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*** UPDATED x3 *** Caterpillar moving headquarters out of Illinois

Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* MarketWatch

Caterpillar Inc. said Tuesday it will move its global headquarters from Illinois to an existing divisional office in Irving, Texas, in the Dallas–Forth Worth area, in another blow to metropolitan Chicago, which last month lost the Boeing Co. headquarters.

The move is “in the best strategic interest of the company,” Chief Executive Jim Umpleby said in a statement. The heavy-machinery maker has had a presence in Texas since the 1960s, it said.

Even with the move, Illinois has the largest concentration of Caterpillar employees anywhere in the world, the company said. The headquarters was historically in downstate Peoria, Ill., before a move to the Chicago suburb of Deerfield in 2017.

Boeing in May said it was moving its global headquarters to Arlington, Va., outside Washington, D.C., promising to keep a “significant presence” in Chicago, where it moved in 2001 from Seattle.

Caterpillar said it would begin the relocation this year, without proving further details.

* Bloomberg

“It’s disappointing to see Caterpillar move their 240 headquarters employees out of Deerfield over the next several years when so many companies are coming in,” Governor Pritzker said in an emailed statement. “We will continue to support the 17,400 Illinoisans who work for the company.” […]

The transition comes five years after Caterpillar shifted its headquarters within Illinois from its long-time foothold in Peoria to Deerfield outside of Chicago, a move at the time that rattled citizens of the town in which it had built a global empire for more than 100 years. Caterpillar a month ago hosted its first investor day since 2019 in Dallas, introducing a new buyback plan. Chief Executive Jim Umpleby at the time in an interview dismissed recession worries, citing robust growth.

The 2017 move from Peoria came as the company looked to bolster its push in foreign markets. At the time it also officially scrapped a plan to build a new complex in its hometown.

*** UPDATE 1 *** ILGOP Chairman Don Tracy…

“Another week, another iconic American company is moving its headquarters out of Illinois under the leadership of Governor JB Pritzker. Just like the hundreds of thousands of individuals and families who have fled Illinois in recent years, Caterpillar is joining Boeing in leaving us for other states with lower taxes, more growth opportunity, and less crime. We must elect a new Governor and turn Illinois into the economic powerhouse it will never be under the control of JB Pritzker and Democrats in Springfield.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Leader Durkin…

House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) offered the following response to Caterpillar Inc.’s announcement Tuesday that the long-time Illinois company would move its headquarters to Texas.

“Caterpillar’s decision to leave Illinois after calling it home for many decades is a devastating loss to Illinois’ business community. The reasons for this decision could not have been more clear – Illinois’ business climate no longer works for this company. Governor J.B. Pritzker has failed to bolster our state’s economy for job-creators, and companies like CAT leaving is the consequence.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** IMA…

The Illinois Manufacturers’ Association (IMA) released the following statement regarding Caterpillar’s announcement that it will move its company headquarters out of Illinois:

“Caterpillar is and will remain a vital and important economic and philanthropic leader in Illinois. The decision to move its company headquarters out of state is a loss to Illinois, which has proudly served as home to the iconic construction equipment manufacturer for nearly a century. While 240 employees based at the company’s headquarters in Deerfield will move out of state, the company will continue to be a huge part of our state’s manufacturing sector, retaining 17,400 jobs in Illinois, and adding more every day,” said Mark Denzler, president & CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. “We remain committed to partnering with our government leaders to ensure we keep those manufacturing jobs and put in place policies to attract and grow additional employment opportunities for communities across our state.”


Bailey campaign counters Irvin with message that Bailey can beat Pritzker in November

Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Darren Bailey is campaigning with Steve Cortes today. Cortes is a former Trump campaign advisor, who, according to Dan McLaughlin at National Review Online, is still “plugged into Trump’s inner circle.” I have no idea about that or whether Cortes is telling the truth, but here’s what he told the Bailey faithful out on the stump today

So I speak to President Trump very often. I’m speaking to him about this race. And he asked the smart question, he said, ‘Well, is it winnable in the fall? Is it winnable, can we beat, in a state like Illinois, right, that leans blue, is it possible to win?’

I told him, I said, Mr. President, let me tell you about polling and what has happened in the state of Illinois. According to Civiqs Polling, Joe Biden began his term with a positive 23% approval rating in Illinois. 57% approval, 34% disapprove when he took office. Right now, according to Civiqs Polling, updated as of yesterday, he’s at underwater 8. He’s at 41% approve 49% disapprove. In Illinois, a 31-point net implosion in polling for Joe Biden. Now, JB Pritzker’s policies are as bad or even worse than Joe Biden’s.

So that tells me, and this what I told President Trump, that tells me that, yes, Illinois, absolutely is in play. This is a wave election year, and we are going to send Mary Miller back to Washington DC and we’re going to put Darren Bailey in the governor’s office in Springfield.

Civiqs’ methodology is here.

And while Dick Uihlein has put $17 million behind Bailey’s primary so far, I seriously doubt he’d put nearly as much into the general as Ken Griffin likely will if Richard Irvin does win on June 28th. Also, will the cash-rich Republican Governors Association jump in? Likely only if the national playing field is as great for Republicans as Cortes’ fondest dreams. I also don’t see too many members of the GOP’s downtown donor class eagerly coalescing behind a guy who has heaped so much scorn on Chicago, tried to kick it out of Illinois and saying at one point that his running mate would oversee the city for him.

* Video

Your thoughts?

…Adding… DGA…

It’s been seven days since gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin abandoned downstate voters in the final stretch leading up to the primary. One week ago, Irvin stopped running ads outside of the Chicago media market after reportedly admitting he can’t be himself downstate. With just two weeks left until the primary, Irvin’s pulling a hail mary — but voters aren’t buying it.

Not one but two new polls show Irvin down to uber-conservative extremist Darren Bailey by nearly a 2:1 ratio — and with early voting already underway, that’s the nail in the coffin for Richard Irvin’s failed run for governor.

Looks like ducking, dodging, and deflecting on the issues most important to voters doesn’t win them over. Even $50 million from billionaire megadonor Ken Griffin and months of campaigning couldn’t keep Irvin’s sinking campaign afloat.

“With far-right extremist Darren Bailey surging in the polls, the Irvin campaign is grasping at straws to reinvent itself and is ditching downstate voters in the process,” said DGA Illinois Press Secretary Yael Sheinfeld. “We already knew Irvin wasn’t interested in being a governor for all of Illinois. Now, voters know it, too — and they won’t forget at the ballot box.”


*** UPDATED x1 *** Campaign notebook

Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** Rodney Davis campaign…

On the eve of a historic decision from the U.S. Supreme Court that could alter the future of pro-life laws in America, Mary Miller SKIPPED a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives to provide police protection to Supreme Court Justices and their families.This is following an assassination attempt on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

“Once again, Mary Miller sides with AOC and the far-left Socialist Squad, this time on providing police protection to our Supreme Court Justices and their families. Just days ago, a deranged left-wing individual attempted to murder Justice Kavanaugh, but that didn’t stop Mary Miller from skipping a critical vote on keeping our justices safe. Mary Miller is a disgrace and should be ashamed of herself.” - Aaron DeGroot, Davis campaign spokesperson

Congress is in session this week. Instead of showing up to Washington to do the job she was elected to do - vote on legislation - Mary Miller skipped town and opted to campaign in Illinois, causing Miller to miss votes.

One of the votes Miller skipped was on a bill to provide around-the-clock police protection to Supreme Court Justices and their families. Rodney Davis voted Yes. Obviously, Mary Miller chose not to vote.

Just last week, a crazed left-wing individual showed up to the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh with a gun and a knife. The man told police he was there to kill Justice Kavanaugh. He has been charged with attempted murder. Protection of our Supreme Court Justices is vital, especially as we await a decision on the Dobbs abortion case.

Miller even took to Twitter just a few days ago to complain that Democrats have not allowed a vote on the SCOTUS police protection bill:

As usual, Mary Miller chooses to complain and engage in politics instead of legislate.

* McLean County Democrats…

The McLean County Republicans will have a showing of the film “2000 Mules” at an event Tuesday morning. This “documentary” by Dinesh D’Souza falsely claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. The local Republican organization will then provide training on becoming a poll watcher or election judge.

It is absolutely astonishing that a local political party would actively promote and share blatantly false and widely disproven conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. Just like the thoroughly debunked lies regarding the election, this movie has zero credibility. The fact that the McLean County Republicans obviously believe these falsehoods and are indoctrinating their election workers with these lies is alarming.

We are asking our local media to ask all Republican candidates, from Governor to Precinct Committee Person, if they believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 election in a free and fair contest. The voters of McLean County deserve to know if their potential elected officials are capable of rational thought and critical thinking. We’d like to know if local McLean County Republican Leadership and their current elected officials have endorsed this event and agree with the premise of this film.

Most importantly, we’d like to know if the current McLean County Republican County Clerk agrees with her party that election fraud is rampant throughout the country. If so, what are her plans on coping with it here in McLean County?

The January 6th Committee hearings the last few days have provided ample proof of the “Big Lie”. Even the former United States Attorney General, William Barr, called the former President’s claims of election fraud “bullshit”. Not one judge or courtroom has agreed with the allegations made by Trump’s team. Any candidate or elected official who continues to perpetuate these lies is unfit to work in the public interest. The voters of McLean County deserve to know better.

* Chicago FOP faves…

And of course they went with DeVore.

* Valencia is off the campaign trail after testing positive for COVID-19 …

Democratic candidate for Secretary of State Anna Valencia today issued the following statement after testing positive for COVID-19:

“This morning, I tested positive for COVID-19 using a rapid test at home. I am thankful to have received both doses of the COVID vaccine as well as my booster shot, and I am experiencing mild symptoms. I will continue to isolate and work from home, following CDC guidelines and the advice of my doctor. I look forward to returning to the campaign trail as soon as possible.”

* I had a little bit about GOP AG candidate Steve Kim’s Saudi Kingdom ties yesterday. Greg Hinz followed up with Kim

In a phone interview, Kim said the sole function of Global Business Ventures was to link American firms to good international investments. Beyond that, he said he never received “any compensation” from the Saudi government, and that he left Global Business Ventures awhile ago—“maybe a year or two; I don’t remember”—and gave up his “very small” equity interest for free.

However, a 2018 press release from Global Business Ventures paints a somewhat different picture.

The release is about how the firm had received a license for the latest in a series of contracts for work under the 2030 plan—“the first step in a planned multibillion-dollar, mixed-used development that could bring as many as 25,000 housing units and 1 million square feet of commercial space to three sites north of Riyadh,” the Saudi capital. […]

Kim said the referenced deal since has fallen apart and that the press release, like many, was more a “marketing vehicle” than a statement of facts. Kim said he will take steps to “correct” and “update” his law firm’s website listing of his resume.

That whole “Griffin slate” thing has been kind of a mess. Their secretary of state candidate looks to be trailing and Kim is barely keeping up with Tom Freakin’ DeVore. I saw some news report the other day talking about all the money slate members have received, but it’s actually a relative pittance. Johnny Rotten’s question might apply here.

* Rodney Davis…

Conservative Outsider PAC, a DC-based dark money Super PAC that supports Mary Miller, is out with a new false TV ad that lies about Rodney Davis’ record on pro-life issues in Congress.

“Mary Miller and her Super PAC allies know that her campaign is failing, so they’re resorting to lying about my record on pro-life issues. I am pro-life and proud of it. I’ve been endorsed by leading pro-life groups and have received 100 percent and A+ ratings for my pro-life record in Congress. I support legislation to defund Planned Parenthood and have voted to defund Planned Parenthood. I support the Hyde Amendment and have fought to ensure taxpayer dollars don’t fund abortion. These false ads are nothing more than an attempt to hide Miller’s own terrible record.” - Rodney Davis, Republican candidate for Congress in IL-15

The Susan B. Anthony List, one of America’s leading pro-life organizations, has endorsed Rodney for re-election and had this to say about Rodney’s pro-life record in Congress:

“Congressman Rodney Davis is a dedicated public servant and tireless advocate and for the unborn and their mothers in Washington. His leadership as ranking member of the Committee on House Administration is invaluable in stopping pro-abortion Democrats from shutting down our ability to elect pro-life lawmakers in fair, transparent elections. He champions the life-saving Hyde Amendment and is a key ally as we work to keep pro-abortion Democrats from sneaking taxpayer funding of abortion into spending bills. We are grateful for his continued support and voice in Washington.”

Rodney Davis is proudly pro-life. National Right To Life has given Rodney a “100 percent” score, and Susan B. Anthony List has given Rodney an “A+” rating.

* CD1…

State Senator Jacqui Collins Announces Key Endorsements Representing Over 35% of the 1st Congressional District

State Rep. Kelly Burke, State Rep. Justin Slaughter, Ald. Michelle Harris, Ald. Derrick Curtis & Ald. David Moore endorse Jacqui for Congress

CHICAGO - Democratic candidate for the 1st Congressional District, State Senator Jacqui Collins, announced key endorsements today as early voting starts from elected officials representing over 35 percent of voters in the 1st District.

Illinois State Representative Kelly Burke (D-Oak Lawn), Illinois State Representative Justin Slaughter (D-Chicago), Ald. Michelle Harris (8th ward, Democratic State Central Committeeperson for the 1st Congressional District), Ald. Derrick Curtis (18th ward), and Ald. David Moore (17th ward) are endorsing Jacqui Collins to be the first woman ever to hold the seat.

“I’m thrilled to have the endorsements of Rep. Burke, Rep. Slaughter, Ald. Harris, Ald. Curtis, and Ald. Moore,” said State Senator Jacqui Collins (D-Chicago). “Together they represent over 35 percent of voters in the 1st Congressional District, and their support goes a long way with constituents who are looking for their next Congressperson to be a champion for justice by fighting for women’s rights, gun reform, healthcare and affordable housing.”

“Jacqui Collins’ history and platform of fighting for justice is what we need right now in Congress,” said Ald. Michelle Harris (8th). “With Republicans on the precipice of succeeding to roll back access to abortions, we need an experienced legislator and unrelenting advocate like Jacqui representing us in D.C.”

* Raja…

Today, the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board wrote, “U.S. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi doesn’t just talk about bipartisanship — he walks the walk. The Schaumburg Democrat reached across the aisle to expand federal support for the country’s career and technical education system. He also worked with Republicans to set aside millions of dollars to lower so-called solar soft costs, the non-hardware costs of going solar, to make it easier to invest in clean energy. And he worked with the GOP on legislation aimed at decreasing e-cigarette use among children and teens. …Krishnamoorthi has gotten our endorsement before, and he both deserves and gets it again.”

This endorsement comes just two weeks before the June 28th primary, and follows a series of prominent endorsements Congressman Raja has received, including by another prominent newspaper, the Daily Herald.

Please spread news of this endorsement to your friends and family and remember to cast your vote for Raja Krishnamoorthi on or before Election Day on June 28th!

* More…

* Seven Republicans hoping to take on ‘formidable’ U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth: Salvi’s campaign appears to have the fund-raising edge with more than $300,000 raised, but $250,000 of that came from Salvi herself, campaign finance records show. Gidwitz, a finance co-chair of the National Republican Senate Committee, has told the Sun-Times he is backing Salvi. Piton is Salvi’s closest fundraising competitor, with $168,510 raised. He kicked in $25,000 of that, though. Salvi, of Mundelein, lost a six-way 2006 GOP primary bid for Congress. Hubbard and Chlebek also sought to challenge U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin two years ago.

* Challenger to Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart knocked off the primary ballot for good; lengthy fight ends at Illinois Supreme Court: The Illinois Supreme Court declined Monday to hear Navarro Gercone’s appeal in a case that started with incumbent Sheriff Tom Dart challenging her candidacy under a controversial new state law that requires all sheriff contenders to be certified law enforcement officers.

* Tribune: Our final choices for the US House primary

* Chicago mayor’s race 2023 lineup: Who is in, who is out, who is undecided


New laws

Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Leader Rezin…

More high school students can now receive high school credits from a dual credit program thanks to legislation sponsored by Senate Republican Deputy Minority Leader Sue Rezin (R-Morris) that was recently signed into law.

House Bill 5506 amends the state’s Dual Credit Quality Act to provide that a partnership agreement between a community college and a school district shall allow high school students who may not meet the community college’s academic eligibility requirement to enroll in their dual credit course to receive high school credits. High schools are required to establish procedures to notify students enrolled in dual credit courses if they are eligible for both college and high school credits or just a high school credit.

“This law will create more opportunities for high school students to gain access to academic courses and credits that were previously unavailable to them,” said Sen. Rezin. “Students interested in courses that are part of a dual credit program will no longer be turned away just because they might not qualify for the college credit for whatever reason, which in turn will hopefully lead to more course offerings.”

The legislation requires school districts and community colleges to annually assess disaggregated data pertaining to the dual credit enrollment, completion, subsequent post-secondary enrollment and performance. Additionally, institutions shall notify its faculty within 15 days of entering or renewing a partnership agreement.

“While expanding academic opportunities for high school students in Illinois, our state will be able to gather additional data on these dual credit programs,” continued Sen. Rezin. “This additional information will help our state ensure that these programs continue to meet our students’ academic needs.”

House Bill 5506 passed out of both chambers without opposition and was signed by the Governor on June 10.

* Sen. Villa…

In partnership with community members and other professionals on her Senior Advisory Committee, State Senator Karina Villa championed a new law to protect the dignity and rights of nursing home residents across Illinois and ensure they are afforded the highest quality of care.

“Many families struggle with the decision to placed loved ones in long-term care facilities,” said Villa (D-West Chicago). “With everything that goes into this decision, families shouldn’t also have to worry about abuse or neglect.”

Previously Senate Bill 1633, the new law amends and expands the existing Nursing Home Care Act to offer more comprehensive protection for nursing home residents. In addition to ensuring residents’ rights must be maintained and basic needs are met, the law creates requirements for grievance procedures at nursing facilities, protects residents from being forced to perform unpaid labor and requires information on how to submit complaints be posted publicly and available to residents at request.

Villa’s Senior Advisory Committee played a large role in the development of the legislation, which is modeled off of the Minnesota Patients’ Bill of Rights published by the Minnesota Department of Health. The law also ensures that all rights outlined under the Medical Patient Rights Act, including the right to sound medical care and the right to privacy and confidentiality, apply to residents under the Nursing Home Care Act.

“Families should be able to trust the faculty and staff in nursing homes to provide the absolute best care for their loved ones,” Villa said. “With this law, we hope to give them that peace of mind.”

…Adding… Sen. Simmons…

To allow students in custody of the Illinois Department of Corrections the opportunity to continue to earn an education while serving their time, State Senator Mike Simmons passed a law to allow students to attend classes remotely.

“I thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in the Senate for supporting this legislation,” said Simmons (D-Chicago) This removes a systemic barrier for youth in custody who ought to be able to continue their education. We are giving them a better chance of finding employment and thriving when re-entering their communities”

Simmons’ law will create a pilot program to allow remote learning for students of Consuella B. York Alternative High School that are in the custody of the IDOC. If successful, the program could roll out in other alternative schools across Illinois. California currently has programs that allow inmates to work toward their Bachelor’s Degree. Research from the Cal Matters Organization show such programs have contributed to improving opportunities and lowering recidivism rates.

“This is a great step toward shoring up the gaps that exist in serving the needs of those who are incarcerated,” Simmons said. “Doing so will help buttress our overall efforts to lower recidivism rates and increase public safety.”

House Bill 5016 was signed into law and took immediate effect.


*** UPDATED x3 - Kaegi *** Rate the new TV ads from Schimpf, Bailey, DGA, Logemann and Preckwinkle

Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Paul Schimpf’s introductory TV ad

* Sen. Darren Bailey’s latest


* Press release…

Today, the Jonathan Logemann for Congress campaign announced the launch of its first TV ad of the primary for Illinois’ 17th Congressional District. The TV ad, titled “Tackle”, highlights Jonathan’s service to his country and his community–as an Afghanistan Veteran, a National Guardsman, a public high school teacher, and Alderman in Rockford.

The ad also highlights key elements of Jonathan’s platform, including making healthcare more affordable, fighting for the middle class, defending our Democracy, and standing up to Trump Republicans. As a local elected official, Jonathan’s experience tackling day-to-day issues in his community make him uniquely qualified to serve Illinois’ 17th District. Furthermore, his service in the National Guard and his leadership as a public school teacher and coach prepare him to take on issues facing key constituencies, such as our students, parents, veterans, and servicemembers.

The transcript of the ad is as follows:

“I’m Jonathan Logemann.

As a soldier, teacher, coach, alderman, and dad, I’ve taken on some big challenges.

Now, I’m running for Congress to tackle our toughest problems.

And it starts with standing up to Trump Republicans and corporate special interests:

To make healthcare more affordable;

Defend our Democracy;

And rebuild the middle class.

I’m Jonathan Logemann, and I approve this message, because I know we can tackle it all–together.”

The ad

* Press release…

Today, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle is out with a broadcast television ad that focuses on her success in guiding Cook County’s health system during her three terms in office.

The ad, entitled “Done,” focuses on the many accomplishments Preckwinkle has gotten done regarding healthcare, including creating CountyCare, Cook County’s Medicaid managed care plan which has expanded healthcare access to over 400,000 residents.

The ad also previews her plans for the next term, which include expanding funding for mental health resources and creating a Department of Mental Health within the Cook County Health system.

“I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished in the Cook County health and hospital system during my tenure, especially during the last few years as our system guided residents through the pandemic,” said Preckwinkle. “I have established a proven and responsible record on healthcare management and look forward to continuing to advance and expand affordable, accessible healthcare in my next term.”

The 30-second spot will run today through the June 28 primary on broadcast networks.

“To see how Toni Preckwinkle will take on big challenges, just look at what she’s done.
Turning around Cook County’s neglected health and hospital system,
Creating CountyCare, expanding healthcare for four hundred thousand,
Strengthening assistance for survivors of domestic violence and assault,
And starting the County’s first Mental Health Service to help better respond to mental health emergencies.
Toni’s taken on tough fights and she’s not done yet.
Toni Preckwinkle, for County Board President.”

The spot

*** UPDATE 1 *** Kaegi going after Steele…

Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi released a third campaign ad on Tuesday, two weeks prior to the June 28 Democratic primary.

The ad, titled, “Scam Alert,” highlights the conflict of interest for Kaegi’s opponent, Commissioner Steele, and her husband Maze Jackson, a well known lobbyist for property developers.

“There is a better choice. Fritz Kaegi is endorsed by the Democratic Party and is standing up for middle class homeowners not rich landlords,” the ad says.

The ad will air on broadcast and cable television networks beginning Tuesday.

Full script:

Warning! Kari Steele’s campaign for County Assessor is a scam.

Steele’s husband, who is her top campaign adviser, is a paid lobbyist for wealthy downtown landlords.

They’ll get rich after Steele shifts the tax burden back onto middle class families…while she avoids paying her own property taxes by claiming an illegal exemption.

There’s a better choice. Fritz Kaegi is endorsed by the Democratic Party and is standing up for middle class homeowners—not rich landlords.

The spot

*** UPDATE 2 *** Steele campaign…

The Kaegi ad is a lie. A complete fabrication. Period.

A property on S. Chappel Avenue in Chicago is currently owned by Kari Steele’s mother, Christine Steele. Her mother, who also owns a property in Texas, claims a homestead exemption on this property.

Kari Steele’s name is on the property tax bill to ensure she receives the bill and is able to make sure it gets paid by her mother, as her mother is often out of town. She does not own, or have any ownership stake in the Chappel property. All ongoing expenses related to the property are maintained by her mother, including the property tax.

Kaegi is as incompetent as a candidate as he is as the incumbent Assessor.

Steele’s lawyers will soon have word with Kaegi’s campaign.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Crain’s covered this back in May

“Our initial findings appear to show the property does not qualify for a homeowner’s exemption, as public records indicate both Kari and Christine Steele list primary residences elsewhere,” Assessor spokesman Scott Smith tells Crain’s in an email.

Kari Steele’s permanent residence is on Madison Street and her mother is receiving a homeowners’ exemption (and is registered to vote) in Texas. The exemption is only supposed to be applied to an owners’ primary residence. “These facts would make the property ineligible for a homeowner’s exemption,” Smith says.

Steele’s camp says her mother is a snowbird who lives part-time in Texas. Kari Steele lived at Chappel until 2016 and only receives the bill so her mother doesn’t miss it while she’s away.

The home has received the tax break since 2006. Kaegi’s office will reach out “to request proof of residency in Cook County.” Christine Steele could be billed for the past four years—roughly $2,800—if she can’t prove Chappel is her primary home.



Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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