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COVID-19 roundup: Hospitalizations, ICU usage still on the decline

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* IDPH reported 5,183 hospitalizations as of midnight. Our seven-day average daily decrease is now 2.9 percent, a little below yesterday’s average of 3.11 percent. The seven-day average daily decrease for ICU usage is 2.34 percent, down a tic from yesterday’s average of 2.74. But, hey. The trend is still friendly. These are steady declines, no matter how you look at it.

ICU availability is still not abundant anywhere, but things are still particularly tight in Region 3, which includes Springfield, and in Region 5, which is most of southern Illinois outside the Metro East. Only 6 ICU beds are available in Region 3 and just 2 are available in Region 6. But you’d never know it if you read the SJ-R or the Southern Illinoisan newspaper.

* Chicago hospitalizations down that much in a single week is really quite something. That’s a four percent average daily decrease. As explained in comments, those are new hospitalizations. The average daily decrease is actually 3.29 percent, which is still pretty darned good…

* Daily Herald

On Monday, 29,570 more COVID-19 shots were administered. The seven-day average is 41,692.

So far, 8,330,026 people have been fully vaccinated or 65.7% of Illinois’ 12.7 million population, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. The CDC defines fully vaccinated as two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or one dose of Johnson & Johnson’s.

Of those people who are fully vaccinated, 46% have received a booster shot.

Maybe it’s the weather, or maybe the fear and concern over omicron are subsiding a bit leading to a dip in recent vaccines.

* Highland Park will not buckle under pressure from a handful of anti-vax protesters

Highland Park’s city council on Monday decided to extend a temporary order requiring proof of vaccination.

The order requiring proof of vaccination for “on-premise dining establishment” began Jan. 7 and was extended to Feb. 14 at the council’s meeting Monday night. […]

According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, 82.39% of Highland Park residents are fully vaccinated.

* More…

* Two years — and five surges — after Illinois’ first COVID-19 case, latest metrics ‘headed in the right direction’

* Embattled suburban COVID testing company searched by FBI: report


Abortions declined in Illinois during 2020, but number of out-of-state women obtaining procedure increased 29 percent

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Angie Leventis Lourgos at the Tribune

Nearly 10,000 women traveled from out of state to have an abortion in Illinois in 2020, a roughly 29% increase compared with the previous year, according to the most recent Illinois Department of Public Health data available.

State health statistics show 9,686 out-of-state women terminated a pregnancy in Illinois in 2020, comprising about 21% of all 46,243 abortions performed statewide. This was over 2,000 more than the 7,534 women who came here from another state in 2019. State data from 2021 was not available. […]

The number of women crossing state lines to come to Illinois for the procedure has risen every year since 2014. […]

Overall, the total number of abortions in Illinois decreased slightly during the same period, from 46,517 in 2019 to 46,243 in 2020. There was a decline in the number of Illinois residents who terminated a pregnancy, from 38,756 in 2019 to 36,174 in 2020.

Lots more in the story, including a very helpful graph, so click here.


Study links big Chicago youth homicide spike to Rauner budget impasse

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Northwestern University press release...

In 2016, homicides among Chicagoans aged 15 to 24 drastically spiked. Then in 2017, youth homicides boomeranged back to lower, pre-2015 levels. One likely contributor to this is the two-year pause in state funding, reports a new Northwestern University study.

Starting July 1, 2015, the State of Illinois underwent a two-year budget impasse — the longest standstill of its kind in the state’s history. During that time, funding was cut for state programs that serve Chicago’s most vulnerable populations. These include after-school programs, recreational leagues, summer job programs, social services and counseling.

“When the state came to its budget impasse in 2015, and budgets were really cut, the staffs were laid off and services were closed, it temporally correlates with the big uptick in youth homicides,” said corresponding study author Maryann Mason, associate professor of emergency medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. “Then, when the budget was reinstated in 2017, you can see the big decline in homicides.”

The study will be published Jan. 24 in the journal BMJ Open.

“The state budget provides things like street-violence interruption and supports all the things you’d think of as keeping kids productively busy and increasing positive connectivity,” said Mason, who also is the associate director of Feinberg’s Buehler Center for Health Policy and Economics. “We have to consider state funding and social services as part of a violence-prevention strategy.”

Competing theories for youth homicides spikes, declines

Several competing theories attempt to explain the rapid spike and decline in youth homicides, such as the 2015 consent agreementwith the Chicago Police Department to reform “stop and frisk.”

“You see that spike in 2016, which is right after the consent decree, but then you see the youth homicide rate decline so rapidly again in 2017, and there was no change to the ’stop-and-frisk’ practice,” Mason said. “So in my mind, that rules out the police action as being a contributing factor.”

A 77% spike in monthly youth homicides in 2016

The study applied a novel approach to examine homicide count data from the National Violent Death Reporting System. It included information on 2,271 people between the ages of 15 and 24 who died by homicide between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2018. Of these decedents, 92.9% were male; 79.1% were non-Hispanic Black; and 94.9% died from a firearm injury.

In 2009, the annual homicide rate among this population was 51 per 100,000 people (average monthly rate of 4.3 per 100,000 people). At the peak in 2016, the annual rate was 90 per 100,000 people (average monthly rate of 7.5 per 100,000 people), meaning there was a 77% increase in monthly youth homicides in 2016. In 2018, the annual rate returned to earlier levels: 51 per 100,000 (average monthly rate of 4.3 per 100,000 people).

The study is here.

Something to think about while the same team which ran Bruce Rauner’s 2014 campaign are bringing us yet another candidate.

The prospect of disastrous Raunerite “governance” imposed on us again keeps me up at night. For starters, Richard Irvin and Ken Griffin need to be accessible to the news media.


It’s just a bill

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. Kyle Hillman…

Hey Rich,

I saw on your blog [yesterday] a reference to The Center Square article on HB 4305. The author states, “As Illinois law stands today, parents can be charged with neglect if they leave children under the age of 14 home alone – even for a short time. The law is rarely enforced.” The author is correct that it is rarely enforced, likely because that isn’t Illinois law.

Despite what a conservative “policy” institute has been pitching the past couple of years, Illinois law actually allows you to leave children under 14 home alone. The specific section of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 that is often erroneously cited states minors are neglected when: (d) any minor under the age of 14 years whose parent or other person responsible for the minor’s welfare leaves the minor without supervision for an unreasonable period of time without regard for the mental or physical health, safety, or welfare of that minor;

I emphasized the second half as this seems to be the part that is conveniently left out. Under this section, you can leave your 13-year-old child home alone, in a safe environment, while they babysit. What you can’t do is leave that same 13-year-old home alone babysitting in a house with no heat while their parents go on a two-week vacation. Factors already listed in the act determine what constitutes unreasonable time and regard for mental or physical health, safety, or welfare. Factors that include things like: does the child have special needs, what are the conditions of the house, whether the minor’s movement was restricted, whether there was food or a way to call for help, etc.

It isn’t about the age in Illinois but the factors and conditions in which you left the minor unsupervised. Honestly, we are still unsure why a previous General Assembly inserted the age under 14 in this section. As an association, we don’t believe a 14+ minor should be left home alone for an unreasonable amount of time in unsafe conditions either.

While it is apparent that parents need clarity around unsupervised minors, that clarity needs to occur in a way that doesn’t further erode protections for Illinois minors who are legitimately being neglected. We are confident the sponsor’s final version of HB4305 will accomplish that.

Kyle Hillman
Director, Legislative Affairs
National Associaton of Social Workers, Illinois Chapter

* Yvette Shields at the Bond Buyer

Illinois would extend two pension buyout programs by two years funded by $1 billion in additional borrowing authority under legislation being advanced during the current session.

The existing buyout programs began in 2018 under the administration of former Gov. Bruce Rauner. Gov. J.B. Pritzker and the legislature in 2019 extended it to June 30, 2024. The buyouts are funded by $1 billion in general obligation borrowing capacity, $175 million of which was tapped in the state’s last bond sale last December. Only $115 million in authority remains.

House Bill 4292, sponsored by Rep. Bob Morgan, D-Deerfield, which cleared a House committee in a bipartisan vote last week would push the expiration to June 30, 2026, and permit another $1 billion of borrowing.

It’s “a completely voluntary way” to remove the onerous 3% compounded cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) out of the equation for eligible pension fund participants “that would reduce our long-term unfunded liability and in turn reduce how much money every year we have to put into our pensions,” Morgan told the House Personnel and Pensions Committee.

* Not a state bill, but…

Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-Illinois) introduced two bills to fully re-open our schools and put students first. The Make Our Schools Great Again Act would prohibit federal funding from going schools that impose mask or COVID-19 vaccine mandates and the Liberating Learning for Kids Act would prohibit federal funding from going to schools that do not provide in-person instruction for all students.

“It’s time to put our students first,” Miller said. “Children have lost four school years, and we now have 8th graders preparing for high school who haven’t had a normal school year since 5th grade. Our country will fall further behind China because weak politicians are afraid to stand up to the woke teachers’ union,” Miller said. “Our government cannot continue to fund schools that put our children last. If we allow these requirements to continue, our children will lose their curiosity, love for learning, and emotional resilience. Our nation’s children and their parents deserve better.”

* Press release…

To give consumers options in contracts set to automatically renew, State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs) introduced a measure to require companies to give a clear notification of the agreement’s terms before the consumer accepts.

“Automatic renewal contracts have become increasingly popular in recent years due to streaming services, retail, cell phone companies and more,” said Glowiak Hilton, chair of the Senate Commerce Committee. “To ensure consumers are aware of the automatic renewal commitment, this initiative requires companies to reiterate the contract before consumers accept its terms.”

These consumer protection initiatives make several updates to the state’s Automatic Contract Renewal Act. Current protections are improved by requiring companies to give written notice to consumers before a contract renews and explain what the terms will be, and allowing consumers to end contracts obtained online by visiting the website or by calling.

Businesses who offer a free trial period will also be required to give written notice to the consumer before the promotional period ends.

“Consumers deserve to know what’s in their contracts with large companies through clear communication,” Glowiak Hilton said. “We can offer protection from deceitful business practices by discussing and advancing measures that work to ensure consumers are aware of the contract’s terms and have the opportunity to cancel if they wish.”

Senate Bill 3447 awaits to be assigned to a committee.

* Press release…

Following a ProPublica report that found a patient at a Chicago-based psychiatric ward knowingly sexually assaulted another patient but was not reported to the police, State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) is leading a measure through the General Assembly to legally require such incidents to be immediately brought to law enforcement.

“Timely investigations into alleged mental, physical or sexual misconduct must be taken seriously – especially when the victim is already facing grave mental health struggles,” Morrison said. “This isn’t just about transparency – it’s about human safety and decency.”

Morrison’s proposal requires hospital staff to report to law enforcement and the Illinois Department of Public Health if a patient physically, mentally or sexually abuses another patient. Currently, only abuse committed by a staff member of a health care facility must be reported.

On June 24, a patient in the psychiatric unit of Roseland Community Hospital was caught on a surveillance video committing – what is said to most likely be – sexual assault toward another patient. However, the facility did not immediately contact law enforcement until it was questioned by ProPublica months later.

To ensure patients are given the same protections against other patients as they are against hospital staff, Morrison is leading the charge to update the Hospital Licensing Act to include patient-on-patient abuse as misconduct that must be immediately reported.

“By not immediately contacting law enforcement and launching an investigation, we are signaling to the survivor that we don’t care and signaling to the perpetrator that they can harm someone else,” Morrison said. “Passing this measure shouldn’t need to be a conversation – it is common sense.”

Senate Bill 2977 awaits a hearing in the Senate Health Committee.


Campaign notebook: Madison County TRO granted on subcircuit law; Irvin trashes Lightfoot in fundraising pitch; Chuy backs Rep. Willis’ primary opponent

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Madison County State’s Attorney Tom Haine announced today that a Sangamon County judge has granted a temporary restraining order (TRO) halting the implementation of the recently-enacted legislation creating new judicial subcircuits in Madison County.

The TRO was in response to a lawsuit Haine filed on January 21 on behalf of Madison County which challenges the constitutionality of the subcircuit legislation. Judge Ryan Cadagin of Illinois’ Seventh Judicial Circuit issued the ruling on January 24, 2022 after an in-person hearing in Springfield, and the text of the order was released today, January 25.

The four-page TRO prevents the Governor, the State Board of Elections, and the Clerk of the Supreme Court “from taking any steps to enforce or institute the Judicial Circuits Districting Act of 2022.” Specifically it orders the Clerk of Supreme Court to “recertify the original vacancies of the Honorable David Dugan and the Honorable Richard Tognarelli, as they were before the passing of the Act.” The order also mandates that “Any petitions collected on or between January 22 and January 24 for a sub-circuit election [for the above vacancies] shall be accepted by the State Board of Elections for the reinstated county wide residency election.” And it states that it “shall continue in full force and effect until the court conducts a hearing on Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction.”

The preliminary injunction hearing is set for February 15.

“I recommend everyone read the text of this important order, just released this morning. We are very happy that, as requested, this binding TRO preserves Madison County’s at-large judicial elections for the time being,” Haine said. “This is not a partisan issue, it is a Constitutional issue. I appreciate the Judge’s diligent work in allowing our Madison County judicial elections to go forward without being burdened by this seriously flawed subcircuit law, which has many constitutional issues. We will formally move for a Preliminary Injunction in the coming days asking the court to continue this protection past February 15.”

“This has been a true team effort,” Haine added. “I’d like to especially thank the incredible legal work of ASA’s John Hanson and Emily Johnson, whose legal skills have served Madison County very well in this case.”

The TRO is here.

* I received an email today from “Lori Lightfoot Watch Dogs” with the subject “Lori Lightfoot wants us to stop talking about crime”…

Friend, Lori Lightfoot wants us to stop talking about crime.

FIRST, Chicago is ravaged by an angry mob of rioters and looters in the summer of 2020

THEN, Lori Lightfoot proposes cutting $80 million from Chicago’s police budget

NEXT, Chicago records the DEADLIEST year in 25 years

THEN, Lori Lightfoot pleads with the federal government to get support to the city

    “Right now, today, there are simply too many violent people walking our streets and wreaking havoc in our neighborhoods,”
    -Lightfoot, December 21, 2021

AND NOW, Lori wants us to IGNORE and STOP TALKING ABOUT the rising surge in homicides, assaults and theft.

2021 was Chicago’s most deadly year in recent history and yet Lori Lightfoot wants us to ignore the carnage in the streets of Chicago because it makes “it look like we don’t know how to run our cities,” she said in an interview with Politico.

Lori can talk about the violent crime in Chicago, but not the rest of us - just like she can go maskless during an indoor party while elementary students have to wear a mask all day at school.


It’s time we PUT AN END to Lori Lightfoot styled government. If you want to see corrupt and anti-police politicians like Lightfoot and Governor JB Pritzker put out of office, we need your help.




Thank you for taking a stand and talking about crime, it’s more than our leaders know how to do,

Lori Lightfoot Watch Dogs

At the bottom…


* Meanwhile, subscribers were told about all these things earlier. Politico

— Jonathan Swain has made it official, filing for the IL-01 seat that Rep. Boby Rush now holds. Swain, a Hyde Park businessman and nonprofit CEO, is also assembling his campaign team and advisers, including Jeffrey Wright as campaign treasurer. […]

— Norma Hernandez, who is a Triton College trustee. launched her campaign for state Representative in the 77th House District and has already received an endorsement from Congressman Chuy García (IL-04). Hernandez is challenging Democratic Rep. Kathy Wililis [sic], which is interesting given Willis believed Garcia wouldn’t get involved in the race.

— John Fritchey, a former state Rep and a former Cook County commissioner, announced his run for judge in the 8th Subcircuit for the June 28 primary. “I am confident that my experience, background and beliefs would enable me to be an effective judge who can apply the law fairly while never forgetting the impact our system has on all of us,” he said in a Facebook post announcing his run.

— Former state Rep. Wayne Rosenthal is running for the newly drawn 108th House seat. Rosenthal, a Republican, represented the area before leaving the General Assembly to head the Illinois Department of Natural Resources during Bruce Rauner’s administration.

* Press release…

Today, Alderman Gilbert Villegas earned the endorsements of numerous labor unions, state legislators, and local mayors in his campaign to represent Illinois’ 3rd District in Congress.

Villegas, a former bakery truck driver and Teamster shop steward, picked up the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Joint Council 25, Administrative District Council 1 of Illinois of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, and United Steelworkers of America, Decorators Union Local 17U. Together, these unions represent tens of thousands of working people in the Chicagoland area.

Villegas also announced the endorsements of State Representatives Fred Crespo and Marty Moylan as well as Mayor Nick Caiafa of Schiller Park, Village President Rodney Craig of Hanover Park, Village President Dave Guerin of River Grove, Mayor William McLeod of Hoffman Estates, Mayor Barrett Pedersen of Franklin Park, and Mayor Frank Saverino of Carol Stream.

    “Before I pursued public service I was a bakery truck driver and proud Teamster, so having support from the working people of organized labor and these local leaders is particularly meaningful to me. I’m humbled that our message of getting things done for ordinary people is resonating throughout our community and look forward to building on our momentum together,” said Alderman Gilbert Villegas.

Villegas has already received the support of a diverse coalition of leaders, including U.S. Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona’s 7th Congressional District, Cook County Clerk of the Court and former senator Iris Martinez, State Senator Cristina Castro (22nd District), Ald. and Committeeman Felix Cardona (31st Ward), Ald. Samantha Nugent (39th Ward), Ald. and Committeeman Ariel Reboyras (30th Ward), Ald. and Committeeman Chris Taliaferro (29th Ward), Ald. and Committeeman Scott Waguespack (32nd Ward), State Representative Eva-Dina Delgado (3rd District), Elmwood Park Mayor Angelo “Skip” Saviano, Bensenville Village President Frank DeSimone, Committeewoman Angee Gonzalez Rodriguez (26th Ward), and Former State Rep. John D’Amico.

* Press release…

Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau is a leader who puts people over politics—and one who will protect citizens’ safety and their pocket books. It is that commitment that has impressed current and past Illinois lawmakers, several of whom offered their endorsements and strong words of support for his candidacy this week:

    • Jeanne Ives, former State Representative: “The contrast between Keith and the two Democrats running against him could not be clearer. You might as well be represented by Nancy Pelosi if you choose to be represented by left-wing extremists like Sean Casten or Marie Newman. By electing Keith Pekau, we’ll finally have someone representing us in Congress who will reign in spending, keep us safe and believes in American exceptionalism.

    As a fellow veteran, a military mom, and a suburban taxpayer, I trust Keith Pekau. He is the best mayor in Illinois and during the pandemic acted responsibly, but with a light touch letting businesses and people interact as they wish. As Mayor of Orland Park, he made his community the safest in the state, lowered taxes, and helped create jobs - unlike others, Keith has a proven record of accomplishment.”

    • Margo McDermed, former State Representative: “As a mom, and a former state representative, I am endorsing Keith Pekau in his run for Congress because he is exactly the type of leader we need serving the residents and families of the 6th district. There are two things, in particular, that stand out to me about Keith’s proven record of results—he puts people over politics and stands up for our families and children.

    Democrats on the local, state, and federal levels are masters at putting party politics, special interests, and political agendas ahead of what’s best for the people they’re supposed to represent. Keith has seen it as Mayor of Orland Park and I’ve seen the political games played in our state capitol. But when Keith tells the people of Orland Park he will do something, he does it, and I trust he’ll do the same for our communities. As a founder of the Mokena Educational Foundation, I care deeply about the future of our children, and Keith has been a steadfast leader in keeping our families safe and ensuring children are the focus in our education system. I know Keith is the right person to stand up to the progressives in Washington and help retake the House. His leadership is rare, and we need him in Congress helping guide our country now more than ever.”

    • Tim Ozinga, State Representative: “Keith Pekau is the voice Illinois desperately needs in Congress. I’m proud to endorse him, and I look forward to our state having a strong leader in Washington—a leader who puts people over politics.

As Mayor of Orland Park, Keith has consistently shown that he is unwavering in his efforts to establish and maintain safety for our families and their neighborhoods. Keith also understands for our neighborhoods to thrive, our business climate must grow. The urgency for an honest, intelligent man like Keith to help restore our economy has never been greater. Keith has displayed great poise and leadership for Orland Park through disciplined government spending and lowering taxes. I am eager to see Keith bring his talents and tenacious work ethic to Washington.”

The strong support from experienced legislators is emblematic of the trust that Keith Pekau has earned during his time in public office. For a full list of endorsements and quotes, visit

In response to these legislators’ comments, Keith Pekau remarked, “I’m honored and humbled to receive the support of these respected state leaders. I thank them for their endorsements, and I believe that, by putting people over politics, we can give Illinois the kind of leadership our families deserve.”

* Press release…

Litesa Wallace, Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois’ 17th District, today was endorsed by three Democratic women legislators who applauded Dr. Wallace for her stalwart commitment to voting rights, reproductive freedom, and access to healthcare.

“During my six years in the Illinois House, I was honored to serve alongside Representatives Deb Conroy, Carol Ammons, and Kelly Cassidy,” Dr. Wallace said. “Today, I am so proud to announce their endorsement of my campaign for Congress, and I know their fierce advocacy for the people they represent will inspire and guide my work when I get to Washington.”

“Litesa Wallace brings so much professional expertise and life experience to her work as a legislator,” said State Rep. Deb Conroy (D-Villa Park), Chair of the House Committee on Mental Health and Addiction and the Democratic Women’s Caucus Whip. “Whether she’s fighting to protect the rights of women and children, defending access to healthcare, or speaking out on behalf of people suffering from mental illness and addiction, she is always a powerful champion for the people she represents. Litesa Wallace is the right choice for the people of the 17th District, and I look forward to her victory in the June 28 Democratic primary.”

“Throughout her service in the General Assembly, Litesa Wallace was a strong, progressive voice for the people of Illinois,” said State Rep. Carol Ammons (D-Champaign), co-chair of the Illinois House Progressive Caucus and the first Black woman elected to represent Illinois’ 103rd District. “I am inspired by her strength, her compassion, and her determination. Illinois needs Litesa Wallace’s leadership in Congress.”

“Litesa Wallace has the heart of a warrior,” said State Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), a member of the Illinois General Assembly LGBTQ caucus and former legislative director for the National Organization for Women. “Her unshakable advocacy throughout the fight to pass HB40 helped to make sure that women in Illinois will still be able to make their own decisions about their reproductive health – even if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.”

“It means so much to me to earn the endorsement of these strong, principled women leaders,” Dr. Wallace said. “When I get to Congress, their support and advice will be invaluable as I work to make childcare more affordable, expand healthcare, reform our criminal justice system, protect women’s rights, and defend our democracy.”

Dr. Wallace, who holds an Ed.D. in Educational Psychology from Northern Illinois University, previously served three terms in Springfield as the State Representative from Rockford’s 67th District. She gained national attention in 2018 when she ran for Lt. Governor alongside Daniel Biss in the Democratic primary for Governor.

She is running to represent the new 17th District in northwestern Illinois, which includes most of Peoria, Rockford, the Quad Cities, Bloomington-Normal, and Galesburg.


Question of the day

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve seen some mentions online of a recent Quinnipiac poll, but not a whole lot of news media coverage, so I wanted to highlight this part here

In a sharply divided country, Americans agree on this: the bigger danger to the United States comes from within. Seventy-six percent say they think political instability within the country is a bigger danger to the United States compared to the 19 percent who think other countries that are adversaries of the United States are the bigger danger, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll of adults released today.

Democrats say 83 – 13 percent, independents say 78 – 19 percent, and Republicans say 66 – 29 percent that political instability in the U.S. is the bigger danger.

A majority of Americans, 58 – 37 percent, think the nation’s democracy is in danger of collapse.

Republicans say 62 – 36 percent, independents say 57 – 39 percent, and Democrats say 56 – 37 percent they think the nation’s democracy is in danger of collapse.

* Methodology

1,313 U.S. adults nationwide were surveyed from January 7th – 10th with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points.

I’ll use the poll’s exact wording for today’s question.

* The Question: Do you think the nation’s democracy is in danger of collapse, or don’t you think so? Take the survey and then explain your answer in comments, please…

online survey


Newman still in hot water: “There is substantial reason to believe that Rep. Newman may have promised federal employment to a primary opponent for the purpose of procuring political support”

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background from December is here if you need it. Lynn Sweet

In a politically damaging development for Rep. Marie Newman — locked in a Democratic primary battle with Rep. Sean Casten — the House Ethics Committee on Monday announced it will continue its probe of whether she promised a government job to Iymen Hamman Chehade in exchange for him not running against her in 2020.

The House action follows an Oct. 25 recommendation from the Office of Congressional Ethics — an independent agency — urging the panel to pursue a case against Newman.

The continuing investigation also has serious ramifications for Chehade, who is running in the Democratic primary for the open seat in the newly created 3rd Congressional District. He was suddenly added to Newman’s campaign staff last summer as a high-paid part-time consultant two days after a lawsuit he filed against her was settled, with the terms undisclosed.

Documents released by the House Committee on Monday included the OCE report, which concluded, “there is substantial reason to believe that Rep. Newman may have promised federal employment to a primary opponent for the purpose of procuring political support.”


A spokesman for Newman stated that a “right-wing organization filed a politically-motivated complaint” with the Office of Congressional Ethics, adding, “The materials produced during the OCE’s review overwhelmingly demonstrate that the ethics complaint is completely meritless.” […]

Chehade has not cooperated with the board’s investigation, and it has recommended that the committee subpoena him.


An attorney representing Newman told the committee in December that the congresswoman “cooperates completely with the review,” but, that OCE “has prejudged the matter from the beginning.”


“In addition to being a left-wing radical and outwardly hostile to taxpayers, add very corrupt to the list of ways to describe Marie Newman,” said ILGOP Spokesman Joe Hackler.

* Crain’s

In a suit, Chehade alleged that Newman failed to follow through on a promise to give him a $130,000-a-year job as a foreign policy adviser if he’d drop a 2020 primary bid against her. The issue later was picked up by a conservative political group which filed a complaint with the ethics office.

According to the documents released today, the ethics office concluded the allegations had merit.

“The OCE found that Mr. Chehade’s policy expertise was not the only reason she contracted to employ him in the future. Instead, Rep. Newman likely was motivated to enter the agreement to avoid competing against Mr. Chehade in the next Democratic primary,” the office said in its report to the ethics committee. […]

Casten isn’t commenting, but the Republican National Committee sure is, From a statement, “Another day that ends in ‘y,’ another corrupt Chicago Democrat has been caught breaking the law. While voters deserve and demand better from Marie Newman, Illinois Democrats will do as they’ve always done: Sweep it under the rug.”

To my eyes, this looks pretty simple: She signed a contract promising a potential primary rival a six-figure federal job if she won the election. She’s now arguing that “Newman in her private capacity could not bind Newman in her public capacity.” Ridic. It’s kinda like when she claimed that since she announced her campaign first, Casten was running against her.


Bailey explains his tax hike votes

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Austin Schick

Bailey also told WMBD Illinoisans are tired of being left in the dark when it comes to taxes and believes high taxes are driving people out of the state. […]

Bailey, a former school board member in the North Clay CUSD #25, voted on many tax hikes during his tenure but said any tax hikes were explained to voters. He believes those hikes are not the reason people are leaving Illinois.

“It’s a much different scenario. Taxing bodies have the ability to levee a certain amount,” Bailey said. “100% of the time at the North Clay District we brought our community in, and we educated them. We told them this is what it’s going to cost per household, this is why we need the money, this is where it’s going to go, are you okay with that.”

“Many times it was $5 a household and I think one time the max was $19 a household, we had over 95% input buy-in every time,” Bailey said. “If government operated that way in the State of Illinois, our residents would feel a lot more comfortable.”

So, lemme get this straight: Tax hikes and PPP loans are good when he does them and bad when anyone else does? Roger Wilco.


Rate Jesse Sullivan’s latest TV ad

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here you go

* Script

Deployed as a civilian intelligence analyst in Afghanistan, I know corrupt war zones torn apart by violence.

But this isn’t Afghanistan. This is Chicago. Pritzker’s leftist agenda is literally killing us, turning parts of Illinois into a war zone.

But I’ve got a plan. Defend our police, not defund them. And take the cuffs off our cops and put them back on criminals.

My name is Jesse Sullivan, candidate for governor. Join me. Let’s save Illinois.

For a copy of the latest cable TV buys, click here.


*** UPDATED x2 *** Rate Richard Irvin’s first TV ad

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here you go

* Script

ANNC: A riotous mob. The police, outnumbered — but backed up by their mayor.

Richard Irvin called in the Guard. Closed exit ramps. Shut down the riots.

IRVIN: Aurora will be ready for you if you come to our community wreaking havoc.

We will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. We will not put up with this BS and foolishness…

…this, I guarantee.

ANNC: They tried to burn his city down. Richard Irvin took it back.

Elect Irvin Governor, we’ll take back our state.

*** UPDATE 1 *** DPI…

Irvin Lies to Voters on TV While Continuing to Hide From Them In Real Life

Today, in an unprecedented move for a statewide candidate, Richard Irvin went up with his first paid TV ad of the campaign. The only problem? Irvin has still not met with voters, held a public event, or answered questions from the media.

In the ad, Irvin spreads the same lies he told in his announcement video, including the claim that as mayor, he called in the National Guard to Aurora. Only the governor can call in the National Guard and despite being fact-checked for this lie, he continues to repeat it on air. Clearly, Irvin and the rest of the Rauner Reboot slate think they can avoid accountability for their words as long as they can avoid talking to voters or reporters.

Richard Irvin would prefer to not answer basic questions like where he stands on a woman’s right to choose, who he voted for in the 2016 Democratic primary, if he thinks the 2020 election was stolen, or why he flip-flopped from saying Black Lives Matter to All Lives Matter. And why won’t Irvin or the slate answer simple questions? Because Ken Griffin won’t let them.

For Griffin and his Rauner Reboot slate, this election isn’t about solving the big challenges facing Illinois families. They just want to implement disastrous policies to take us backwards — and they aren’t interested in being held accountable by voters, reporters, or anyone else.

…Adding… DGA…

Today, Richard Irvin released his first TV ad despite not meeting with voters, holding a public event, or answering questions from the media in the week since declaring his candidacy.

You can track how long Radio Silent Richard has been hiding at this new site.

The ad features the same lies and hypocrisy Irvin has based his entire campaign on. He claims he called the National Guard to Aurora, even though he was called out for this lie before. Only the governor — who Irvin himself has praised numerous times — can call in the National Guard. And since the protests shown in the ad, Irvin has flip-flopped from saying Black Lives Matter to All Lives Matter.

Instead of speaking with Illinoisans about the challenges they face, Irvin is busy parroting big donor Ken Griffin’s agenda of dragging Illinois back to the failed policies of Bruce Rauner.

By dodging events and interviews, Irvin has avoided the tough questions like why he’s voted for Democrats in the past and where he stands on a woman’s right to choose.

“Richard Irvin doesn’t know where he stands — which is why his only strategy is to dodge questions or lie,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Once Illinoisans hear Irvin’s true intentions of a Rauner reboot, they’ll see the Griffin slate is more interested in undoing progress than moving forward.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Gary Rabine…

“Pretend Republican candidate for Governor, Richard Irvin, continues the deception today as he rolls out his commercials claiming to be the law-and-order candidate. Let’s do a reality check. Irvin has spent the last twenty years representing criminals and doing his best to keep them out of jail. His clients aren’t just low-level criminals but rather the full range of bad guys from domestic violence offenders to murderers. The crime rates during his tenure as Mayor of Aurora, his support for defunding the police, sanctuary cities and BLM, tells us loud and clear that his approach to law and order is right out of the Kim Foxx - JB Pritzker woke playbook, where victims are an afterthought and justice is only served when the jails are empty.” “But it goes beyond helping criminals beat the rap. Last election, ‘Democrat-running-as-a-Republican-Irvin’ fully supported his criminal defense attorney law partner as she ran against a law-and-order Republican in Kane County. Yes, the guy seeking the nomination for Governor as a Republican fully and actively supported a far-left criminal defense lawyer over a law-and-order Republican. Don’t be fooled by the smoke-screen. Richard Irvin is a left-leaning Democrat and does not support the polices that will end the crime wave in Illinois. We do not need another Democrat as Illinois Governor.”


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Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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