getting’s good…


“Today, Superintendent David O. Brown informed me that he would be resigning as Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department effective March 16. I accepted his resignation and want to commend him for his accomplishments not just for the department but the entire city, including setting a record number of illegal gun recoveries for two consecutive years; leading a double digit reduction in violent crime in 2022; significant, consistent progress on the consent decree; standing up a full time recruitment team that yielded over 950 new hires last year; significantly expanding the resources for officer wellness; and promoting more women to the senior exempt ranks than ever before in the history of the department. I personally want to thank him for his service to our city. First Deputy Eric Carter will be appointed as interim superintendent until the new Mayor is sworn into office. We ask the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability to immediately begin the search for a new Superintendent so that the new Mayor will be able to make a selection as soon as possible.”

…Adding… His new job…


Pritzker calls on mayoral runoff candidates to “articulate their positions”

Wednesday, Mar 1, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pritzker was asked today about his reaction to yesterday’s Chicago election and if he was surprised by Mayor Lightfoot’s loss…

First of all, I watched, very interested to see how it would come out. It’s very close, as you know, and no candidate got 50 percent of the vote or even all that close to 50 percent.

Primaries are messy, and they don’t usually illustrate the candidates’ positions on the issues all that well. And so I think it’ll be important for the candidates that made it through that primary process, and now in the runoff, to articulate their positions and the contrast between their views. And honestly, the voters of Chicago, just like the voters of the rest of the state when they vote, deserve no less than understanding where the candidates really fit. And it allows the voters to make decisions about where they will end up. I’m a Chicago voter, so I’m going to be listening intently to what they have to say. And I look forward to watching and listening to the campaign play out.

Please pardon all transcription errors.

* Asked about his endorsement…

Yeah, I’ll be listening and watching. Again, I think they have to articulate more than just you know, in a messy primary with nine candidates. It’s a cacophony, I think, for most people.

And so I do think they’re gonna have to articulate and direct their message. What is their primary message? And it’s going to be, you know, focused on what are they going to do about education? What are they going to do about health care? What are they going to do about public safety? What are they going to do about creating jobs? Those are all important things that I don’t think have been fully fleshed out by either one of those candidates.

* Asked who he voted for yesterday…

[Laughs] As you know, it’s a private endeavor when you go into the voting booth.

…Adding… Agree that this would’ve been a better question…

* Asked why Chicago is so important for his administration…

Oh, well, my goodness. First of all, it’s important to the people of Chicago who the mayor of Chicago is, just as a voter, I’ll say that’s important to me. But as governor, it’s very important. Chicago is an important part of our state. It’s an economic engine of the state, awful large population in Chicago, that that are constituents of mine, just as they are of the new mayor.

And I think very importantly, and this is something that I hope you’ll keep in mind. I, as you, ask questions, as you no doubt do, about endorsements. Look, the Governor and the Mayor of the City of Chicago have to be able to work together. We saw for years, I think, under Rahm Emanuel and Bruce Rauner, where they didn’t, and that wasn’t good for the state or for the city of Chicago. And so I think I keep that in mind every day when I think about what I say, what I do, who I endorse, you know, how is that relationship affected by the things that I do And I hope they’ll keep that in mind as well.

* “Where do you think did Mayor Lightfoot went wrong?”…

Oh, I, you know, there’s a lot of post mortem I’m sure to come. I would just say it is hard to hold a position like the mayor of Chicago. And it was four hard years, no doubt about it. And she put in great public service. Anybody that’s willing to sacrifice like that, I think I want to congratulate on their willingness to do so.



Illinois, Chicago metro receive honors from Site Selection Magazine

Wednesday, Mar 1, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Site Selection Magazine

Two familiar faces appear on the cover of this issue, recognizing the states that won 2022’s corporate facilities race and their chief executives. Governors Laura Kelly of Kansas and Greg Abbott of Texas were last year’s winners of the Governor’s Cups, the former for total qualified capital investment projects per capita and the latter for total qualified projects. Site Selection’s Conway Projects Database tracks projects that meet one or more of these criteria: a minimum investment of $1 million, creation of 20 or more new jobs or 20,000 square feet or more of new construction.

Kansas claims the 2022 Cup for total projects per capita with 138 deals – one less than last year’s 139. Kansas is consistent, but more importantly, it’s making all the right moves to land key projects like Panasonic Energy’s $4 billion facility that broke ground in November 2022 in De Soto and Integra Technologies’ $1.8 billion large-scale semiconductor facility in Wichita that was announced earlier this year (and will count towards Kansas’ 2023 project numbers).

Kentucky ranks second in projects per capita with 212, up from ninth place last year when it was credited with winning 199 projects. Ohio places third with 479 deals; it was fourth last year with 507. Rounding out the top five are fourth-place finisher Illinois with 487, up from seventh last year with 480, and South Dakota in fifth place with 33 projects. It placed second in the 2021 facilities race with 41.

As for total qualified projects, Texas claims its 11th consecutive Governor’s Cup and is the only state to surpass the 1,000-project mark with 1,028, down from 1,123 last year. That’s more than twice the number of projects of second-place Illinois’ 487; it placed third last year with 480. The third-place finisher is Ohio with 479 (it was second last year with 507), followed by California with 375 (also fourth last year with 301) and Georgia with 312 (up from seventh place last year with 275).

The top five states recognized for the total number of qualified projects in 2022 attracted more than 2,600 deals. The top five states for per capita projects won more than 1,300. Some of those represent investments in the billions of dollars and involve bipartisan work on the part of state legislators to enact measures that make their locations competitive for these projects and create thousands of new jobs in communities large and small.

* And

Places You Can Trust

If winning back-to-back championships establishes dynasties, what do you call it when you win 10 years in a row?

In Chicagoland, they hand the ball to the ref and they act like they’ve been there before. Because they have.

The 2022 data on corporate facility investment nationwide indeed tell a familiar tale: The multi-state Chicago metro area is No. 1 (with 448 projects) and the next three metro areas in the rankings also repeat their rankings from last year: Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington is No. 2 (426 projects); Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land is No. 3 (255 projects) and New York-Newark-New Jersey is No. 4 (246 projects). The biggest upward mover in the Top 10 is Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, California, with 150 projects, just ahead of repeat No. 6 metro Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell, Georgia.

In the per capita category, this year’s rankings are topped by No. 1 Austin-Round Rock and No. 2 DFW in Texas, followed by three multi-state metro areas in a row: No. 3 Cincinnati, No. 4 Chicagoland and No. 5 Louisville/Jefferson County, which moves up from No. 7 last year.

All emphasis added.

* From the governor…

“Illinois is open for business and leading the way as one of the top 10 states for corporate investment, with Chicago named the number one metro for the 10th year in a row,” said Governor Pritzker. “Thanks to our nation-leading infrastructure revitalization, talented workforce, and growing economy, Illinois is the best place to do business.” […]

This follows a recent report from Moody’s stating, “Illinois has been one of the Midwest’s stronger performers during the past year. Led by the Chicago metro division, job growth has outpaced that of the Midwest and brought the pandemic jobs recovery in line with the region’s. Most major private-sector industries are moving in the right direction.”

The State of Illinois has created an environment where companies can thrive through unprecedented investments in our infrastructure and our workforce, while also developing cutting edge programs that bring economic growth and jobs to the state. Illinois recently launched a $400 million invest in Illinois fund to attract large businesses and stay competitive with other states, expanded incentives for the clean energy industry, and made it easier for companies to apply for EDGE – the state’s primary incentive program.

The state also announced $40 million in grants to supercharge the development of megasites - large, developed sites ready for occupancy for manufacturers, distribution centers, industrial centers, and more. These grants will increase the number of investment-ready sites in Illinois and increase the state’s competitiveness for large-scale projects.

Companies that located or expanded throughout Illinois in 2022 include:

    • CyrusOne Data Center - $250 million facility located in Aurora
    • Ferrero – Bloomington manufacturing facility; $214.4 million investment and 200 jobs
    • GAF Commercial Roofing – Peru manufacturing plant; $80 million investment and 70 jobs
    • LG Chem/ADM – two new joint ventures in Decatur; 125 jobs
    • Ollie’s Bargain Outlet – Princeton distribution center; $68 million investment and 145 jobs
    • Prime Data Centers – New $1 billion data center in Elk Grove Village
    • T/CCI – Decatur retooling for EV component manufacturing; $20 million investment and 50 jobs
    • Tyson Foods – Caseyville manufacturing facility expansion, $180 million investment and 400 jobs

Similarly, the State of Illinois – which was recently named the top state in the Midwest for Workforce development by Site Selection - has made unprecedented investments in training programs and workforce facilities, including Manufacturing Training Academies, Illinois Works pre-apprenticeship programs, and nearly $180 million annually for clean energy jobs training and community support efforts under the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA).

…Adding… GOP Sen. Seth Lewis…

In its recent rankings of state-by-state corporate expansion and relocation projects, Site Selection Magazine has announced the State of Illinois had the second most qualified capital investment projects in the nation in 2022, and the fourth most projects per capita. Additionally, Chicago saw the most projects in metropolitan areas. Upon learning of the rankings, State Senator Seth Lewis (R-Bartlett) issued the following statement:

“The Legislature’s historic and bipartisan investment in infrastructure has provided a framework for new investment in Illinois. These rankings are encouraging, and I hope it is a sign of even better things to come. I look forward to collaborative policy discussions on how we can continue to make gains in capital investment in Illinois.

“Illinois has so much to offer. We have a talented and highly-educated workforce, and Illinois is home to an extensive transportation system that includes far-reaching highway routes, vast waterways, and a widespread rail system. Illinois is also the home of dozens of Fortune 500 companies. Just think of the greatness that could be achieved if we adopted more business-friendly policies that fully support job creation and economic development.

“These rankings provide a glimmer of hope. If we can work together on policies that unleash the entrepreneurial spirit, the economic possibilities are limitless.”


It’s just a bill

Wednesday, Mar 1, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Press release…

Legislation to phase out the use of single-use plastic polystyrene foam foodware starting in 2024 passed out of the House Energy and Environment Committee Tuesday afternoon on an 18-8 vote.

The EPA estimates that Americans throw away almost 70 million plastic foam cups every day. Twenty-two million pounds of plastic enter the Great Lakes each year and just over half of that ends up in Lake Michigan alone. Already, eight states and roughly 200 cities and municipalities have enacted bans on polystyrene foam containers.

The legislation is a priority for the Coalition for Plastic Reduction, a coalition of more than 35 organizations across Illinois.

In response to the favorable committee vote, advocates said:

    “Lake Michigan is one of Illinois’ greatest assets. But plastic pollution puts Lake Michigan and all our waterways at risk, polluting our drinking water and harming wildlife. Phasing out single-use plastic polystyrene foam food ware is an important step forward in stopping plastic pollution at the source before it can pollute our waters. We applaud Rep. Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz for introducing HB 2376: EPA-Disposable Food Containers and urge her colleagues to support this bill,” said Andrea Densham with the Alliance for the Great Lakes.

    “It’s important to me to run my business as sustainably as possible,” said Brent Schwoerer, owner of Engrained Brewing in Springfield. “That’s why we’ve never used foam containers for takeout. It is time to evolve to more responsible packaging. Removing foam containers from the market levels the playing field for everyone and drives down the costs of better alternatives.”

* Media advisory…

Leading Business, Technology and Healthcare Groups to Call for Changes to Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act Following Troubling State Supreme Court Decisions

Tyler Diers, Executive Director of Illinois and the Midwest Region, TechNet
Mark Denzler, President and CEO, Illinois Manufacturers’ Association
Karen Harris, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Illinois Health and Hospital Association
Matt Hart, Executive Director, Illinois Trucking Association
Matt Hartman, Executive Director, Illinois Health Care Association
Rob Karr, President and CEO, Illinois Retail Merchants Association
Brad Tietz, Vice President of Government Relations, Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce

WHAT: Leading business, technology and healthcare groups will join together to call on the General Assembly to enact reforms to the state’s outdated Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) following recent Illinois Supreme Court decisions that leave companies vulnerable to massive financial damages and have a chilling effect on security, innovation and economic growth.

WHEN: Thursday, March 2
10 a.m.

WHERE: Illinois State Capitol
Blue Room (Basement, Room 010)

* Press release…

A House Public Utilities committee meeting held today was the scene of the opening rounds of the next “nuclear war” in Illinois.

Committee members heard testimony and voted on HB1079, introduced by Rep. Mark Walker (D. 53rd, Arlington Heights) that would repeal a decades-old moratorium on the construction of new nuclear power reactors in Illinois, pending a final disposal solution for the dangerous high-level radioactive wastes (HLRW) that reactors produce.

The Committee voted 18 to 3 to advance the bill to the full House for consideration.

“Passage of this legislation is a “CEJA killer” and will have enormous negative effects on the plans to expand renewable energy and efficiency found in the 2016 FEJA and 2021 CEJA legislation,” warned David Kraft, director of Nuclear Energy Information Service, a 42-year old nuclear power watchdog and safe-energy advocacy organization based in Chicago.

“While it seems like an innocent minor change in State law, it opens the flood gates for the so-called ‘next-generation’ nuclear reactors – ‘small modular nuclear reactors’ (SMNRs) – which would then compete with renewables for market share and transmission access,” Kraft asserts.

NEIS testimony pointed out that the moratorium repeal found in HB1709 and a similar Senate bill – SB0076 – are necessary before any power reactors can be constructed. The Senate bill goes a step farther, calling for actual support for SMNRs.

…Adding… Rep. Walker…

Legislation brought by state Rep. Mark Walker, D-Arlington Heights, to eliminate the ban on new nuclear power construction passed out of the House Public Utilities Committee yesterday and advances to the House floor.

“If we’re going to win in our fight against global climate change, we must ensure we can use every zero-carbon tool available to meet those goals,” Walker said. “My bill to remove the nuclear moratorium gets us one step closer to meeting our clean energy goals while also developing new and unique opportunities for manufacturers and data centers.”

Walker’s legislation, House Bill 1079, would repeal a decades-old moratorium banning the construction of new nuclear power plants in Illinois. The moratorium, originally passed in 1987, means that Illinois cannot explore utilizing a reliable, safe, zero-carbon source of power as the state looks to decarbonize its energy grid by 2050. Advancements in nuclear reactor designs like small modular reactors are also proving attractive to manufacturers, data centers, and other large-scale industrial operations.

“The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act made Illinois a leader in fighting global climate change,” Walker added. “If we’re truly going to lead, we need every tool available. Renewable energy like wind and solar are critical for our grid. So is a strong foundation of nuclear energy. I’m thankful to my colleagues from both sides of the aisle voting for my bill and I look forward to a vote on the House floor.”

* From Comptroller Mendoza…

Today at 2pm. Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza will appear in-person at the Illinois House’s State Government Administration Committee Hearing to testify as a proponent of HB 2515, a measure to ensure more regular deposits from future budgets into the state’s Rainy Day Fund – the state’s emergency reserve account.

Currently, the $1.9 billion in the Rainy Day Fund only represents about 11-days’ worth of bills at the Comptroller’s office. Based on the most recent data from the National Association of State Budget Officers, the average number of days that states currently have in their rainy-day reserves is about 54 days.

Under HB 2515, deposits would trigger automatically when the state’s General Funds accounts payable is estimated to be less than $3 billion and the Governor has estimated growth in general revenues over 4%. Additionally, this legislation calls for a 6-month review by COGFA which could trigger savings if growth exceeds 4% in the middle of the fiscal year. The bill also calls for automatic deposits above statutory requirement into the Pension Stabilization Fund.

* Patrick Keck

After withdrawing its initial application in January, Navigator CO2 Ventures has filed a new route for its Heartland Greenway carbon dioxide pipeline with the Illinois Commerce Commission. […]

Elizabeth Burns-Thompson, Navigator vice president of government and public affairs, said the project now impacts about 900 landowners in Illinois. The Nebraska-based company refiled the application, she said, to streamline the approval process instead of updating its original application submitted in July. […]

Senate Bill 2421 from state Sen. Laura Fine, D-Glenview, co-listed under House Bill 3119 from state Rep. Ann Williams, D-Chicago, would create the Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage Protections Act to address several updates to pipeline construction and management.

Specifically, the bill eliminates a company’s ability to secure private land in the pore space - a small subsurface area that allows for the storage of carbon dioxide - at sequestration sites without the proper approval. Operators would have to receive a written grant from the landowner or a title permitting the use of the land.

* Press release…

House Minority Leader Tony McCombie (Savanna) has filed two bills that would increase protections for Department of Children and Family Services workers and those working to protect the state’s most vulnerable. This legislation comes at a time when front line workers throughout the state continue to face violence, something Leader McCombie has prioritized fixing through her bills.

The two bills are in direct response to the murder of two female DCFS workers: Pamela Knight, who was killed in 2017 in Dixon, Illinois, when attempting to take a child into protective custody and Deirdre Silas, who was murdered last year in Sangamon County during a home-visit. Leader McCombie has filed these pieces of legislation, the Knight-Silas Acts, to help prevent any future harm to employees at DCFS:

    · HB1460 - Makes harming a DCFS worker or a Department on Aging Adult Protective Services or Ombudsman worker a Class 2 felony, except if the battery causes great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement to an individual, then a violation is a Class 1 felony.

    · HB1461 - Makes harming a DCFS worker a Class 2 felony, except if the battery causes great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement to an individual, then a violation is a Class 1 felony.

These bills have been a priority for McCombie, who has been vocal about the necessary changes needed at the troubled state agency under Governor JB Pritzker’s lead—and has recently unveiled a Republican led working group to find viable solutions.

“There are no shortage of issues we must address at DCFS, but ensuring the safety of the employees who work day and night to protect our most vulnerable is the top priority—and my legislation will help make that a reality,” said Leader Tony McCombie. “Pam Knight and Deidre Silas were killed in the line of duty, and more must be done so that tragedies like this don’t continue to happen.”

* Press release…

Winemakers and wine experts from wineries across Illinois will convene in Springfield this week for their annual conference to discuss growth of the industry and their new legislative measure to obtain parity for wine production and self-distribution limits.

The Illinois Grape Growers and Vintners Alliance’s annual conference will take place Thursday and Friday at the Statehouse Inn and Merchant House. The conference presenter lineup includes Jim Tresize, president of Wine America, which is the only national wine industry association in the country that encourages growth and development of wineries and winegrowing through advancement and advocacy of public policy.

While Illinois is one of the top wine-drinking states in the country, and the Illinois wine industry has grown in esteem, the state’s wineries are prohibited from producing and selling their wine at levels that compare with their peers in the beer and spirits industries. Wineries are urging the Illinois General Assembly to pass House Bill 2864 to provide a path for the wine industry to grow, serve their increasing customer base, continue providing good jobs, and continue contributing to state and local economies.

* HB2238


New legislation would designate the Chicago church where Emmett Till’s open-casket funeral was held in 1955 as a national monument.

The bill, introduced by Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., would designate the Roberts Temple Church as a national monument to “preserve, protect, and interpret history for the benefit of present and future generations.”

* Illinois Answers

Backed by different groups, three state legislators have introduced differing bills all designed to throw life rafts to homeowners who are behind on their property tax bills. They aim to revamp a system that gouges delinquent property owners in the best of cases and forces them from their homes at worst. […]

The bill, sponsored by Sen. Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago), would halve the penalty for late taxes from 1.5% to 0.75% for every month the bills go unpaid. It would also end the county’s practice of adding an instant 12% interest penalty for any homeowner whose property is entered into the annual tax sale and does not get a bid. […]

[Rep. Margaret] Croke introduced a trio of bills backed by the Chicago Bar Association, which is generally allied with tax buyers. In an interview on Monday, Croke said the bills “seem like no-brainers” that would “add clarification and transparency” to the convoluted tax sale process. […]

Leaders of the nonprofit Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago have joined the fray with their own idea to prevent struggling homeowners from sliding into tax delinquency. Their bill, sponsored by Sen. Robert Peters (D-Chicago) and Rep. Debbie Meyers-Martin (D-Olympia Fields), would require the Cook County treasurer to set up an installment plan to pay their tax obligations over time. Homeowners in “good standing” with the plan would not be allowed to be entered into the annual tax sale.


Pollster claims vindication, plus other reacts to yesterday’s races

Wednesday, Mar 1, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* M3 Strategies…

As election results in the Chicago Mayor’s race are tallied, M3 Strategies’ Chief Pollster Matthew Podgorski is available to break down the election results, how the candidates’ performed, and what it means for the runoff.

Early election results show M3 Strategies’ was the best-performing polling firm in the Chicago Mayoral Election, with publicly released survey results that closely tracked the final outcomes.

M3 Strategies correctly predicted that Paul Vallas and Brandon Johnson would make the runoff.
M3 Strategies was the first firm to show Paul Vallas leading and consistently showed the strength of his support. And the only firm to capture Vallas’ surge and show him receiving over 30% of the vote.

M3 Strategies was the first firm to capture Congressman Garcia’s slide, showing his support drop by 8% points from December to January, and to capture Brandon Johnson’s surge, showing his support jump from 3% in December to 12% in January and 18% in February.

“The early election returns demonstrate the accuracy of the polling numbers we released throughout this cycle,” said Chief Pollster Matt Podgorski. “By mid-January, we could see Paul Vallas’ support was solidifying and that he would likely make the runoff. At the same time, our surveys captured Garcia’s support plummeting and Johnson surging.”

From their last poll…

Credit where credit is due.

* Chicagoland Chamber…

The following statement can be attributed to Jack Lavin, president & CEO, Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce:

“As the leading business organization in Chicago, our members have consistently stated their top priorities are public safety, skyrocketing property taxes, revitalizing tourism, and economic development that creates job opportunities in every neighborhood across Chicago. We strongly believe the next mayor should embrace these policies to help move Chicago forward. We cannot afford leadership that supports higher taxes and is not committed to keeping our businesses open and our streets safe.”

* IFT…

Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT) President Dan Montgomery issued this statement today following Chicago’s mayoral election results.

“Brandon Johnson made history today as the first public school teacher and union organizer to run for mayor of the third largest city in the United States. I am so proud of our IFT brother and Cook County commissioner for running an inspiring campaign centered on progressive values and what our students, workers, and communities need to thrive.

“In five weeks, Chicagoans will make history too by electing a teacher and committed labor leader to the city’s highest office. The IFT is excited and proud to support Brandon in the runoff. He is the only candidate who has led multi-racial coalitions to defend neighborhood schools from privatization, reduce high-stakes standardized testing, and expand access to state funding. Brandon understands that every student – regardless of their race, income, or zip code – deserves a fully resourced, high-quality education, from PreK-16.

“Paul Vallas would be a disaster for public education, union workers, and Chicago residents. During Vallas’ tenure at CPS, he oversaw what would become a model for conservative education policy around the nation, which includes increased standardized testing and the privatization of public schools through charters and magnets. As CEO of the Philadelphia and New Orleans school districts, he decimated public education.

“Chicagoans now have a responsibility on April 4 to ensure that our city continues to move forward, not become governed by right-wing extremists. The choice is clear – progress and prosperity under Brandon Johnson or another devastating and divisive Bruce Rauner-like term under Paul Vallas.

“While Brandon Johnson inspires hope, Paul Vallas feeds into Chicagoans’ worst fears. Our city cannot afford another Bruce Rauner.

“Congratulations to Brandon Johnson and his team for running this successful campaign. And thank you to our members who worked to help Brandon in this historic race. We know they will redouble their efforts in the runoff to ensure Chicago elects Brandon Johnson, the transformative leader our city needs and deserves.”

* SEIU Healthcare…

Greg Kelley, President of SEIU Healthcare Illinois, issued the following statement responding to the election results in the Chicago Mayoral race:

Chicago needs a leader who brings us together and that leader is Brandon Johnson. Tonight voters made clear that they are ready for real change. Brandon Johnson represents a growing multiracial movement that wants a government that invests in people.

Brandon will tackle the challenges most important to Chicago. Brandon understands that investments in mental health services and good jobs are public safety investments. And that our communities need a working-family-friendly approach to inflation, affordable childcare, and housing families can afford to move into and stay in, without being priced out.

A vote for Brandon Johnson on April 4th is a vote for the voice of working families and for the resources our communities so desperately need to truly address the root causes of crime and economic instability and deliver lasting results. Brandon will fight for us all, no matter our race or what language we speak.

Brandon has been there with us through so many struggles, and we know he’ll keep fighting for us because he knows our communities and understands what we’re going through. Brandon doesn’t just talk about change. He delivers real policies and approaches that represent our best hope for a city in which we can all thrive.

We know that Brandon is better and he will deliver a safer, stronger Chicago.

* Get Stuff Done PAC…

The following statement can be attributed to Get Stuff Done PAC’s spokesman Ron Holmes:

“The voters of Chicago have sent a clear message that they want a city council that gets stuff done. Thanks to their efforts, 11 of Get Stuff Done PAC’s endorsed candidates will be sworn into the next city council but our work isn’t done. In the coming weeks, we’ll be partnering with neighbors in wards across the city to help them elect champions that will deliver on their behalf.”

Winning endorsed candidates:
Ald. Michelle Harris – 8th Ward
Ald. Anthony Beale – 9th Ward
Jeylu Gutierrez – 14th Ward
Ald. Stephanie Coleman – 16th Ward
Ald. Derrick Curtis – 18th Ward
Ald. Jason Ervin – 28th Ward
Ald. Chris Taliaferro - 29th Ward
Ald. Felix Cardona – 31st Ward
Ald. Emma Mitts – 37th Ward
Ald. Sam Nugent – 39th Ward
Ald. Deb Silverstein – 50th Ward

Endorsed candidates headed to a run-off (as of distribution):
Ald. Nicole Lee – 11th Ward
Ald. Monique Scott – 24th Ward
Ald. Gilbert Villegas – 36th Ward

Defeated candidate:
Nick Ward – 48th Ward

The PAC filed a D-1 with the state yesterday listing Michael Sacks as a sponsoring entity. Not mentioned in its press release was that the committee also plowed $80K into the 25th Ward race. They lost that one…

Candidate for alderman Byron Sigcho Lopez released the following statement after beating opponent Aida Flores in the 25th Ward election:

“Once again the 25th Ward beat the political machine together,” said Alderman Sigcho Lopez. “Billionaires thought they could buy this election but the people cannot be bought. The largest Latino ward in the City cannot be bought.

“We won today’s election by coming together and leading with the people – and we did it all without accepting political contributions from developers, large corporations, public utilities, polluters, or dark money PACs.

“Although the 25th Ward is still recovering from the trauma of a corrupt former alderman, our community-driven zoning committee and our public safety committee have helped us preserve Pilsen. Our small businesses are here, and we don’t have blocks of empty storefronts that plague so many other neighborhoods throughout our city.

“Luxury developers aren’t swooping in en masse and pushing out our immigrant families who’ve called our home for generations like they were just 4 years ago. The work we’ve done together means that we have a fully functioning public safety committee that liaises with CPD and does block-by-block violence prevention throughout the ward.

“I’m a leader who is doing exactly what I promised to do four years ago, and it’s the path I’ll take the next four years with the community by my side. When the community rises up together, we win.”

* SEIU Local 1…

Today, working families showed up to the ballot box to elect labor-endorsed candidates to the Chicago City Council. SEIU Local 1 members and leaders from across the city volunteered hundreds of hours canvassing and making phone calls for candidates who are fighting for economic justice.

“Chicagoans - from the 1st to the 50th Ward - showed out in record numbers to elect candidates that will give working families a voice in our City,” said SEIU Local 1 President Genie Kastrup. “Working families are the backbone of this city keeping our buildings clean, our businesses safe, our students fed and our airports functioning - now, essential workers will have a voice at City Council.

Local 1 members knocked on doors, made phone calls, flyered the streets, and educated others to ensure we elected candidates who are ready to fight for all working people - regardless of what you look like, where you live, where you came from, or who you love. This new City Council is ready to build a Chicago that works for all of us, and I am so proud of the Local 1 members that made it happen.

I look forward to working with these candidates to continue to win for working families all across our city.”

SEIU Local 1 candidates who won their race:

Ward 3, Pat Dowell
Ward 7, Greg Mitchell
Ward 8, Michelle Harris
Ward 12, Julia Ramirez
Ward 14, Jeylu Gutierrez
Ward 16, Stephanie Coleman
Ward 17, David Moore
Ward 19, Matt O’Shea
Ward 20, Jeanette Taylor
Ward 22, Mike Rodriguez
Ward 23, Silvana Tabares
Ward 25, Byron Sigcho-Lopez
Ward 26, Jesse Fuentes
Ward 28, Jason Ervin
Ward 29, Chris Taliferro
Ward 31, Felix Cardona
Ward 32, Scott Waguespack
Ward 33, Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez
Ward 34, Bill Conway
Ward 35, Carlos Ramirez-Rosa
Ward 37, Emma Mitts
Ward 39, Samantha Nugent
Ward 40, Andre Vasquez
Ward 42, Brendan Reilly
Ward 47, Mathew Martin
Ward 49, Maria Hadden
Ward 50, Deb Silverstein

The following SEIU Local 1 endorsed candidates will be entering a run-off election that will take place on April 4, 2023:

Ward 1, Daniel La Spata
Ward 4, Lamont Robinson
Ward 5, Desmon Yancy
Ward 6, William Hall
Ward 10, Ana Guajardo
Ward 11, Nicole Lee
Ward 21, Ronnie Mosley

* Updated mayoral map from Frank Calabrese…

…Adding… Each dot represents 10 voters…


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* ARDC hearing board recommends two-year suspension for attorney in assault weapons case
* Judge ridicules anti-Gotion lawsuit: 'The complaint reads like a novel'
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Quinn explains how property tax relief proposal could work
* The Importance Of Energy Storage
* 'We believe we are in compliance with the law'
* State completes $73 million project to protect Illinois’ only undeveloped Lake Michigan shoreline
* Sean Grayson wasn’t the only Sangamon County deputy hired with a DUI on his record
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
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