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*** UPDATED x1 - Equality Illinois ‘alarmed’ over possible Harris appointment *** Personal PAC warns Democratic committeepersons about Sen. Napoleon Harris

Monday, Apr 22, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I was wondering if this was coming. Personal PAC CEO Sarah Garza Resnick…

As the Cook County Committeepeople consider the slating and appointment of a new Cook County Clerk this week, Personal PAC would urge them to examine each candidate’s record on protecting abortion rights. The Cook County Clerk’s office serves an enormous role in both the health of our democracy, and the most personal moments of our lives, administering birth, death, and marriage records. It is important that the candidate appointed to, or slated for, this position supports the fundamental right to bodily autonomy.

One candidate, Senator Napoleon Harris III, has repeatedly shown through his no votes in the General Assembly on the Reproductive Health Act, HB 40, and the repeal of parental notification that he does not support the right to bodily autonomy. He has not stood with Personal PAC and our many allies and partners as we have worked to expand abortion access in Illinois.

Moving forward, Personal PAC intends to endorse in committeeperson races, as the slating and appointment processes are vital components of keeping Illinois 100% pro-choice. Committeepeople who support Senator Harris’s candidacy for such an important role will not be considered as 100% pro-choice incumbents in their next race for Committeeperson.

Expect a vote this Friday. I’m hearing that Cook County Board President and party chair Toni Preckwinkle wants to appoint Chief Deputy County Clerk Cedric Giles to fill the office vacancy through the end of the term.

Other candidates for the ballot appointment include Cook County Commissioners Kevin Morrison and Donna Miller, as well as MWRD Commissioner Kari Steele, although there might be a legal issue with doing that.

By the way, the office vacancy vote will be one vote for each committeeperson. The ballot appointment will be done on a weighted vote.

*** UPDATE *** Equality Illinois CEO Brian C. Johnson…

“It is with great alarm that we hear that Senator Napoleon Harris is under consideration for appointment to the vacancy for Cook County Clerk.

“Senator Harris has one of the worst voting records for LGBTQ+ equality among current Democratic Senators. In particular, he has failed to vote for some of the most essential bills advancing full equality for LGBTQ+ people, including:

    • Marriage Equality (SB 10) 2013
    • Gender identity in Death and Funeral Instructions (HB 3552) 2015
    • Birth certificate modernization (HB1785) 2017
    • Panic Defense Ban (SB 1761) 2017
    • Inclusive Curriculum Bill (HB 246) 2019
    • LGBTQ+ Older Adults Bill (SB 1319) 2019
    • HIV decriminalization (HB 1063) 2021
    • Birth certificate modernization (HB 9) 2023

“As you can see, Sen. Harris has refused to vote for marriage equality, either birth certificate modernization laws, or the gender identity in death law. Given his refusal to support the full dignity of LGBTQ+ people in these critical areas, we are alarmed over the possibility that he might serve in a position with tremendous authority over birth, death, and marriage certificates.”


*** All clear *** Capitol Building evacuation order issued (Updated)

Monday, Apr 22, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From an email…

IL Capitol Police: This is an evacuation alert for the Capitol Building. Please evacuate the building in a calm manner.

Stay tuned. This is the third incident in recent weeks.

…Adding… A bit more info…

…Adding… All clear…

ILSOS Capitol Police: IL Capitol Police: An all clear has been given for the Capitol Building. Resume normal operations.


The left’s city hall tactics won’t work in Springfield (Updated x3)

Monday, Apr 22, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

Just eight of 78 Illinois House Democrats openly sided last week with the once-indomitable Chicago Teachers Union.

The CTU hotly opposed a bill to halt all public school closures and prevent disproportionate budget cuts and changes to admissions criteria at Chicago’s selective-enrollment schools, until a fully elected Chicago school board is seated in 2027. The final roll call was a lopsided 92-8.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, whose popularity has plummeted along with his Statehouse influence, ought to take this as a warning not to follow the CTU’s example. And so should some other Chicago-based organizations.

The floor vote capped increasingly frenetic and bitter attempts to derail the legislation, including the CTU’s legislative director calling the bill “racist” last week, even though it had been amended to change the budget cut language and expand the closure moratorium to all schools — a provision that the teachers union had demanded just last month.

Several House Democratic members said privately they’d received angry and even threatening calls from CTU leaders demanding they abandon their promised support for the bill.

Others said they were upset that the union’s flip-flop was eerily similar to what happened in the Senate last year, when the Democrats bowed to the CTU’s demands and dumped their plan to pass a phased-in elected school board, only to watch the CTU rail against their fully elected school board bill that the union had demanded days before.

I asked Gov. J.B. Pritzker after the vote for his thoughts on the CTU’s labeling the bill as racist.

“That kind of criticism is uncalled for,” he said. “We don’t need that.”

Asked if he thought the tactic had hurt the CTU’s roll call, Pritzker said, “I do. I think that when you take it to that extreme, I think there are people that — you heard some of that discussion on the floor by members — that … some were between offended and outraged by what was said.’’
An in-your-face approach

This was not only a major loss for the CTU, it was also a strike against the increasingly divisive, angry and in-your-face approach that has been prevalent at Chicago’s City Hall, which lefty activists are now trying to bring to Springfield.

Last month, for instance, an organizer for Chicago’s Raise the Floor Alliance laid out a “plan of escalation” in an email that targeted Rep. Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, D-Glenview, for her refusal to hold a hearing on a major part of the group’s legislative agenda, “Work Without Fear.”

The plan of escalation started with Gong-Gershowitz being approached by a handful of people the following morning, and then escalated to bringing in more than 100 people to directly confront Gong-Gershowitz after a committee hearing that afternoon.

The organizer also laid out a plan for activists to approach a different legislator “in a significantly friendlier way” to thank her for her support, which seemed to more than just indicate that the action against Gong-Gershowitz was not going to be friendly. The organizer claimed in the email that the bill’s sponsors were on board with the plan, but one aghast sponsor firmly stepped in to stop the group from carrying it out.

Rep. Margaret Croke, D-Chicago, sponsored the selective-enrollment bill. She said she didn’t think the strategies used by activists in the City Council could work at the Statehouse but agreed those actions are increasing in Springfield.

“This is a really close-knit body,” Croke said. Unlike the Chicago City Council, she said, “We basically live together for six months, and people really take these relationships seriously.”

Croke also told me that some of her colleagues approached her on behalf of opponents to ask for changes. And when those changes were made, those same members were approached again by the opponents and pushed for even more changes. Croke said some of her colleagues didn’t appreciate the methods.

The chair of the House Progressive Caucus, Rep. Will Guzzardi, D-Chicago, said during debate that Croke had changed her bill after he requested that the closure moratorium for selective-enrollment schools be expanded to all schools until the board was fully elected, “because that’s what I’ve been fighting for for all these years, that the people who are gonna decide about closing our schools are the people who should be accountable to us, they should be people we voted for.”

Guzzardi continued with a message to Mayor Johnson: “And I feel that way whether the mayor is a person I never met before or is a dear friend of mine who I worked my ass off to get elected, who’s the man sitting in the fifth floor right now.”


…Adding… Stacy Davis Gates told reporters this about the bill

This is insidious. This is ridiculous. This is vapid. And I think we sent out something that says this is gonna have racial disparate impact, which makes it a racist bill.

A Racial Impact Note was requested by the bill’s opponents, but this is what the note actually said

Pursuant to 25 ILCS 83/110-10 the State Board of Education does not believe HB 303 as amended would pose a racial impact as it would not change the existing procedures or operations of any attendance center within the district.

Simply asking for a Racial Impact Note is not the same as getting a note which confirms your contention.

…Adding… Fran Spielman asked Stacy Davis Gates how she proposes to fund the CTU’s long list of union contract demands

Well, you know, that’s an interesting question to pose to a president of a union. That’s a question that we posed to the Governor of Illinois. We have a progressive governor of Illinois who has his sights set on higher office. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful story to tell that he is fully funding the Chicago Public Schools after really a lifetime in Chicago Public Schools always been underfunded?

* Fran then asked how the governor can do that “with all the other budget pressures that he, at the state, is facing?“…

Well, that’s a question for the governor, Fran. That’s not a question for me.

It’s not alone, by any means, but the CTU has historically relied on “magic money” to make its arguments.

If progressives want these great things, then they need to start coming up with do-able revenue sources.

But the question for the CTU’s president is why the union thinks the city’s schools should be fully funded under the evidence-based model before the rest of the state’s schools are.

* Meanwhile, the CTU’s vice president accused the governor of “white-washing”

Yeah, that’ll work.

…Adding… I just noticed that Senate President Don Harmon is now the chief HB303 sponsor in his chamber. Hmm.


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Monday, Apr 22, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Monday, Apr 22, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

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