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Campaign notebook

Thursday, May 26, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told you two weeks ago that Darren Bailey was hinting at a possible Donald Trump endorsement in Quincy. Lynn Sweet says that at least a Trump Quincy visit is a possibility

There is a lot of political chatter stemming from allies of Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., that ex-President Donald Trump might be headlining a rally in Quincy for Miller, locked in a GOP primary battle with Rep. Rodney Davis in the 15th District. Miller is the only Illinois candidate Trump has endorsed, and she was in Mar-A-Largo for a fundraiser with Trump last month. Davis was a 2020 co-chair of Trump’s Illinois campaign.

* Meanwhile

Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin took organizers of the Aurora Pride Parade to task Wednesday for their decision to ban uniformed police officers from marching in the parade next month.

Irvin said he was “extremely distressed and disappointed to learn that you have chosen to ban uniformed law enforcement from participating in the annual Pride Parade this year.”

From the group’s press release

This year, to further this goal, after much discussion, we made the decision that while we would continue to allow and encourage participation in the Aurora Pride Parade by law enforcement officers, we would ask that they participate without service weapons (our rules forbid all weapons), out of uniform, and without the presence of any official vehicles.

Why did we do that?

In short, many members of the community feel uneasy in the presence of official law enforcement vehicles, as well as uniformed officers, due to negative experiences they themselves or someone they know have had. Some of these experiences may be with the Aurora Police Department, some may be with other departments. APD is absolutely ahead of many other departments, but there’s still work to be done. There will already be uniformed officers and vehicles present outside the parade route, and we want the parade route to feel as welcoming as possible for everyone.

* The Peoria Journal-Star asked the gubernatorial candidates how they would bring down health care, prescription and drug costs. Here’s part of Jesse Sullivan’s answer

Healthcare workers have labored tirelessly over the past few years. Now they are being faced with mandates that put the government between them and their patients. We should be thanking these frontline workers, not punishing them. I will end these vaccine mandates.

Richard Irvin’s response was not so odd

I support initiatives to expand healthcare access and lower costs. During the pandemic, we saw a massive acceleration in telemedicine and at-home testing. We must look for ways to modernize our healthcare system, which will give people more options and drive down costs. We need to identify where state regulations may be stifling innovation and work with the General Assembly to cut the red tape. The state should absolutely use its market buying power to negotiate lower costs for prescription drugs in Medicaid and state employee group health. While state governments have limited ability to impact national and global drug pricing, I would join with other governors in urging the Securities and Exchange Commission to take a closer look at so-called ‘pay-for-delay’ agreements between brand-name and generic drug manufacturers where pharmaceutical companies pay generic manufacturers not to market generic drugs past the expiration of a drug’s patent.

* On guns during this week’s debate

On policy, Irvin suggested that the FOID system in Illinois needs reform in order to function.

“The system is broken and it definitely needs fixed,” said Irvin. “But we need background checks to ensure that guns don’t get in the hands of criminals and folks with mental illnesses.” […]

For Sullivan, he cited the importance of renewing Illinoisans faith in God and supporting people in the role of fatherhood.

“When you remove God from our society, these are the types of things that happen,” said Sullivan, referring to the shooting in Texas.

Maybe, but the government can’t force people to believe in God, Jesse.

* I shared a story with you yesterday about how GOP secretary of state candidate Rep. Dan Brady said he wants to offload the Motor Voter program to local election authorities. Here’s a fundraising email from Democratic SoS candidate Alexi Giannoulias in response…

At a forum earlier today, I called out Republican Dan Brady for his plan to “offload” the hugely popular and successful Motor Voter program. Motor Voter has given Illinoisans an easy, convenient option to register to vote or update their registration, so why is Dan Brady trying to get rid of it?

Republicans across the country are systematically limiting access to registration and voting, and now Dan Brady is pushing the same anti-democracy agenda here in Illinois. Brady is walking in lockstep with the Trump wing of the Republican Party and trying to make every aspect of voting — including registration — harder.

Motor Voter is a federal law that has helped millions register to vote, and one of the success stories of the office. I’ll build on that success, expand voter registration, and, if elected, will do everything I can to protect and expand voting rights.

* Meanwhile, from Rep. Brady…

Key education, public safety and GOP organizations have endorsed Dan Brady, a Bloomington Republican, for Illinois Secretary of State.

“I am honored and humbled to have the support of those who teach our children and protect our citizens in Illinois,” Brady said. “I am also pleased to receive the latest in a growing number of endorsements from area Republican organizations.”

The Illinois Education Association (IEA), comprised of more than 135,000 members including elementary and secondary teachers, higher education faculty and staff, educational support professionals, and retired educators has endorsed Brady for Secretary of State. In their endorsement, the IEA cited Brady’s pledge to modernize services at the department of motor vehicles, making it even easier to register to vote, and Brady’s pledge to upgrade libraries, especially those in rural areas, with more technology and internet.

So, in that press release, Brady is touting his support for Motor Voter. Maybe pick a lane?

…Adding… From Rep. Brady…

The Secretary of State office is bound to motor voter, because of federal law. I can not change that. I think local election authorities are best prepared to register voters. However, the Secretary of State office could share a digital photo from a license or ID card, which is done now with your signature on your voter ID card from your license. This would further help to protect the voting process and help election Judges.

* CD6…

Today, U.S. Congressman Sean Casten released his second TV ad of the cycle to highlight his 100% pro-choice record. The ad is part of the campaign’s nearly 7-figure television ad buy & will be seen on both broadcast and cable channels.

With the pending decision from the Supreme Court to strike down abortion rights, voters across the 6th District will be reminded of Congressman Casten’s 100% pro-choice record in Congress and his commitment to protecting a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions. He is endorsed by Planned Parenthood Action Fund, NARAL Pro-Choice America, Marcie Love (the founder of Personal PAC), and numerous other pro-choice leaders across Illinois.

The ad is here.

* Apparently, Mary Miller is now a fake Republican…


Biden and the Radical Left’s America-LAST agenda has left our Southern Border WIDE OPEN. To make matters worse, Conservative Congressman Rodney Davis’s FAKE Republican opponent stands with Radical Democrats like Pelosi on illegal immigration!

Rodney’s opponent even said, “If there’s an illegal alien - or illegal immigrants that lives next door and they need something, it is our responsibility as individuals to help those people.” This is why we need to support a REAL Republican like Rodney who will STOP Open Borders.


Instead of this radical Pelosi-backed plan Rodney Davis proposes we finish President Trump’s Border Wall, ban Sanctuary Cities, and STOP illegal immigrants from voting in our elections.

Help Rodney Davis get tough on immigration and STOP his FAKE Republican opponent from gaining power before it’s too late.


Thank you,

Team Rodney

* DPI…

In the aftermath of this week’s horrific massacre at a Texas elementary school, the usual pattern continued as major gun-related stocks surged in price. For Ken Griffin, Richard Irvin’s biggest donor, that means big returns on his investments in Smith & Wesson, Vista Outdoor, and Sturm Ruger.

Just last week, newly-filed records showed that Citadel and Citadel Securities — of which Ken Griffin is founder and CEO — expanded their holdings in gun and ammunition manufacturers by 62% during the first quarter of 2022, totaling $139 million.

Citadel’s holdings in Smith & Wesson Brands Inc. and Sturm, Ruger and Co. Inc., two of the nation’s largest gun manufacturers, are valued at nearly $23 million combined, and the new filing showed a more than three-fold increase in holdings for ammunition manufacturer Vista Outdoor.

A report released earlier this year revealed that guns manufactured by Citadel-linked companies were responsible for one in four recovered firearms from Chicago homicides in the past five years.

Griffin is profiting off of one of the most violent and deadly massacres in American history and what does Richard Irvin have to say about it? Nothing.

When will Richard Irvin stand up to his megadonor and say enough is enough?

* CD17…

Today, Jonathan Logemann, Democratic candidate for Illinois’ 17th Congressional District, announced the endorsement of the Painters District Council No. 30. PDC 30 comprises nine locals throughout 29 counties in Northwest and Central Illinois, and represents the 14th local labor endorsement Jonathan has received during his campaign.

* Taxes are too high and spending is too low, says this Democrat…

The “change” she backs is a property tax cap, which won’t do much to increase services.

* More…

* Rep. Lauren Underwood leading drive to bolster swing district Democrats on Obamacare subsidies


Once again, we learn that shady gambling rackets help breed corruption

Thursday, May 26, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Steve Kim…

Yesterday’s sentencing of Luis Arroyo is just the latest example of Kwame Raoul’s failure to keep his campaign promises. In 2018, Raoul promised that he would tackle corruption, and yet he has taken the backseat and shown no initiative to take on his corrupt cronies like Mike Madigan.

Attorney General candidate Steve Kim released the following statement following the sentencing:

Kwame Raoul has proven that his ‘promises’ are just empty words. What has he done to tackle corruption in this state? He stood idly by while federal investigators took action. There is a reason Illinois remains the most corrupt state in the country: career politicians protecting their cronies time and time again. I’ve attacked corruption throughout my legal career, and I will tackle it as Attorney General. Unlike Kwame Raoul, when I make a promise, I intend to deliver.

* From an insider at Comptroller Mendoza’s operation…

If you’re doing a round-up of stories on Luis Arroyo’s well-deserved sentence, feel free to note that his final, sleazy act as state rep, post-dating his resignation to take effect the following day so he could get an extra month’s salary, prompted a law banning the practice. Comptroller Mendoza was not happy to learn she’d have to pay him & Marty Sandoval an extra month’s salary and championed a bill to end the “exit bonus”:

* John Milhiser…

Luis Arroyo was sentenced to 57 months in prison yesterday for his role in attempting to bribe public officials to help with gambling machine legislation. Arroyo’s conduct is indicative of the corruption that has destroyed the public’s trust in our state government.

It shows exactly why we need John Milhiser, a corruption busting career prosecutor, as our next Secretary of State in the office that touches more lives than any other in state government. Illinois can’t afford to go backward with more career politicians.

John Milhiser released the following statement following the Arroyo sentencing:

From 1970 to 2010, there were more than 1500 corruption convictions in the state of Illinois. Obviously that trend is continuing with the indictment of powerful politicians like Ed Burke and Mike Madigan, and further illustrated by the sentencing of Luis Arroyo. Our state can’t go backwards with more career politicians. The Democrats in this race are pointing fingers at one another, each accusing the other of being more corrupt. We need a Secretary of State who knows what it takes to root out corruption from the inside. I’m the only candidate in this race who can get the job done.

They’re all missing an obvious angle here.

* One thing that could be done right now is for Chicago and/or the state to actually get serious about eliminating those ubiquitous and shady sweepstakes machines. Illegal or even kinda-illegal gambling breeds corruption. Period. The city and state turns a blind eye to the sweepstakes machines, but the city won’t opt-in to legal video gaming so that small businesses can make legitimate money off of something people are gonna do anyway. It says more about city leaders than they may believe. WTTW

Former Illinois state Rep. Luis Arroyo, who last year pleaded guilty to a bribery scheme in which he offered a member of the Illinois Senate monthly payments to support a bill that sought to legalize sweepstakes machines, has been sentenced to 57 months in federal prison

​​U.S. District Judge Steven Seeger issued the sentence during an in-person hearing Wednesday afternoon in the Dirksen Federal Building downtown, nearly seven months after Arroyo pleaded guilty.

“You took bribes, you corrupted yourself, you corrupted the political process,” the judge said. “You tried to corrupt the law itself. You tried to change Illinois for a corrupt reason. … What you did was a frontal assault on the very idea of representative government. The public did not get what they deserve.” […]

On top of the prison time, Arroyo must also forfeit $32,500, the amount Seeger determined he had received in bribes from Weiss’ company. Arroyo must turn himself in by Aug. 31 to begin serving his sentence.

* Tribune

According to the 15-page indictment, Weiss paid bribes to Arroyo beginning in November 2018 in exchange for Arroyo’s promotion of legislation beneficial to Weiss’ company, Collage LLC, which specialized in the sweepstakes machines.

Weiss was also in business with another sweepstakes machine company, V.S.S. Inc., run by an ex-Chicago cop who was fired for consorting with a drug trafficker, the Tribune has previously reported.

The bribes were paid via off-the-books lobbying payments to Arroyo’s consulting firm, Spartacus 3 LLC, which Arroyo failed to report to state regulators, according to the charges.

Both Weiss and Arroyo also conspired in 2019 to pay then-state Sen. Terry Link $2,500 a month in kickbacks in exchange for the senator’s support on the proposed sweepstakes game legislation.

* Sun-Times

Arroyo and Weiss allegedly tried to enlist Link in the scheme, and Arroyo gave Link a $2,500 bribe payment in August 2019. But Link turned out to be cooperating with investigators in hopes of leniency at his own sentencing hearing. He has since pleaded guilty to filing a false tax return.

“You betrayed the public, you betrayed the people that you promised to serve, you sold out your office, you sold out your constituents, you sold out yourself,” Seeger told Arroyo.

The judge said, “You can’t read the Chicago Tribune or the Chicago Sun-Times for very long without coming across a story about public corruption. The federal courthouse in Chicago is a beehive of activity when it comes to public corruption.”

But Gillespie wrote in one brief that Arroyo was undeterred from his crime by such news reports. Seeger didn’t like that comment, either.

…Adding… Delia Ramirez…

Below is a statement by 3rd Congressional District candidate Delia Ramirez on the sentencing of former State Representative and 36th Ward Alderman Gil Villegas’ mentor, Luis Arroyo.

“The sentencing of former State Rep. Luis Arroyo is the latest example of an elected official going to jail for betraying the public trust. While former Rep. Luis Arroyo bribed elected officials in Springfield over sweepstakes legislation, his protége Alderman Gil Villegas introduced similar sweepstakes legislation in the City of Chicago. Villegas did this at the request of James T. Weiss, the same individual who has been charged as the source of the bribes in the Arroyo corruption scandal.

“Although these charges have been public for over two years, Alderman Gil Villegas has never denounced the corrupt behavior of his political mentor, Luis Arroyo. Villegas has unapologetically taken more than $40,000 in campaign contributions from Arroyo. Voters deserve an explanation for these connections. Villegas’ silence speaks volumes.

“Our families can not afford to be represented by elected officials who are beholden to corporate interests and corrupt politicians. If Alderman Villegas can’t even condemn his personal mentor who has been convicted and sentenced for corruption, why should 3rd district voters trust him to stand up for them in Washington?

“The voters of the 3rd Congressional District deserve to be represented by an accountable and ethical leader in Washington. I am that leader and I have the proven track record of getting results for working families.”


*** UPDATED x2 *** Rotering to get pro-choice group endorsements for Supreme Court as Rochford launches digital ad

Thursday, May 26, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m told the pro-choice groups will endorse Nancy Rotering, who was rated “Not Recommended” by the Illinois State Bar Association…

WHEN: Thursday, May 26

TIME: 9:30 a.m.

WHERE: Planned Parenthood Illinois Action Administrative offices, 17 N. State, Chicago 5th Floor

Kelley Foxx, Board Chair, Planned Parenthood Illinois Action
Terry Cosgrove, President & CEO of Personal PAC
Representative Anna Moeller, Representative Dan Didech, Representative Joyce Mason, Representative Sam Yingling

In light of the leaked SCOTUS draft opinion on Roe V. Wade, Planned Parenthood Illinois Action (PPIA) and Personal PAC are gathering to publicly announce their endorsement for the Illinois Supreme Court in the 2nd District race.

With Illinois remaining as the last line of defense to ensure people in the midwest have access to safe abortion, it’s more important than ever before to support pro-choice candidates for the Illinois State Supreme Court.

Maybe this means she will finally have the cash to compete. We’ll see.

* Meanwhile, from one of her Democratic primary opponents…

Today, the Judge Rochford for Illinois Supreme Court campaign released the first digital ad in the Second District race. The ad highlights Judge Rochford’s deep credentials and decades-long experience in the courts, which include more than 35 years practicing law and serving as a judge for the last decade. It also highlights Judge Rochford’s recent “highly recommended” rating by the Illinois State Bar Association, the only Democratic candidate in the race to receive it.

“This first ad represents the launch of an aggressive paid media campaign to engage voters across the Second District about Judge Elizabeth Rochford’s unparalleled depth of experience in the race for Illinois Supreme Court,” said Steven Campbell, campaign manager for the Rochford campaign. “As the only Democratic candidate in this race to be rated highly recommended by the Illinois State Bar Association, it is more clear than ever that Judge Rochford is the Democratic candidate who is best positioned to win this seat in November. There is too much at stake in this race to risk nominating a candidate who does not have the qualifications necessary to serve on our state’s highest court and make that case to voters this Fall against a very well funded Republican nominee.”

The ad spotlights the strong coalition of support Judge Rochford has built from leading labor organizations, elected officials, and pro-choice legislative leaders. She has been endorsed by nearly every major union, including the Illinois State AFL-CIO, Local 881 UFCW, Plumbers Local Union 130 United Association (UA), Teamsters Joint Council 25, and the Lake County and McHenry County Building & Construction Trades Councils and their affiliates, which together include 44 local affiliate trade unions.

In addition to labor support, Judge Rochford has been endorsed by Secretary of State Jesse White and Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court Iris Martinez, as well as current and former state legislators that include Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford, Senate Assistant Majority Leader Tony Munoz, Senator Melinda Bush, Senator Sara Feigenholtz, Senator Elgie Sims, Assistant House Majority Leader Marcus Evans, former Illinois Senate President John Cullerton, former State Senator and State Representative Susan Garrett, and former State Senator Heather Steans.

* Rate it

I cannot see how that ad will possibly stand out in the growing ambient noise. But, maybe you think differently.

…Adding… From Rochford’s campaign…

Today, the Judge Rochford for Illinois Supreme Court campaign released the following statement on behalf of both current and former Illinois State Senators who endorse Judge Rochford’s candidacy and have served as vocal advocates in protecting and expanding access to women’s reproductive healthcare here in Illinois. Those lending their name to the statement include State Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford, State Senator Melinda Bush, State Senator Sara Feigenholtz, former State Senator and Cook County Clerk Iris Martinez and former State Senator Heather Steans. Their statement is as follows:

“For years, we have been on the frontlines of the fight to protect women’s reproductive rights here in Illinois, work that has become more important than ever as we witness our freedoms coming under attack across the country. To ensure Illinois stays strong when it comes to protecting the rights of women across the state, we need proven and experienced leaders at every level of government. That includes the Illinois Supreme Court. We support Judge Elizabeth Rochford in the Second District, whose qualifications are unmatched by any of her opponents, which is underscored by the fact that she is the only Democratic candidate in this race rated ‘Highly Recommended’ by the Illinois State Bar Association. Judge Rochford is not just the best candidate to serve on the highest court in the state, but our best chance at winning this seat in November.”

Personal PAC has been on the opposite side of influential pro-choice women legislators on more than one race this year. It’s an interesting development.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Meanwhile, on the other side of the spectrum…

Illinois is drawing nearer to the most important election in years. With life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness on the line, voters have the power to make historical change with office-holders. Pro-life, pro-family, and pro-liberty David E. Smith, Director of Illinois Family Institute, announced his full endorsement of Republican Judge John Noverini for Illinois Supreme Court 2nd District in the June 28th Republican Primary.

“John Noverini is a man of integrity, a family man who has a strong Christian faith, and unwavering principles. We need jurists like him on the bench in Illinois because we know that he will defend the Constitutions of Illinois and the United States,” stated Smith. “I have every reason to believe that Justice Noverini will uphold our civil rights of life, liberty, and the free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession will have no better guardian.” David E. Smith is the executive director of the Illinois Family Institute, an independent 501c(3) non-profit ministry dedicated to upholding and re-affirming marriage, family, life, and liberty in Illinois since 1992. David is a Republican precinct committeeman and the Crete Township Republican Organization chairman.

“Receiving the personal endorsement from David Smith, the head of one of the most influential and important organizations to voters, is received with sincere appreciation. Dave, and those who work with and for IFI, are regularly bombarded with hostility from those opposed to their firmly held religious beliefs, yet they stand firm in their cause and never give up on God’s calling for them. I have tremendous respect for David.”

Judge Noverini was elected in 2008 as a Circuit Court Trial Judge and retained in 2014 and then again retained in 2020. Judge Noverini has experience in Family, Criminal and Civil courtrooms. During his judicial tenure, he has served as the Presiding Judge of the Family Law Division, Criminal Division, where he has presided over close to 100 criminal jury trials, Probate Court, Guardianship Court, Traffic and Mental Health Courts. He and his wife, Saray Rodriguez Noverini, are long-time residents in Kane County. Judge Noverini is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and holds a Master’s degree in History from Northeastern Illinois University and a Juris Doctorate from IIT Chicago Kent College of Law.

Noverini was also rated as “Not Recommended.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Personal PAC just sent a blast email to supporters. Here’s the only reasoning the group pointed to for why they’re backing Rotering to be an Illinois Supreme Court Justice and not anyone else in the district…

Nancy served on the Planned Parenthood Illinois board from 2016 until declaring her candidacy, demonstrating her deep commitment to reproductive rights.


Rate the new JB Pritzker TV ad

Thursday, May 26, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here you go…

…Adding… Natalie Edelstein at the Pritzker campaign when asked for a statement…

Richard Irvin has repeatedly urged the public to examine his record, which is exactly what this ad does. The more we learn about him, the worse it gets. 

…Adding… Eleni Demertzis at the Irvin campaign…

This ad is nothing more than proof that JB Pritzker is running scared because he knows Richard Irvin will beat him in November.



Thursday, May 26, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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