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*** UPDATED x1 - Former Ald. Munoz indicted *** Chicago Ald. Patrick Daley Thompson charged

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Wow…

* From the story

The indictment alleged the first loan for $110,000 was the only one ever put on paper. Thompson allegedly made one payment on it but never paid off the rest. The other two loans, which totaled $120,000, were completely off the books, and Thompson made no effort to repay either principle or interest on them, according to the charges.

Thompson then took tax reductions on his IRS returns by claiming he was paying “mortgage interest” on the loans, the charges alleged. […]

An arraignment date for Thompson has not been set. His lawyer, Chris Gair, could not immediately be reached.

Washington Federal later collapsed in 2017, leading to federal charges against a number of the bank’s executives and former customers alleging a multiyear, $31 million embezzlement scheme that preceded the institution’s failure.

*** UPDATE *** I watched this man deteriorate before my very eyes and, sadly, this does not surprise me…

* Sun-Times

Former Ald. Ricardo Munoz once led the Chicago Progressive Reform Caucus, meant to “create a more just and equal Chicago,” the feds say.

But prosecutors allege the onetime veteran alderman used its accounts as a personal piggy bank, stealing thousands to pay for a relative’s college tuition, skydiving excursions, travel expenses, a hotel stay — and even at Lover’s Lane.

A 29-page indictment made public Thursday also indicates that Munoz’s behavior continued even after the feds’ aggressive pursuit of public corruption had blown into full view in November 2018.

Now, Munoz faces 15 counts of wire fraud and one count of money laundering. His arraignment had not been scheduled as of Thursday afternoon. His attorney, Richard Kling, said he had not yet seen the indictment and wanted to read it before commentin

The indictment is here.


It’s just a bill

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

A bill that would create a new teacher and principal mentoring program in Illinois schools passed the state Senate Wednesday over Republican objections that it would adhere to “culturally responsive” educational standards.

Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford said the “culturally responsive teaching and learning standards” underlying the bill she sponsored are “about creating a learning environment in which students from all different backgrounds feel included and engaged.”

But southern Illinois Republican Sen. Darren Bailey, who’s running for governor, argued the bill is “replacing our children’s education with political indoctrination.”

Lightford, a Maywood Democrat, said, “This is about professional development and making sure we began to address the teacher shortage, the lack of supports that we give to new teachers, new principals, and so that they have the mentorship that’s needed.”

* Planned Parenthood…

Advocates for the Responsible Education for Adolescent and Children’s Health Act (REACH Act), led by Planned Parenthood Illinois Action (PPIA) and Equality Illinois (EI), worked with the coalition supporting the Illinois Healthy Youth Act to create one bill that requires age-appropriate, comprehensive, and inclusive personal health and safety education for grades K-5 and sexual health education for grades 6-12 for all Illinois public school students. The Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Bill (SB 818), sponsored by Sen. Ram Villivalam, was filed Wednesday, April 28. SB 818 retains the key elements of the REACH Act while strengthening the language in the details of the legislation.

“Combining these two pieces of legislation not only makes sense so that legislators have to vote on just one bill—it was an opportunity to refine the language to benefit Illinois public school students,” said Brigid Leahy, Senior Director of Public Policy for PPIA. “The new bill still requires age and developmentally appropriate education for grades K-12, as well as providing information that is medically accurate and inclusive. SB 818 still focuses on healthy relationships, bullying, abuse and violence prevention and empowering students to make healthy and safe decisions.”

Currently, 30 states require personal health and safety education or sexual health education, but Illinois is not one of them. The Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Bill will require that the experiences and needs of all youth in the school, including disabled students, parenting students, and survivors of interpersonal and sexual violence are addressed. This education will not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religion, gender expression, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

“Illinoisans recognize the need to ensure all public schools affirm and equip students, including LGBTQ students, with the inclusive tools and information they need to build healthy relationships and lead safe and supported lives,” said Myles Brady Davis, Director of Communications at Equality Illinois, the state’s civil rights organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Illinoisans. “With the Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Bill, the Illinois Senate and House of Representatives have the bold opportunity to act now to support all students, especially LGBTQ students, in all parts of the state.”

If passed, the Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Bill will require the Illinois State Board of Education to adopt rigorous learning standards. Schools will start teaching according to the standards in 2023, allowing schools adequate time and resources to implement high-quality programs. School districts will maintain control by selecting their curricula and the number of teaching minutes. Parents will retain the right to remove their students from classes.

* “Protection Against Lindsay Lohan’s Dad Act”…

Bipartisan-backed legislation that tightens the legal screws on “patient brokers” targeting Illinois residents struggling with opioid addiction and other behavioral health illnesses by marketing expensive, questionable ‘treatment’ services, a measure newly dubbed “Protect Against Lindsay Lohan’s Dad Act” by proponents, has been approved by the full Illinois Senate.

The legislation, Senate Bill 2312, sponsored by State Senator Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago), among other things, bans treatment provider employee or independent consultant compensation based on “volume or value” of patient referrals, according to Illinois Association for Behavioral Health CEO Jud DeLoss, who initiated the bill idea.
DeLoss cited the recent incident involving Michael Lohan, father of actor Lindsay Lohan, who was arrested on April 23 by Palm Beach County sheriffs on five counts of patient brokering and one count of conspiracy to commit patient brokering. A Florida-based drug treatment center allegedly paid Lohan or a business with links to Lohan more than $27,000 in kickbacks.

“The patient brokering charge against Michael Lohan, regarding $27,000 in so-called ‘referral fees’ is precisely the offense that our legislation targets,” said DeLoss. “This bill squeezes out the financial incentive for employees or consultants to recruit patients, prohibiting compensation based on volume or value of treatment, and that’s why we have dubbed it the ‘Protection Against Lindsay Lohan’s Dad Act.’”

…Adding… Update from yesterday…

After being one of the strongest advocates in favor of the landmark criminal justice pillar of the Black Caucus agenda that passed in January, State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago) is continuing his fight to win real safety and justice for all Illinois residents with a proposal to stop the use of deceptive interrogation practices on children.

“Kids are taught to trust adults in positions of power, and it is unconscionable to allow law enforcement to exploit that trust in order to coerce information,” Peters said. “These kids are scared and may not fully understand their rights or of how the legal process works, so it’s a lot more likely that they’ll give false information if deception is added to the mix.”

The legislation would make statements provided by minors under the age of 18 inadmissible as evidence against the minor in court if they were made during an interrogation where the law enforcement officer intentionally engaged in deception. It defines deception as knowingly providing false information about evidence or leniency.

“What message does it send when we allow law enforcement to lie to our kids in order to get them to say what they want?” Peters said. “If we want real safety and justice in our communities, we need to rebuild the trust between the people and the officers charged with protecting them.”

The Illinois Senate approved Senate Bill 2122 with bipartisan support Thursday, and it will now be sent to the House of Representatives.


*** UPDATED x1 *** New unemployment claims down again in Illinois, nation

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Washington Post

Weekly jobless claims fell to a pandemic low for the third consecutive week, the Labor Department reported Thursday, with 553,000 Americans filing for initial unemployment benefits in the week that ended April 24.

This marks a 13,000 decrease compared to last week, putting the insured unemployment rate around 2.6 percent, the Labor Department said.

While claims remain elevated (In 2019, average weekly initial claims hovered around 218,000), the trajectory signals that growing vaccination numbers, loosening business restrictions and warmer weather are helping to heal the jobs market.

* CBS 2

The U.S. Department of Labor estimates 14,997 new unemployment claims were filed during the week of April 19 in Illinois, according to the DOL’s weekly claims report released Thursday. […]

There were 15,248 new unemployment claims were filed during the week of April 12 in Illinois.

here were 18,986 new unemployment claims were filed during the week of April 5 in Illinois.

There were 16,182 new unemployment claims were filed during the week of March 29 in Illinois.

*** UPDATE *** I meant to post this here and forgot

A state representative demanded the state’s unemployment offices under Gov. J.B. Pritzker be reopened immediately.

His demand was met with applause in the House chamber on Wednesday. […]

On Wednesday on the House floor, state Rep. Joe Sosnowki, R-Rockford, said it’s time to open the offices back up immediately.

“Why are our unemployment offices in the state of Illinois still closed,” Sosnowski said. “It is now almost the month of May 2021, and our unemployment offices around the state are closed. I don’t believe this is a political issue. I know members on both sides of the aisles have the same concern.” […]

“Proof is in the pudding,” Sosnowski said as he praised Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White for having had their offices open to the public.

“They run a great office,” Sosnowski said of driver services facilities. “Their offices have been open since last May, serving thousands of people at different locations around the state. Our unemployment offices need to open today.”

Um, the some SoS offices are still closed and have Secretary White has closed others due to the virus. I’m also not aware of any threats of violence against those offices, unlike IDES.

But, he does have a point.


*** UPDATED x3 *** Pritzker energy bill coverage roundup

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Gov. J.B. Pritzker is supporting short-term subsidies for two threatened Illinois nuclear plants as part of a wide-ranging overhaul of energy policy his office says would put the state on a path to 100% clean power by 2050.

The proposal represents a balancing act for Pritzker, who is attempting to preserve high-paying union jobs at Exelon’s Byron and Dresden nuclear plants while also seeking accountability from a company whose subsidiary, Commonwealth Edison, has admitted to engaging in bribery in an effort to win support for legislation that included nuclear subsidies in 2016. […]

The governor’s plan draws in elements of a proposal from clean energy advocates that would offer no subsidies to Exelon, and one backed by a union coalition that would offer much more generous and long-lasting support for the four Exelon nuclear plants that aren’t already receiving subsidies from the 2016 law, including two Exelon hasn’t threatened to close.

“Our view is that this proposal pulls together the best of all the proposals that are currently out there into one comprehensive package, and we think it’s a good place to start final negotiations,” [Deputy Gov. Christian Mitchell] said.

* Crain’s

With the new legislation, the governor seeks to take some control over a legislative process that has seen separate coalitions propose jarringly different approaches to accomplishing the same goal. A union coalition has put forward legislation that arguably would raise utility bills even more, would provide a higher subsidy to Exelon and would preserve some of ComEd’s formula-rate system. A set of environmental groups, along with the Citizens Utility Board, has pushed the Clean Energy Jobs Act, which would have the state assume oversight of the wholesale power market in northern Illinois with the goal of incentivizing renewable power and disincentivizing fossil fuels. And a coalition of renewable power developers has endorsed legislation, which like Pritzker’s bill, would substantially increase ratepayer charges to finance more projects.

To this point, Springfield has struggled to make choices, with House committees endorsing the various bills on lopsided votes even when they were at cross purposes. […]

The bill includes many provisions aimed at shielding low-income households from those higher costs. Most prominent among them is a call for “tiered” electricity rates, in which those below 80 percent of the median income level for the area would pay less for power than everyone else. Those above that threshold, however, would pay higher rates to make up the difference for the utilities. […]

An unusual reform target in the governor’s bill is the Citizens Utility Board, for decades the most prominent consumer advocate in the state on utility issues. The measure would subject CUB to the Freedom of Information Act and would bar the organization from accepting grants from foundations seeded with utility money. CUB has been accused of being less critical of ComEd, the original source of some of that grant money in the past, than other utilities.

* Sun-Times

The Consumers and Climate First Act addresses ethics and consumer protections as well as renewable energy and clean power. It also seeks to address how the state plans to help those who lose their jobs as Illinois shifts away from non-renewable energy sources.

Pritzker’s bill would end formula rates, a practice of utility companies being able to “spend ratepayer money with little oversight, meaning ComEd and Ameren, will no longer be able to dramatically increase their profits by loading up the rate base with little cost control,” according to a summary of the bill.

The legislation would also expand the statement of economic interest that legislators must file to include any spouse or immediate family member who is employed by a public utility in Illinois and would make the Citizens Utility Board subject to requests under the Freedom of Information Act and prohibit that board from accepting funds from foundations affiliated with a public utility, according to the bill’s summary. […]

Pritzker’s legislation also seeks to help energy consumers and includes eliminating online payment fees for all utility bills and would eliminate the customer deposit requirement and late fees for low-income residential utility customers. Those with incomes that fall at or below 80% of their area median income would be able to receive tiered discount rates on their utility bills.

The legislation also looks ahead, seeking to put the state on a path toward 100% clean energy by 2050. It also entails a phasing out of coal by 2030 and natural gas by 2045, according to the summary. Along with that push, Pritzker’s legislation aims to increase the adoption of electric vehicles in the state to 1 million by 2030.


State Rep. Ann Williams (D-Chicago), the lead sponsor of the Clean Energy Jobs Act, says ethics reforms for powerful utility companies must be central to whatever lawmakers end up passing, and maintains that only her legislation has stringent enough language to root out corruption stemming from the companies’ relationships with Springfield.

But ComEd this week disagreed with Williams and her allies’ proposals that would include a measure of restitution for ratepayers and an outside monitor. The company’s senior vice president of regulatory and energy policy, Veronica Gomez, told a House panel Tuesday that it was “not appropriate to make a conclusion here that some additional punishment is due” to ComEd beyond the feds’ fine. […]

The union-backed Climate Jobs Illinois also introduced ethics language last week after several news outlets published stories on that issue getting pushed to the back burner. After Pritzker’s office briefed stakeholders on the governor’s plan Wednesday, Climate Jobs Illinois expressed dissatisfaction.

“We’re disappointed that this proposal does not more aggressively advocate for comprehensive labor standards so that new clean energy jobs provide a path to the middle class, especially for communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and climate change,” Climate Jobs Illinois Executive Director Joe Duffy said in a statement. “As we review this new language, we’re also concerned that it appears to overlook prioritizing solar on public schools while not doing enough to preserve the nuclear fleet, which is critical to hitting the state’s proposed emissions goals while saving tens of thousands of Illinois jobs.”

Lots more in all of those stories, so click the links. Also, click here for a brief fact sheet from the governor’s office. Subscribers have more details.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Press release…

Delivering on principles laid out last year by Gov. Pritzker and after months of working group meetings including lawmakers, advocates, and industry, the Consumers and Climate First Act was introduced in the General Assembly today by Senator Celina Villanueva and Representative Kam Buckner. The legislation provides a path for Illinois to help lead the nation’s transition to a clean energy economy. The bill serves as a starting point — a series of markers intended to help guide the energy negotiations underway in Springfield. A detailed overview of the legislation is attached.

“As we shape our economic recovery from COVID-19, it’s imperative that we do so with an eye to the future – and Illinoisans deserve a future full of good-paying jobs, clean energy, honest deals, and transparent rates, a future that guarantees clean air, clean water, affordable utilities, and serious consumer protections for all,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “The Consumers and Climate First Act, a product of months’ worth of working groups inclusive of all interests, allows Illinois to fulfill that obligation to our working families. Over the coming weeks, I look forward to working with members of the General Assembly to deliver an ethical framework for Illinois to lead the United States in the clean energy transition in the years to come.”

A culmination of months of energy working group meetings, the Consumers and Climate First Act brings together the best ideas from a diverse range of stakeholders and major energy proposals. It includes dozens of proposals across eight central principles:

Ethics and accountability: Holds utility companies accountable to ratepayers by doing away with formula rates, protecting ratepayer funds from being used for charitable contributions and requiring an annual Exelon audit and immediate ComEd investigation, among other measures.

Consumer protections: Increases affordability for low-income households by bolstering cost-saving programs and eliminating draconian fees and surcharges.

Renewable energy and labor standards: Puts the state on a path toward 100% clean energy by 2050. Doubles the state’s investment in renewable energy and supports union members working on wind and solar projects by requiring project labor agreements in utility-scale wind and solar projects and prevailing wage on large distributed generation and large community solar projects.

Clean power and air: Phases out coal by 2030 and natural gas by 2045 through a carbon price, which will direct revenue to impacted communities, and provides for measured, short-term state support for two nuclear plants.

Transportation electrification: Provides incentives for electric vehicles and statewide charging infrastructure buildout to support the adoption of 1 million EVs by 2030.

Just transition and workforce development: Supports displaced workers and leverages community-based organizations to ensure members of equity focused populations have dedicated and sustained support to enter and complete the career pipeline for clean energy and related sector jobs.

Equity in the clean energy economy: Rewards equitable investments in the renewable energy sector and requires annual diversity reports from utilities and renewable energy developers.

Energy efficiency: Supports decarbonization programs and allows for greater efficiencies in buildings.

“We need to take bold action to combat the climate crisis — and we need to do so equitably and deliver real environmental justice for our communities,” said Sen. Celina Villanueva, Senate sponsor of the legislation. “This set of proposals ushers in a clean energy economy in Illinois, which will create jobs in my district and across the state. It protects consumers, supports workers and holds utility companies accountable. I’m glad that Governor Pritzker has made this a priority of his administration as we get back to work in Springfield. Our planet cannot wait. Our people cannot wait.”

“We are careening towards a fatal cliff and nothing else that we do in the General Assembly will matter if we don’t very seriously get focused on sustainable, clean energy resources like wind, solar, and energy efficiency to combat global climate change,” said Rep. Kam Buckner, Chairperson of the Illinois House Black Caucus and House sponsor of the legislation. “The time to act by passing inclusive climate change and clean energy legislation is now and not a moment later. We have a real opportunity to protect consumers, our planet and create well-paying clean energy jobs for the communities who need it the most. It is important that we intensify commitments to addressing long-standing structural racism. The movements for racial justice and for environmental sustainability are inextricably linked and we have to create policies that mirror this moment. Our economic recovery is also reliant on holding utilities accountable and breaking down barriers that have prevented communities of color from sharing in the benefits of clean energy.”

“I commend the Governor for this comprehensive energy bill that prioritizes affordability while holding utilities accountable to the state and consumers,” said Attorney General Kwame Raoul. “The Governor’s proposal will help lower consumers’ monthly bills by getting rid of costly formula rates and gas surcharges and requiring ComEd and Ameren to return hundreds of millions of excess tax payments back to consumers on a more reasonable schedule. The measure will help vulnerable households stay connected to essential utility services by expanding LIHEAP eligibility and eliminating customer deposits and late fees for low-income consumers. The proposal also dedicates resources to environmental justice communities that have long endured the greatest harms from dirty power plants. I look forward to working with the Governor and the Legislature to craft additional energy policies that balance between affordability and clean energy goals while bolstering a strong and diverse workforce in the energy sector.”

“For the past decade, ComEd, Exelon and other utilities have unduly influenced Illinois energy policy. Today, we applaud Governor Pritzker for taking a stand against this undue influence and putting the interests of consumers and the climate first,” said Illinois PIRG Director Abe Scarr. “It’s time to end automatic rate hikes, gas utility bill surcharges and restore meaningful utility oversight. We call on the Illinois General Assembly to support these vital reforms.”

“Bold times call for bold action. JB Pritzker is the first governor in Illinois history to propose a serious, comprehensive plan to address climate change, put Illinois on a path to 100% clean energy, and eliminate dirty fossil fuels from our power grid,” said the Clean Jobs Coalition. “While our coalition believes further discussion is needed on many specific provisions of Governor Pritzker’s energy bill, it’s clear this proposal and the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) share many goals, especially on creating equitable jobs in every part of Illinois, holding utilities accountable, and creating a just transition for places where coal companies have said they will cut and run, leaving communities to deal with property tax shortfalls and loss of good paying jobs if we fail to act. We look forward to working with the Governor’s office, legislators, and stakeholders to pass a bill before May 31 that achieves those goals.”

“Governor Pritzker has set out a bold plan for climate action that holds utilities accountable and makes substantial, urgently-needed investments in our clean energy economy,” said J.C. Kibbey, Illinois Clean Energy Advocate, Natural Resources Defense Council. “We look forward to working with the Governor to make Illinois a national leader on climate change.”

“Over the past ten years, 100 percent renewable energy has gone from an aspirational dream to a serious commitment that seven states and over 140 cities have already made. If passed, the Consumers and Climate First Act would make Illinois the eighth state to commit to 100 percent clean or renewable electricity, and would protect Illinois’ climate and environment for future generations,” said Paloma Paez-Coombe, Environment Illinois Associate. “Bold, big picture goals must be paired with practical, short-term stepping stones, and we’re excited that this bill offers both. It’s time to move beyond the outdated and polluting energy sources harming our environment, and set our sights on Illinois’ clean, renewable future.”

“We applaud Governor Pritzker for fully embracing an equitable clean energy future for Illinois,” said Nakhia Crossley, central region director for the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). “While there will be continued negotiations on critical aspects of the legislative language, Governor Pritzker’s commitment to saving consumers money while fully building out Illinois’ renewable energy sector with strong labor and equity standards is historic. We look forward to working with all stakeholders to finalize and pass legislation this session.”

“The road to tackling climate change demands tangible action like electrifying transportation in an accessible, equitable way,” said Anne Smart, Vice President of Public Policy at ChargePoint. “The Consumers and Climate First Act will put Illinois at the forefront of electrifying transportation by helping to deploy more charging stations across the state, protecting consumers and fostering a competitive marketplace. ChargePoint applauds Governor Pritzker for his leadership and we look forward to working with our Illinois stakeholders to cultivate an accessible, consumer-focused electric vehicle network across the state.”

“EVgo applauds Governor Pritzker for his leadership on transportation electrification. By focusing on complementary policies to scale both vehicle sales and charging infrastructure through tools such as rate design, make-ready programs, and rebates, with important attention to environmental justice communities and transportation equity, Illinois will be on a path to decarbonize the transportation sector,” said EVgo CEO Cathy Zoi.

“Today, Black and Brown families in Illinois are disproportionately impacted by disconnections of essential utility service and unaffordable utility rates — a problem that existed even before the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Donna Carpenter, a parent leader with Community Organizing and Family Issues (COFI) POWER-PAC IL. “COFI champions the governor’s decision to include important new protections for those who struggle to afford electric, gas and water utility service in his new energy bill that will make a difference in the lives of all Illinoisans who struggle to afford life essentials each month.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition…

Today, the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition released the following statement about the Consumers and Climate First Act:

“Bold times call for bold action. JB Pritzker is the first governor in Illinois history to propose a serious, comprehensive plan to address climate change, put Illinois on a path to 100% clean energy, and eliminate dirty fossil fuels from our power grid.

“While our coalition believes further discussion is needed on many specific provisions of Governor Pritzker’s energy bill, it’s clear this proposal and the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) share many goals, especially on creating equitable jobs in every part of Illinois, holding utilities accountable, and creating a just transition for places where coal companies have said they will cut and run, leaving communities to deal with property tax shortfalls and loss of good paying jobs if we fail to act.

“We look forward to working with the Governor’s office, legislators, and stakeholders to pass a bill before May 31 that achieves those goals.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** Sierra Club Illinois Director Jack Darin…

“Crisis cannot be averted with half measures, and for the first time in Illinois history Governor Pritzker has put forward a proposal to confront the climate crisis with the ambition it demands by reducing emissions, creating clean energy jobs, and holding utilities accountable. It is refreshing to see state leaders commit to a vision of 100% clean energy that strives to put the needs of Illinoisians over those of corporate utilities.

“The Governor’s proposal shares many goals with the Clean Energy Jobs Act, including a commitment to build enough clean energy to supply all of our power needs by 2050. These bold actions on climate must also include bold commitments to racial and economic justice. As Illinois moves beyond coal and gas, our climate plan must prioritize emission reductions in communities most impacted by polluters and an equitable transition for those left in an economic lurch by fossil fuel companies.

“We are excited to work together with stakeholders and elected leaders to build a policy for Illinois that puts us boldly on a path towards climate justice.”


*** UPDATED x1 *** Bears move a real possibility or leverage?

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

However, [Scott Hagel, the team’s senior vice president for marketing and communications] gave no such denial when asked about the team’s potential longer-range interest in Arlington Park, which recently was put up for sale by its owner, Churchill Downs Inc., best known for staging the Kentucky Derby.

“I wouldn’t be able to tell you,” said Hagel, who gave an interview a day after I first called the team asking them to comment on the Arlington rumor.

When asked directly if the team has begun talks with Churchill Downs, Hagel replied, “our priority is about Soldier Field.”

When told that such a statement left the impression that other possibilities are on the table, Hagel said, “Our focus continues to be on Soldier Field. . . .I can’t say more.”

A city spokeswoman confirmed that talks with the Bears about resuming games at Soldier Field later this year are going well. The Bears “have been a really good partner,” she replied. And Arlington? “I don’t know anything about that.”

* But

I don’t think I’m being too naive when I say that most rumors of the Bears moving out of Soldier Field (and into the empty/for-sale Arlington International Racecourse in Arlington Heights) land a little light. As Luis put it previously, it’s simply difficult to imagine the Bears leaving Solider Field to spend their own money on a state-of-the-art complex in Arlington Heights, especially when their lease in Chicago doesn’t expire until the early 2030s. And, indeed, the only thing more difficult to envision is sourcing public money to build that stadium (especially right now).

However, the mere *existence* of those Arlington Heights rumors can serve a very useful purpose for the Bears (and the NFL). In fact, I believe that’s exactly what’s happening right now.

At this moment, the Bears are negotiating with the City of Chicago on the return of fans to the stadium when football kicks back off this fall. More specifically, the team/league is negotiating the percent of total stadium capacity that will be allowed (the Chicago Fire already has a deal in place with the city, allowing up to 25% capacity, but it’s very likely the Bears are seeking something much greater than that). […]

If the Bears can keep those rumors alive, they’ll maintain at least a little bit of additional leverage that could improve the deal from their perspective or even get something on the books sooner than expected. So perhaps there’s actual interest there or perhaps not. But so long as a “no comment” is perceived as a “yes,” in the headlines, the Bears benefit from the rumors.

*** UPDATE *** Crain’s

Asked at a news conference about yesterday’s Crain’s report that the team wasn’t denying an interest in possibly moving to the site now occupied by the Arlington track, which is for sale and likely to be demolished, Lightfoot said “a couple of data points” are of note.

One is that, as Crain’s reported, the Bears’ current Soldier Field lease with the Chicago Park District runs until 2033. “The NFL doesn’t let any teams break their leases,” she said.

However, Lightfoot went on to add that she had “a call with senior (team) leadership in the last two weeks.” I’m told that conversation involved as least one member of the team-owning McCaskey family.

“We have a good working relationship with the Bears . . . (but) there are things they’d like to see differently at Soldier Field, and we want to do whatever we can to accommodate it,” Lightfoot said.



Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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2,728 new confirmed and probable cases; 33 additional deaths; 2,154 hospitalized; 502 in ICU; 3.4 percent average case positivity rate; 4.1 percent average test positivity rate; 100,823 average daily doses

Wednesday, Apr 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 2,728 new confirmed and probable cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 33 additional deaths.

    - Cook County: 1 female 20s, 1 male 40s, 1 female 50s, 2 males 50s, 1 female 70s, 2 males 70s, 3 females 80s, 1 male 80s, 4 females 90s
    - DuPage County: 1 male 50s
    - Kankakee County: 1 female 60s, 1 female 70s, 1 female 80s
    - Macon County: 1 female 70s
    - Marshall County: 1 female 90s
    - McHenry County: 1 female 60s, 1 male 70s
    - McLean County: 1 male 80s
    - Monroe County: 1 male 70s
    - Morgan County: 1 male 70s
    - Peoria County: 1 female 80s
    - Tazewell County: 1 male 60s, 1 female 90s
    - Will County: 1 male 50s
    - Winnebago County: 1 female 60s, 1 male 80s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 1,328,454 cases, including 21,891 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 87,698 specimens for a total of 22,469,213. As of last night, 2,154 individuals in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 502 patients were in the ICU and 238 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from April 21-27, 2021 is 3.4%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from April 21-27, 2021 is 4.1%.

The total number of COVID-19 vaccine doses for Illinois is 11,322,205. A total of 9,048,300 vaccines have been administered in Illinois as of last midnight. The seven-day rolling average of vaccines administered daily is 100,823 doses. Yesterday, 106,173 doses were reported administered in Illinois.

*All data are provisional and will change. In order to rapidly report COVID-19 information to the public, data are being reported in real-time. Information is constantly being entered into an electronic system and the number of cases and deaths can change as additional information is gathered. Information for a death previously reported has been changed, therefore numbers have been adjusted. For health questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email

* ABC 7

- Chicago’s top doctor says the city is moving closer to announcing a bigger reopening plan, and a vaccine passport is likely to be part of it.

The “Vax Pass” would give those who are fully vaccinated access to summer events in the city.

Officials have been urging vaccination as a way to protect yourself, your family, and your community. But now officials have a new message: the vaccine is your key to summer fun.

Similar to what New York State already has, the “Vax Pass” is an easy, secure way to show proof of vaccination for entry to festivals, concerts and other events.

“My goal at this point is to say, ‘You want to be part of the fun? Get vaccinated,’” said Dr. Allison Arwady, Chicago Dept. of Public Health.

…Adding… Bloomberg

Thousands of people at a mass nightclub rave in the U.K. this week will be a key test of whether live events halted during the pandemic can reopen at full capacity as planned from the end of June.

The two-day event in Liverpool, northwest England, is part of a national research program which so far appears to show people are happy to be tested for coronavirus to secure entry to large-scale events. […]

The event in Liverpool is part of a broader program of trials to explore how the use of Covid testing, ventilation, social distancing, and face coverings can help reopen large venues safely. Sports events including soccer matches have been the focus so far.


Sen. Tom Cullerton’s trial date set for month before 2022 primary

Wednesday, Apr 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sarah Mansur

State Sen. Tom Cullerton, who was indicted in 2019 on charges of embezzlement, is set to go to trial in February next year, a federal judge said on Tuesday.

Cullerton, a Democrat from Villa Park, is scheduled to be tried in the U.S. District Court in Chicago, starting on Feb. 23, 2022.

The latest development in Cullerton’s criminal case came during a court hearing Tuesday morning before Judge Robert Gettleman. Cullerton’s federal trial was previously set for July 2020 but that date was scrapped when the pandemic halted jury trials.

The indictment, issued in August 2019, charges Cullerton with one count of conspiracy to embezzle from a labor union and employee benefit plans, 39 counts of embezzlement from a labor union, and one count of making false statements in a health care matter. He pleaded not guilty to all of the charges.

* Jason Meisner

Cullerton was last reelected in 2018 and would next face voters in 2022. If he were to go on trial in February, it would be just a few weeks before the Illinois Democratic primary for the November general election. So far, no Democrat has publicly said they intend to challenge the incumbent if he elects to run.

* Jon Seidel

The case against Cullerton revolves around his role as an organizer for Teamsters Joint Council 25. He landed that job after his former employer, Hostess Brands, shut down in 2012. Former Teamsters boss John Coli told prosecutors he arranged for Cullerton to get that job “but did not believe the employment was legitimate,” Cullerton’s defense attorney has said.

Cullerton has been accused of collecting $188,320 in salary, bonuses and cellphone and vehicle allowances from the Teamsters, as well as $64,068 in health and pension contributions, while doing little or no work for the labor union. He also allegedly collected $21,678 in reimbursed medical claims.

Coli pleaded guilty in 2019 in an extortion case revolving around $325,000 in cash payments he received from Cinespace Chicago Film Studios between 2014 and 2017. He agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors, and Cullerton was charged days later.

…Adding… Another one…


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Wednesday, Apr 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wednesday, Apr 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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