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Top labor leaders warm to more transit funding, cool to agency consolidation (Updated)

Tuesday, Apr 30, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some background is here if you need it. Press release…

The following is a joint statement from Chicago Federation of Labor President Bob Reiter and Illinois AFL-CIO President Tim Drea on the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning’s proposed legislation to fully fund public transit in Northeastern Illinois and consolidate its transit service boards.

Public transit is a critical public service that connects workers to their workplace, school, healthcare and their daily lives. According to the Economic Policy Institute, transportation ranks among the largest monthly expenditures for families of four, on par with food, childcare, housing and healthcare. Maintaining reliable and safe public transit is critical for the working families who power nearly every sector of our local economy. Therefore, finding a solution that fully funds transit is one of our top priorities.

We agree with CMAP’s call for the Illinois General Assembly to increase state funding for transit in Northeastern Illinois, as CTA, METRA, and PACE are essential to the regional economy.

However, we must caution that consolidating our vital regional transit boards into a singular centralized entity would erect a web of bureaucratic barriers between the workers who both operate and utilize our public transit system and the board members tasked with overseeing its success. We cannot support a proposal that erodes the direct communication channels that currently exist to provide the public with a voice in our public transit system.

We look forward to continuing conversations about optimizing our public transit system and commend Senator Ram Villivalam and Representative Eva Dina Delgado for taking the lead on shaping legislation that will affect Illinoisans for generations to come.

Labor is committed to fully funding our public transit agencies to increase the economic mobility of workers in our region. Any reforms to the current structure of these agencies must be done in a thoughtful manner that supports the workers who operate these lines and the public our transit system serves. We’re committed to working with all stakeholders to deliver a solution that addresses the impending fiscal cliff and prioritizes maintaining and improving a safe and reliable transit service for all.

* Related…

    * CTA, Metra and Pace could be merged into one transit agency under bill proposed in Springfield: State legislators are proposing legislation that would create a transit agency to oversee public transit across northeastern Illinois and provide an additional $1.5 billion in annual funding for public transportation. State Sen. Ram Villivalam, D-Chicago, and state Rep. Eva-Dina Delgado, D-Chicago, have introduced the Metropolitan Mobility Authority Act, which would create the Metropolitan Mobility Authority to oversee all public transit operations and replace the Regional Transportation Authority.

    * Illinois Lawmakers Unveil Proposal to Merge CTA, Metra and Pace; Plan Would Replace RTA and Add $1.5B in New Funding: “The upcoming fiscal cliff facing transit is a moment that demands we reimagine transit so it is the first choice for people to travel, not a service of last resort,” said Derek Douglas, president of the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago. “To achieve this goal, we need reforms. We cannot just throw more money at the same system at the same problems and expect a different result.”

    * Illinois lawmakers unveil plan to combine Metra, CTA and Pace into one: “The intent behind the consolidation is more about being a more responsive transit agency, to make sure that we’re not kind of in our own little silos providing certain services,” said state Rep. Eva-Dina Delgado, a Democrat representing the Northwest Side.

…Adding… Illinois Transportation Labor Association Chairman J.J. Balonek…

“The Illinois Transportation Labor Association (ITLA) strongly supports proposals for additional funding for transportation in Northern Illinois and believes the funds are critical to making sure access to public transportation is available to residents throughout the region. However, any changes to the current structure need to protect the rights that members of labor have secured in over a century of holding employers accountable. ITLA supports a voting labor member on any transit board to ensure our voices are heard. We are looking forward to working together with the stakeholders as this vital legislation evolves.”

The ITLA is a group of transportation labor unions advocating for labor reform in Illinois. ITLA represents thousands of Illinois transit workers across the state.


Berlin doubles down (Updated x2 with Pritzker react)

Tuesday, Apr 30, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. DuPage County State’s Attorney Bob Berlin last month

“Most of your domestic batteries are misdemeanors. Those would always result in some type of a cash bond and most of those defendants were getting out. Now we’re seeking detention on most domestic batteries. You can see out of 177 detention petitions, 71 had been granted, that’s actually pretty good,” said Berlin.

* Daily Herald this past weekend

A man released from jail earlier this month on misdemeanor domestic battery charges shot and killed his wife Friday night in Villa Park, authorities said. […]

Prosecutors did not seek to detain Elguezabal pretrial. He was accused of pulling Julie Elguezabal’s hair, and punching her several times in the face, neck and back, according to court records.

* CBS 2’s Megan Hickey yesterday

There’s new information about the man who police said shot and killed his wife before turning the gun on himself in west suburban Villa Park.

He’d just been released from jail on domestic battery charges and why the DuPage County State’s Attorney is pledging to fix the system as a result. […]

Winston Elguezabal had been arrested just 12 days earlier, on April 14, and charged with domestic battery against Julie.

But he was released two days later.

The DuPage County States Attorneys office said that’s because he did not meet the criteria for detention under the SAFE-T Act.

Um, domestic battery is a detainable offense

Upon verified petition by the State, the court shall hold a hearing and may deny a defendant pretrial release only if: […]

(4) the defendant is charged with domestic battery or aggravated domestic battery under Section 12-3.2 or 12-3.3 of the Criminal Code of 2012 and it is alleged that the defendant’s pretrial release poses a real and present threat to the safety of any person or persons or the community, based on the specific articulable facts of the case

Somebody needs to send all Illinois reporters an easy to understand list of detainable offenses.

Either way, the Daily Herald reported that Berlin’s office didn’t even ask that the defendant be detained.

…Adding… Sens. Robert Peters and Celina Villanueva and Rep. Kelly Cassidy…

We grieve the loss of Julie Elguezabal and send our deepest condolences to her family and loved ones. Any loss of life is a tragedy, but the Pretrial Fairness Act is not to blame for this horrific act of domestic violence. The old money bond system did not keep our communities safe, and the new system gives prosecutors and judges the discretion they need to make release and detention decisions based on the danger someone may pose—not how much they can afford to pay. Public safety is our top priority. That’s why we’ve implemented this new system.

As legislators who center our work on pretrial justice and domestic violence around the needs of survivors of violence, and as survivors of domestic violence ourselves, we are extremely concerned by DuPage County State’s Attorney Bob Berlin’s insinuation that this tragedy was a failure of the law. Specifically, State’s Attorney Berlin has indicated his office didn’t have enough time to properly evaluate and mediate the potential risk of Mr. Elguezabal’s release.

The Pretrial Fairness Act is supported by the leading organizations working to end gender-based violence precisely because it focuses on protecting survivors. Under the money bond system, police could release people accused of misdemeanor domestic violence without even sending them to court. If they did go to court, hearings lasted a few minutes or even mere seconds. Now, for the first time, the law requires everyone accused of domestic battery to appear before a judge where a transparent release or detention decision is made. Survivors are notified of these hearings and can make decisions about their involvement in the case and plan for their safety. The Pretrial Fairness Act created the ability for prosecutors to request detention in misdemeanor domestic violence cases, aggressively expanded victim notification requirements, and abolished the money bond system that allowed people to buy their way out of any judicial decision-making.

There is much we do not yet know about the process that led to the tragic murder of Julie Elguezabal. What we do know is that earlier this month, her husband was arrested and charged with two counts of domestic battery. In that case, the DuPage County State’s Attorney chose not to request detention of her husband. Mr. Elguezabal was released on GPS monitoring and ordered to stay away from Mrs. Elguezabal. He was required to surrender his FOID card and any firearms in his possession to local law enforcement. Despite surrendering his FOID card, Mr. Elguezabal was still able to access a firearm, and on Friday night, he arrived at his wife’s house where he killed her and then himself.

As we learn more about what happened in this tragic series of events, we must remember that the Pretrial Fairness Act provides far greater protections for survivors of domestic violence than the old money bond system. No system is fool-proof, and no law can prevent all future violence. Rather than reacting and rushing to revise pretrial laws based on this horrific incident, we must continue to build a holistic vision of safety for all, work to reduce gun violence and provide increased resources to survivors of domestic violence.

A perfect example of a good policy that needs to be adopted immediately is Karina’s Bill, which would create much-needed enforcement mechanisms for the existing law preventing people accused of domestic violence from retaining possession of firearms. Like Mrs. Elguezabal, Karina Gonzalez was murdered by a violent partner who retained access to a firearm even after he had been ordered by a judge to surrender his guns.

We look forward to working with advocates and our partners in the legislature to ensure we close this loophole in the enforcement of existing laws and reduce the number of women murdered by partners. We don’t want more laws named after domestic violence victims—we want fewer domestic violence victims.

…Adding… Gov. Pritzker was asked about the DuPage case today

I don’t know that there needs to be any legislative change. But, just in the way cases are handled, we need to make sure that domestic violence is something that gets taken very seriously.

He also said that accused domestic abusers “should remain incarcerated.”

* The governor was also asked about the above-mentioned Karina’s Law proposal

In general I support the concept of the bill. I will say if you listen to the State Police and actually all the other police [agencies] too, it’s quite difficult to remove a firearm from somebody, even if they’ve given up their FOID card. But in the instance where you’ve got to go confiscate the firearm, literally you have to bring sometimes four officers to one situation in order to remove the weapon. And if somebody doesn’t want to give it to you, it becomes quite complicated.

North Carolina just went through a horrible experience with just this sort of thing. [OK, it’s been pointed out to me that the NC tragedy is not the same. However, it’s what the police do worry about, and that, and the police staffing levels, are some of the main obstacles to overcome as far as the bill goes.]


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