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React to Pritzker’s new plan

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Manufacturers’ Association…

“Illinois’ economy has been devastated by this pandemic, which has put at risk not just lives but also livelihoods. While many manufacturers across the state have continued operating to produce needed medical products, safe and nutritious food, and equipment for our first responders, others are eager to start production and put people back to work,” said Mark Denzler, president & CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. “We appreciate Gov. Pritzker’s focus on a plan that puts Illinois on a path to safely re-opening. Manufacturers are ready to unleash their full economic might to help restore our state’s economy.”

* Senate President Don Harmon…

“This is the kind of forward-looking plan that people across Illinois have been expecting. It offers hope during economic dark days while reminding everyone of how dangerous and deadly this virus remains. That another 176 people lost their lives to COVID-19 in the past day tells us that the enemy is still out there. We will get through this together by following the advice of medical professionals and public health experts.”

* Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza…

“I want to thank Gov. Pritzker for his carefully-thought-out, science-based approach to restoring Illinois, region by region. I appreciate the leadership, concern and compassion he has demonstrated to the entire state during this awful and deadly COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The governor’s Restore Illinois plan provides all of us with a predictable road map for reopening Illinois.

“If we all follow these guidelines, we will move forward. Not adhering to these protocols will move us backward, jeopardizing all of our shared sacrifice to date and lead to many more needless deaths at the hands of an invisible enemy. We all look forward to the days when we can all get back to normal. In the meantime, we need to exhibit personal responsibility and look out for each other. I believe we will get through this together.”

This post will be updated as responses come in. The House Republicans say they are still evaluating the plan.

* Rep. Mike Murphy (R-Springfield)…

“I’m glad the Governor has finally heard our calls for a regional approach to addressing COVID-19 and a plan for safely reopening our state. The unintended consequences of the one size fits all approach has been devastating for families and small businesses across central Illinois,” said Murphy. “However, the timetable for implementation in different regions, the ability of informed local officials to be a part of the decision-making process, and the vagueness of requirements leave too many unanswered questions. Saying it will be a regional approach is one thing, but if the decisions are still being made by someone from outside our region with limited local consultation, then we still risk being the victim of a one size fits all cure that does more harm than the virus itself.”

* Senate GOP Leader Bill Brady…

Ensuring the public’s health remains our top priority, and any loss of life as a result of this deadly disease is a tragedy. While it is important to have a plan that gives us hope, we need to look at it in greater detail. However, the question of why Illinois needs to maintain a 28-day window before moving between phases, as opposed to the 14-day recommendation of Dr. Fauci, which is what states like New York are using in their reopening plans, needs to be answered.

* This is all I’ve seen from the HGOP…

Nothing at all from Speaker Madigan.


Rep. Buckner’s mask story

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor was asked about Rep. Kam Buckner’s tweet thread today and I should’ve posted it earlier. Via @ThreadReaderApp

The revelation of reality sometimes stings in the most unassuming ways. Last Friday, @GovPritzker’s Exec Order requiring facemasks for those who venture outside went into effect. This EO was the right thing to do to protect Illinoisians in the face of this deadly virus.

It is a responsible move that will save lives and those who are using it as a reason to “stick it to the establishment” or start a contrived fight over “personal freedom,” are misguided and out of line. This includes @VP Pence.

Yesterday, however, the mask reminded of the gratuitous & unwanted attn given to those of us of a certain demographic while engaging in normal social acts and how quickly the objective can turn into the subjective based on implicit bias and prejudice

I went to a store to purchase some items. I wore what I think many people would wear to the store on a Sun. (when there is no church): a hoodie, sweatpants & gym shoes. I also had on my facemask & gloves per the Order (I was dressed like many of the other shoppers I saw).

When exiting the store I was approached by a uniformed officer who questioned the items in my cart. I explained to him I had just purchased them from the store he saw me walk out of. He asked to see my receipt, which was deep in my pocket. As I looked for it, he waited

After 30 seconds or so, I found it and gave it to him. He barely glanced at it and then asked for my ID. I complied. He walked to his car and was in it for a couple of minutes and returned both the ID and my receipt.

When I asked why he approached me in the 1st place, his response was: “People are using the coronavirus to do bad things. I couldn’t see your face, man. You looked like you were up to something.” Which begs the question, what does someone who is up to something look like?

As scores of masked people walked in and out without encumbrance I was reminded of the reality that I have been programmed to show as much of my face as possible and use certain cues to disarm anyone who might have a learned inclination to be suspicious of my very presence.

Yrs before the murder of Trayvon Martin, experience dictated to me the dangers that may wait to assail me for simply having my hood up. Because I guess that’s what someone who is “up to something” looks like.

When I was a teenager, a mentor, in one of a series of “talks” that are given to black boys on how to maneuver a society that often looks at you as a threat first, told me to “dress like a prospect and not a suspect,” in order to avoid situations like this.

I am a 6′4′’ black male from the Southside of Chicago & when not in a suit, I’m likely in a hoodie, jeans & Jordans. & depending on the time of year, a myriad of tattoos may be visible. I am keenly aware of not looking like I am “up to something,” but should I have to be?

I can’t help, but think about whether or not my friends of different races ever got the “prospect not suspect” talk. How many of them needed it for their survival? I think I know the answer. I’ve struggled with whether or not to say something about this publicly.

It’s been heavy on my heart. Not because it’s novel. It’s not. It has happened to me before & will probably happen again. Not because I am indignant that my law degree or being a State Legislator didn’t absolve me from this type of interaction. I never expect that it will.

It bothers me most because I can’t help but think of the dangers that are inherent for a number of black men who are just adhering to the mask rule and by doing so, look like they are “up to something.” This is not in the least bit an absolute indictment on any group.

It is an indictment on the whole of society for creating a climate where this is normal and this is ok. Where @HenryLouisGates gets arrested for entering his own home. I’ve said it before & I am sure I will have to say this again as this virus shines an uncomfortable light.

COVID will not break us. It will only reveal to us what is already broken. There’s a lot to be fixed.


Pritzker takes questions - Says he can’t predict when regions will move to next phase - Schools can open in phase 4 - Asked twice about Lolla - Repeats that you should look at averages, not one day - Not instructing IDOC to withhold masks from guards - Repeats he isn’t asking for law enforcement actions - All state is looking for is replacement of lost revenues, not pension money - Saddened by Rep. Buckner mask story - Hints that GA could return in May - Says he sees progress away from plateau - IDPH working on a school reopening plan - Explains IDPH regions - Again hints that GA may reconvene before end of May - Repeats he will not restrict in-state movement - Not involved in nursing home union talks - Dr. Ezike: “We’re not looking to create a police state” - Pritzker says local officials reopening prematurely are “encouraging people to get sick”

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Let’s talk about this first of the four regions. Do you see any of them, can you look ahead and Dr Zika and think that any of those four regions on May 29 might be moving to phase three?…

Remember this is a data driven and science driven plan, and so everybody will be able to watch, it’s hard for me to just pick out a region and say, what will happen in the future. There have been a lot of things that have happened that no one expected, so it’s hard for me to point at a region and say this one might go first. But I think that people will be able to follow it every single day going on the IDPH website, they’ll be able to see what the metrics are and whether they’re meeting those metrics.

Please pardon all transcription errors.

* I thought we were already having gatherings of 10, why is it phase three that it’s only 10?…

We have actually have not we have essential gatherings of 10 that are available now things that fit in that essential category, but in the next phase it would be any gathering of 10 that people want to have.

* And then phase four is 50, not exactly a huge crowd either…

Again I’ll remind you, the virus is still out there and if maybe things will change. Maybe we will have a very successful treatment to offer to people and therefore we’ll be able to change the guidance for that phase. But as for now that’s what we see going forward.

* But to go from 50 to then everything’s open with phase five is a huge leap…

It is but remember that the gate for getting to phase five is that there’s a vaccine, or a highly effective treatment or that by virtue of herd immunity there just aren’t any new cases coming up.

* So schools, are you saying schools should not open until phase five?…

No, no schools can open in phase four, but again things going forward, Maryann will look different. There’s no doubt about it I mean already as you are walking the streets, you can see people are wearing face coverings. They will still need to do that in phase three, they’ll still need to do that in phase four if there’s no effective treatment that’s available, because people will still have the ability to get sick.

* It doesn’t sound important, obviously with so much going on and so many lives loss but when you say conventions festivals, let’s just say the word Lollapalooza so that folks who asked, you’re saying no way…

I’m saying that if you follow the data and you’ll look at how fast things could happen. I mean, like I said, if there is an effective treatment that comes out, and people can see that really you won’t get that sick if you get COVID-19, then I think, you know, all bets are off, you know you could, things could get worse.

* Let’s be honest, I mean we’re in May right now and that’s, July, August, that’s not going to happen…

I think people will make their own projections going forward about the likelihood of it. I’m hopeful, I must say when I see things like remdesivir getting approved and it having some effect for people who get sick, not you know not dying and you know being able to recover. That’s just one of 70 treatments that’s being examined right now and under trials. So I have some real hope that one of those or several of those will become available widely.

* We went from such few deaths the last couple of days, and still every single death is important. I’m not trying to minimalize, but to go to 176 is so many overnight are is every single one of those Dr. Ezike, are they all COVID… How are they classified because some are questioning truly are they all COVID related?…

Can I just answer it just the first part and then I’ll turn it over to the doctor, which is that one thing I think people should note is they should really look at a multi day average because, as you saw, we had 46 one day, and 170 to another and I even said yesterday, I think, in answer to a question from David McKinney, that you can’t look at one day’s results, and think that you know what direction things are going. And so you really need to look at a multi day average but I’d be happy to turn it over to Dr Ezike about the validity of whether somebody is considered COVID-19.

Dr. Ezike: No, everyone that is listed did have a test that was positive for COVID-19 so it’s not assumptions or guess there was a positive COVID test to confirm that that person had proven.

* Elizabeth Matthews at fox 32, again about masks, I do see facilities are being asked to bring in their own masks from home, even homemade masks at the Taylorville Correctional Center. Our inmates are getting face masks once a week, but not the staff. Is that what is being instructed from the state?…

Oh no that’s not being instructed, I don’t know why that would be I’ll certainly look into it, but I can tell you that we are providing PPE to every facility, Taylorville and every other facility that we control as a state to make sure that we’re protecting people who are either staff members at those facilities or residents.

* Several people have asked me about the Chicago Tribune article about a mutant more contagious coronavirus. Have either of you heard about this, is it possible that it’s a threat here in Illinois?…

Dr. Ezike: I’m not sure I’ve read the exact article that you’re referring to, but in my discussions with [garbled] I do understand that there are two very presentations that they’re seeing of this virus, so whether that’s different strains but there’s a much more lethal strain that’s harder to deal with on the ventilator they’re seeing. Just a more aggressive progressive illness that again the settings as they tried to adjust the settings on the ventilator they just can’t get the right ,settings to be able to help appropriately oxygenate these people and deal with the acute respiratory distress syndrome. And then we see others that don’t have that more malignant course and so I don’t know if that’s what you’re referring to, but I definitely have heard that described that this H variant and this L variant and so I know there’s some articles that have come out about that and I think that is that is well described in both the literature and what I’ve heard from clinicians, here in Illinois.

* Some businesses are already quietly opening with under 10 people and socially distancing, what kind of action might the state take against those businesses?…

Again what we’ve asked is local law enforcement, other officials at a local level should remind people that they can have their permits, their licenses removed from them for opening. There is action that the state can take and enforcement but we’re trying not to, we’re looking to ask people in their local communities to remind the folks who are going against the order that they’re putting other people at risk. And of course I think most people, as we know most people in Illinois are doing the right thing, and they won’t be patronizing those stores, knowing that they may be spreading the virus.

* Any reaction to President Trump last night speaking about cities and states that are run by Democrats, that the democrats in blue states are implying that they are the only ones asking for a bailout? Does Illinois need a bailout from the federal government, police, fire and teachers?…

It’s just so sad that the President has made this political. The fact is that every state, and I talked to Republican governors and Democratic governors, you can imagine what’s happened, in every state revenues have fallen off a cliff right because of stay at home orders or because people don’t want to go out those states that are dependent upon sales taxes alone and no income taxes. They’ve gone, you know, really truly into the deep end of the well. And then income taxes as you know in Illinois, we had to postpone collecting income taxes here, and did so because the federal government postponed federal income taxes until July. So everybody’s got this problem, it’s not a Democratic or Republican problem who are looking for more help from the federal government and we’re gonna get through this. Indeed, I was on a call with Governor Hogan, the Republican governor of Maryland, as well as many other governors with the White House, and we all were expressing the same thing which is, we’re all going to need help in this next package of relief, because remember states are providing states and local governments are providing the supports that people need. We’re the ones who are keeping the police on the streets were the ones who are, making sure that firefighters are available. We’re the ones who are providing the healthcare supports that people need when they’re having trouble with COVID-19 recovering from COVID-19, or just need to isolate because someone in their household may have COVID-19. And so we’re going to need help to make sure that we’re able to do all of those things. And going forward, this is not ending as you know this virus is still out there. And until we see a vaccine or a serious treatment, this is something that the states are going to be dealing with it is extraordinarily expensive.

What we’re looking for though is support for the lost revenues that all the states have experienced. Nothing more, nothing less. It would not go to serve to help pay the pension problems, they know that is not what I’m seeking.

* State Representative Kam Buckner, perhaps you’ve seen on Twitter, his profile, the story of what it was like for him shopping with a mask, when he left asked for ID. Question made you feel as if perhaps he was not there honorably. What do you think of that?…

Yeah, I’m saddened by it I read the tweets and truth truly I think this is happening.

And it’s something that we’re looking into. We obviously believe that there is discriminatory behavior taking place here, so we’re going to make sure that we try to address it.

* Greg Bishop wants to know as the legislature appears to be gearing up, outside of the budget and addressing laws with sunsets, what else should the legislature accomplish this year?…

You know, I can tell you that it will be at least before, my guess is before May, that there’ll be a relatively limited number of things that can get accomplished, just by virtue of how difficult it is to get all of those people together in one place and then to ask people to stay overnight, where they may need hotel rooms or something else. And this is a big state and representatives come from all over the state hours away. So it may be very difficult to do a lot during the month of May, and certainly while we’re in the stay at home order and need to remain in this order.

But you know there are things being talked about. A question was asked yesterday about the Chicago casino bill and whether that could get passed. There you have to prioritize all these things a budget certainly is a priority high priority. So I would suggest that we start with the highest priority and work our way down.

* Are the nurses hired from McCormick Place being reassigned to nursing homes?…

Dr. Ezike: We are in fact providing some healthcare personnel to a variety of locations where there is a staffing problem. You understand that, that when people are tested positive, staff at a facility are tested positive, perhaps multiple of them, they need to isolate and there aren’t a lot of healthcare personnel available these days, because everybody is dealing with this crisis. Every healthcare person, or every member of the healthcare profession, even those who are retired have come back into it and still there is a bit of a shortage here so we are providing wherever we can some help to these facilities.

* How do we know this long plateau that we seem to be experiencing is not in fact, a baseline level of infection, until there’s a vaccine, or stronger mitigation?…

What I can say is that we’ve seen a directionally significant reduction in the R naught, you’ve heard us talk about that. We’ve seen directionally that coming down to a plateau in other places has led to a drop off on the proper side of the curve. And so we anticipate that this is not much different than that.

* How can a school with more than 50 students open safely in phase four? I’m assuming you’re saying that schools don’t have to abide by the 50 right?…

There would be strict IDPH guidelines for schools and we talked about this early on when we were trying to figure out if we needed to close schools or not, that, could you have classrooms of [garbled] kids meeting, if the restriction was 50 for example. And would that work and so the answer is IDPH is going to be working with schools on how they can best do this coming into the fall assuming that we’re in phase four.

* With the four regions, coming back to this news today, that you’ve identified Chicago and Cook County alone have by far the majority of the cases. How is it fair to a group, let’s say McHenry County with only 800 cases into that region when neighboring Winnebago county and Rockford had a close, 680, are these four regions set in stone? Are you willing to look on a closer county level?…

[This was done] many many many years ago as part of the IDPH plan for emergency medical services. That’s why they’re in the regions that they’re in. I know that someone living on the border of a county that might be in another region might have a differing opinion, but this is the way that the IDPH and public health professionals look at the state, because it’s really about hospital bed availability and the ability for us to manage a surge, if there are a surge of cases.

* Illinois base revenues in April fell $2.6 billion below last year. COGFA says it will put out revised estimates soon for FY 20 and 21. When will we see specific plans from the administration for adjusting this year’s and next year’s budgets?…

We’re again talking to members of the General Assembly, working together with them, I know they have plans, thinking about getting together in May. And so my hope is that we’ll be able to work together on a budget for the year. This is clearly the most unusual budget that anybody will have ever seen because, who has ever seen at least in our lifetimes. The drop off of revenue, because of a pandemic. And so there’s no doubt there’s going to have to be a lot of collaboration, even across the aisle to get things done.

* Where do things stand with your commitment to coordinate reopening with other Midwest governors, have you been meeting what will this coordination look like what areas are you focused on?…

Well, again, the coordination is a sharing of best ideas and a common set of of principles that we’re all operating on, that we don’t want to lift restrictions too fast and have a overwhelming of our hospitals, and so on, all the things that we’re talking about and you can see those reflected in the plans that other Midwestern governors have put out.

* Can you please explain in detail the testing and hospitalization thresholds to move from phase two, to phase three and then phase three phase four?…

I would just direct you to that there’s a plan that we put out and sent out to all the members of the media. If you don’t have it certainly our press secretary will send it to you. But that’s got the details in it.

Click here for that detailed plan.

* As regions of the state reopen if some are progressing through the phases in your plan more quickly than others, how do you address people moving between the different regions, would you implement restrictions to prevent infections between regions?…

We’re not restricting travel here. But this is an opportunity for people to start to move toward more normalcy, and certainly you know we want the entire state to enjoy more normalcy. And it’s just a matter of making sure that people who live in certain regions have access to health care, and that those hospitals are not overwhelmed.

* What are the state’s plans for operating nursing homes if workers follow through on their plans to start striking on Friday, has your administration talked to the owners who will ensure the residents care continues?…

We certainly have encouraged both sides to reach an agreement. I think there’s a desire on the part of both sides to reach an agreement. But, you know, but I wouldn’t put a plan out there. I think that they know that they must reach an agreement to make sure we’re taking care of our seniors.

* The Franklin Williamson bi-county health department has asked IDPH about enforcement guidance after West Frankfort Mayor Tom Jordan gave the go ahead to all city businesses to reopen. What guidance if any is IDPH offering?…

Dr. Ezike: So again, I have talked to local health department leaders, my local health department partners, they’re not they’re not law enforcement. We are trying to advocate the best things for overall the public’s health. I don’t want to put people in harm’s way by instigating altercations. I know that there is law enforcement that hopefully is supporting this order. supporting the measures and is going to be able to encourage people. It’s not anybody’s goal to round up people and put them in jail right. We don’t want to put somebody in a congregate setting to start with. So let’s just work together. We’re looking for people to take responsibility and do the right thing. We’re not looking to create a police state where we’re marching around and trying to put people in jail. We want to protect people’s health and we want everyone to help us do that and I hope that we can all understand why these things are in place so that we can affect the best possible outcome for the people of Illinois.

Gov. Pritzker: And I would just point out that elected officials who are encouraging people to gather to break these rules are in fact encouraging people to get sick. That’s what’s going to happen if you tell the people of your city, of your township, of your county to just go out and ignore these orders. These are doctors who are issuing these who are suggesting these things this is science and data. And I guess if you don’t believe in science and data and you’re an elected official, you’re not doing the public service that you ought to be doing for the people that elected you.



*** UPDATED x3 *** Pritzker unveils regionalized reopening plan

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** Click here to read the full plan in its entirety.

* Press release…

Building on data, science, and guidance from public health experts and after consulting with stakeholders across the state, Governor JB Pritzker announced Restore Illinois, a five-phase plan focused on saving lives, livelihood, and safely reopening Illinois.

“”We have to figure out how to live with COVID-19 until it can be vanquished – and to do so in a way that best supports our residents’ health and our healthcare systems, and saves the most lives,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Restore Illinois is a public health plan to safely reintroduce the parts of our lives that have been put on hold in our fight against COVID-19. This is also a data-driven plan that operates on a region-by-region basis, a recognition that reality on the ground looks different in different areas of our state.”

The five-phase plan is guided by public health metrics designed to provide a framework for reopening businesses, education, and recreational activities in each phase. This initial plan can and will be updated as research and science develop and as the potential for effective treatments or vaccines is realized.

The five-phase plan is based on regional healthcare availability and recognizes the distinct impact COVID-19 has had on different regions of our state as well as regional variations in hospital capacity. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has 11 Emergency Medical Services Regions that have traditionally guided its statewide public health work. For the purposes of Restore Illinois, from those 11, four health regions are established, each with the ability to independently move through a phased approach: Northeast Illinois; North-Central Illinois; Central Illinois; and Southern Illinois.

The five phases of reopening for each health region are as follows:

Phase 1 – Rapid Spread: The rate of infection among those tested and the number of patients admitted to the hospital is high or rapidly increasing. Strict stay at home and social distancing guidelines are put in place and only essential businesses remain open. Every region has experienced this phase once already and could return to it if mitigation efforts are unsuccessful.

Phase 2 – Flattening: The rate of infection among those tested and the number of patients admitted to the hospital beds and ICU beds increases at an ever slower rate, moving toward a flat and even a downward trajectory. Non-essential retail stores reopen for curb-side pickup and delivery. Illinoisans are directed to wear a face covering when outside the home, and can begin enjoying additional outdoor activities like golf, boating and fishing while practicing social distancing. To varying degrees, every region is experiencing flattening as of early May.

Phase 3 – Recovery: The rate of infection among those tested, the number of patients admitted to the hospital, and the number of patients needing ICU beds is stable or declining. Manufacturing, offices, retail, barbershops and salons can reopen to the public with capacity and other limits and safety precautions. All gatherings limited to 10 or fewer people are allowed. Face coverings and social distancing are the norm.

Phase 4 – Revitalization: The rate of infection among those tested and the number of patients admitted to the hospital continues to decline. All gatherings of up to 50 people are allowed, restaurants and bars reopen, travel resumes, child care and schools reopen under guidance from the IDPH. Face coverings and social distancing are the norm.

Phase 5 – Illinois Restored: With a vaccine or highly effective treatment widely available or the elimination of any new cases over a sustained period, the economy fully reopens with safety precautions continuing. Conventions, festivals and large events are permitted, and all businesses, schools, and places of recreation can open with new safety guidance and procedures in place reflecting the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Until COVID-19 is defeated, Restore Illinois recognizes that as health metrics tell us it is safe to move forward, health metrics may also tell us to return to a prior phase. With a vaccine or treatment not yet available, IDPH will be closely monitoring key metrics to immediately identify new growth in cases and hospitalizations to determine whether a return to a prior phase is needed.

As millions of Illinoisans continue working together by staying at home and following experts’ recommendations, the result has been a lower infection rate, lower hospitalizations, and lower number of fatalities than without these measures. As the state’s curve begins to flatten, the risk of spread remains, and modeling and data point to a rapid surge in new cases if all mitigation measures are immediately lifted. The governor and his administration continue to urge all Illinois residents to follow the state’s stay at home order and to follow the guidance issued by the state and public health experts.

Click here or on the image discussing the phases if you’re having trouble seeing the pic.


…Adding… I’ve asked what this “continues to decline” stuff means. For how long must these rates decline?

*** UPDATE 1 *** I’m told a multi-page plan is about to be sent out, so we’ll get the answer to that question I posed soon, apparently.

Pritzker clarified that Phase One ended on April 30. Phase 2 is where the state is right now.

*** UPDATE 2 *** The governor is going into more detail today…

IDPH will watch the identified health metrics closely to determine when regions have attained them so each can move from phase two, to phases three and four. And more specifically those metrics are:

First, a region must be at or under a 20% test positivity rate and increasing by no more than 10 percentage points over a 14 day period, and a region must have either not had an overall increase or must have maintained overall stability in hospital admissions for COVID like illness in the last 28 days, and a region must maintain the availability of a surge threshold of 14% availability of ICU beds of medical and surgery beds and ventilators.

Because May 1 marked the beginning of phase two in which we loosened and modified a number of mitigations, that is the first day for the 14 and 28 day measurement periods to begin, meaning that the earliest that a region can move to phase three is May 29.

Changes to mitigation strategies in each phase will impact the data in each phase. So the assessment period begins when each new phase begins. IDPH will be tracking each of the four regions on these metrics, and we’ll make that available data available online to you every day, so that the public can track it to. Importantly, just as public health indicators will tell us when to move forward at any time. They could also signal that we need to move backward. IDPH will be tracking metrics here as well, moving backward is honestly the last thing that anyone wants to do. But if the virus begins to attack more people or the healthcare systems are heading toward becoming overwhelmed in any region swift action will need to be taken.

We have named phase four “revitalization” because it is in this phase that everyone in Illinois will be rebuilding what school and work will look like for a while, until we reach the other side of this pandemic.

The only way that we can cross into phase five “Illinois restored,” with all the sectors of the economy running with completely normal operations is with a vaccine, or a widely available and highly effective treatment or with the elimination of any new cases over a sustained period of time.

It brings me no joy to say this, but based on what the experts tell us, and everything we know about this virus and how easily it spreads in a crowd, large conventions festivals and other major events will be on hold until we reach phase five.

* More from the governor…

I spent decades in business, so I understand the urge to try and flip the switch and reopen our entire economy. Here’s the problem: that switch simply does not exist with a virus that can’t currently be eliminated by medical science. And I won’t open the door to overwhelming our hospital system and possibly 10s of thousands of additional deaths by exposing everyone to the virus today just because a loud but tiny minority would like to indulge in that fantasy.

On that note, I do want to touch on the enforcement of these phases at the state level. We don’t have the capacity or the desire to police the individual behavior of 12.7 million people. Enforcement comes in many forms. And our first and best option is to rely on Illinoisans working together to see each other through this pandemic. But we are also working with local law enforcement, and I’ve asked for their assistance to monitor for violations and consider taking actions when necessary, but that is not the option that anyone prefers.

It’s important to remember that we put this plan together not only because the state needs a plan, but because mayors need a plan, because small business people need a plan, workers need a plan every day Illinoisans need a plan. But this plan as vetted and data driven as it is, is a plan for responding to and recovering from a global pandemic in the 21st century, there is no modern day precedent for this. We are quite literally writing the playbook as we go. The scientists learn more about this virus every day. And we can, we will make our restore Illinois plan, smarter, as we move forward. I’m not afraid to redesign the playbook if the rules change.

He then went on to give a pep talk to the state.


2,122 new cases, 176 additional deaths

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Headline was fixed. Sorry!]

* Dr. Ezike at today’s briefing…

To date, we have run a total of 346,286 tests for COVID-19, with 13,139 being reported in the last 24 hours.

Today we are reporting an additional 2122 new cases of COVID-19 here in Illinois, for a total of 65,962 cases. Unfortunately I’m also reporting the largest number of fatalities reported in a single 24 hour period with 176 deaths which brings us to a total of 2838 lives lost in Illinois associated with COVID-19.

Regarding hospitalizations, in the hospitals throughout the state we have 4780 people who were reported to be in the hospital, of those 1266 patients were in the intensive care unit. And of those Intensive Care Unit patients 780 were on ventilators.

On the recovery front, cases who responded to our survey continue to report recovery from this deadly virus. 47% of those surveyed within 14 days from their positive test report illness recovering. 74% of individual surveyed 28 days after their positive test, no longer experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and are reporting recovering.

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today announced 2,122 new cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 176 additional deaths.

    Bureau County: 1 male 90s
    Clinton County: 2 female 80s
    Cook County: 1 female 30s, 1 female 40s, 4 males 40s, 3 females 50s, 6 males 50s, 8 females 60s, 20 males 60s, 5 females 70s, 17 males 70s, 18 females 80s, 15 males 80s, 11 females 90s, 8 males 90s
    DuPage County: 2 males 50s, 2 males 60s, 2 males 70s, 2 females 80s, 1 male 80s, 4 females 90s
    Kane County: 1 male 40s, 2 males 50s, 1 female 60s, 1 male 60s, 1 female 70s, 1 female 90s, 1 male 90s
    Kankakee County: 1 female 90s
    Kendall County: 3 females 80s
    Lake County: 1 male 40s, 1 male 90s
    Macoupin County: 1 female 40s
    Madison County: 1 female 80s
    McDonough County: 1 female 90s
    McHenry County: 2 females 90s
    Randolph County: 1 male 60s
    Rock Island County: 1 female 50s, 1 male 60s, 1 male 90s
    Sangamon County: 1 female 70s, 1 female 80s, 1 female 90s
    St. Clair County: 1 male 60s, 2 males 70s, 2 females 80s, 1 male 80s
    Union County: 1 male 80s
    Will County: 2 females 70s, 3 females 80s, 5 females 90s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 65,962 cases, including 2,838 deaths, in 97 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have processed 346,286 specimens for a total of 13,139.


Question of the day

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Oscar got his first haircut today since I don’t know when. The poor fella’s hair was matted, so off it went…

* The Question: Wellness check! How are you holding up?


House Speaker’s office was billed $606,000 for sexual harassment report

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I missed this story last week, but saw it in Hannah Meisel’s roundup today. Here’s Andrew Maloney at the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin

Schiff Hardin received $591,857.95 for investigating sexual harassment complaints in House Speaker Michael J. Madigan’s office. Madigan hired Schiff partner Margaret “Maggie” A. Hickey, a former federal prosecutor and state executive inspector general, to audit the speaker’s office’s handling of complaints about bullying and harassment by Madigan’s former chief of staff and others.

The contract, worth $625,738 during fiscal 2019, extended to complaints made to and against other House Democrats and included an “overall review of the procedures of the Office of the Speaker for handling such complaints” as well as providing for “advice and counsel” on the subject. Hickey was hired in June 2018 and released a 200-page report in August 2019, substantiating claims of bullying and inappropriate comments against ex-staffer Tim Mapes.

“During this investigation, Ms. Hickey interviewed more than 100 people, including current and former [s]peaker’s [o]ffice workers, legislators and others involved in Illinois politics and the Capitol workplace. Specifically, Ms. Hickey interviewed more than 80 current or former members of the [s]peaker’s [o]ffice — including workers on the [s]peaker’s [s]taff and in the Office of the Clerk of the House — and more than 12 representatives from the Democratic [c]aucus,” the executive summary stated.

“Ms. Hickey and the Schiff Hardin team also reviewed thousands of documents, including personnel files, emails, text messages and legislative transcripts and journals.”

Linda Yun, a Schiff Hardin spokesperson, said in an emailed statement, “As of today, March 18, we have billed the Office of the Speaker approximately $606,000 for work performed under the contract effective July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Maggie Hickey has demonstrated tremendous leadership since joining Schiff Hardin as a partner two years ago, and her work continues to enhance our national white collar defense and investigations practice.”

Her report, released last August, is here.


Roll Call moves Rodney Davis onto ten most vulnerable list

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Roll Call

Most of the 10 most vulnerable House members are still Democrats, who are defending their majority. But with six months until Election Day, two Republicans join the list. […]

Republican newcomers include Illinois’ Rodney Davis, who clung to his seat during the 2018 Democratic wave and faces the same, well-funded opponent this year. […]

Davis held on by the slimmest of margins during the 2018 wave that swept Democrats into the majority, so he’s no stranger to tough races that attract a lot of outside money. His bid for a fifth term once again finds him up against Betsy Dirksen Londrigan and offers Democrats one of their few opportunities to oust a Republican. The race will be hotly contested, with health care taking a prominent role in the messaging. Dirksen Londrigan had a slight fundraising advantage with $1.6 million on hand on March 31 to Davis’ $1.5 million.

* Rodney Davis fundraising email…

***Urgent: Please read!***


Today, Rodney Davis’ seat was listed as a “Top 10 Most Vulnerable” and Democrats are circling the wagons saying that they expect to flip it in November.

Our opponent Betsy “Leftwing” Londrigan wants to win here. If elected, she would be a key ally for Nancy Pelosi and the far Left. We can’t allow this to happen.

We wouldn’t be calling on you if this wasn’t urgent. Londrigan is using the Pelosi’s campaign arm, the DCCC, and its digital fundraising machine to outraise us by bringing even more national attention to this race.

Our team knows that nobody will fight for Downstate Illinois more than Rodney. Even during these unprecedented times, he is working across the aisle to make sure that Illinois has the resources it needs to help its citizens get through this pandemic.

Meanwhile…. Nancy Pelosi is eating ice cream in her kitchen and pushing a partisan, far Left agenda that is stalling much needed action in Congress.

It couldn’t be any more clear who the problem is. The far Left would rather watch America suffer than work with President Trump and GOP leadership to do what’s right.

Our opponent has already been endorsed by the far Left in D.C. and if she were to win this seat, it would mean that Nancy Pelosi would have another vote in her hands.

We need your help in this fight, Friend. Can you rush in $25, $15, $10, $5, or even just $1 to help us fight back against the unlimited resources of the far Left?

Rush in $45 to help Rodney Davis fight back! >>>>

Rush in $25 to help Rodney Davis fight back! >>>

Rush in $15 to help Rodney Davis fight back! >>>

Rush in $10 to help Rodney Davis fight back! >>>

Rush in $5 to help Rodney Davis fight back! >>>

Rush in Another Amount to help Rodney Davis fight back! >>>

Thank you,

Team Rodney

Downstate Illinois is the #1 target for Democrats this year, can we count on you to rush in $15, $10, $5, or even $1, to help Rodney win this race?

Donate Today!
P.S. Make sure you are following the CDC’s guidelines to protect yourself from Coronavirus!

* Betsy Dirksen Londrigan fundraising email…

We know that so many in our community have been impacted by the outbreak of COVID-19. We greatly appreciate you being a part of this incredible team, and please only consider contributing to our campaign if you are able to do so. Stay safe and healthy!

Richard — We have HUGE breaking news to share: Roll Call just named Rodney Davis one of the top 10 most vulnerable members of Congress and IL-13 the one seat in the entire country most likely to flip from Republican to Democrat in 2020.

Flip IL-13 blue
In 2018, Betsy came within less than one point of beating Rodney Davis and her rematch this November is poised to be just as close. Roll Call is calling our race one of Democrats’ “few opportunities to oust a Republican.”

Bottom Line: Protecting and expanding our Democratic House majority starts right here in Central Illinois.

With Rodney Davis now being named one of the most vulnerable members of Congress and a pure toss-up race by several election forecasters, Washington Republicans and their corporate and special-interests backers will amp up their efforts to protect Rodney Davis — and we need to be ready, Richard.

We’ve relied on this grassroots team every step of the way to ensure we have the resources we need to flip IL-13 blue. Will you step up with a contribution of $3 or more to help us raise $5,000 by midnight so we can build on this incredible momentum?


“It’s no surprise that Congressman Davis ranks high on the list of ‘most vulnerable’ incumbents,” said DCCC Spokesperson Courtney Rice. “Between Davis’ continued attacks on Central Illinoisans’ health care and his record of putting special interests first, come November, Rodney Davis will find himself on a one-way, first-class flight back to Illinois.”


Mask-haters causing problems at retail establishments

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Illinois Retail Merchants Association is receiving regular updates from its members about the issues around the new face-covering requirement in the governor’s revised executive order. I asked them to send me a roundup. Here it is…

DeKalb - Consumer Wearing Hunting Knife Refuses to Wear Mask

    Have had 3 or 4 customer issues about asking them to wear a mask. One was somewhat disturbing. Very large man about 6 foot 6 with what I believe was a hunting knife told me that he would not wear a mask and we can’t legally ask him to put one on and he was going to shop in the store and asked how I was going to enforce it.

DeKalb—Employee is Assaulted

    ASD politely reminded a male customer who was not wearing face protection of the Governor’s facial covering order. The male customer became agitated as customers near the area made inappropriate comments towards the male customer. The male customer then caused a disturbance in the store, stating that he is a disabled veteran and that he does not need to follow the Governor’s order. An associate who overheard the male customer yelling walked into the aisle where the male customer was standing, the male customer then took the glasses off of the face of our associate and threw them to the floor, knocked over a display and threw a cantaloupe bowl in the direction of another associate. The male customer then exited the store.

Peoria—Law Enforcement Officer in Uniform Refuses to Wear Mask

    A police officer visited the grocery store without a mask. Several customers and the store manager challenged him on it. The officer told them he was making a political protest. The manager asked him to leave which he ultimately did but how do you get enforcement help when the police aren’t abiding?

Romeoville #1—Customer Threatened to Get a Gun

    A customer was asked to wear a mask/face covering by an AP associate who was monitoring the door and the customer became irate. The customer then threatened to go to his car and get his gun and shoot the associate.

To make matters worse…

Romeoville #2—Mayor Advised Law Enforcement to Arrest Retail Workers Not Enforcing Mask Requirement

    The Romeoville Mayor sent a police officer to let me know that going forward, we must refuse any individuals at the front doors that are not wearing a mask. If not, the store manager in charge will be arrested for reckless endangerment. He did not have any documentation of the sudden change.

Champaign—Law enforcement refuses to respond to mask calls.

Carbondale—Employees Threatened

    I want to share with you the issues we are having at our Carbondale store around the face covering mandate. This is putting our Teammates and Customers in harm’s way. We have already had several issues at this location as we attempt to enforce this. The issues arise not only between Customers and our Teammates but also between Customers. The public is on edge and even a passive approach has sent several Customer’s over the edge to a point they are shouting at our Teammates. Our Teammates fear for their safety. When someone refuses to comply, we have had complying Customer’s verbally attack the non-compliance Customer. We should not be the police or enforcers. My fear is that these instances will escalate into a situation where someone will get hurt.

Bloomington, Champaign, Urbana, Springfield, Pekin and Peoria—No enforcement.

    No enforcement will take place without stores placing a no trespass order on a customer.

Woodstock—Customers Verbally Abused Employees

    Thru the first day and a half we have had approximately 10 customers who were verbally confrontational. I have not heard of or seen any police presence regarding the matter either.

Carbondale - Consumer Fights

    We just had two customers getting into an altercation at my self-checkouts over why one guy had to wear a mask and the other did not. The younger gentleman walked up to the self-checkout attendant and asked her why the older gentleman was in the store without a mask. The older gentleman turned around from his self-checkout and said I will tell you why. The younger man said get out of my face and then it got heated. In the end the younger gentleman wearing a mask threw his items at the self-checkout attendant.

Fairview Heights - Miscellaneous Incidents

    Following up on mask incident(s) this morning. We have had a number of customers not wearing face coverings, and when our greeter mentions the governor’s mandate they have been cussed, flipped the bird and insulted. The most egregious was a man who got out his phone and started taking pictures and video of our greeter, then confronted our exit person. I went out to change our sidewalk sign which had just arrived, and he was still outside taking video and accused us of denying him food.

IRMA is not asking for a total repeal of the requirement, but it’s clearly concerned with the facts on the ground.

* Related…

* The vital importance of wearing masks: For example, in Hong Kong, only four confirmed deaths due to COVID-19 have been recorded since the beginning of the pandemic, despite high density, mass transportation, and proximity to Wuhan. Hong Kong’s health authorities credit their citizens’ near-universal mask-wearing as a key factor (surveys show almost 100 percent voluntary compliance).


Demand For Dialysis Soars Due To COVID-19

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

The Illinois Kidney Care Alliance (IKCA) consists of health advocates and professionals, community and patient groups, health providers and businesses focused on raising awareness about those who suffer from kidney disease.

As hospitals prepared to care for patients with COVID-19, another unanticipated medical complication has emerged — kidney failure. Approximately 20-40% of those most severely ill due to COVID-19 have developed acute kidney injury.

IKCA advocates for those who suffer from kidney failure and their families. Patients currently on life-sustaining dialysis or waiting for a functioning kidney are among society’s most vulnerable people. IKCA urges dialysis patients to continue their treatment and to adhere to social distancing during these challenging times. For more information, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, or visit our website.

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State delays $1.2 billion bond sale

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bloomberg

Illinois delayed the planned auction of $1.2 billion of short-term debt as it faces record-high penalties to borrow on Wall Street because of the deep financial hit the state is being dealt by the coronavirus shutdown.

The worst-rated state had planned to sell about $1.2 billion of short-term tax-exempt general-obligation debt on Wednesday, its first borrowing during the pandemic, to ease the revenue shortfall in the last two months of the fiscal year. The deal has been moved to “day-to-day status,” meaning it will be sold if market conditions warrant.

With the economic slowdown raising the risk of Illinois having its bonds cut to junk, investors have driven the yields on its two-year debt to nearly 4 percentage points above benchmark, far exceeding every other U.S. state.

The timing of the sale was a little “strange” because there are a lot of short-term unknowns with state finances, said Daniel Solender, head of municipals at Lord Abbett & Co., which owns Illinois debt as part of its $27 billion in municipal assets under management.

“It’s not a complete surprise they delayed it,” he said. “There is the Fed program which hasn’t really been set up yet and states are still waiting on what Congress is going to do.”

This was supposed to be a bridge loan. The state would pay it back within a year.

…Adding… Related…

* County looks at other options besides furloughs: Macon County has just about enough money to last them through the June payroll.


State asks Supreme Court to settle EO issue once and for all

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As you already know, Rep. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) has withdrawn his request for a TRO against the governor’s executive order. But the governor is pressing ahead with the Illinois Supreme Court

The Governor maintains his request for supervisory relief under Rule 383, which included a request for a stay of circuit court proceedings. Given the changed circumstances brought about by Bailey’s decision to consent to the vacatur of the TRO he had sought and obtained, the Governor now seeks under Rule 383 resolution of the underlying legal question presented by this case—that is, whether the Governor acted within the scope of his authority under the Illinois Emergency Management Act (“Act”), 20 ILCS 3305/1, et seq., and the Illinois Constitution when he issued disaster proclamations and executive orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic—and a stay of the circuit court proceedings pending resolution of this supplemental motion.

More info about Rule 383 is here.

* Reasoning

As detailed in the Governor’s April 29 emergency motion, the exercise of supervisory authority is appropriate here because the normal appellate process will not afford sufficient relief and because the resolution of the underlying legal question presented will have a profound effect on the Governor’s response to the public health emergency presently facing Illinois. The dissolution of the TRO, which will prolong the normal appellate review process, only heightens these considerations.

Indeed, the deleterious effects of the circuit court’s order—even though dissolved—will not cease unless and until this Court makes a definitive pronouncement on the scope of the Governor’s authority to protect the health, safety, and welfare of Illinois residents during a global pandemic. As one example, there are already indications that the uncertainty over the lawfulness of the Governor’s emergency actions has caused individuals to stop complying with the stay-at-home directives. Two days after the court entered the TRO, a COVID-19 positive individual living in Bailey’s district visited three stores in violation of the stay-at-home order. And on May 1, 2020, protestors gathered in Chicago and Springfield in violation of the stay-at-home order. Additionally, the initial entry of the TRO has caused litigants to file similar suits seeking relief from the stay-at- home orders. Similar lawsuits will likely follow in Illinois courts, which are already minimizing operations, and lead to a patchwork of conflicting orders when concerted guidance is needed. […]

Moreover, the mootness doctrine does not prevent this Court from reviewing whether the Governor acted within his authority. Courts of review generally will not decide questions that are moot, in the sense that “the issues involved in the trial court no longer exist because intervening events have rendered it impossible for the reviewing court to grant effectual relief.” But a reviewing court may decide issues that are moot under various exceptions to mootness, including the public interest exception, and the exception for issues capable of repetition but evading review. Accordingly, to the extent this Court determines that the underlying question is moot, it is not precluded from reaching the question because both of these exceptions apply here. […]

(T)here is unquestionably a likelihood of future recurrence of the question raised in this case. Bailey agreed to have the TRO vacated, but he did not voluntarily dismiss his case with prejudice. So in this case alone, the question is likely to recur. And, again, other litigation will certainly present the same question. Resolving that question sooner rather than later, after a period of needless uncertainty about whether the Governor’s executive orders are legally authorized, will greatly serve the public interest. […]

Indeed, Bailey, apparently seeking to manipulate the court system to his advantage, has reserved the right to have the same issue decided against the Governor. But he should not be given a veto over where, and when, the courts ultimately decide that issue. Instead, this Court should now take the issue that he first raised (and reserves the right to raise again) and decide it for the benefit of the Governor and all the people of Illinois.

…Adding… Chicago Daily Law Bulletin

Bailey’s attorney Thomas DeVore said his client intends to file an amended complaint by the end of the week.

His initial complaint argues the governor cannot exercise his emergency powers beyond 30 days, and that the state’s authority to quarantine is delegated to the Illinois Department of Public Health and local health departments.

“I feel their request for the supreme court to intervene under these facts is unprecedented and is an insult to the honorable circuit court,” DeVore, an attorney with Silver Lake Group Ltd. in Greenville, said in an email.


The consequences of reopening too soon

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller


West Frankfort business owners now have the option of re-opening stores and restaurants. Mayor Tom Jordan says city officials will not fine businesses if they decide to reopen. […]

West Frankfort businesses will have to continue following safety measures, such as social distancing, hand washing, and wearing a facial covering or mask.

Mayor Jordan says several businesses have told him that, although they welcome the choice to reopen, they’re nervous about going through with it.

“The governor has some authority. I mean, the beauty shops are worried about their licenses. The liquor stores are worried they’ll be fined and have their liquor licenses taken.”

As we discussed yesterday, all state licensed businesses better think twice about this.

Also, how do you cut someone’s hair from six feet away?

* The governor talked yesterday about businesses that reopen in defiance of the EO….

Well, I was a businessman before I became governor, and I have to tell you that I would not want to defy the executive order because I believe that I would be taking on liability if I did that. […]

It would not surprise me if insurance companies are found to not be required to cover you when you are defying essentially state law or state executive order.

And, remember, the executive order derives from state law.

* The businesses also need to think about local public health enforcement. I called the Franklin-Williamson Bi-County Health Department today and asked them what they were going to do…

We’ve put in a call to the Illinois Department of Public Health about what they want us to do as far as enforcement and we’re just waiting on a response from them.

I’ve asked the governor’s office for a response. I’ll let you know when I hear back.


COGFA: “Perfect storm” slams April revenues

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller


A combination of COVID-19 impacts, delayed tax filing deadlines, and comparative drop-off due to 2019’s “April Surprise”, all conspired to dramatically derail receipts as base revenues fell $2.740 billion. After managing to avoid much of the virus’ effects on March revenues, as foreshadowed in last month’s briefing, the impact on April’s receipts was unavoidable. In addition, the “tax day” deadline change to July 15th delayed approximately $1.3 billion in final payments into next fiscal year. And finally, the one-time nature of 2019’s “April Surprise” related to a surge in non-wage income taxes and federal sources, exacerbated this month’s comparative decline. April had the same number of receipting days as last fiscal year. […]

Gross personal income taxes fell a whopping $1.977 billion, or $1.678 billion on a net basis, while gross corporate income taxes dropped $482 million, or $377 million net. Again, the decreases were fueled by effects of COVID-19, tax day deadline changes, and the phenomenally strong performance of income taxes in April 2019. Sales taxes, after holding up in March due to receipts in “the pipeline”, couldn’t escape the economic shut down, as gross receipts dropped $143 million, or $146 million net. […]

Overall transfers fell $35 million for the month. Lottery transfers dropped $21 million as ticket purchases were likely impacted by stay at home orders. Other miscellaneous transfers were off $10 million, while no riverboat transfers were recorded as the Gaming Board has suspended casino operations [and video gaming] until further notice. Federal sources suffered a sizable $490 million downturn in April, despite increased Medicaid reimbursement percentages rising 6.2% due to the recently federally passed Families First Act. The decline in federal sources is largely tied to the “April Surprise” of 2019, whereby a voluminous amount of reimbursable spending was made possible due to the one-time surge of income tax receipts.

Personal income tax receipts dropped 48.5 percent below last April. Corporate income tax receipts fell 57 percent. Sales taxes were off 19.6 percent. Lottery receipts fell 29.6 percent.

* Fiscal year to date

Excluding proceeds from the Treasurer’s Investment program as well as interfund borrowing, after incorporating April’s dramatic falloff of receipts, base general funds revenues have turned negative for the year—dropping $1.001 billion below last year’s levels [when those two items are included, the decline grows to $1.139 billion]. […]

With two months remaining in the fiscal year, gross personal income taxes are now down $1.113 billion, or $913 million net. Gross corporate income taxes are off $377 million, or $273 million net. While gross sales taxes are clinging to a $61 million gain [$102 million net], it is also expected to soon fall into negative territory. The performance of the remaining revenue sources continue mixed, but have experienced a combined $126 million decline.

Aided by gains associated to Refund Fund and Capital Projects Fund transfers, overall transfers to the general funds are still up $404 million. Federal sources, which have experienced wide monthly swings in performance this fiscal year, are now down $195 million.

Fiscal year to date, personal income taxes are down 5.8 percent, corporate income tax receipts are down 15.2 percent and sales taxes are up 0.8 percent (but that’s a lagging indicator because of how the taxes are remitted). Lottery receipts are down 17.2 percent and the state’s casino take is off 15.2 percent.

Income tax proceeds for the Local Government Distributive Fund were down $129 million in April vs. last April. Proceeds are down $75 million fiscal year to date.

* Related…

* $37.2 million in recreational pot sales in April


House starts slowly bringing back staff

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Subscribers got the full memo yesterday. Here’s Ben Orner at Capitol News Illinois

The Illinois House is taking the first steps to reopening its Capitol operations during the coronavirus pandemic.

A memo from Jessica Basham, chief of staff to House Speaker Michael Madigan, said that while staff have been working remotely for several weeks “there are certain functions that were not able to be performed while physically absent from the buildings.”

“Starting this week, about 30 staff are being directed to come into the office, with not more than about 10 staff in on a given day,” she wrote. “Most staff members will be in the office 4 hours or less per week, and no one is expected to be in more than 10 hours per week. Social distancing will be maintained at all times, and a cloth face covering will be provided to each employee.”

The Senate has had a skeleton crew operating throughout the recess.

* Meanwhile

State Rep. Margo McDermed joined her colleagues in a letter asking Gov. JB Pritzker to call a special legislative session to work on opening up the state amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.

The House members said Pritzker should call the special session if House and Senate leadership “continue to refuse” to allow the Legislature to meet, according to the letter.

* And

A draft version of guidance [for reconvening the GA] from the Illinois Department of Public Health obtained by the Chicago Tribune suggests attendance at future meetings be limited to state employees. Members of the public, including lobbyists and witnesses, can communicate electronically, with only legislators present for votes.

State police should screen everyone entering for signs of a fever and regularly sanitize all commonly touched surfaces. The guidance also suggests lawmakers 65 and over should consider avoiding traveling to Springfield for the session. Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan is 78.

“The priority is safety for everybody concerned,” Madigan’s spokesperson told the Tribune. “I don’t think there’s anything new as it relates to anything that would approach a timetable.”



New, more contagious strain identified

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* LA Times

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.

In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

Go read the whole thing. The study is here.


Breen overreacts (of course)

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From yesterday’s media briefing

* Yesterday the pastor at the church in Lena Illinois had services with dozens of people attending. Will the Illinois State Police enforce the court ruling next weekend or will you request the county do something to enforce that order?…

    We have always asked local law enforcement, local officials to enforce these orders. And the best way to do that of course is a reminder to the pastor and to the parishioners that they’re putting themselves and others in danger by holding a service like this. The pastor filed suit, that suit failed. And it’s because people do have the ability to worship, and we’re trying to simply to keep people safe during this time of a global pandemic.

* So will you urge, I’m sorry if I missed it, will you urge local officials both in Chicago, which was going to bring me to my next question, and in any other county that is defying the gathering the stay at home and the gathering order of no more than 10 people. Will you urge authorities to step in and do something more than disperse?…

    We’re asking them to disperse, so that’s the most important thing. We just don’t want people getting sick. Nobody, it’s not an intention that people will go to jail. I will say, however, that if people are persistently defiant, they can be put in jail. And I’m not suggesting that that’s the best answer or the first answer, but it is something that’s an option for local law enforcement.

* Rock River Times

Lawyer for Lena church fires back at J.B. Pritzker over comment about jailing stay-at-home violators

A Chicago lawyer who filed a civil lawsuit against Gov. J.B. Pritzker on behalf of a Lena pastor fired back at the governor Monday, claiming Pritzker threatened churchgoers with jail for defying Illinois’ stay-at-home order.

“Pritzker’s latest threat of jail for people of faith is outrageous, and we will seek immediate relief from the court of appeals to defend our clients,” said Peter Breen, an attorney with the Thomas More Society.

Dude, your client ignored a federal judge’s ruling as well as the executive order.


Open thread

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Please keep it Illinois-centric and be nice to each other. Thanks…



Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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