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Giannoulias continues piling up endorsements: Our Illinois Revolution announces support

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Democrat Alexi Giannoulias has won the support of progressive grassroots political network that grew out of the presidential campaign of U.S. Sen Bernie Sanders.

Our Illinois Revolution, which has over 40,000 voting progressive members throughout the State, endorsed Giannoulias for Secretary of State in 2022. Our Illinois Revolution has successfully leveraged its reform-minded influence in recent local elections including, assisting U.S. Representative Jesús “Chuy” García, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Evanston Mayor Daniel Biss and Fritz Kaegi who defeated longtime Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios.

Our Illinois Revolution Chair Emeritus Clem Balanoff, who served as an anti-machine Illinois State Representative and Cook County Elections Director for Cook County, the third largest voting jurisdiction in the nation, praised Giannoulias, his progressive policy initiatives and the ethics agenda he would implement as Secretary of State. As they have for other candidates, Our Illinois Revolution will mobilize voters on Giannoulias’ behalf in advance of the June 2022 primary election.

“Alexi is the true progressive in this race and has been a proven leader in the progressive movement for a long time,” said Balanoff, noting that Giannoulias served as Illinois State Treasurer from 2007 to 2011. “We’ve seen so many Secretaries of State across the country seeking to disenfranchise voters with restrictive voting suppression laws making it more difficult to register and vote. Illinoisians can rest assured that Alexi will protect voter rights and work to improve ballot access and enhance registration opportunities.”

In the last few months, Giannoulias has received the support of a number of labor organizations and the progressive 22nd Ward Independent Political Organization (IPO). Our Illinois Revolution is the first statewide grassroots organization to make an endorsement.

“We’re proud to endorse Alexi who will fight for accountable, transparent government and for progressive priorities of working Illinois families,” said Richard Rodriguez, National Treasurer of Our Revolution. “Alexi will put people first and will serve as a fearless fighter willing to stand up to powerful interests and while working to solve the biggest challenges that confront our state.”

“Alexi is an innovative problem solver who is building a broad-based coalition and is committed to the progressive principles that serve as our core values,” said Suzanna Ibarra, co-chair of Our Illinois Revolution. He will make an excellent Secretary of State and represents a new generation of progressive leaders who stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us as an ally to promote justice, equity and economic opportunity for those that need it most.”

“Having always supported progressive ideals, I’m so proud to have earned the endorsement of Our Illinois Revolution, which is a huge boost to our campaign,” Giannoulias said. “Our Illinois Revolution is leading the fight to ensure working families benefit and thrive in our growing economy. They can count on my commitment to always protect civil rights and fight for racial and social justice as a constitutional officer.”


Legislative Inspector General resigns: “This last legislative session demonstrated true ethics reform is not a priority”

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Bishop with the scoop

The Illinois state legislature will have to start looking for another watchdog to police them after Legislative Inspector General Carol Pope said the position is “essentially a paper tiger,” and announced she’s going to leave the post in December.

In a letter to members of the bipartisan Illinois Legislative Ethics Commission Wednesday, Pope said she hoped to make a difference from the inside and improve the public’s view of the legislature by bringing true ethics reforms.

“Unfortunately, I have not been able to do so,” Pope said. “This last legislative session demonstrated true ethics reform is not a priority. The LIG has no real power to effect change or shine a light on ethics violations, the position is essentially a paper tiger.”

* The letter

Dear LEC Members:

When I took this job as the Legislative Inspector General, I thought I might be able to make a difference working from the inside. I thought I could be useful in improving the public’s view of the legislature and help bring about true ethics reform. Unfortunately, I have not been able to do so. This last legislative session demonstrated true ethics reform is not a priority. The LIG has no real power to effect change or shine a light on ethics violations, the position is essentially a paper tiger.

I testified in front of the Joint Commission on Ethics reform on February 6, 2020. All of the items I talked about are still unimproved today, except for being able to initiate an investigation without prior approval by the LEC. I testified again this spring in front of the House and Senate Ethics committees about important issues that directly affect my office and the LEC. Those issues include having the ability to issue subpoenas without having to seek prior approval from the LEC, mandated publication of founded summary reports concerning legislators, the ability to publish reports that vindicate legislators, the incongruent jurisdiction between the LIG and the LEC and providing for the appointment of a nonpartisan citizen to serve as the ninth member of the LEC to avoid strictly partisan 4-4 votes. None of these reforms were adopted.

The General Assembly actually restricted the LIG’s jurisdiction during this last session by requiring the filing of a complaint before the LIG can undertake an investigation. If public allegations about a legislator are made, but no complaint is filed with the LIG’s office, the LIG cannot open an investigation. This actually is a throwback to legislation that existed prior to 2009. In 2009, the GA enacted legislation that removed the requirement of acting only on a complaint. See SB 54 of the 96th General Assembly. For the last 12 years, the LIG has been able to open an investigation based on public allegations in the media. But no longer.

ln addition, the GA restricted the LIG’s jurisdiction to matters arising out of government service or employment. As I have explained repeatedly. including before the Joint Commission on Ethics Refonn back in 2020, as a result of this, the LIG will not be able to investigate conduct unbecoming a legislator that results from things such as posting revenge porn on social media, failure to pay income taxes on non-legisJative income, and other conduct that I and the public think the LIG should be able to investigate.

While it is certainly within the prerogative of the Legislature to craft these statutes as it sees fit, I am unable to remain in a position where I cannot be as effective as I hoped to be. I appreciate the opportunity to have served the People of Illinois in this position and have enjoyed working with the LEC. I am willing to continue my service while you search for my replacement, or until December 15, 2021, whichever comes first. If you prefer I vacate the office while you search for my replacement, that is fine too. I am willing to assist my successor with the transition.


Carol Pope
Legislative Inspector General

I ran the letter through an online PDF translator, so pardon any typos.

* React

“Inspector General Pope has done an exceptional job in her role,” said state Rep. Avery Borne, R-Morrisonville, a member of the Legislative Ethics Commission. “Getting to lead her appointment process was one of the accomplishments I am most proud of throughout my time in the legislature.”

“I would like to thank her for her service to the people of Illinois and I am sad to see her resignation and her term cut short,” Bourne said. “I’m grateful she has in part used this role to highlight the important changes that must be made to further empower her office and truly reform the ethics act in Illinois. Let LIG Pope’s departure serve as a strong message to the Governor, Senate President, and House Speaker: your inaction on these basic proposed reforms is protecting politicians who violate the public’s trust.”

Another member of the commission, state Rep. Maurice West, D-Rockford also reacted to Pope’s letter when asked for comment.

“I thank Inspector Pope for the work that she’s done and I’m concerned that we did not meet the moment for true ethics reform that will improve trust in State Government,” West said. “Upon reading her resignation letter, my response is that I am committed to working on the issues that she mentioned, even if they are not popular - because they are the right policies to put in place.”

…Adding… John Patterson…

“President Harmon wants to thank Inspector General Pope for her dedication and service to the people of Illinois. A search for a new inspector general should start soon to make sure there is no vacancy in this vital position.”

…Adding… Senate GOP Leader McConchie…

Inspector Pope has proven to be a dedicated public servant representing the people of Illinois and their desire for a more ethical state government. Her job was difficult in a state that has a history of legislator misconduct. I wish her well and look forward to helping find a successor to carry this important mission forward.

…Adding… Reps. Kelly Burke and Maurice West…

We thank Carol Pope for her service to the state of Illinois in this vital position and we are committed to filling this vacancy quickly and thoughtfully.

The ethics reform package, which passed nearly unanimously this Spring, is an excellent first step and we have always been committed to further conversations that will continue to rebuild trust back in our state government. We do thank Ms. Pope for detailing some of her concerns in her resignation letter, but we feel confident that many are addressed in the new ethics package — or through law enforcement, which is the proper and just avenue for criminal activity outside the purview of official duties.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Last night…

* From the end of the editorial

So Chicago has a lakefront eyesore and the Bears have an inadequate stadium. Chicagoans? They have the financial risk Daley promised they wouldn’t have.

Mayor Lightfoot and Chicago aldermen, don’t repeat your predecessors’ cave. If team owners want to be the Arlington Heights Bears, they have that right. You might, though, ask that they dismantle and take with them the seating bowl they insisted be built to appease them.

Chicago’s beleaguered taxpayers then would have what they previously had: a stadium that is comfortably sized for soccer and many other events — and that honors American soldiers.

I doubt the city and state could legally make that happen, but whatevs.

* The Question: How do you feel about the future of that editorial board post-purge?


Unclear on the concepts

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro)

In this budget, we now allow for Medicaid for undocumented individuals who are 55 and older. So last year, it seemed like it stayed very quiet, I don’t know why more people were not talking about it, it was 65 and older. This year they slipped in 55 and older. So you may be 55 years old in this state, and a citizen and not eligible for Medicaid. But if you are an undocumented immigrant and 55 or older you’re eligible for Medicaid. So there are a lot of questions.

It really goes to the violence that we’re seeing in Chicago right now.

Um, Medicaid is not an age-based program. It’s an income-based program.

Last year during the height of the pandemic, the state expanded healthcare benefits similar to Medicaid to undocumented residents 65 and older who met Medicaid’s income requirements. Click here for those. That benefit was expanded this year to those 55 and older.

Point being, they’re not getting something that citizens with the same income status are not.

* Sen. Bryant then rambled on and on about how this canard was someone connected to the Chicago violence. Here’s the mayor’s office response via Politico

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s office pushed back, saying the senator’s comments show “a blatant ignorance” on immigration policy and public safety.

“Data shows that welcoming city policies, like Chicago’s, create safer communities because residents feel more comfortable engaging with police and other city government officials when they do not fear their immigration status will become a factor. These policies also protect everyone’s due process,” the mayor’s office said in a statement to Playbook.

Lightfoot’s office criticized the use of “xenophobic tropes” and said, “Bryant should focus on working with us and her Senate colleagues to learn about and tackle the actual root causes of violence in our state.”


Pritzker urges grant applications before eviction phaseout ramps up

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

As the state’s gradual phaseout of the pandemic eviction moratorium continues, Governor JB today encouraged renters and landlords to apply for $500 million in existing aid and announced that an additional round of assistance will open this fall.

For Illinois renters still struggling to pay their rent, the Illinois Rental Payment Program (ILRPP) is currently open and accepting applications for the current round of assistance until 11:59 p.m. this Sunday, July 18. Applications can be completed at:

“Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Illinois implemented one of the largest emergency housing assistance programs in the nation – and as a result, tens of thousands of Illinois families have been able to access housing assistance so far,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “These resources have made a life-changing difference for these families, as the eviction moratorium comes to a close, we want to make sure that every eligible Illinoisan applies for this help. This year, Illinois quadrupled the relief that was available last year and were there for our residents when it mattered most. I’m pleased that we’ll be offering additional rounds of this critical funding to keep people in their homes.”

Governor Pritzker announced earlier this summer that the eviction moratorium would be lifted in August, with a gradual phaseout throughout the summer.

On July 23, the Governor will issue an Executive Order that allows eviction filings against covered persons to begin on August 1. The current prohibition on enforcement of eviction orders entered against covered persons will remain in place until August 31. Enforcement of eviction orders entered against covered persons will be allowed after August 31.

The Governor’s Office has been in close communication with members of the Illinois Supreme Court’s COVID-19 Task Force to ensure an orderly phase out of the eviction moratorium. Through a coordinated approach, we hope to relieve the potential pressure on the court system while also ensuring that tenants and landlords have every opportunity to benefit from the State’s rental assistance programs.

…Adding… Neighborhood Building Owners Alliance…

Today Governor J.B. Pritzker announced plans to bring stability to the State’s housing industry, which has been providing a crucial public service to fight the pandemic, often without public support.

The Neighborhood Building Owners Alliance (NBOA), which advocates for policies to support neighborhood housing providers, recommends that tenants who believe they are facing a possible eviction to communicate with their housing provider as soon as possible.

“Housing providers all over the State of Illinois are doing an amazing job throughout this pandemic of keeping people housed, often at great sacrifice to themselves and their families” said Michael Glasser, President of the NBOA. “Renters who are behind in their rent should work with their housing providers, and apply for help through the State’s emergency rental assistance program.”

NBOA research has shown that neighborhood housing providers have lost over $1 billion in unpaid rent since the beginning of the pandemic. It also shows that many neighborhood housing providers have tenants who refuse to communicate with them regarding their situation.

NBOA research has revealed that because of the pandemic many smaller housing providers now lack the funds for basic building necessities. Glasser said, “We haven’t asked grocery stores to give away free food, or pharmacies to give away free medication, and we can’t keep asking housing providers to give away free housing without destabilizing the housing system, which was already fragile before the pandemic.”

Moreover, according to the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA), approximately 30 percent of the funds requested by housing providers for rental assistance were automatically voided simply because the renter refused to participate in the program. Applying for rental assistance typically only takes a few minutes. Multiple community organizations have been retained by the State to assist renters with the process, and almost all housing providers are more than happy to assist tenants with the application process. Renters who want to participate in the next round of rental assistance can visit for more information.

The filing of an eviction does not necessary mean that a housing provider wants to remove the tenant. Housing providers do not enjoy evictions, but frequently use them as a tool to jump start negotiations. The improving economy and jobs situation, as well as with the State’s rental assistance programs, should go far in mitigating the so-called “wave of evictions.”

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*** UPDATED x1 *** Campaign roundup: Syverson gets primary challenge; Kinzinger’s haul; Charlie Kirk to speak to Northwest GOP; ILGOP mouthpieces; HGOPs on gun violence; Duckworth’s reading list

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I explained some of the back story on this to subscribers earlier this week

Longtime State Sen. Dave Syverson, R-Cherry Valley, will have a primary challenge in 2022.

Winnebago County Republican Party Chairman Eli Nicolosi said he plans to formally announce his campaign to run against Syverson on July 19.

The Rockford resident filed paperwork to register Friends of Eli Nicolosi with the Illinois Board of Elections on Tuesday. The stated purpose of the committee is to elect Nicolosi to the 35th district of the Illinois Senate, the seat occupied by Syverson since 1993. […]

Syverson, 64, said he will run on his record, which he said includes passage of hundreds of bills, including property tax caps and ethics reform legislation.A gaming bill, which included a Rockford casino license and was approved by the General Assembly, was sponsored by Syverson.

* Politico’s national bureau

Exile in the House GOP is proving extremely lucrative for Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.

Cheney and Kinzinger are the most prominent anti-Trump voices among congressional Republicans, casting two of the 10 House GOP votes to impeach the former president and — unlike the other eight — sparing no opportunity in the months since to rebuke a party that has tethered itself to his image. That’s left them in a precarious position as they seek reelection back home and alienated them from the rest of their party in D.C.

It’s also given them a new route onto the national stage. The Wyoming and Illinois Republican allies may end up losing their seats next fall to primary challengers who are hugging the Trump machine. But the campaign war chests they’ve amassed could help launch the duo’s political careers outside of the House, or even Congress. […]

Kinzinger, who represents a deep-red district in exurban Chicago, never raised more than $350,000 in a single quarter during the 2020 cycle. But during the first three months of 2021 — after his support for the second Trump impeachment — he skyrocketed to $1.1 million.

* Tribune

Conservative activist Charlie Kirk will headline the annual Northwest suburban Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner on Aug. 16 at the White Eagle Banquet & Convention Center in Niles. Founder of the conservative youth organization Turning Point USA and loyalist to former President Donald Trump, Kirk relishes a political battle.

Last week he was a guest on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show, where he likened colleges that require students to have COVID-19 vaccinations to “almost this apartheid-style open-air hostage situation, like: ‘Oh, you can have your freedom back if you get the jab.’”

Such dramatics.


The event is organized by the Schaumburg, Palatine, Wheeling, Elk Grove, Maine, Niles, Northfield, Hanover, Barrington township Republican organizations along with the Northwest Side GOP Club. Tickets are available through the organizing GOP organizations.

[Palatine Township Republican Committeeman Aaron Del Mar] said Kirk is an important figure in Republican circles. Turning Point USA is active on many college campuses along with some high schools. Del Mar said the organization serves as a “backstop to liberals in college, who are mostly left-leaning.”

* I’m not sure this is going to make much of a difference. The cable bookers likely won’t care much

Illinois GOP Chairman Don Tracy sent a letter to Republican leaders Monday expressing frustration that MSNBC, CNN and local media turn to Republican consultants who “trash” other Republicans. “When they are listed as current or former party officials, it falsely gives the impression that these people are speaking for all Republicans in Illinois or the Chicago area,” according to Tracy’s email, obtained by Playbook.

He doesn’t name names but it’s not hard to figure out that former state GOP Chairman Pat Brady doesn’t mince words about far-right Republicans when he’s interviewed by reporters.

Tracy is the first downstate chairman of the Illinois GOP in more than 30 years. He lives in Springfield, three hours from Chicago, making it difficult to accommodate live broadcasts. So he’s now assigning two surrogate Republicans in northern Illinois, Kathleen Murphy and Ammie Kessem, to represent the party during TV interviews when he can’t make it.

The issue is the surrogates tapped align better with Republicans south of I-80 than those in the Chicago area. Murphy is the former spokeswoman for former GOP gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives and a defender of Ives’ controversial TV ad attacking Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s record by featuring actors playing out sensitive cultural issues. It was uniformly criticized, including by the state GOP, for being racist, sexist and homophobic.

Kessem, the 41st Ward GOP committeewoman, is a Chicago Police sergeant and avowed Donald Trump supporter.

* Not actually a campaign event, but might as well be…

MEDIA ADVISORY: Illinois House Republicans Call for State Action on Heightened Gun Violence

WHO: Illinois House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs), State Representatives Deanne Mazzochi (R-Elmhurst) and Amy Elik (R-Fosterburg).

WHAT: House Republicans will discuss the need for action on violence and criminal activity plaguing Illinois.

WHEN: 11:00am on Thursday, July 15th, 2021

The General Assembly is not reconvening until October.

* The Hill

I asked about a dozen senators and representatives what’s on their summer reading lists. Here are some highlights:

We must start with someone who knows a good book when she reads- or writes - one. Sen. Tammy Duckworth’s (D-Ill.) “Every Day Is a Gift” is one of the best memoirs I’ve ever read. When I asked for her summer reading list, she sent a screen shot of her Audible selections, including one that seems entirely appropriate for our current political climate: “Calm The F*ck Down,” by Sarah Knight. For a more, well, elevated perspective of nature and the universe, Duckworth is working on Steven Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time.”

*** UPDATE *** Facebook

Join ILGOP Chairman Don Tracy with Finance Committee members Vince Kolber, Brian Kasal, and Richard Porter in hosting an evening reception featuring Texas Congressman and American Hero Dan Crenshaw.

* Related…

* Rock Island Mayor Mike Thoms considering run for state Senate


Illinois Credit Unions: Keeping Member Funds Safe

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

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DH Brown

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Obituary

On Thursday, July 8, 2021, David Harold Brown III, of Springfield, IL passed away at the age of 72.

David was born on April 23, 1949 in Springfield, IL to David Brown Jr. and Louise (Hill) Brown. He married Mary Ellen Ference on July 19, 1980 at St. Agnes Catholic Church.

David was a graduate of Divernon High School and of the University of Illinois in 1971, earning a Bachelor of Science in Finance. He had owned and operated D.H. Brown Saloon since 1977.

Dave enjoyed playing the first 14 holes of golf at Illini Country Club, or until he lost all the balls in his bag—whichever came sooner. He also loved to root for the Fighting Illini, the St. Louis Cardinals, and the Chicago Bears, but he converted to a Hoosier fan later in his life. Most of all, Dave loved meeting new and interesting people and sharing his quick wit with others at D.H. Brown’s, a place that was the source of fun nights and long-lasting relationships. Dave had a passion for history and spent many hours reading about Ancient Rome, World War II, the Wild West, etc. This passion flavored his taste in movies: he always had an old movie on at home. One of Dave’s favorite activities was attending wrestling matches with two good friends. Furthermore, he volunteered at St. Martin de Porres, SPARC, and the Springfield Art Association.

He was preceded in death by his father and his brother, Charles Frederick Brown.

He is survived by his wife of nearly forty-one years, Mary Ellen Brown of Springfield, IL; mother, Louise H. Brown of Siesta Key, FL; one son, David H. (Sabina) Brown IV of Houston, TX; one daughter, Eileen L. Brown of Springfield, IL; siblings, Thomas G. (Kathy) Brown of O’Fallon, IL, Luann (Henry) Kurth of Sarasota, FL, and Nancy J. Brown of Siesta Key, FL; an aunt and uncle; several nieces, nephews, and cousins; and his dog, Rico.

David will be laid to rest in a private ceremony on Saturday, July 17, 2021. That same day, the family will host a Celebration of Life from 3:00 until 6:00 p.m. at D.H. Brown Saloon, 231 East Monroe Street, Springfield, IL.

Memorial contributions may be made to St. Martin de Porres, P.O. Box 2571, Springfield, IL 62708; SPARC, 232 Bruns Lane, Springfield, IL 62702; or Springfield Art Association, 700 North 4th Street, Springfield, IL 62702.

The family wishes to express many thanks to the nurses and staff at Regency Care, 2120 West Washington Street, Springfield, IL.

The family is being served by Butler Funeral Home—Springfield, 900 South 6th Street, Springfield, IL.

To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of David Harold Brown III please visit our Tribute Store.

A legend and a true friend to a whole lot of Statehouse types.


Cook Political Report: Democrats’ future congressional majority depends on Illinois, New York remaps

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Axios

The Democrats’ “only chance of keeping the House” next year is if they redraw congressional lines to their advantage in New York and Illinois, Cook Political Report’s David Wasserman tells Axios’ Stef Kight.

Why it matters: The GOP is already poised to take advantage of its control of map-drawing in more states than Democrats. But Democrats have a chance to eliminate as many as seven Republican House seats in just New York and Illinois through redistricting in states they control.

    • New York and Illinois are both set to lose a House seat because of slower population growth.
    • On top of ensuring Republican districts are the ones lost to reapportionment this year, Democrats could rework the maps to help them pick up an additional four districts in New York and one in Illinois, said Wasserman, who focuses on redistricting as Cook’s House editor.

The big picture: Republicans will get to draw congressional district lines in big battleground states like Texas, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida. They were able to draw maps to maximize their partisan advantage after the 2010 census too.

    • “The two states that Democrats control that are big, or where there’s margin left, are New York and Illinois,” Ben Williams, a nonpartisan redistricting specialist for the National Conference of State Legislatures, told Axios.
    • Few other states offer options to create new, blue congressional districts, he and Wasserman said.


I think the media and the GOP are vastly underestimating the very real and growing anger out there among people who did the right thing and got vaccinated. Hyper-politicizing public health because your whole strategy is designed to appeal to a vocal and know-nothing segment of your base could very well backfire on the GOP… again.


Dave Loveday

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rick Pearson at the Tribune

David Loveday’s career as a political strategist and communications executive took him not only to the halls of the White House and the Illinois Statehouse but also to countries around the world, where his calm and joking demeanor belied his specialty of dealing with crises.

Loveday, 65, died of cancer on Saturday, July 3. A Villa Park resident, he was global government affairs director of the Water Quality Association, an international trade group, for the past 14 years.

Loveday played key roles in several Republican campaigns, serving as spokesman for the late Judy Baar Topinka’s unsuccessful 2006 run for governor, Jim Ryan’s winning 1994 bid for attorney general and Rich Williamson’s failed 1992 campaign for U.S. Senate.

He also was a former executive director of external affairs for the Illinois Toll Highway Authority and the Regional Transportation Authority and put in stints as press secretary for the Illinois House Republican caucus.

“Dave Loveday was a colleague and friend who enjoyed many successful positions during his professional career,” said Lee Daniels, the former state House GOP leader who served two years as speaker in the mid-1990s. “His calm demeanor and professionalism was relied upon as we addressed the governmental issues of the day.”

Dave was always a gentleman. Easy-going, quiet and kind, never crass, completely unflappable. And he knew his stuff. They just don’t make ‘em like him anymore.

* From his obit

“He had the most priceless and special brand of optimism around,” said John Hoffman, a close friend and colleague of almost thirty years. “Dave immediately saw challenges and obstacles, then with his unflagging cheer motivated those around him into working together to move ahead and build for the greater good. He taught me life-long lessons about how to think imaginatively and act with decency more than any school could ever offer.” […]

Confronting his greatest challenge, Loveday was given an advanced cancer diagnosis within days of his first grandson Lincoln being born to Cate and her husband Patrick. Yet he kept up his positive mindset throughout, spending time with “Link” and his family and friends as much as possible and working even up to a week before he passed on.

When the time came to accept hospice, Loveday demonstrated the depth of his courage and character. He reached out to a friend to draft this notice. Though he had lost his speech, he then wrote simply: “I am ready.”

“He is my idol,” said Mary Jo Mikottis, a nurse practitioner who has known Loveday for many years and cared for him in the past weeks. “Throughout my career, I’ve hardly ever experienced such strength and spirit in one person.”

Please go out of your way to be nice to someone today in Dave’s honor. Thanks.


Pritzker files appeal in Shakman case: No ongoing violations and no standing for Shakman

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The state has filed an appeal in its case to get out from under the oversight of the Shakman Decree. From the Cook County Record

In the new filing, Pritzker’s lawyers argue the federal courts have overstepped their bounds in refusing to lift a court decree subjecting the state’s hiring practices to court scrutiny.

Pritzker’s lawyers said a federal judge erred in refusing to accept Pritzker’s assertions that the state governor has “demonstrated commitment to compliance with federal law,” which forbids political patronage hiring practices, like those for which cities, counties and state agencies in Illinois have gained notoriety through the years.

Pritzker claimed the federal court’s continued “decades-long supervision … of the day-to-day operations of state and local governments” in Illinois “exemplify” concerns that Seventh Circuit judges have expressed over federalism, a principle of U.S. government which limits the reach of the federal government into state affairs.

And the governor asserted court-appointed hiring overseers – known by the title “special masters” – have yet to identify any “ongoing violations” of federal law in Illinois government hiring practices.

“Ongoing federal oversight of a State’s operations can be justified only by evidence of ongoing violations of federal law—but neither the plaintiffs, the special master, nor the district court have identified any ongoing violations …, much less the kind of systemwide violations necessary to warrant continued statewide oversight,” Pritzker’s lawyers wrote in their brief. […]

Pritzker’s lawyers asserted the decrees should be tossed, in part, because Shakman and Lurie lack standing under the law as plaintiffs in these matters.

The judges, Pritzker argued, have improperly simply replaced Shakman and his co-plaintiffs with “the proper plaintiffs – state employees,” whose First Amendment rights would be violated by allowing state agencies to hire, fire or refuse to promote workers based on their political beliefs and allegiances.

The appellate brief is here.

What do you think?


*** UPDATED x1 *** For the third time, there is no statewide school mask mandate, and Highland proves it

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is yet another case of “Don’t let the facts get in the way of a hot clickbait story.” Last night on WGN TV

The debate on whether students should wear masks in schools has intensified in many suburban school districts.

The state says it’s in line with the CDC, which recommended masks for anyone not fully vaccinated. Yet, some district parents say they disagree.

For Peter Demos, the discourse over masks in schools strikes a chord. As a parent, he believes districts should control the conversation.

“It’s kind of heartbreaking because you want to do what’s best for your child,” the Lake Zurich District parent said. […]

“To all of a sudden require masks or certain restrictions of putting them on our kids to be allowed to go into the building is just asinine,” Graf said.

For its part, the state board of education says it will follow CDC guidance, which means requiring masks for those not fully vaccinated — and recommending at least three feet distance between students in classrooms— unless it’s a barrier to learning.

As we’ve already discussed (twice), there is no new school mask mandate. This reporter should’ve known that by the time his story aired.

* Meanwhile, in Highland

Highland students will have the option to attend in-person classes without masks in the fall, after recommendations were released from the state.

Superintendent Mike Sutton released an open letter Monday, July 11, announcing the new policy in response to new recommendations recently announced by the Illinois State Board of Education and Illinois Department of Public Health. Those recommendations stated masks should be worn by unvaccinated individuals, but the decision on requiring them was left to the individual districts.

“Highland CUSD No. 5 plans to make it clear that masks are recommended but optional for students and staff — vaccinated or not,” Sutton wrote. “The decision to wear a mask or not should lie with the individual, and that is our current plan.” […]

Sutton said he is not in favor of collecting proof of vaccination from students unless it impacts quarantine procedures, or COVID testing in the schools as testing is available through the Madison County Health Department.

Sutton’s letter to parents is here.

As I’ve told you before, this policy could leave the district open to civil lawsuits if there’s an outbreak. But they’re on their own as far as the mandate goes for classes and other activities on their properties.

*** UPDATE *** OK, make that the fourth time…

This is becoming a misinformation campaign.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Campaign update

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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State bows to Medicaid provider’s claim of “trade secret,” refuses to release basic performance review

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller


The Better Government Association has filed a lawsuit in Springfield against the state’s healthcare agency after officials denied records of routine performance presentations from a top Medicaid provider.

State officials denied the request after executives of the contractor — a subsidiary of national healthcare giant Centene Corp. — said disclosure of the quarterly performance presentations they make to state officials would put the company at a competitive disadvantage.

The Centene subsidiary, Meridian Health Plan of Illinois, Inc., collected $210 million under the YouthCare contract over the last 12 months, a spokesperson for the Department of Healthcare and Family Services said on Monday.

Agency Director Theresa Eagleson did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A spokesperson said agency officials could not discuss pending litigation.

The YouthCare program provides payments for the medical and psychiatric treatment of roughly 20,200 youths who are wards of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, as well as 15,700 former DCFS wards.

The contract has rolled out in phases as some foster parents complained they could not fill prescriptions or even schedule regular check-ups for children with serious medical conditions.

Last year, Meridian began producing for state officials quarterly slideshows with basic data about its performance in delivering care. The slides are meant to outline whether Meridian is meeting timeliness and quality standards, and what it’s doing to overcome problems.

But when the BGA asked last month to see those slideshows, state officials turned them over almost completely redacted — with entire slides blacked out.

The contractor’s performance data constituted “trade secrets,” HFS explained in its denial letter to the BGA.



Pritzker meets with Biden at White House today to highlight infrastructure plans

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bill Ruthhart at the Tribune

Gov. J.B. Pritzker is one of three governors and five mayors who will join President Joe Biden at the White House on Wednesday for a bipartisan meeting on infrastructure.

The gathering comes as Biden continues to rally support for a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package, even as questions remain about how to pay for the massive spending bill.

Pritzker is scheduled to attend the 2 p.m. meeting in the Roosevelt Room at the White House along with four fellow Democrats — New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and Mayors Nan Whaley of Dayton, Ohio; Kate Gallego of Phoenix; and Michael Hancock of Denver. They will be joined by three Republicans — Vermont Gov. Phil Scott, Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt and Mobile, Alabama, Mayor Sandy Stimpson.

Biden will emphasize common ground found in $1.2 trillion deal agreed upon by a bipartisan group of senators. Proponents say the plan would stimulate the economy by pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into the construction of roads, bridges and highways, while also expanding transit and providing high-speed internet access in rural areas. […]

Pritzker has said the state’s program, which was funded largely by an increase in the state gas tax, means Illinois will immediately have the money available to match federal funds made available through Biden’s infrastructure plan.

* Lynn Sweet

Pritzker press secretary Jordan Abudayyeh said Biden invited Pritzker to the White House “to discuss the critical need for nationwide infrastructure investments, along with the success of Illinois’ own historic bipartisan capital plan.

“The governor also anticipates discussing other major issues such as the need for a national approach to addressing the pandemic’s impact on unemployment funds and combatting gun violence. The governor will also meet with White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeff Zients to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Pritzker is a strong supporter of Biden’s infrastructure proposals — things like airports, broadband, roads and bridges — and the second bill, with items dealing with the climate, education and child care.

Biden and Pritzker met when the president was in Crystal Lake on July 7 where he talked about his “Build Back Better” agenda and infrastructure plans at McHenry County College.


Open thread

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Have at it.



Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Today’s post is sponsored by the Association Of Illinois Electric Cooperatives. Follow along with ScribbleLive

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