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SAFE-T Act lawsuits combined in Kankakee County

Friday, Oct 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here we go. WCIA

In about a month, 58 states attorney’s sued the state over the SAFE-T Act. Now, they are being consolidated into a single county.

A court document published Thursday shows all parties involved decided to consolidate all the cases into Kankakee County. Kankakee State’s Attorney Jim Rowe was the first state’s attorney to sue the state over the SAFE-T Act. All parties were consulted before the motion was filed.

“Allowing one court to resolve the challenges to the SAFE-T Act will thus not only avoid the risk of conflicting rulings and relief, but also minimize the expenditure of resources by and before multiple courts,” the document reads.

By the way, if you want a copy of Sen. Scott Bennett’s reform legislation, click here.

* SJ-R story about that Springfield SAFE-T Act event I told you about yesterday. Good to see some rhetoric that wasn’t hyperbolic and Jim Glasgowesque

A claim seen by many PFA opponents is that county jail populations will see significant reductions once it goes into effect in January 2023. However when asked on Wednesday, [Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell] said it was still undetermined whether those incarcerated prior to Jan. 1 would be let out retroactively.

Still, having to “prepare for the worst,” the sheriff recounted the number of people currently in the Sangamon County Jail and gave an assessment. Looking at county jail statistics from August, he said approximately 100 out of the approximate 330 inmates in the county jail could be let out.

“That’s about a third of the jail, but again that may not happen,” Campbell said, who previously joined with Wright in a lawsuit against the state over the SAFE-T Act.

* More un-Glasgowesque rhetoric in Adams County

A question raised from the audience was about the elimination of requiring a sworn affidavit when filing a complaint against a police officer or department, but [Quincy Police Chief Adam Yates] said that won’t affect Quincy.

“We haven’t required that for about 20 years,” he said. “If we get a complaint through any means, we investigate all of those.”

I have never understood the opposition to anonymous complaints because law enforcement has heavily relied on anonymous tips forever.

* Hearings were held on a proposed omnibus bill for months and months. The Illinois Supreme Court even formed a study commission in 2017, which included a wide range of stakeholders, and which released a report in 2020. So, this claim is exaggerated for effect

The sponsors of the SAFE-T Act have asserted they were addressing flaws in our state’s criminal justice system. If this was true, then input should have come from judges, state prosecutors, public defenders, private criminal defense attorneys, law enforcement officers, probation officers, civil rights advocates, victim’s rights groups and clerks of the circuit courts.

The proper way to address the merits of a bill is to hold hearings, allow proponents and opponents to be heard and allow the members of the General Assembly to discuss both the purpose of the proposed law and the precise statutory language to be adopted.

In other words, create a legislative history.

The 764-page SAFE-T Act was introduced in the Illinois Senate at 4 a.m., and it passed at 5 a.m. It took the Illinois Senate only one hour to radically alter Illinois’ justice system. Hours later, the SAFE-T Act was introduced in the Illinois House for the first time. It passed at 11 a.m. No bona fide hearings or debates occurred. There was no opportunity for input from proponents or opponents. Ramrodding through any bill, let alone one that will profoundly affect the lives and safety of nearly 13 million Illinoisans, is irresponsible, improper and wrong.

* CPD Superintendent…

…Adding… From the 13th Ward’s alderperson…

Rich – A statement from Ald. Quinn in regard to Cherone’s tweet you posted. Thanks!

“When I spoke in opposition of the SAFE-T Act today, I offered Supt. Brown my help in repealing the portion of the Act that allows electronic monitoring to more individuals. He was open to that, and I’m glad he saw things in a similar way.”

* Roundup from Isabel…

* ADDED: Gun violence hurts D.C. There’s a proven way to stop it: We know that gun violence is not an intractable problem. An estimated 70 percent of D.C.’s gun violence is driven by approximately 500 identifiable individuals. Most of this violence is cyclical and retaliatory — therefore, it’s predictable and preventable. Other cities — New York, Los Angeles and Boston — have dramatically reduced their homicide rates and kept them low. So can we.

* Illinois SAFE-T Act: McHenry County board OKs resolution to oppose controversial new law: County board members voted 13-8 at a Tuesday night meeting to pass a resolution opposing the SAFE-T Act after listening to the public’s comments and engaging in a “robust debate” on how to protect the interests of McHenry County constituents, a statement said.

* I’m a pastor, policy advocate and mom, and I support the Pretrial Fairness Act: If you have some questions about what’s happening with money bond and incarceration in our state, I totally understand. Illinois has been inundated with lies regarding the Pretrial Fairness Act, the portion of the SAFE-T Act that will end our state’s use of money bond in January. As disinformation and scare tactics spread, the Winnebago County Board passed a resolution calling for the repeal of this legislation. While their resolution has no actual legal effect, I was disheartened by the messaging.

* Taxes, public safety among topics in Kane County Board District 18 election: Williams, 52, of Blackberry Township, said issues for voters include the SAFE –T Act and taxes. In regard to the SAFE –T Act, Williams said there are concerns about “the no-cash bail provision of the law.” Public safety has been a concern as crime seems to be migrating from Chicago to areas west of the city, he said. “There has been an influx of crime in the area from people coming in from the city. We’ve had several instances in my subdivision where stolen cars have entered and people’s belongings and homes have been invaded,” Williams said.

* Should possession of a little fentanyl, cocaine and heroin be a misdemeanor, not a felony?: McHenry County officials don’t think so, judging by what State’s Attorney Patrick Kenneally and Coroner Dr. Michael Rein told a county board committee recently. “As with the SAFE-T Act, the supermajorities in the House and Senate are attempting to quietly remake the criminal justice system in extreme ways that jeopardize public safety,” Kenneally said in a release after the meeting. “Decriminalizing marijuana was the first step toward legalization, and that appears to be the track Springfield is now on with fentanyl, cocaine, heroin, PCP, LSD, methamphetamines and Ecstasy. … “Consequences are an incredibly important part of treating drug addiction,” he said. If charges for personal-use amounts of heroin, fentanyl and cocaine are reduced to misdemeanors, he said, defendants will not be eligible to participate in drug-court programs.


Campaign notebook

Friday, Oct 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 2018’s inflation-adjusted spending was $72.8 million, compared to $65 million in ad spending this year to date. So, 2022 is not actually a record

According to [AdImpact, a Chicago media analytics firm], combined spending on TV and radio since July 1 has hit the $65 million mark. A few more ads likely will be purchased, but the $65 million includes payments for ads that will run over the next two and a half weeks before the Nov. 8 election.

Either way, it appears to be a record figure. In 2020, a reported $47 million was spent on political media ads here. That was a drop from 2018 when the total was $62 million. But that election featured the battle of the billionaires for governor with J.B. Pritzker taking on the well-off then-incumbent Bruce Rauner and his super-rich friend, Ken Griffin.

Also from the Crain’s article

However, particularly notable is spending, even on broadcast TV, for seats in the state House and Senate. Any single House district represents only a tiny fraction of the Chicago area, less than 2%. So 98% of the money spent on those ads by a particular candidate is, in a sense, wasted. But those ads are still coming and, anecdotally, more state rep candidates are on Chicago TV than ever before.

In 2020, the House Democrats ran Chicago broadcast ads for 11 candidates, about what they’re doing this year so far. But they went up pretty early this year in some races.

Subscribers have been getting a full rundown of these ads in both chambers, including another one today. And, sure, those ads reach far more people who don’t live in the district than those who do. But the spending is about reaching as many people who vote in the district as possible, and broadcast is still a valuable tool which has been shown to work time and time again.

* Foster, Casten and Schneider are targeted by a Dick Uihlein-funded PAC…

* Click here for the debunking…

* Along the same lines…

* Charles Thomas interview excerpt

The radio interview grew intense when Thomas accused Pritzker of taking Blacks for granted during his first term in office.

Thomas said, “The reason I’m doing what I’m doing right now is not because they’re paying me $50,000. Keep in mind I got expenses too. I got to pay people that work with me. But why I’m doing this is because of this, ‘if you ain’t a Democrat, you ain’t Black.’ This [President] Joe Biden BS. I’m tired of that. I’m not going to do that anymore. And I’m not going to have JB Pritzker come up here and talk about he’s going to give us equity in the weed business, and we got nothing. Zero. He took us for granted. He played us.”

When asked where Bailey stands on the cannabis issue, Thomas replied, “Darren Bailey voted against cannabis being legalized. But I did ask him very pointedly, I said, ‘what would you have done if you had been governor and the legislature Democratic supermajority overruled you and legalized cannabis despite your veto? He said, well I would have to make sure everybody got their fair share. And I said does that mean Black folks would have got 15 to 20 percent of the stores that are already there. He said, ‘well I guess so if that is what equity is.’

“I guess so.” Well, that changes everything. /s


“From Pritzker’s tax increases to Bidenflation, Nikki Budzinski has made a career out of making life more expensive for Illinois residents,” said Illinois Republican Party Chairman Don Tracy. It’s troubling that as Illinois residents struggle with Pritzker’s taxes and Biden’s inflation - that she helped cause as Budget Director - that Budzinski has been able to do so well for herself.”

* I missed this one from the other day…

Indicted former Speaker of the Illinois House Mike Madigan’s latest corruption charges involving AT&T amplify just how complicit current Illinois House Speaker Chris Welch and Democratic Party of Illinois Chair and State Representative Lisa Hernandez - both major recipients of Madigan Money - were in allowing corruption to run without restrictions in the Democratic party.

“Speaker Welch and Chairwoman Hernandez abdicated their responsibility to the people of Illinois to cover for Mike Madigan and were rewarded for their loyalty by obtaining major leadership positions in the Democratic Party,” said Illinois House Republican Leader Jim Durkin. “What do they have to say now about the corruption charges against their leader and political godfather? The people of Illinois deserve to know.”

Two years ago, after ComEd admitted to a nearly ten-year scheme to bribe former Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan, Illinois House Republican Leader Jim Durkin demanded the creation of a special committee to investigate Madigan’s corrupt activity and determine grounds for discipline. Instead of running a real investigation, Welch, who was chosen to ‘lead’ the committee by Madigan, called it a “show trial” and shut down the committee without issuing any conclusions or findings after only three sham meetings, one witness and no subpoenas.

“Welch and Hernandez presided over a sham ‘Special Investigation’ into then-Speaker Madigan’s role in the ComEd scandal. They used it to provide him political cover, and were rewarded for their ‘hard work’,” said Illinois Republican Party Chairman Don Tracy. “The Democrats talk about the defining choice in this election, and they are correct - we are very different. Democrats cover for corruption to protect their power and Republicans want to take it away and give it back to the people of Illinois.”

Welch called the investigation a “political show that was concocted” by Republicans as a “power grab” for the minority party – but federal investigations prove otherwise as corruption charges against Madigan and his accomplices continue to grow.
After successfully shutting down the House investigation into Madigan, Welch was promoted to Speaker of the House and Hernandez was elected as the new chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Illinois. All three Democrats on the investigative panel were funded by campaign committees controlled by Speaker Madigan who had given about $585,000 to Manley, nearly $133,000 to Hernandez and more than $100,000 to Welch, according to state election board records as reported by WBEZ.

“Speaker Welch and Chairwoman Hernandez had the opportunity to live up to their oaths of office and end the pervasive corruption that has plagued our state,” said House Deputy Republican Leader Tom Demmer who served on the committee. “Instead, they chose to protect the power of politicians and political insiders. They failed the committee, they failed the people of Illinois and they continue to remain silent and actionless as the culture of corruption continues to operate.”

* Press release…

A press conference in support of HB 5785/SB 4229 will be held Friday, Oct. 21, in Rockford. Together with State Rep. Dave Vella of Rockford and State Sen. Christopher Belt of Swansea, Illinois Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza is championing a measure to ensure timely compensation for the next of kin of fallen first responders and members of the armed forces.

The state’s Line of Duty Compensation Act provides benefits for the families of law enforcement officers, members of the armed forces, firemen, paramedics and other first responders killed in the line of duty. However, the appropriations for these benefits can sometimes run out before the end of a fiscal year, requiring the state legislature to approve supplemental appropriations. That needlessly costs families time when they need support the most urgently. This measure aims to ensure a continuing line of appropriation so that there is no delay to the families.

* Laying the groundwork for a “stolen election” claim? Maybe…

That poll claimed 44 percent of the electorate say they’re Republicans, compared to 47 percent who said they were Democrats. I don’t know of any other Illinois statewide polls in the last 20 years which show a spread that even.

* Miletich

The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) was able to help thousands of homeowners with their mortgage payments last spring. Now, the Pritzker administration is reopening the mortgage assistance program to help more people who struggled to make payments throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

IHDA is making $115 million available to eligible homeowners starting Nov. 1. People can receive up to $30,000 from the Homeowner Assistance Fund, which is paid directly to a mortgage service or lender.

…Adding… New ad…

* Illinois early vote totals…

* Chicago early vote totals…

The most up-to-date Early Vote and Vote By Mail totals in Chicago, night of Thursday, October 20, 2022.

The Early Vote total stands at 3,485 ballots cast.

Additionally, 21,531 Vote By Mail ballots have been returned to the Board – total VBM applications stands at 189,238.

The grand total is 25,016 ballots cast so far in Chicago for the November 8th General Election.

By Oct. 24, nearly every county will open up new sites for voters to cast ballots

* Isabel’s roundup…

    * Foster, Lauf on opposite sides of abortion debate: But after winning the 11th District GOP primary in June, Lauf removed a section about her stance on abortion from the site. The missing text can be found on the nonpartisan Ballotpedia website.

    * Illinois gubernatorial candidates asked about gender affirming care for minors: “Just look at the Parental Notification Act, Governor Pritzker allows children to make their own decisions without their parents involved, and it is wrong,” Bailey said. “I believe parents have the best interest in mind for their children and that parents should be making that decision, not teachers or doctors or governors.”

    * Schakowsky’s fundraising towers over GOP challenger Rice’s: Schakowsky, of Evanston, collected $166,898 during the year’s third quarter, records show — far from the million-dollar hauls that U.S. Reps. Sean Casten of Downers Grove or Lauren Underwood of Naperville reported for their respective races in the 6th and 14th Districts.

    * Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza touts a financial rebound while her GOP opponent questions her ties to Madigan: Teresi entered October with a little more than $26,000 in her campaign fund after raising more than $38,000 from July through September, including $21,000 from the campaign fund of Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin, who headed Griffin’s slate of Republican candidates but finished third in the GOP primary for governor. Mendoza had more than $1.4 million on hand at the start of the month, having raised more than $623,000 and spent a little more than $184,000 in the previous quarter.

    * 18th State House District candidates Gabel and Hutchinson talk key Illinois issues ahead of the election: Hutchinson said the [SAFE-T] act has made Illinois’ neighborhoods unsafe. He said he supports providing police with more resources to address crime in communities instead. Gabel, who supports the act, said because it has not gone into effect yet, it has not affected neighborhood safety. She said she supports the act because it seeks to reform systemic racism in the criminal justice system by addressing use of force, body camera usage and pretrial detention, among other issues. The two candidates did, however, agree that banning automatic assault weapons would better protect communities from gun violence.

    * Incumbent Joe Aiello faces newcomer Daniel Pittman in race for Sangamon County treasurer: This is Pittman’s first time running for elected office. He has received endorsements from Vote Vets, New Politics and Run For Something. Aiello works closely with organizations such as Veterans Administration, American Legion, St. John’s Breadline and others. As for endorsements, “The most important endorsement is from the voter on Election Day,” Aiello said.

    * Recruiters at breweries, schools to fix poll worker shortage: As Adams noted, part of the challenge in recruiting more poll workers is reaching younger people. That’s something Cook County, Illinois (where Chicago is located) has been working hard at. Sally Daly, the deputy clerk of communications at Cook County Clerk’s Office, explained that they’ve been doing outreach with high school students. Even before the students are old enough to vote, they can sign up to work the polls. “We go into [high schools] and make a pitch to students .. .and let them know if they’re 16 years or older they can serve as an election judge. And we pay, they can make some money for a day and also serve their democracy,” she said.

* Endorsements…


Pritzker, Proft release new ads

Friday, Oct 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Posted in the order they were received. Pritzker campaign…

Today, the JB for Governor campaign released a new ad featuring two-term Democratic President and South Side resident Barack Obama sharing his endorsement of Governor JB Pritzker and Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton for reelection.



President Barack Obama: Illinois will always hold a special place in my heart. You believed in me before anyone else did. And you believed in JB Pritzker, too.

He’s made Illinois a national leader on so many issues we care about: raising the minimum wage, protecting voting rights, cracking down on the sale of illegal guns.

JB also signed a landmark law protecting a woman’s right to choose.

That’s why I’m proud to cast my ballot to reelect JB Pritzker.

That’ll be on broadcast TV, as well as other platforms.

Looks like Obama taped other candidate endorsement ads in the same room. Click here.

* Proft’s PAC…

People Who Play By The Rules PAC has launched a new ad, “POLITICIAN VS. PROSECUTOR.” It is available on YouTube, the PBR PAC Facebook Page and will run on statewide media this week.

:30 YouTube:
TV Script:

The Politician vs. the Professional Prosecutor.

Both are Democrats, but only one is telling the truth.

Pritzker: “There’s no such thing under the SAFE-T Act as ‘non-detainable offenses.’ No one is getting out of jail, if prosecutors do that that’s on them.”


Glasgow: “Well obviously, that is not the truth. We have about 640 people in jail. Half of them would walk out on Day 1, and that’s not on the prosecutor, that’s on the statute.”

Make the SAFE vote on November 8th.

Vote NO on Pritzker.


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Friday, Oct 21, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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