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Dems gear up for Governor’s Day

Wednesday, Aug 14, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rick Pearson

Democrats readied to celebrate their first Governor’s Day at the Illinois State Fair in five years on Wednesday, rallying with hopes to build off victories by Gov. J.B. Pritzker and legislative candidates last fall that made Illinois a one-party state.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is scheduled to kick the day off as keynote speaker at the annual Democratic County Chairs’ Association brunch, celebrating a state that flipped two Republican congressional seats in the mid-term elections. Democrats now hold a 13-5 advantage in the state’s congressional delegation.

Though Pelosi is to appear before a friendly crowd of more than 2,000 at a hotel ballroom, the politically polarizing California Democrat will be in the heart of ruby-red rural Downstate Illinois, which voted decisively for President Donald Trump in 2016.

But Springfield is also the hometown of Betsy Dirksen Londrigan, a Democrat who could flip the central and southwestern Illinois congressional seat held by Republican Rodney Davis of Taylorville. Davis defeated Londrigan by 2,058 votes in 2018.

Londrigan, whose candidacy is strongly backed by House Democrats, was not listed on the speaking program for the brunch, perhaps because of fears an appearance with Pelosi could be used against her by Davis and Republicans in the 13th Congressional District.

You can watch the event live by clicking here.


Today the Illinois Democrats celebrate and talk about the “BIG” things they have accomplished - BIG spending, BIG tax hikes and BIG government. However, it’s likely we won’t hear them answering questions about their rampant corruption and unpopular policies.

“Illinois Democrats will try every which way to avoid answering questions Illinoisans deserve answers to. Their silence on the corruption ravaging their party further erodes what trust the public has left in state government. Will any Democrat address their colleagues corrupt activities, or will they choose to hide and not stand up for taxpayers?” -Joe Hackler, ILGOP Spokesman

Now that Governor’s Day is bringing all Democratic leaders together in one place at one time, the media and interested citizens can hopefully get some answers to those pressing questions. The following are a few questions that voters deserve to hear answered:

    Should Senator Tom Cullerton step down after being indicted on 41 counts of embezzlement, conspiracy, and making false statements?
    Do any Democrats agree with Senate President John Cullerton that Sen. Tom Cullerton is a valuable member of the caucus and deserved a new chairmanship?
    Did Speaker Madigan know about the payments from his allies and friends going to Kevin Quinn?
    Did Speaker Madigan know the person he hired to investigate incidents like Kevin Quinn’s harassment was the sister of two men sending to checks to Quinn after he was dismissed?
    Do any Democrats agree with leading presidential candidates that all private healthcare insurance should be abolished?
    Do any Democrats agree with leading presidential candidates that illegal border crossing should be decriminalized?
    Do any Democrats agree with leading presidential candidates that illegal immigrants should be given free healthcare?

* Center Square

Last week Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, moved Sen. Tom Cullerton from leading the Senate Labor Committee to heading the Senate Veteran Affairs Committee, a move that allowed the Senator to keep a stipend for being a committee leader.

Pritzker said shifting Cullerton’s committee chairmanship made sense.

“As you know I think he stepped aside or was asked to step aside from the chairmanship of the Labor Committee, which is the area the allegations were made in, and I think that is an appropriate first step,” Pritzker said. […]

State Sen. Linda Holmes, D-Aurora, said if she had the ability, Cullerton wouldn’t even have that.

“I probably would have stripped the committee chairmanship,” Holmes said. “Left him on his committees, obviously left him voting until anything commenced from that point.”

* Politico

Gov. J.B. Pritzker held court at the governor’s mansion. House Speaker Mike Madigan hosted dinner at Saputo’s. And Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot got the applause.

“She was well-received,” Madigan told Playbook about Lightfoot’s visit to his dinner gathering for friends and lawmakers. Maybe an understatement as the crowded backroom broke out in applause for the mayor.

That’s the way Tuesday evening went in Springfield. Cheers, celebratory toasts and lots of party-hopping as Democrats and Republicans converged on the state capitol for the annual Governor’s Day (today) and Republican Day (Thursday) events tied to the state fair.

Given Democrats control both chambers of the Legislature and the governor’s office, it’s no surprise Dems dominated the party scene, too.

The tradition is the governor’s party holds its receptions the evening before Governor’s Day at the Illinois State Fair. The other party holds its receptions the evening before its state fair day. So, the Republicans will be partying tonight.

…Adding… NRCC…

Hey there –

The Chicago Corruption machine will welcome the Washington Corruption machine at the Democratic County Chairs’ Association brunch today.

Notable socialist crooks include Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, socialist loser* Betsy Dirksen Londrigan (whose donors are still under federal investigation), fake nurse Lauren Underwood, the politically inept Cheri “Beltway” Bustos and House “Speaker” Nancy Pelosi.

What a crew.

These corrupt socialists insiders will clink champagne flutes as they discuss their plans to wipe out private insurance, provide on-demand late term abortion and tax Illinoisans into oblivion to pay for a socialist takeover the economy.



*** UPDATED x1 *** Dorothy Brown won’t seek reelection

Wednesday, Aug 14, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Politico

DOROTHY BROWN BOWS OUT. The longtime clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County will not seek re-election, she told Playbook. “I’ve decided to look at the next chapter. It’s time to do something new, and go to an even higher level.”

Brown says that includes working as a community activist and applying her “financial, technology and legal skills in the for-profit arena.”

After weeks of speculation about whether she was running, Brown said that stepping down from public office at the end of 2020 dovetails with logging 20 years with the county. That’s when she’ll be able to draw a full pension.

Brown, who ran for mayor of Chicago earlier this year before getting knocked off in a petition challenge, said she wasn’t swayed by the crowd of candidates angling to unseat her, or her meager campaign war chest compared to those seeking to take her on. Brown also said the FBI probe into pay-to-play allegations in her office wouldn’t hurt her chances of winning, either (No charges have ever been filed).

“I felt that I would have definitely won re-election,” she said. “Nothing weighed me down. I have just as much confidence as I ever had.”


*** UPDATE *** Press release…

Progressive reformer and Democratic candidate for Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court, Jacob Meister has issued the following statement in response to Dorthy Brown’s announcement that she will not be seeking re-election for Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court:

“Four years ago I announced my candidacy to run against Dorothy Brown because the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office is a patronage den and bureaucratic disaster of lost paperwork and dinosaur age technology. It is tragic that the second largest court system in the country still relies on carbon paper and hastily handwritten documentation on a daily basis. Lost files and handwritten paperwork result in an unacceptable rate of errors, which often translates to people remaining in jail when they should be released, wrongful evictions and foreclosures. The office needs to be transformed, both operationally and ethically and I offer a clear vision to achieve the needed reform.

“The Democratic Party needs to seize this opportunity to offer the voters a candidate that is the most qualified to reform the office and is absolutely free from ethical questions and pay-to-play politics. Unfortunately, instead of heeding the clear message sent by voters who elected reformers Fritz Kaegi and Lori Lightfoot, many of the leaders of the Cook County Democratic Party are headed towards slating yet another ethically bankrupt candidate to head the Clerk’s office.”



Wednesday, Aug 14, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x1 *** Casino study shows Lightfoot was right about tax structure

Tuesday, Aug 13, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Breaking news…

* From the study

Not feasible due to the onerous tax and fee structure

The gaming expansion legislation that allows for a casino in the City of Chicago is very onerous from a tax and fee perspective. Our understanding is that on top of the existing tax structure on Adjusted Gross Receipts (“AGR”) paid by all Illinois casinos, the City of Chicago casino would also pay an additional 33 1/3% privilege tax on AGR. The developmental impact of high taxes and fees notwithstanding, we forecast that a casino in the City of Chicago has the potential to become the highest grossing casino in Illinois, significantly higher than the current market leading Rivers Casino in Des Plaines, which generated $441.8 million in AGR in calendar 2018. For example, the highest AGR potential for the five sites selected for the study by the City of Chicago is approximately $806 million (Former Michael Reese Hospital, 31st St. and Cottage Grove Ave.). Based on the prevailing AGR and admissions taxes alone (set aside for the moment other operational-phase taxes and fees), a casino in the City of Chicago would pay approximately $311 million in AGR and admissions taxes, or an effective rate of approximately 39% relative to AGR of $806 million. When combined with the 33 1/3% additional privilege tax on AGR specific for the City of Chicago casino, the effective tax rate is approximately 72%. AGR projections for all of the five sites result in a broadly similar effective tax rate.

It can be further expected that a casino’s operating expenses (e.g. advertising, marketing, payroll, rent, utilities, etc.) can easily approach the equivalent of 30% of AGR, if not higher. Combined with the effective tax rate of 72% yields an expense structure that could exceed casino revenue. Ultimately the additional privilege tax on AGR specific to the City of Chicago results in none of the five sites being financially feasible. The amount of profit generated relative to total development costs, inclusive of licensing and reconciliation fees, represents at best a 1% or 2% return annually, which is not an acceptable rate of return for a casino developer on a greenfield project. But for this incremental tax, any of the sites analyzed herein would likely have a profit margin broadly in line with the Illinois and regional casino peer group average in the low-to-mid 20% range. However, we believe a reasonable casino developer would not move forward with a greenfield casino project that has, at best, a low single digit profit margin.

To the extent a casino operator could pare down expenses and realize modest revenue and profits from non-gaming amenities (as we have projected herein), total enterprise profit margin would, in a best-case scenario, likely equate to a few pennies on the dollar – and that would require the casino to be developed without incurring any debt as we believe no traditional financing would be available for such a development as debt servicing would likely well exceed any modest profits generated. […]

Casino profit margins can’t support the special privilege tax

Noted above, it is not unreasonable to think that the operating expenses of a casino in Illinois could approximate 30% of AGR or higher. By way of example, and while Illinois casinos are not required to report detailed financial information publicly, we were able to calculate various financial margins for the Grand Victoria in Elgin that was recently sold. Based on press releases provided by the acquiring company, 2017 EBITDA was calculated to be approximately $36.4 million. Based on data available from the IGB, the casino generated $168.7 million in AGR in 2017 and paid $55.5 million in gaming and admissions taxes and fees. With these data points available, operating and other expenses can then be estimated at approximately $76.9 million, or 46% of AGR (and well above the 30% estimate above). […]

The absence of the special privilege tax would yield a profitable casino

Our analyses suggest that, at best, the highest earning of the five sites would operate on very thin profit margins of around 3%, which compares very unfavorably to the in-state and regional peers in the low-to-mid 20% range. In the absence of the special privilege tax on AGR specific to Chicago, the profitability of a casino in the City of Chicago would receive a material boost. While not all of the tax “savings” would drop to the bottom line in the event the special privilege tax is rescinded, most of it would. In this scenario, and while the casino would certainly allocate some of the savings to, for example, increased marketing efforts, the lack of the special privilege tax would allow a casino to operate with margins broadly in line with the in-state peers.

* Mayor Lightfoot has been claiming all along that the tax structure wouldn’t work. The latest from the Tribune

With word on the odds of success for potential Chicago casino sites due this week, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Monday she isn’t sure whether a gambling operator can make enough money given the upfront costs they must pay under the current state law.

Consultants at Union Gaming Analytics are expected to deliver their view of a city casino’s feasibility by Tuesday — and supercharge speculation about where a massive gambling hall could stand, and if it can make enough money to soften the city’s budget burden. […]

As it stands, state law would send one-third of a Chicago casino’s adjusted gross receipts to the city. Currently, the city casino operator also would have to pay a $250,000 application fee upfront, a $15 million “reconciliation” fee when the license is issued and up to $120 million in gambling position fees — which cost $30,000 each. […]

“We asked for the feasibility study, as you know, because we were very concerned that the tax structure that the legislature put in place was one that wouldn’t lend itself to funding of a casino,” the mayor told reporters Monday at City Hall.

*** UPDATE *** From Emily Bittner at the governor’s office…

This study provides valuable insights that will help make sure a Chicago casino works right for the both the city and state. We look forward to working with stakeholders, including the Mayor and General Assembly, to refine this approach and ensure that we maximize the opportunities for jobs for residents and revenue to address our financial obligations.

In other words, expect a trailer bill in veto session.



Tuesday, Aug 13, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x1 *** Gun control added to list of complaints against Rep. Kalish

Monday, Aug 12, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* During the break…

* Press release…

A longtime gun violence prevention and workers’ rights advocate, Denyse Wang Stoneback, on Monday jumped into the 2020 Democratic primary to challenge State Rep. Mark Kalish (D-Chicago) who, Stoneback said, “can’t be trusted to keep his word in Springfield” in her announcement referring to the appointed-incumbent’s flip-flop vote on a key reproductive healthcare bill during the spring legislative session.

Stoneback is backed by the Niles Township Democratic Organization and former Deputy House Majority Leader Lou Lang (D-Skokie), who last January supported Kalish’s appointment to his House seat. She also has the endorsements of MWRD Commissioner Josina Morita and Personal PAC.

During her campaign kick-off event at Emily Oaks Nature Center in Skokie, she called out Kalish not only over his flip-flop on the Reproductive Health Act, but also for caving to gun rights advocates aligned with the National Rifle Association.

The first-time candidate noted that Kalish killed his own concealed carry legislation, HB 3023, after pushback from the gun lobby.

“When he was given the chance to honor his pledge to our community to protect a woman’s right to choose and protect our community from gun violence, he reversed his course on choice and he caved to the gun lobby,” said Stoneback. “He cannot be trusted to keep his word in Springfield.”

Stoneback, who grew up in and raised her son in the 16th District and is a social media consultant and former senior adviser to the National Gun Victims Action Council, said a priority is to restore “trust and confidence” with the district’s voters.

“With falsehoods out of Washington, voters, here, in Skokie, Morton Grove, Lincolnwood, and Chicago are desperately seeking leaders that they can trust,” said Stoneback. “I pledge that I will listen to and represent my constituents to the best of my ability. I will be cognizant of issues that matter to the district and the values of the district. I will be true to my word once it is given.”

During her speech, Stoneback, who founded the Skokie-based, gun violence prevention group People for a Safer Society, offered pledges on multiple fronts, including being “a fighter for progressive change and a vocal leader on issues that this community cares about.” She promised to work “toward a safer, more equitable and just society for everyone.”

Lang held the seat currently occupied by Kalish for 32 years. He offered a full-throated endorsement to Stoneback.

“If you want a state representative that you can trust on choice and guns and who will stand up to anti-choice extremists and the NRA, Denyse Wang Stoneback is your candidate,” said Lang. “Denyse will represent the values of our communities – your values – every single day when she is voting in Springfield, unlike Rep. Kalish.”

* Kalish moved to table his bill in February

Amends the Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Adds any building, real property, or parking area under the control of a church, synagogue, temple, mosque, or other place of worship, to the places where concealed carry of a firearm under the Act is prohibited.

*** UPDATE *** Terry Cosgrove of Personal PAC…

Personal PAC is proud to endorse Denyse Wang Stoneback for State Representative in the March 2020 Democratic primary.

As State Representative, Denyse will always vote to defend the right of women to make their own health care decisions without interference from politicians, unlike Representative Kalish.

Kalish promised publicly and privately, verbally and in writing, on numerous occasions, that he would vote for the Reproductive Health Act (RHA), but refused to do so when the RHA came up for a vote in the Illinois House.

Kalish lied to Personal PAC, lied to Planned Parenthood, lied to the ACLU, lied to Lou Lang, lied to Jan Schakowsky, lied to Ram Villivalam, lied to Josina Morita, lied to his House colleagues, lied to the RHA House sponsor, lied to everyone in this room, and most egregiously, lied to the voters of the 16th House district who have counted on their State Representative to protect them from the attacks of the right-wing who wish to make abortion and birth control illegal in Illinois.

By refusing to support the RHA and lying to everyone, Kalish stood with Donald Trump and his supporters in Springfield who are working to return women to those horrible days when abortion was illegal and women died in back alleys and hospital emergency rooms from botched and self-induced abortions.

I grew up and was raised in the 16th district. I’m a graduate of Niles West High School. I now live just a few miles from here and remain grateful for the incredible diversity of my hometown.

The real question for the voters of the 16th district in March of 2020 is which one of us, which one of you, will Kalish lie to next? When is the next time he will stand with right-wingers to cause harm to others in our communities who are under fierce attack every single day by Donald Trump and his enablers?

At this time when the right-wing is attacking women at every turn and the U.S. Supreme Court is looking to overturn Roe v. Wade ASAP, we need a State Representative who will say NO to these attempts in Illinois, and that State Representative must be Denyse Stoneback, not State Representative Kalish who is so easily willing to join in the attacks on the dignity, health, lives, dreams and aspirations of Illinois women.



John Cullerton won’t say if feds have contacted him about Tom Cullerton

Monday, Aug 12, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

State Sen. Tom Cullerton has been removed as chair of the Illinois Senate’s Labor Committee, just days after being charged in a federal indictment for allegedly being a ghost payroller for the Teamsters — to the tune of $188,000 in salary benefits and $64,000 in health and pension contributions.

Cullerton will instead chair the Senate’s Veterans Affairs Committee — a decision made by Illinois Senate President John Cullerton, who is a cousin of the Villa Park Democrat. Tom Cullerton will still serve as a member the Labor Committee, however.

The shift in leadership posts ensures Tom Cullerton won’t lose any legislative compensation.

“After a discussion, it was a mutual decision that this was for the best,” John Patterson, spokesman for Senate President John Cullerton said in a statement.

* Sun-Times

A federal investigation that resulted in an embezzlement and conspiracy indictment announced Aug. 2 against state Sen. Thomas Cullerton hasn’t cost him the support of Illinois Senate President John Cullerton, a distant cousin.

In his first public comments since the charges were announced, John Cullerton told the Chicago Sun-Times the Villa Park Democrat remains “a valued member of the caucus and a friend of mine” — and declined to say whether federal prosecutors have contacted him.

Nor has the investigation turned off the campaign-money spigot for the now-indicted senator.

Accused of taking $188,000 in salary and other pay plus additional benefits from the Teamsters union despite “doing little or no work,” Thomas Cullerton has raised about $30,000 in campaign contributions since the first news report, in April, that he was under investigation, campaign-finance records show. Dozens of people and political groups have made contributions since WBEZ Chicago broke the news the U.S. attorney’s office in Chicago had subpoenaed the Illinois Senate for Thomas Cullerton’s legislative attendance and travel records, among other documents. […]

Asked whether he has been contacted or interviewed by federal agents or prosecutors investigating his cousin in the widening corruption probe that ensnared Chicago’s former top Teamsters union official, John Coli Sr., who is now cooperating with prosecutors, John Cullerton said: “I just don’t want to answer that question … I don’t think it’d be good to talk about the case at all because it’s pending. I just don’t want to go there.”


“Sen. Cullerton must resign immediately. He may be hoping Illinoisans will forget about his criminal behavior, but the people of this state are fed up with corruption at the hands of its public officials. The self dealing must end now if citizens are ever going to put trust in their government to work for them and not the political ruling class.” -Tim Schneider

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider called on Sen. Tom Cullerton to resign last week after it was reported by the Chicago Tribune that the Democrat legislator has been indicted by federal prosecutors. Since then, it’s been business as usual for Illinois Democrats as Cullerton will be arraigned in US District Court this Wednesday - Governor’s Day at the State Fair.

Chairman Schneider is shocked at the silence from Illinois Democrats and especially the complimentary words of Senate President John Cullerton, who called his indicted cousin ‘a valued member of the caucus and a friend of mine’. President Cullerton didn’t just stop at nice words, he also cut Sen. Tom Cullerton a sweet deal, removing him from one committee chairmanship and giving him another - keeping in place the $10,500 pay hike chairs receive.

Schneider responded, saying, “The shamelessness of Senate President Cullerton’s words and actions are a slap in the face to every Illinoisan. Embezzlement and conspiracy come with jail time for regular people. For a Democrat senator, those crimes come with a new committee chairmanship and praise. Are there any Illinois Democrats who will speak up and do the right thing?”

…Adding… Hot off the presses…

Status quo.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Old habits die hard at the Illinois State Fair

Monday, Aug 12, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Remember these classic blunders from last year?…

* Well…

*** UPDATE *** Oh, for crying out loud. They misused the word “marquis” for the second year in a row



Monday, Aug 12, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Another supplement to today’s edition
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day
* No, the mayor did not help pass the actual EBF bill
* Mayor Johnson announces school board appointments
* Roundup: Jury selection to begin Tuesday in Madigan’s corruption trial
* DPI down-ballot focus continues with county-level races
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'; Progressive Caucus supports letter
* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
* Yesterday's stories

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