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Campaign Roundup: McNamara eyeing Bustos seat; King raises big bucks; Miller slammed for fundraiser; Boeing and “the Sedition Caucus”

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller


[Rockford] Mayor Tom McNamara is unsure if he’ll run for the 17th district seat currently held by Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.

“I haven’t made any final decisions,” McNamara said. “I’m absolutely considering the position… We as elected officials we’re here to make a difference in residents lives, and I think we can do a better job of that.” […]

McNamara said he’s getting a “strong push” by local, state and national Democrats to run for the seat. […]

Regardless of whether or not he runs, McNamara said the candidate should be someone from the district.

OK, but there are no districts yet. And there may not be until October.

* Meanwhile, from the same area…

The campaign for Republican Esther Joy King today announced it had raised over $425,000 in the second fundraising quarter that ended June 30th.

King’s campaign, fueled by grassroots momentum of a now-open seat, raised nearly $400,000 since becoming the frontrunner in the race on April 30. Her total raised since formally entering the race for the 2022 election now tops $575,000 as her campaign has moved into one of the top 3 GOP pickup opportunities nationwide. […]

King’s Q2 fundraising by the numbers:
Total Raised in Q2: $426,384.32
Total Raised since April 30: $393,101.40
Total Raised in 2021: $581,544.23
Number of Q2 Donors: 1,219
Number of Q2 IL Donors: 820
Percentage of donors from IL: 67%

Pretty good, but she hasn’t yet filed her report, so we don’t know what she spent.

* In other news, this is from the Democratic Party of Illinois and the Illinois Democratic County Chairs Association…

Fringe Illinois Republican Congresswoman Mary Miller welcomed conspiracy theorist and hate speech provocateur Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green to Illinois this week. Today, Abby Witt, Executive Director for the Democratic Party of Illinois, and Dan Kovats, Executive Director for the Illinois Democratic County Chairs Association, released the following statement:

“Mary Miller and Marjorie Taylor Green are two peas in a pod blindly following their dear failed leader Donald Trump. They voted against honoring the police officers who protected them and others from the January 6 failed insurrection instigated by Trump. Miller and Green both purposely spew hate concerning statements referencing Hitler, the Holocaust, and Nazi ‘Brown Shirts’ into their remarks.”

“The Miller and Green show are now fundraising together in Illinois, continuing their grift and conspiracy theory partnership. If they are the Republican Party, they don’t represent the majority of middle Americans and they don’t belong in Congress spewing hate and division.”

Mary Miller quoted Hitler the day before the failed insurrection. Marjorie Taylor Green, again, made another Nazi-era reference regarding the push to vaccinate more Americans – her second comment in months.

* News-Gazette editorial

Miller’s 15th Congressional District is by far the most conservative in Illinois — Donald Trump won it with 72 percent last year — and Greene undoubtedly will be a big draw at Thursday’s event and will help replenish Miller’s campaign treasury.

But in terms of advancing thoughtful conservative values and civility in government, and in finally helping to repel the damaging myth that the election was stolen from Trump, Miller has chosen chaos over contemplation.

She is doing her district and her country a disservice by promoting Greene and driving more loosely based, ideologically suspect wedges among the broader electorate.

* And Greg Hinz

Chicago-based Boeing has emerged as the largest corporate donor in the country this year to political groups that back members of Congress who voted against certifying the election of President Joe Biden.

In a new report, watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility & Ethics in Washington, or CREW, said that since recently lifting a ban on congressional donations imposed after the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, Boeing’s political action committee has donated $210,000 to groups affiliated with what CREW calls “the Sedition Caucus.”

Koch Industries, whose founders long have been active in conservative causes, is second, at $122,500, and Walmart third at $60,000, according to the report, based on Federal Election Commission records. The only other Illinois company on the list of top 25 donors is Deere, with one donation for $5,000.


Question of the day

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Caption?…


*** UPDATED *** S&P upgrades Illinois bond rating for first time since 1997

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscribers to expect this earlier today. Press release…

Governor JB Pritzker hailed the state’s improved bond rating from S&P Global Ratings on Thursday, the second such rating upgrade in recent days. The announcement follows Moody’s credit upgrade and Fitch’s upgraded credit outlook for the state—a trifecta of good news from the three major credit rating agencies.

Since taking office, Gov. Pritzker has tirelessly focused on strong and responsible fiscal management, working with the General Assembly to hold the line on spending while making key investments in programs working families rely on while continuing to strengthen Illinois’ fiscal outlook.

“A well-known proverb states, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Throughout my administration we’ve remained steadfast in our goal to return Illinois to fiscal stability. That has meant making responsible decisions step by step, day by day, working closely with our partners in state government,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “These responsible decisions are paying dividends, as evidenced by today’s upgrade from S&P, last week’s upgrade from Moody’s and our outlook rise to positive by Fitch. My administration has worked diligently to make real progress, the rating agencies are acknowledging our progress and we remain committed to further strengthening Illinois’ fiscal standing.”

S&P last upgraded the state’s bonds in July 1997 and today’s upgrade analysis credited “improved liquidity,” “demonstrated operational controls during the COVID-19 pandemic” and an “improving economic condition” in making the rating change.

“Throughout the pandemic, the state has been able to deliver needed services and programs, both traditional governmental and pandemic-response-related without meaningfully changing the debt profile,” S&P stated.

The Governor noted all the positive reports from the top rating agencies are the result of many leaders working cooperatively in the best interest of Illinois’ taxpayers, especially thanking Speaker Welch, President Harmon, Leader Greg Harris, Senator Sims, Comptroller Mendoza and Treasurer Frerichs for their continued partnership.

S&P upgraded Illinois’ rating on its General Obligation bonds from BBB- to BBB with a stable outlook also upgraded the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority ratings to BBB+ from BBB based on the state’s support. Build Illinois bonds were upgraded to BBB+ from BBB.

Last week Moody’s upgraded Illinois’ rating on its General Obligation bonds from Baa3 with a stable outlook to Baa2 with a stable outlook, and also upgraded the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority ratings to Baa3 from Ba1 based on the state’s support. Build Illinois bonds were upgraded to Baa2 from Baa3.

In an updated credit analysis issued by Moody’s released Wednesday, the rating agency noted last week’s credit upgrade was supported by a material improvement in the state’s finances, demonstrated by the ability to repay emergency Federal Reserve borrowings promptly and keep unpaid bills in check at a low level.

“One of the most striking developments in recent months was the state’s reduction of a “backlog” of unpaid bills, underscoring the improvement in the state’s finances,” Moody’s wrote.

The rating of a state’s bonds is a measure of their credit quality. A higher bond rating generally means the state can borrow at a lower interest rate, saving taxpayers millions of dollars.

…Adding… Speaker Chris Welch…

For the first time in decades, Illinois has received not one, but two bond rating upgrades. I am incredibly proud of our state’s responsible financial choices that continue to improve our fiscal standing, as well as put hardworking Illinoisans and their families first. These are the types of positive changes you see when government leadership is truly working for the people they represent.

…Adding… Comptroller Mendoza…

“S&P’s upgrade of the state’s credit rating is further evidence that Illinois is moving in the right direction. Upgrades are good news because they mean lower costs for taxpayers on the bonds that we use to build roads, bridges, schools and other projects. A top priority of mine as comptroller has been paying down the state’s bill backlog, knowing that credit rating agencies would recognize our hard work. From a high of $16.7 billion during the prior administration’s budget impasse, that backlog is down to $2.9 billion today.

“As the state comptroller, my priority continues to be managing the state’s bill backlog and providing evidence to the credit rating agencies that Illinois is an excellent investment and is on a path to financial stability and certainty.”

…Adding… Senate President Harmon…

This is further proof we are on the right track in balancing our fiscal realities with the real-world needs of working men and women. We are moving Illinois forward by paying our debts while at the same time investing in education, health care, child care and other key programs people need to get ahead.

*** UPDATE *** From the S&P report…

The adopted fiscal 2022 $44.3 billion general funds budget is similarly sized to the fiscal 2021 spending and is designed to generate an $88 million surplus. In addition, the fiscal 2022 budget anticipates using $2.8 billion in federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding for pandemic-related purposes, $1.8 billion for economic recovery and other pandemic needs, and $1 billion for capital. The capital money will be split approximately $575 million for project types specifically authorized in the ARP guidelines (broadband, water, and sewer) and the remaining $425 million on other projects once the reimbursement rules are finalized. That leaves $5.3 billion for additional uses to be determined through the ARP spending deadline of Dec. 31, 2024. The plan for spending the ARP money is ongoing but looks to be aimed at pandemic expenses, supporting economic development, and aiding small businesses affected by the pandemic.

Although Illinois’ fiscal 2022 general fund budget is flat compared with the previous year’s spend, and balanced in terms of current-year obligations, we do not view it as structurally balanced due to the treatment of pension obligations. Pension contributions of $9.4 billion are budgeted to fully meet increasing statutorily set amounts but are still less than actuarially determined amounts. We view the difference between the statutorily set contribution amounts and our defined minimum funding progress as a structural gap.

Illinois’ bill backlog remains, but according to the state comptroller at the end of fiscal 2021 was approximately $2.6 billion, the lowest level in more than a decade. As of July 7, the bill backlog was $2.9 billion, but such variation is expected. Continued reduction in these liabilities could give the state needed budgetary flexibility and help it avoid unnecessary interest charges. We expect the state’s focus will remain on paying the past-due obligations (although most are now less than 45 days’ delinquent), before shifting to establishing a reserve for future recessions.

The remaining $5.3 billion in ARP funds come with some use limitations, such as a prohibition on using this money to resolve pension-funding deficiencies, depositing into rainy day reserves, and paying back the MLF; the federal funds could be used to replace lost revenue, repay part of the $4.2 billion borrowed from the federal government for unemployment payments, or further reduce the bill backlog.

Credit weaknesses supporting the ‘BBB-’ rating include:

    • An almost empty budget stabilization fund that would further limit budgetary flexibility;
    • The remaining bill backlog;
    • Pension funding practices where the statutory pension funding is designed to attain a 90% funded status in 2045, which is one of the least conservative funding methodologies in the nation among peers; and
    • A recurring practice of relatively late audit reports. The audit for the fiscal year ended June 2019 was not released until April 2020 and the fiscal 2020 audit is still not published. Although not required for us to consider an upgrade, a return to a more abbreviated audit release period would be in line with that of higher-rated peers.

Credit strengths include:

    • On the revenue side of the budget, various tax revenues have held up stronger than forecast during the depths of the economic trough, and the receipt of unbudgeted federal stimulus to help bridge the gap to a fully functioning economy;
    • On the expenditure side of the budget, whereas in the recent past the state has hesitated to make expenditure cuts during times of fiscal stress, the administration made more than $700 million in budget cuts and freezes in fiscal 2021 during the budget year. Not all cuts and freezes were general fund-related, but the recurring actions indicate a potential change in practice;
    • Overall, the budget, aside from the inherent pension gap between the statutory funding and actuarial recommendations, during this current period of favorable and improving economic conditions is seeing improved structural balance; and
    • The political gridlock that stymied governance a few fiscal years ago has dissipated.

The stable outlook reflects the expected strength of the liquidity position, continued economic recovery, and regular revenue and expenditure reporting and budgetary control usage.


Huge race, class divide in Cook County vax rates

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller


A WBEZ analysis of Cook County vaccination data by municipality found a stark gap between the most vaccinated suburbs and least vaccinated ones. The 10 communities with the highest vaccination rates are all majority white and affluent, while the 10 communities with the lowest vaccination rates are majority Black and low-income.

“I personally didn’t imagine there would be that wide of a gap,” said Dr. Rachel Rubin, co-lead of the Cook County Department of Public Health.

* Here are the highest vaccinated suburban towns that are entirely within Cook County

Northbrook 81.4%
Des Plaines 78.2%
Riverside 75.5%
Glenview 73.9%
Northfield 68.5%
Wilmette 63.6%
Morton Grove 63.1%
Winnetka 63.1%
Palos Heights 62.9%
Western Springs 62.6%

* And the lowest vaxed

Dolton 29.3%
Calumet City 28.9%
Robbins 27.5%
Markham 26.9%
Phoenix 26.2%
Harvey 23.2%
Burnham 20.8%
Riverdale 19.6%
Ford Heights 14.0%
Dixmoor 12.6%

* Back to WBEZ

Rubin said now the county plans to shift resources toward more community-focused, on-the-ground efforts.

“We really need to be going door to door with outreach,” Rubin said. “To say, ‘We have a van that’s doing vaccinations that’s in the elementary school yard,’ and draw a circle and knock on all the doors and say, ‘We’re going to be here all weekend.’ ”


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Campaign update

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x1 *** State now has two different vax lotteries

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

The gift of immunization against COVID-19 is about to get significantly sweeter for four Illinois residents — and a million times sweeter for one of them.

The state will draw the first four winners of its coronavirus vaccination lottery Thursday, making one inoculated adult $1 million richer and providing $150,000 scholarships to three minors who have gotten their jabs.

It’s the first of nine weekly drawings being held throughout the summer as an incentive to get more people to roll up their sleeves. A total of $7 million in cash prizes will be doled out to adults, and $3 million in scholarships will go to kids aged 12-17.

Thursday’s prizes include one of only three $1 million jackpots in the lottery.

* Press release

As Illinois continues to lead the Midwest in vaccinating its residents, Governor Pritzker announced a new pilot program offering a range of incentives to state employees who work in direct care facilities and receive at least one dose of the vaccine. The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs (IDVA), the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice (IDJJ) and the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) announced the drawings to eligible employees in late June and will announce winners on July 19.
Dozens of frontline employees will be chosen in drawings conducted by the Illinois Lottery. Lucky winners will receive:

    • Cash bonuses: ranging from $5,000 to $10,000
    • State prizes: a choice among lifetime hunting and fishing licenses, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum passes or memberships, and State Fair admissions and concert passes
    • Airline vouchers: first-class tickets to any domestic U.S. destination or coach tickets to any international destination on American Airlines
    • Sports tickets: home game tickets to cheer on the Chicago Bears, Chicago Cubs, Chicago Fire FC and St. Louis Cardinals

“Our state employees have worked tirelessly on the frontlines throughout the pandemic and I’m thrilled to announce this new opportunity to encourage them to get vaccinated,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “By further increasing state employee vaccination rates, we’re not just protecting our staff, we’re protecting our vulnerable residents in state facilities and our surrounding communities. Getting vaccinated is truly how we protect ourselves from new variants and put this pandemic behind us.”
“While our vaccination rates in Illinois are good, we cannot let our guard down,” said IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike. “Across Illinois, we are seeing COVID-19 variants that spread more easily and quickly, and are more dangerous. Right now, the vaccines available have proven to be effective against these variants.  However, if the virus is allowed to further circulate,  it can and will mutate further.  Getting vaccinated now can help stop the spread and mutation of the virus, and protect you and those around you.” 
From the onset of the pandemic, frontline state employees have protected Illinois’ most vulnerable residents from IDHS developmental centers and psychiatric hospitals to IDVA veterans’ homes to IDJJ and IDOC facilities. To recognize their ongoing service to the state, employees who have taken at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose by July 12, 2021, will be entered into the free drawing. State agencies announced the drawings to eligible employees in late June.

More at the link. No comment from AFSCME was included, so I reached out. Here’s Anders Lindall…

Our union welcomes this incentive to encourage everyone to protect themselves, their families and their communities by getting vaccinated. Safe and highly effective, the vaccines are the road back to normalcy: Seeing family and friends, going to movies and restaurants, traveling and more. That’s why since December we’ve been doing everything possible to reduce barriers to access for AFSCME members and to help overcome hesitancy by providing accurate information on the importance of vaccination.

*** UPDATE *** Press release…

The first winners of Illinois’ $10 million ‘All In for the Win’ vaccine lottery have been chosen in the first drawings conducted by the Illinois Lottery.

“Getting vaccinated is your shot to save lives and win big,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Especially with more dangerous variants spreading, getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19. I’m excited we’re able to offer enticing prizes to reward residents for getting the shot.”

“With 10 million additional reasons to get a COVID-19 vaccine, we hope to increase the number of Illinoisans who make the importance choice to secure the best protection against COVID-19 by getting vaccinated,” said IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike. “We are seeing an increase in the test positivity rate in Illinois. With the more contagious Delta variant circulating, we need more people to be fully vaccinated to better control this pandemic.”

The Illinois Department of Public Health will be notifying winners by phone or email starting this afternoon. The first round of winners are from the following locations across Illinois:

    $1 million cash prize: Chicago
    $150,000 scholarship: DeKalb County
    $150,000 scholarship: Suburban Cook County
    $150,000 scholarship: Chicago

Illinoisans from those cities and counties should keep their phones on and check their emails regularly to find out if they’ve won. IDPH will call from 312-814-3524 and or email from No personal information will be requested in the initial phone or email notification. Winners will have seven days to securely complete, sign and send the authorization form to IDPH to accept their prizes. The Illinois Lottery will then guide winners through the claims process. Winners will be announced eight days after each draw unless they choose to remain anonymous.


Lake Michigan, the Chicago River and climate change

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* New York Times on Chicago, Lake Michigan and the Chicago River

Lake Michigan’s water level has historically risen or fallen by just a matter of inches over the course of a year, swelling in summer following the spring snowmelt and falling off in winter. Bigger oscillations, a few feet up or down from the average, also took place in slow, almost rhythmic cycles unfolding over the course of decades.

No more.

In 2013, Lake Michigan plunged to a low not seen since record-keeping began in the mid-1800s, wreaking havoc across the Midwest. Marina docks became useless catwalks. Freighter captains couldn’t fully load their ships. And fears grew that the lake would drop so low it would no longer be able to feed the Chicago River, the defining waterway that snakes through the heart of the city.

That fear was short-lived. Just a year later, in 2014, the lake started climbing at a stunning rate, ultimately setting a record summertime high in 2020 before drought took hold and water levels started plunging again.

In just seven years, Lake Michigan had swung more than six feet. It was an ominous sign that the inland sea, yoked for centuries to its historic shoreline, is starting to buck. […]

If the lake were to drop just a couple of feet below its all-time low, or surge a couple of feet above its record high, the consequences for the city could be dire. […]

If a two-foot storm surge were to strike when the lake level was just a couple of feet higher, the lock itself would in effect be useless. Lake water would overtop its gates and race into the city, and beyond. “It would be a problem,” Mr. Schmidt said as waves crashed nearby. “It would be a big problem.”

Added Mr. Valley: “All the way down to the Mississippi.”

Go read the whole thing. It’ll give you a lot more of the “why” and the “what.”

* Related…

* Northwest heat wave impossible without climate change, study finds

* Dangerous, 6-Foot Waves Possible At Lake Michigan Beaches On Thursday

* Advocates continue to push for equitable energy bill: “The truth of the matter is that some trade unions have stood in the way of Black and brown workers and contractors sharing and the chance to earn jobs, to build businesses and to create generational wealth by controlling access to apprenticeships and other job training programs, especially in the energy and construction industries,” Buckner said.

* Renewable energy? UI’s new Campus Instructional Facility can dig it: Its geothermal system can pump 135 tons of hot or cool air into the building. That’s twice as much as the next biggest geothermal system on campus, and about 30 times the amount pumped into an average home.

* New Illinois law may help homeowners sued over solar panels: A bill [HB644] awaiting Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker’s signature could bring a victory for the Basslers, as it would strengthen homeowners’ rights to get solar panels.


80s hair band dudes booked for Illinois State Fair

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* More 20th Century entertainment hired more than two decades into the 21st Century. Press release…

The Illinois State Fair will be rocking when Bret Michaels with special guests Dee Snider and Dokken (featuring special guest appearance by George Lynch) take the Illinois Lottery Grandstand Stage on Saturday night, August 21.

After over a year removed due to the pandemic, music icon and humanitarian of the year award recipient Bret Michaels makes his triumphant return to the stage and is bringing the biggest party of the summer to the Illinois Lottery Grandstand. Michaels’ “Nothin’ But A Good Vibe” Summer Concert Tour will, as always, showcase the global superstar’s high octane live show providing the ultimate summer party soundtrack.

“I am without a doubt fired up and ready to bring an insane party and night of real, live good music combined with the great outdoors,” said Michaels. “It has been too long since live shows were a thing. We are bringing the big show back on the road and make that connection with 3 generations of amazing friends and fans whom I am sure are ready to party just as much as I am.”

In addition to a successful solo career, Michaels emerged as a reality TV star with the record breaking, VH1 franchise, Rock of Love, following up with Bret Michaels: Life As I Know It and Rock My RV, and was voted fan favorite of his winning season of The Celebrity Apprentice.

While perhaps best known as the lead singer of rock band, Twisted Sister, there is much more to Dee Snider. He has starred in several reality TV shows including appearances in three seasons of Celebrity Apprentice; Gone Country with John Rich; MTV’s Rock The Cradle with his son Jesse; Growing Up Twisted, an A&E series featuring the entire Snider family and their Long Island lifestyle; ABC’s Celebrity Wife Swap, and Celebrity Holiday Homes. He is also a frequent host on MTV Networks and his own long running nationally syndicated radio show House Of Hair is heard on more than 200 stations in North America.

Dokken exploded out of the hard rock/heavy metal scene in Los Angeles in the early 1980s. 1983’s “Breaking the Chains” with its catchy title track, set the stage for Dokken becoming the most dominant creative and commercial force in the world of melodic hard rock for the following years. Classic albums as “Tooth and Nail”, “Under Lock and Key” and “Back for the Attack” all became Multi-Platinum selling smashes and the live “Beast from the East” went gold in Europe and Japan. Songs like “Alone Again”, “Just Got Lucky”, “Into the Fire”, “In My Dreams”, “Unchain the Night”, “Dream Warriors”, “Burning like a Flame” and “Heaven Sent” are still regarded among the genre’s finest. […]

There are changes being made to track (SRO) admission for the 2021 grandstand. The track will be open for General Admission, but the exclusive VIP gated area on the track is no longer being offered. The Illinois State Fair is continuing to offer the Stage Side Pre-Show Parties for all nights of paid concert events. While attendees of the Stage Side Party are required to have both a concert ticket and a party ticket to enter the party tent, all party attendees are allowed entrance into the venue prior to other ticketholders. Stage Side Party tickets are only $30 each and include a parking pass if purchased prior to July 15. There are a limited number of party tickets available for each concert.

All respect to Dee Snider, though. He stood up to the would-be congressional censors back in the day.

* The lineup, in case you’ve lost track…

Thursday, August 12: Sammy Hagar & The Circle

Friday, August 13: Kane Brown with Restless Road

Saturday, August 14: Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias

Sunday, August 15: Toby Keith with Craig Morgan

Monday, August 16: The Traveling Salvation Show – A Tribute to Neil Diamond

Tuesday, August 17: Chris Young with Ingrid Andress and Payton Smith

Wednesday, August 18: I Love the 90’s Tour

Thursday, August 19: Badflower with Dorothy and Dead Poets Society

Friday, August 20: Brett Young with Russell Dickerson

Saturday, August 21: Bret Michaels with special guests Dee Snider and Dokken (featuring special guest appearance by George Lynch)

Sunday, August 22: George Thorogood with 38 Special


State revenues surged in FY21

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I went over this report with subscribers this morning, so here’s the take from Capitol News Illinois

Revenues flowing into state coffers surged in the fiscal year that ended June 30, spurred largely by an influx of federal funds, the delayed deadline for filing income tax returns last year and an economic recovery that boosted income and sales tax collections beyond what had been estimated.

A report from the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability, a legislative agency that monitors the budget and state revenues, showed base receipts to the General Revenue Fund jumped nearly $6.8 billion, or 17.8 percent, during the fiscal year, fueled by big increases in personal and corporate income taxes and retail sales taxes.

That growth does not include money the state borrowed from the Federal Reserve last year or any of the money the state routinely borrows on a short-term basis from other state funds.

Combined net income tax receipts, both individual and corporate, grew by more than $5.5 billion over the previous year, to a total of just over $26 billion. That was more than $1 billion more than CGFA had estimated as recently as May, and it was over $1.7 billion more than the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget had estimated.

The full COGFA report is here.


Cutting through some of the bail reform hype

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rex Huppke at the Tribune

A recent study by researchers at Loyola University Chicago found that bail reform in Cook County “had no effect on new criminal activity or crime,” a finding in line with studies of crime data from other large cities.

The percentage of Cook County defendants released prior to bail reform who were charged with a new violent criminal act: 3%.

The percentage of defendants released after bail reform who were charged with a new violent criminal act: 3%. […]

Defendants’ probability of new criminal activity prior to bail reform: 17.5%.

Defendants’ probability of new criminal activity after bail reform: 17.1%.

The study is here.

* Meanwhile, here’s the Sun-Times

Community activists on Wednesday called on Gov. J.B. Pritzker to declare a state of emergency decree for gun violence after Chicago recorded its deadliest and most violent weekend yet this year. […]

Green called gun violence a “public health crisis” and said “it’s clear” city leadership can’t get a handle on the situation. That’s why, he said, the group is asking Pritzker to step in. […]

In a statement Wednesday evening, Jordan Abudayyeh, a spokeswoman for Pritzker’s office, did not mention Pritzker issuing a state of emergency decree, though she said the Democratic governor is committed to a “comprehensive approach to gun violence,” which includes investing in programs that produce pathways to better education, careers and safe communities.

“The Governor believes we have to treat the epidemic of gun violence as a public health crisis, which is why since day one his administration has significantly increased funding for violence interruption and prevention programs,” said Abudayyeh, noting that Pritzker increased funding to these programs by $50 million in his first year in office.

Abudayyeh also said this year’s budget allocates $128 million for violence prevention programs.

In comparison, CPD’s annual budget is $1.7 billion.

* Related…

* President Biden came to Chicago area to talk ‘human infrastructure,’ but shooting of 3 officers brings gun violence to forefront

* Person of Interest Questioned in Shooting That Wounded CPD Officer, ATF Agents: Source

* Man whose case helped end death penalty in Illinois dies


The broadband divide in Illinois

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* USA Today

In about half of Illinois’s counties — 52 of 102 — measured by a Federal Communications Commission study, broadband access is available to at least 74% of residents. Yet in about half of the state measured by Microsoft — 52 of 102 counties — no more than 24% of households actually have high-speed access, a USA TODAY analysis shows. […]

The proportions of Illinois households that have high speed access varies widely: In Calhoun County, it’s just 2%; in Alexander County, it’s 3%; and in Pulaski County, it’s 6%. Leading the state are DuPage County with 80%, Lake County with 63% and Kendall County with 61%. […]

Among Illinois’s wealthiest counties: 61% of Kendall County has access, 80% of DuPage County has access and 63% of Lake County has access. Among the least-wealthiest counties, access rates are 6% in Pulaski County, 3% in Alexander County and 27% in Jackson County.

An interactive map is here.


IPI recruiting candidates

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There are two schools of thought on this. One is that competitive races are good because they give people actual choices and increase overall turnout. The other, more dominant one in Illinois, is that this is a bad idea because fielding candidates in uncompetitive districts can backfire by driving up turnout for the other side as the dominant party expends energy and resources to crush the opposition.

NPR Illinois

The libertarian-leaning Illinois Policy Institute will be trying its hand at candidate recruitment this summer and fall, sending out at minimum tens of thousands of postcards to households the organization identifies as “high propensity voters” who also align with the think tank on issues of “economic freedom,” seeking out those who may be interested in running for office.

Illinois Policy’s outreach drive — a pilot for a possible more robust candidate training program in the future — is being launched in tandem with a new paper from three staff researchers at the organization. The paper argues that because Illinois’ legislative and congressional district maps are drawn with a low degree of competitiveness, incumbents go uncontested because a House or Senate district is all but guaranteed to a Republican or Democrat, leading to lower voter turnout.

The researchers estimated that uncontested races translated to 1.7 million “missing votes” since 2012 — the first election cycle under the state’s current legislative and congressional maps, or an average of 334,000 votes per election year, though presidential election cycles yield higher voter turnout.

“Roughly half of all Illinois House races were uncontested on average,” the paper argues. “That means that many voters were denied the opportunity to support a candidate who is more closely aligned with their own preferences.”

Go read the rest. Interesting piece.


Closing The Prairie State Coal Plant Protects Clean Air, Consumers, And The Climate

Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Climate change is no longer an impending crisis. We’re in a state of emergency right now. Last month, more than 480 people died in the Pacific Northwest when temperatures skyrocketed to 117 degrees. Last week, the Gulf of Mexico was on fire.

But instead of taking action in Illinois, fossil fuel companies and out-of-state interest groups are working overtime to mislead consumers about the health, cost, and climate impacts of toxic coal plants. Recently, Congressman Rodney Davis earned a “Pants on Fire” rating for claiming that the Prairie State coal plant was somehow not a major polluter.

Here’s the truth: Prairie State is one of the largest polluters in the nation, and that one plant is responsible for nearly 30% of all CO2 emissions in the Illinois power sector.

The impact of this toxic coal plant isn’t theoretical: Prairie State causes roughly one premature death every week and costs nearly $2 billion a year in damage to our health and environment.

Legislators have an opportunity to pass an equitable energy bill that not only closes dangerous coal plants like Prairie State, but provides resources for impacted communities while maintaining reliable power for everyone in Illinois.

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Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Heh…

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Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Thursday, Jul 8, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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