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Today’s must-read: Federal judge administers brutal beat-down of Blagojevich (Updated)

Thursday, Mar 21, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* United States District Judge Steven C. Seeger is now officially my hero

More than a decade ago, Governor Rod Blagojevich left the Dirksen Federal Building in disgrace. He was charged, tried, and convicted of more than ten counts of corruption. He received a sentence of 14 years, and the Seventh Circuit largely affirmed. “The evidence, much of it from Blagojevich’s own mouth, is overwhelming.” See United States v. Blagojevich, 794 F.3d 729, 734 (7th Cir. 2015).

While the charges were pending, the Illinois General Assembly took decisive action to remove him from public office. Blagojevich inspired bipartisanship. The Illinois House of Representatives impeached him by a vote of 117-1, and the Illinois Senate convicted and removed him from office by a vote of 59-0.

At that point, Blagojevich’s career came to a close. The music stopped, the curtain fell, and he exited stage left.

He’s back.

Blagojevich didn’t have a graceful exit from public life. It was disgraceful. And by the look of things, it wasn’t even an exit. Because Blagojevich wants back in the game, and back on center stage, microphone in hand.

Blagojevich served almost eight years in prison, before receiving a presidential commutation. After regaining his freedom, Blagojevich wants to regain the ability to represent the good people of Illinois. So he came back to the Dirksen Federal Building, hoping for a warmer reception and a new lease on political life.

Blagojevich unveiled a two-count pro se complaint under section 1983 and neighboring provisions, challenging the treatment that he received in the Illinois legislature. The first count seeks an injunction to “enjoin the State of Illinois and all of its component parts from enforcing the State Senate’s disqualifying provision which denies Plaintiff his right to run for office in Illinois in violation of the Sixth Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.” See Cplt., at 9 (Dckt. No. 1). The second count seeks a “declaratory judgement [sic] rendering the State Senate’s disqualifying provision as null and void because it violates the First Amendment rights of the voters of Illinois.” Id.

He adds that the “people’s right to vote is a fundamental right.” Id. And by that, Blagojevich apparently means the fundamental right to vote for him.

The complaint is riddled with problems. If the problems are fish in a barrel, the complaint contains an entire school of tuna. It is a target-rich environment. The complaint is an Issue-Spotting Wonderland.


* There’s far too much to excerpt, but here’s the end

All of these problems, and perhaps more, stand in the way of his claim. The simple reality is that federal courts have no role to play when it comes to a state impeachment. The state legislature decided to remove Blagojevich from public life, and it is not the place of a federal court to bring him back.

The case began with great fanfare. Surrounded by microphones and cameras, with a gaggle of press in tow, Blagojevich announced to the world that he might want a sequel in public life.

The book is closed. The last page already turned, and the final chapter of his public life is over. The case never should have been filed. Read generally Dr. Seuss, Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! (1972) (“The time has come. The time has come. The time is now. Just Go. Go. GO! I don’t care how. You can go by foot. You can go by cow. Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now!”).

The case started with a megaphone, but it ends with a whimper. Sometimes cases in the federal courthouse attract publicity. But the courthouse is no place for a publicity stunt.

He wants back. But he’s already gone. Case dismissed.

Seriously, do yourself a favor and go read the whole thing. It’s as close to perfection as a human being can achieve.

…Adding… Idiocy…

If federal judges shouldn’t decide this, then why file a federal lawsuit?

There should be sanctions here.


Pritzker will visit California next week to promote quantum, manufacturing, movie production (Updated)

Thursday, Mar 21, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Governor Pritzker, joined by Illinois film officials and stakeholders, will depart Sunday, March 24 for an economic development mission to California to promote Illinois to business and film industry leaders. Building on the success of Illinois’ Illinois Film Production Services Tax Credit, the Governor, alongside representatives from the Illinois Film Office and Illinois Production Alliance, will meet with major studios and distributors to discuss increased opportunities for investment in Illinois.

“The strides Illinois has made in growing our film and television production sector in recent years is nothing short of remarkable, and it’s time to ensure that every production company and studio knows exactly what we can offer them here in the Land of Lincoln,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “This trip will be a chance to shed a light on what the Illinois Film Production Services Tax Credit as well as our increased film infrastructure can offer companies who may be looking to expand beyond Southern California.”

“When production companies choose Illinois, they not only get the benefits of the state’s Film Production Services Tax Credit, gorgeous locations, and top-flight infrastructure across the state, they also get access to a dedicated, talented workforce,” said Christine Dudley, Executive Director of the Illinois Production Alliance. “One thing that everyone agrees on – labor, business, and government alike – is that bringing more film and television production to Illinois benefits everyone.”

“Through the competitive tax credit incentive enacted by Governor Pritzker, Illinois’ film industry is breaking records and proving its reputation as an industry leader,” said DCEO Director Kristin Richards. “The Illinois Film Office welcomes the opportunity to tout our successes while showing Hollywood studios and companies why they should consider doing business in Illinois.”

Governor Pritzker will begin his trip in the San Francisco Bay area, meeting with business executives to promote Illinois’s investments in quantum computing and manufacturing. Following these meetings, the Governor will depart to Los Angeles for several days of meetings with film studio executives and major production companies to discuss Illinois’s tax credit for film production and other attractive incentives for the film industry. Governor Pritzker will be joined by representatives from the Illinois Film Office and the Illinois Production Alliance.

In 2022, Governor Pritzker extended the landmark film industry tax credit through 2032. The incentive program, which offers tax credits for local labor and production expenditures, has been a key factor in Illinois landing major productions. Recently Illinois broke previous records for the film industry investment with 2022 seeing $700 million in production expenditures– far exceeding pre-pandemic levels. The State’s tax credit has resulted in a $6.81 return on investment for every dollar spent on the incentive, resulting in $3.6 billion in economic activity between FY17 and FY22. 94 percent of Illinois’s current film industry economic impact is attributed to the impact of the tax credit enacted by Governor Pritzker.


…Adding… Sun-Times

Pritzker also plans to fundraise for the convention’s Host Committee and for abortion rights ballot initiatives in Arizona and Nevada. The money raised would go directly towards the initiatives, not to Pritzker’s political advocacy group Think Big America, a Pritzker campaign spokeswoman said.

Pritzker in October launched the nonprofit to protect and expand abortion rights throughout the country, and has already contributed to efforts in Virginia, Nevada and Ohio.

The host committee is trying to raise between $80 million to $100 million for the August convention. Spokesman Natalie Edelstein would not disclose a fundraising tally, but said they are “well on their way” to that goal. […]

The governor’s office said Pritzker has no plans to meet with California Gov. Gavin Newsom, although his office reached out to let him know the Illinois governor would be visiting the state.


Giannoulias lays out lock-down timeline, urges signup for mass notification system (Updated)

Thursday, Mar 21, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias is in charge of overseeing registered lobbyists, so they received this e-mail today…

Dear Registered Lobbyist,

At the Secretary of State’s office, we’re steadfast in ensuring the safety and security of all personnel, elected officials and visitors at the Capitol Building and Complex.

Last week, our State Capitol was placed on lock-down after a threatening call to the Sangamon County 911 Center triggered our alert system. While no threat was discovered, the event underscored the dedication and diligence of our emergency responders and the importance of emergency preparedness.

We’re proud of our Illinois Capitol Police command staff, investigators and security guards who responded to Tuesday’s threat quickly, efficiently and without hesitation. We also want to thank the Illinois State Police, Sangamon County Dispatch, Sangamon County Sheriff’s Department, Springfield City Police and Springfield Park Police for their assistance and support in sweeping and securing the Capitol grounds and all buildings on the Complex.

Below is a timeline of events:

    • 1:43 p.m. — Sangamon County 911 Dispatch received the threatening message and immediately contacted the Secretary of State Police, who mobilized and deployed a SWAT team to begin securing and sweeping the Capitol Building and Complex.
    • 1:57 p.m. — All buildings were officially placed on lock-down, and the shelter-in-place protocol was initiated via the Capitol Complex’s Emergency Notification System and REGROUP mass notification system.
    • 2:16 p.m. — Secretary of State Police completed their grounds sweep and determined no threats existed outside.
    • 2:35 p.m. — Secretary of State Police completed their floor-to-floor sweep of all Capitol Complex buildings and determined no threats existed.
    • 3:00 p.m. — An all-clear message was issued via the Capitol Complex’s Emergency Notification System and REGROUP mass notification system.

We’re relieved no threat was found, but the event serves as a reminder of the dangerous world we live in and how crucial it is to be prepared for an emergency event.

That is why, the first month we took office, the administration got to work updating our Capitol Emergency Response Program, which provides an Emergency Action Guide for various emergency events and details the Lock-Down protocol. We also made sure emergency preparedness training is available to all Capitol Complex employees.

    • Our office provides Capitol Emergency Awareness training on emergency protocols for anyone who works on the Capitol Complex with regular trainings held every March and September.
    • Secretary of State Police also offers the training upon request by contacting any time during the year.
    • You can also sign up for our REGROUP mass notification, which is one of the quickest ways to communicate emergency events.

If you have not already, we encourage everyone to sign up for a training and to receive REGROUP alerts. Despite having these services and programs available during the last several years, only a small percentage have taken advantage of them.

At the Secretary of State’s office, we plan to require our employees to enroll in an Emergency Training class upon getting hired. We also recommend that lawmakers consider requiring that they, as well as all Capitol and Complex-based employees and frequent visitors who receive entry badges, such as lobbyists and the media, also undergo the training.

We’re relieved and grateful no threat was found and appreciative of our emergency responders’ bravery. We look forward to working with all Complex employees and elected officials to ensure we’re prepared.

Stay safe and vigilant,

Alexi Giannoulias
Illinois Secretary of State

A link to the REGROUP mass notification system was included in the email.

Anyway, your thoughts on the timeline and explanation?

…Adding… Legislative leaders and the governor’s office received a similar email on Monday. So, staff and members should be notified by them.


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