Condemns President Donald Trump’s inexcusable pardons of his coconspirators and criminals convicted of attacking police officers, attacking our Capitol, and attacking our democracy.
The House Republicans called for a caucus meeting during debate. They came back in and then walked out during the roll call…
The HGOPs are holding a press conference.
* The other resolutions teed up for debate…
* HR116: Condemns President Donald Trump’s cruel and lawless efforts to block lifesaving services that help people access healthcare, put food on the table, afford housing, and more. Urges the United States Congress to take clear and unequivocal action to check the undemocratic actions of the Trump Administration that violate the constitutional separation of power. Renews the commitment to helping Illinois families get ahead by supporting the services they need to be their best, expanding access to affordable healthcare, and reining in the cost of living.
* HR115: Calls on President Donald Trump to stop the actions of his administration that are making communities less safe, undermining the rule of law, and raising the cost of living. Urges federal lawmakers to instead prioritize comprehensive reforms, including a pathway to citizenship, and focus on the safety of every community, the economic security of every family, and the rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.
* HR117: Condemns President Donald Trump’s efforts to undermine equal pay, make workplaces less fair, and limit opportunity. Condemns the false, hateful comments President Trump and his allies have used to impugn and demean working people. Renews commitment to prioritize equal pay for equal work, opportunities for all, and protections in our workplaces in Illinois.
* HR119: Calls upon President Donald Trump to abandon his reckless tariff plans that would raise costs on Illinois families and businesses.
…Adding… From the HGOP presser…
…Adding… Rep. John Cabello (R-Machesney Park) was asked this question today…
You are a police officer. I mean, do you agree, though, that should people that assaulted police officers be pardoned?
He didn’t answer, and instead tried to pivot to the SAFE-T Act. He was asked again, and he didn’t answer again.
* Rep. Chris Miller (R-No Relation) has talked on the floor this session about his strong support for the president’s actions and was asked for his thoughts. Rep. Cabello interrupted to say…
We’re not here to discuss what’s going on nationally. We’ve got some issues here in this state.
* House Republican Leader Tony McCombie…
Q: The Democrats would say that this is in response to some of the comments that have been made by some members of this caucus about some of these topics, whether it’s immigration or some of the other topics that were addressed in some of those resolutions. What would you say to them? What would you say to those that would say that the House Republicans are not talking about some of these issues that you just mentioned, that you guys are talking about some of these topics.
McCombie: Why are they so worried about what the super minority was saying on the other side? And if they’re having to be talking about some of the members of a caucus within our caucus, why are they so worried about a small group within our minority, they’re still part of our team. What are they worried about? What are they scared about? I think they should just worry about their own districts and worry about the election cycle.
…Adding… During the roll call on HR115, Marcus Evans calls out Republicans by name to ask if they want to vote…
…Adding… House Speaker Chris Welch…
What’s been coming out of Washington, DC these last couple of weeks has been sad and concerning on many levels, and the people who elected you to be here would want you to be here, to speak for them… pardons to rioters who severely harmed law enforcement officials. We are here to speak up against that freezing legally mandated funding for state and local governments and blocking the services families need to keep a roof over their head, blocking the funding for Head Start programs to keep their doors open. We are here to speak up for those families who need those services.
But there’s 40 people who were elected by people in this state who walked out on those people today, they should be here speaking out against issuing tariffs on our friends and allies in Canada and Mexico that will raise the cost of everything in our districts and their districts too, but they’re not here to speak up for those people. They’re not here to talk about President Trump taxing working families all across this country to pay for tax cuts for his billionaire friends. They’re not here to talk about a president who is doing everything except addressing our broken immigration system. They’re not here to talk about him leading by fear and intimidation, causing immigrant families to stay inside and not go to school, not go to church, not visit restaurants, not visit malls. They’re not here.
They’re not here to talk about the president attacking workers rights and Diversity Equity and Inclusion programs that data proves work and make us all better, even people in their districts. They’re not here to talk about special government employees who no one elected using Nazi salutes and accessing America’s most personal and confidential information.
They’re not here to talk about what’s coming out of Washington DC. What’s coming out of Washington DC can be summed up in one word, fascism. Fascism. Fascism.
They should be here to speak out against fascism. We cannot be silent. We must rise up. Speak up, speak out. We cannot walk out on the people that sent us here. We have to stay in faith. German pastor Martin Niemöller once said, ‘First they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not a communist, then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. But then they came for me, but there was no one there left to speak for me.’
Members, this is not a time to be silent. This is not a time to walk out on your job. This is not a time to walk out on the people who sent you here. This is a time to stay, Stand and fight.
We have members who were elected to represent people on that side of the chamber who traveled to Washington, DC on January 6, 2021 to march for Donald Trump, with Donald Trump, but today, February 5, 2025, they couldn’t stay and do their jobs and speak out against fascism.
But we’re here, Illinois.
We are here. The Democratic caucus is here. We’re united on this floor. We’re here speaking up for you, Illinois. We’re here speaking out for you, Illinois, whether you’re in a blue district or a red district, we’re here. What Trump is doing is wrong for Illinois, what Trump is doing is wrong for America, and we are here to speak out against it. We will resist, we will fight, and we will win. Vote yes and condemn this nonsense coming out of Washington.
Please pardon all transcription errors.
* From the House Republicans…
In response to several House Resolutions brought forward by the majority party, House Minority Leader Tony McCombie released the following statement after her caucus left in a unified protest, refusing to vote:
“Today, House Republicans stood together for working families across Illinois and against the petty political games of the majority party. We are here to promote economic growth, improve public safety, and deliver real relief to taxpayers. It’s time to do our jobs—offering solutions that benefit our state and the hardworking people we represent. House Republicans are here to work, not to waste time on political theater.”
In closing, Rep. Kam Buckner called the Republicans “the Houdini caucus, silence and absence, ignoring the harsh realities of what their inaction will lead to for the people that they represent, proving that they’re in a rocky relationship with democracy. Nobody in any of our districts gets paid to leave their job early, and they don’t expect that of us. What they do expect is for us to fight, for them, to push back against ham handed, haphazard, nonsensical government action. And we, those of us who remain, will do exactly that.”
…Adding… More from McCombie’s spokesperson…
“I think we struck a nerve: The Speaker’s unhinged grandstanding this evening just proves our point. If Speaker Welch needs ideas on how to serve Illinois families, House Republicans have solutions to get the job done.”
If you saw one of my last videos then you may have been wondering like many others…what’s in the vault?! To tell you properly, in this video I take you back to the beginning, and you’ll never believe who I found in there…🎅