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*** UPDATED x4 - Building trades unions issue statement - CTU weighs in *** Democratic Reps. Moylan and Jones issue statements supporting Speaker Madigan

Saturday, Nov 7, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Little surprise on either of these HDems. Press release…

November 6 , 2020
To whom it may concern,

Democrats are on the verge of celebrating a truly historic moment – one made possible in part by the strong leadership of the Democratic Party of Illinois. But even as we are poised to make Donald Trump a one-term president and retain the Congressional and Statehouse gains won in 2018, some continue with the same old political games.

As a Democrat who has faced difficult races and won by being upfront with people, I want to be very clear: To criticize Chairman Madigan while Democrats continue to compete and win in districts that Republicans have held for decades is absurd.

Democrats are ready to get to work for the families facing the challenges of COVID-19, the small businesses struggling because of Washington’s failed leadership, and all who are ready to move Illinois forward. That requires steady, proven leadership-not false and shortsighted blame.

Martin J. Moylan
State Representative, 55th District

* Press release…

Thaddeus M. Jones
State-Representative-29th District

Statement for Immediate Release
To: Governor Pritzker, Senator Durbin, Democratic Majority, House of Representative,

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” This famous quote is attributed to legendary boxer Mike Tyson. As we catch our breath from this past election, one thing is clear-Illinoisans don’t trust us in Springfield! That “us” is not just House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, it is also, Senator Dick Durbin, Senate President Harmon, and Governor J.B Pritzker.

As Democrats, our plan going into the 2020 election was to increase our majority, topple the horrendous policies of President Trump and to pass a fair tax that would level the playing field for 97% of Illinois. Instead, on November 3, 2020, democracy happened- and voters rejected the fair tax and our House Majority did not increase. Moreover, our nation and the State of Illinois is on the verge of a historic moment-where nearly 160 million Americans voted to change the course of our nation and elect a NEW Democratic President in President Elect Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris. And, instead of celebrating and joining forces to regain the trust of voters and save Illinois, we are blaming House Speaker Madigan for the failures in Illinois.

Further, for those who have criticized House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, please take a moment and understand that if it wasn’t for Speaker Madigan standing up to former Governor Rauner and his failed policies, there would be no Governor Pritzker or Senator Durbin, or a democratic majority in Illinois. In 2015, when Bruce Rauner threatened to decimate social service programs, and held the State of Illinois in peril to attempt to achieve a racist and trump like agenda; it was House Speaker Michael J. Madigan who stood in front of democrats and proclaimed that “we are in a fight for the heart and soul of the Democratic Party.”

As a strong Democrat who has faced opposition in every election, and at every level, I urge Senator Durbin, Governor Pritzker and others to stop the blame game and join together to save Illinois from the last four years of President Trump’s awful polices. As President Elect Joe Biden stated “We may be opponents, but we’re not enemies. We’re Americans,” he said. “I’ve never been more optimistic about the future of this nation. There is no reason we can’t own the 21st century. We just need to remember who we are.” We are the face of the Illinois Democratic Party- and it is time that we stop blaming Speaker Michael J Madigan, and get to work on gaining back the trust of our voters and all Illinoisans.

In closing, now that you got punched in the mouth, the real question is what are you going to do about it? Blaming others aint the answer! I am choosing to work with Speaker Michael J. Madigan and my collegues in the General Assembly. The next move is yours to make. I challenge all of my colleagues in the Democratic Party to support Speaker Madigan and post a similar message on your social media platforms. Let’s help unify our State.

…Adding… Rep. Jones sent that statement to all House Democrats and openly cc’d them. So, I forwarded it to them and asked each of them to comment. Most responses I’ve received so far were of the “no comment” variety or were off the record. Here’s Rep. Jaime Andrade…

Life would be just too simple to be able to blame one person which people are doing.

I agree with Thaddeus with the “US” statement, that includes EVERYONE my friend. The fair tax did not pass just because of one person. People have no faith and simply do not trust politicians that is why the fair tax failed and other Dems and Reps lost their election not because of one man. Yes life is a little harder when I knock on doors when I say I am supporting MM for Speaker. In 2014 every mail piece was of me and MM even in spandex pants on a tandem bike with MM and I won in a five way race with over 50% of the vote. Yes times are different now and my not be able to pull off the same percentage. But if I lose i lose because I did not work hard enough not because MM is the speaker of the house. But until there is someone that will outwork the man to ensure the house remains Democratic I will keep voting for MM as Speaker.

Everyone has to look in the mirror and ask did I leave every stone unturned, did I work hard enough at the doors, did “I” , NOT did they do enough before I blame anyone for my loss when the day comes.

…Adding… Rep. Anne Stava-Murray…

Having been threatened that my “friends will be remapped into impossible districts” by a person whom I assume was sent by the Speaker, I don’t share my colleague’s confidence in who is best for leadership.

This is beyond being punched in the mouth in this election. This is about rebuilding trust in state government and doing what is right by the people.

Michael J Madigan has clearly decimated that trust and irreparably harmed our ability to move Illinois forward. If he were willing to do what’s right, he’d spend more time putting the future of our party before himself.

…Adding… Rep. Mary Flowers…

I support Speaker Madigan and The statements made by Representatives Jones and Moylan.

…Adding… Rep. Larry Walsh…

Thaddeus put it perfectly. The Speaker guided us through, at the Democratic Party of Illinois, the toughest time we have faced in recent history. And to throw the guy under the bus, I just don’t agree with. I don’t. At the end of the day, whether we gain two seats, lose two seats, gain one, lose one, we’re still in the super majority and we’re in the middle of the Midwest and we’re surrounded by red states.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Rep. Carol Ammons responded to the email chain…

Loved this letter. It’s important that people don’t start doing the bidding of the Republicans.

*** UPDATE 2 *** From the Chicago Teachers Union

Democrat leaders in our state must end their bickering over control of the party, and instead, stay focused on putting forth policies will secure the future for their most loyal constituents — the Black residents of our state.

*** UPDATE 3 *** This letter is being sent to House Democrats, the state central committee, Gov. Pritzker and Sens. Durbin and Duckworth…

In the last six years, Illinois has faced unprecedented challenges. We faced and fought Illinois’ own version of Donald Trump in Bruce Rauner. Rauner was a failed Governor. He drove Illinois into deeper financial debt. He held our most vulnerable citizens hostage. He used the working class as leverage for his own ideological agenda. When Donald Trump became President, Illinois residents had already seen and experienced the playbook.

If Rauner were successful, Illinois would be a much different State today, and frankly, the Midwest’s anchor blue state could have turned red. Without Illinois standing strong, we very well could have had a different outcome in the Presidential election.

We were able to the hold that line because Michael J. Madigan never cowered in the face of unprecedented attacks. Reasonable minds can disagree, however, now is not the time for Democrats to attack each other to win a news cycle.

We again are faced with unprecedented challenges. Covid-19 has created another financial crisis for Illinois. Fair Taxes’ failure further complicates our already dire fiscal state. With Democratic majorities in the Illinois House, Senate, and Executive branch, now is our time to rise to the challenge. To come together, as Democrats, and govern for the people.

As Labor leaders, our members feel the pain of a faltering economy at their kitchen tables. So goes the State of Illinois, so goes our industry. It has never been more critical for our elected officials to stop pointing fingers and get to work.

Our members are the essential workers who show up every day to build a safe and strong Illinois, even during a pandemic. Now is the time for our elected officials to follow their lead and move Illinois forward together.

In Solidarity with and on behalf of the Middle Class,

The Leadership of the Chicago & Cook County Building & Construction Trades Council

Ralph Affrunti, Chicago & Cook County Building & Construction Trades Council Michael Macellaio, Chicago & Cook County Building & Construction Trades Council James Allen, Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 21
Thomas Collins, Sprinkler Fitters Local 281
James Connolly, Laborers’ District Council
James Coyne, Plumbers Local 130
Eric Davis, Boilermakers Local 1
Kevin Farley, Cement Masons Local 502
Don Finn, Electrical Workers Local 134
Rob Fulton, Machinery Movers & Riggers Local 136
Terrence Hancock, Teamsters Local 731
Ryan Kelly, Machinists Local 126
Bill Mangin, Heat & Frost Insulators, Local 17
Gary Menzel, Roofers Local 11
Kevin Morrissey, Pipefitters Local 597
Gary Perinar, Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters
John Spiros, Painters District Council #14
Craig Satalic, Iron Workers Local 1
Raymond Suggs, Sheet Metal Workers Local 73
James Sweeney, Operating Engineers Local 150
John Valone, Elevator Constructors Local 2
Paul Wende, Iron Workers Local 63

*** UPDATE 4 *** Sun-Times

Last week, the three top Democrats in Illinois, Gov. J.B. Pritzker plus Sens. Dick Durbin and Duckworth, said Madigan should step down — since Democratic candidates lost in part because Republicans slammed them for being associated with Madigan.

The 36 state central committee members elect one of their own as chair.

Rep. Robin Kelly, a state central committee member, on Sunday told the Sun-Times if Madigan is “going to have a negative effect on the progress of Democrats, I think he has to look at not being the leader, because you want the leader to take you forward, not take you backwards.”

Two other DPI state central committeemen — former state Sen. Carol Ronen and state Sen. Iris Martinez, earlier this year called for Madigan to step down from his party post.


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Saturday, Nov 7, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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