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Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the new cannabis legalization law

The position of Illinois Cannabis Regulation Oversight Officer is created within the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation under the Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation. The Illinois Cannabis Regulation Oversight Officer shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.

* September 27th

State Sen. Toi Hutchinson, a Democrat from south suburban Olympia Fields, will resign her seat to join the Pritzker administration in the $220,000-per-year role of cannabis regulation oversight officer.

* Jamie Munks in the Tribune today

In September, Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s administration made a splash by announcing Toi Hutchinson would oversee the implementation of Illinois’ new recreational cannabis program, laid out in landmark legislation the then-state senator played a key role in drafting.

A Pritzker spokeswoman said in a Sept. 26 email that Hutchinson’s salary would be $220,000, and that “the title is in statute so it’s Illinois Cannabis Regulation Oversight Officer,” a job quickly dubbed “pot czar.”

But when Hutchinson officially started work for the administration Nov. 4, it was as “Senior Adviser to the Governor on Cannabis Control.” […]

The administration said in one statement provided in response to questions from the Tribune that the provision would not apply to the senior adviser position Hutchinson holds, and in another: “Toi Hutchinson was not appointed to the position of Illinois Cannabis Regulation Oversight Officer,” directly contradicting the September email from Pritzker’s office.

* As Jamie points out in the article, there’s this pesky Illinois Constitution thingy

No member of the General Assembly during the term for which he was elected or appointed shall be appointed to a public office which shall have been created… by the General Assembly during that term.

So, the position created by the General Assembly is still open. That could create questions about how she’ll fund her staff because the statute says the funding will come from the Cannabis Regulation Fund. Same goes for the requirement that the office conduct a study of discrimination in the industry and make recommendations “for reducing or eliminating any identified barriers to entry in the cannabis market.”


*** UPDATED x2 *** Adventures in petition submitting

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A Thanksgiving Day email (received about 1 o’clock in the morning) from Cary Capparelli, the son of former Democratic Rep. Ralph Capparelli who is running against appointed Rep. Brad Stephens (R-Rosemont) as a Democrat…


Quick Update on my filing (or not filing yet):

My signatures have been complete for some time (1,462 of them) but some unfortunate circumstances kept me from filing.

First, a doctor’s appointment got switched around and wiped out Monday and Tuesday. So, we can blame the doc for cancelling. I did not want to wait til late January to reschedule and comfortable I can stand a challenge should that be necessary.

So, the plan was to file today but I had a double blowout (both fronts) and a bent rim on my car just outside Pontiac (I-55 is loaded with large pot holes). I waited four hours for a tow to Bloomington to get fixed and by that time it was too wait to file in Springfield.

Call it bad luck or whatever but now the plan is Monday.

He filed at 8:14 this morning.

* Text message exchange today with Rep. Delia Ramirez (D-Chicago)…

Delia: Good morning. On my way to Springfield with Nidia Carranza the teacher I’m supporting to replace [former Rep. Luis] Arroyo. It’s a new day in northwest side Chicago politics. We collected over 1500 signatures.

Jessica Gutierrez who ran against Reboyras for alderman is driving us. Young Latinas are building a new political movement in the northwest side and I’m helping build it. Feel free to share that and quote me lol

Me: hope the car is in sound condition!

Delia: Lol

Me: hey. stuff happens.

Delia: I know but don’t speak it into existence!

Me: sorry

* An hour later…

Delia: Lol. We made it!

Me: text me when she turns them in

* Two hours later…

Me: file yet?

Delia: No. On our way to board of elections. We had stopped for lunch.

Me: lol. tempting fate?

That was an hour ago. She hasn’t yet filed. I’ll keep you posted.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Carranza filed at 3:37 pm. They were waiting to see if anyone else filed. There are four candidates in the race. Appointed Rep. Eva Dina Delgado, Dave Feller, Joaquin Vazquez and Carranza.

*** UPDATE 2 *** I was wondering if a, shall we say, more mainstream Democratic candidate to run against GOP Rep. Brad Stephens would surface. From a press release…

Chicago firefighter and paramedic Michelle Darbro, D-Chicago, will offer northwest side residents an alternative to dynasty politics as a candidate for state representative in the 20th House District, announcing her campaign Monday.

“I’m not a politician and I’m not from a political family dynasty, but as a firefighter I do know that service means putting others first, and I think that’s what we need in Springfield,” Darbro said. “There’s too much at stake for our families to sit back and let politicians continue prioritizing their political parties, padding their taxpayer-funded paychecks, and cutting deals that only serve their family members and insider allies, so I’m going to hold appointed Representative Stephens accountable for his record. I’m also going to be clear with people about my priorities – from the needs of our first responders, to easing the burden on property taxpayers, to making health care more affordable – because I know that we owe our strong communities to strong middle-class families, not political dynasties.”

An active-duty member of the Chicago Fire Department and member of Chicago Firefighters Union Local 2, Darbro was inspired to serve others by her father, who volunteered for the United States Army and worked as a communications de-coder during the Vietnam War. Darbro graduated from the University of Chicago and was inducted into the school’s sports hall of fame as a three-sport athlete soon after. She and her wife Erika live in Chicago’s 41st Ward.

Darbro filed petitions to run for state representative Monday, after collecting the maximum number of signatures from local residents. The 20th House District is home to nearly 1,000 members of Chicago Firefighters Union Local 2, while another 500 members of Associated Firefighters of Illinois live in the suburban communities in the district.


Good luck enforcing this

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Transportation projects are funded by several things, including the state’s Motor Fuel Tax. But lawmakers also taxed things like parking to fund projects earlier this year. Doug Finke looked at the fine print of some new rules and found that IDOR intends to tax private parking at events like the Illinois State Fair

(A)ccording to rules filed by the Department of Revenue to flesh out how it plans to collect the tax and who must pay it. The department has filed 23 pages of proposed rules for the tax that include many examples of who is affected. Among the examples is this one:

“Every year a fair comes to a town. The owners of property near the fairground sell parking spaces on their property for $10 per day. If an owner of property makes available for use more than 3 parking spaces, the owner is liable for collecting and remitting the tax.”

This could be pretty difficult to enforce. I mean, these are all-cash “businesses” run out of peoples’ front yards, or school, American Legion, etc. parking lots. It could wind up costing almost as much to enforce as the 6 percent tax would bring in.

* It’s not going over well with local state Rep. Tim Butler (R-Springfield), who says the GA will need to take a closer look at this topic, but his alternative may not attract a lot of suburban support

Butler said some other changes might need to be considered. He thinks parking lots at Regional Transportation Authority facilities that are used by commuters should be taxed.

“That is a potential huge source of income,” he said. “If we’re going to put the tax on mom and pop operations parking cars around the fairgrounds, we certainly need to look at the RTA.”



Question of the day: Golden Horseshoe Awards

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I almost forgot that today is the kick-off day for our annual awards. We don’t have a lot of time this year because of a late Thanksgiving, so we may need to double up on some days.

Every day until awards season is completed will include a reminder from me to donate to Lutheran Social Services of Illinois. I usually raise money during my annual City Club speech, but I’m not doing that this year so I’m counting on you to help raise money for these fine folks. I’ll match the first $1,000. Please click here to contribute.

Our late, great commenter Wordslinger talked often about his Lutheran upbringing and he was enraged at the way groups like LSSI were stiffed during the impasse. So, I’d ask that you donate not just because of the good works LSSI does, but also in Wordslinger’s memory. Thanks.

* OK, let’s get to our first category…

* Best Springfield political bar

* Best Springfield political restaurant

We usually start with bartenders and waitstaff, but I thought I’d switch it up a bit today.

Remember to explain your nominations because this is more about the intensity of the nominations than the raw numbers. Also, please nominate in both categories. Thanks! And happy holidays!


If you think all of that local RTA sales tax money goes to transportation, think again

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

Providing public transportation services to people with disabilities and mobility-limited seniors has not been a priority in the Chicago area—and it shows.

Stripped of the niceties, that’s the bottom line of a report out today by the Metropolitan Planning Council that proposes a host of solutions to remedy the problem, from appointing a mobility czar of sorts to requiring ride-hailing services to better link their operations to Metra and other train operators.

“Nearly every person in the Chicago region, or someone they care for, will face a disability that will impact on their mobility at some point in their life,” says the report. Yes, despite long-standing federal law, “the experience of getting around using (Metra, the Chicago Transit Authority and other operators) ranges from fairly reliable and affordable to maddeningly frustrating and expensive.”

Some of MPC’s solutions will draw widespread nods from policymakers. Others, because of costs or political turf battles, may be a harder sell.

It’s a good story, so go read the rest.

* But this part of the study was pointed out to me by someone who works in this field

The Rebuild Illinois capital funding bill passed in June 2019 includes significant new dedicated transportation revenues and enables counties to levy an additional motor fuel tax to raise transportation funds. Every effort should be made to ensure that new investments make the system more accessible.

Additionally, other established transportation funding mechanisms are being diverted away from transportation projects such as the 0.25% RTA sales tax in the collar counties. Due to a political compromise, RTA sales tax revenue can also be used for “public safety” purposes. Funds used in this way generally go toward capital projects for law enforcement or other emergency services. As shown below, some counties choose to spend none of the RTA sales tax revenue on transportation. Ending the diversion of transportation revenue already being collected would enable the provision of a minimum level of accessible demand-response service for all residents. Given the scale of revenue invested in transportation annually, counties should appropriate at least some of these funds to dedicated universal mobility programs.

According to the study, Kane County’s spends 75 percent of its RTA sales tax revenue of $18.5 million on transportation. Will County spends 93 percent of its $24.9 million on transportation. Lake County ($32 million) and McHenry County ($10.6 million) spend 100 percent of their RTA tax revenues on transportation.

But DuPage spends none of its $52 million in annual RTA tax receipts on transportation. Zero.


Deadline looms for property tax task force

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Seeking to alleviate the growing burden of property taxes for Illinois homeowners, a group of legislators is considering a host of options that include consolidating school districts and allowing voters across the state to dissolve units of local government.

The legislative task force, created this summer by Gov. J.B. Pritzker, has a Dec. 31 deadline to deliver its recommendations. Its report is expected to lead to “very multifaceted” — and likely controversial — legislation this spring, said Rep. Sam Yingling, the Grayslake Democrat chairing the panel. […]

Funding for public schools in Illinois is heavily reliant on property tax revenue, and another possibility under discussion within the tax force has been school district consolidation and finding other revenue sources for education.

Also on the table: Reducing the 23-year limit on tax increment financing projects and overhauling the state’s property tax extension limitation law, which places a limit on tax increases that governments can enact. The collar counties became subject to that law in 1991, while Cook County was added in 1994.

School district consolidation sounds like a no-brainer, but good luck trying to consolidate, say, Dunlap’s schools with Peoria’s schools

The buses keep coming. On a brisk autumn day, one after another pulls up next to the grandstand to let out dozens of students. The kids walk in bunches past the flagpole. A metal sign near the main entrance, glinting in the sun, reads, “Dunlap High School.”

The high school may not look it, but it’s something of an oddity. It’s a typical suburban-style school in a country setting, framed by rolling hills and cornfields. Its enrollment of 1,300 students nearly equals the population of Dunlap, Ill., itself. But the vast majority of its students are not from Dunlap. They’re from Peoria.

The city of Peoria has its own school district, a chronically troubled system with a declining enrollment that serves mostly black students. About 70 percent are low-income. White families have been avoiding the troubles of the inner-city school district by moving to the northern part of town, where they can send their kids to Dunlap instead. As a result, Dunlap’s school system is booming. The number of students enrolled has nearly doubled since the 2002-2003 school year. Nearly two-thirds of Dunlap’s students are white; only 7 percent are black. The Dunlap School District isn’t shy about its enviable position. Until recently, the high school’s website made that clear in bold lettering at the top of its profile page: “The high school graduation rate is 90 percent, and the low-income rate is 10 percent.”


Eddie Johnson fired before scheduled retirement

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Mayor Lori Lightfoot…

Today, I am announcing that I have terminated Eddie Johnson’s employment with the City of Chicago, effective immediately. Upon a thorough review of the materials of the Inspector General’s ongoing investigation, it has become clear that Mr. Johnson engaged in a series of ethical lapses that are intolerable. Mr. Johnson was intentionally dishonest with me and communicated a narrative replete with false statements regarding material aspects of the incident that happened in the early morning hours of October 17. Had I known all the facts at the time, I would have relieved him of his duties as superintendent then and there.

Perhaps worst of all, Mr. Johnson has misled the people of Chicago. The 13,400 sworn and civilian members of the Chicago Police Department who work hard every day deserve a leader who they can believe in. In public life, we must be accountable for our actions and strive to do better every day. And to achieve the reform and accountability in the department that we know is urgently needed, we require a leader whose actions reflect the integrity and legitimacy of what it means to be a Chicago Police Officer. I am confident that incoming Interim Superintendent Beck is such a leader, and that both he and the eventual permanent superintendent will serve with honor.

* Sun-Times

Lightfoot cited an incident in October in which Johnson was found asleep in his car near his Bridgeport home. He said he neglected to take a prescribed medication and became lightheaded before he decided to pull over, but Lightfoot said he told her that he also had “a couple of drinks” at dinner before driving home. […]

Johnson’s firing is just the start of a high-level shakeup of the department, a source told the Sun-Times.

* Tribune

Had Lightfoot known all of the facts, she wouldn’t have participated in a celebratory press conference with Johnson announcing his retirement, she said.

Firing Johnson is an indication she will demand “The old Chicago way must give way to new way” of ethical leadership. Supervisors in the police department will not get away with ethical lapses, she said.

In a message the mayor sent to Chicago police officers, she wrote: “While I recognize this news comes as a surprise to most of you, this was a decision I felt was absolutely necessary to preserve the legitimacy and honor of the Chicago Police Department. I deeply respect the work that each of you undertake every day and you deserve a Superintendent who lives up to the ideals that I expect each of you to exemplify.”

* Uh-oh…


Fun with numbers

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Hilarious

The New York political consulting firm, MACIAS PR, has released the first political poll for Illinois’ Seventh Congressional District, revealing more than half of all Democratic voters believe Rep. Danny Davis should be fired. The poll also found 77 percent of registered Democratic voters are concerned over the source of Rep. Davis’ campaign funds.

The phone poll was conducted November 11th-21st and has a margin of error of plus or minus 6 percent. The Seventh Congressional District encompasses all of downtown Chicago going south to West Englewood, north to Old Town, east to the lake, and west through Garfield Park, Austin, Oak Park, and extending to Hillside.

A poll taken over eleven days of 236 registered Democratic voters? And check out the questions

1. ​ ​What is the most important issue to you? Press, 1) Healthcare [49%] 2) Criminal Justice Reform [24%] 3) Education [27%]

2. Your Congressman has missed a vote, every other week - should he be fired? Press, 1) Yes [52%] 2) No [47%]?

3. Your Congressman has received the super majority of his campaign funding from special interest groups. Does this concern you? “Yes” [77%] or “No” [22%].

Wait. No mention of Danny Davis’ name? This isn’t exactly an open seat. Davis was elected to Congress in 1996. He’s a well-known entity.

Also, I couldn’t get a definitive response about how many landlines and mobile phones they called. And no racial demographics were provided.

* So, who’s behind this? Back to the press release

The most recent FEC filing report also found Davis was having a difficult time raising money against a first-time Congressional candidate, Kristine Schanbacher, who outraised Davis approximately 3-1 and raised more money than all of the reported candidates combined. Schanbacher raised $166,172.34 in the most recent amended FEC filing report compared to $57,125 raised by Davis.

$166K isn’t exactly a ton of money in an expensive media market like Chicago and I’m pretty sure Davis can raise more cash.

Do better.

…Adding… As a commenter points out, as of 11:28 this morning Schanbacher still hadn’t filed her petitions.


*** UPDATED x2 - ILGOP responds *** Nazi again files to run against Lipinski

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Art Jones, a perennial candidate who was a leader of the American Nazi Party, filed this morning to run as a Republican in the 3rd Congressional District. Jones won 26.5 percent of the vote against Democratic incumbent Dan Lipinski last year.

But, unlike last time, Jones will likely have to defeat a Republican primary opponent. Will County Board Minority Leader Mike Fricilone filed his petitions to run last week.

* Jones was spotted at the Board of Elections today checking petition signatures…


…Adding… As expected, Jones examined Fricilone’s petitions today.

*** UPDATE 1 *** More rerun weirdness…

*** UPDATE 2 *** ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider…

The Illinois Republican Party vehemently condemns Arthur Jones’ candidacy. His racism and bigotry have no place in our party or American politics. As we did in 2016 and 2018, we will oppose his candidacy in every way possible.


*** UPDATED x2 - Gonzales files - Zalewski recuses *** Question of the day

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* “Considering” is probably putting it mildly. Press release…

State Rep. Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) announced on Sunday night she is considering running in the special election for the 11th District State Senate seat vacated last week by Sen. Martin Sandoval.

“It is long past time for ethical, principled, progressive leadership to fight for the working families of the 11th District,” said Rep. Villanueva. “I’ve spent my career as a community organizer, as an advocate for immigrant communities, and now as a progressive state representative standing up for the families of the Southwest Side–and I’m ready to step up and lead the way forward as we bring needed change to this seat.”

“This isn’t a decision I can make alone,” said Rep. Villanueva. “I’ve spent the last several days talking with leaders and constituents. If I hear from community voices that they will support my run, then we’ll take the leap together.”

To ensure she can qualify for the ballot if she does decide to run, Villanueva said, she will need “all hands on deck” to gather the needed 1000-3000 signatures by the December 9 deadline, and said she will need supporters to join in the effort.

The sudden resignation of Sen. Sandoval, embroiled in a federal investigation into corruption allegations, triggered the special succession process that will lead to a March 17 special election to fulfill the remaining two years of Sen. Sandoval’s term.

Villanueva was sworn into the House of Representatives in July 2018. In her tenure as state representative, she has championed cannabis legalization, the Reproductive Health Act, legislation to protect immigrant rights, and the bill that creates a pathway to a fair income tax, which would require the very wealthy to pay their fair share in taxes.

* Politico

And Edgar Gonzalez Jr., a constituency services liaison for Congressman Chuy Garcia, is already knocking on doors for signatures to replace Villanueva.

“I’ve spent the last several days talking with leaders and constituents. If I hear from community voices that they will support my run, then we’ll take the leap together,” Villanueva said in a release Sunday expressing her interest in the Senate seat.

Villanueva and Gonzalez are backed by [US Rep. Chuy Garcia] and House Speaker Mike Madigan. That support is important because candidates only have one week — a special filing period from Dec. 3 through 9 — to turn in the 1,000 required petition signatures (or about 3,000, for a cushion). That’s a big lift for any candidate. Money doesn’t get signatures, organizations do.

Of course, Garcia and Madigan know this so it’s no coincidence they were ready with candidates to jump in upon Sandoval’s exit announcement.

…Adding… As noted in comments and as I told subscribers earlier today, Edgar Gonzales has to turn in his petitions by the end of today to get onto the ballot. The special filing period is only for the Senate seat.

As we’ve already discussed, Sandoval’s resignation takes effect on January 1, so the district’s committeepersons will have 30 days to replace him. Madigan’s 13th Ward and former Ald. Mike Zalewski’s 23rd Ward organization have enough weighted votes to do it on their own.

* Good question in comments…

(F)ormer Chicago Ald. Michael Zalewski, whose home was raided by the feds earlier this year, is on the committee to replace Sandoval. Will the Speaker demand that Zalewski recuse himself to make sure the selection process is not tainted?

* The Question: Should 23rd Ward Democratic Committeeperson Mike Zalewski recuse himself from the Sandoval replacement process? Make sure to explain your answer, please. Thanks.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Rep. Mike Zalewski, the committeeperson’s son, just texted me that his father “is recusing himself from the Sandoval pick. Won’t attend a slating, won’t execute a proxy.” So, the question is now moot. Thoughts?

*** UPDATE 2 *** Barton is still on it…


Checking in on Pritzker’s diversity goals

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Hannah Meisel at the Daily Line

In his first 11 months in office, Gov. JB Pritzker has made 324 appointments to key posts within his administration and to state boards and commissions — a diverse group that’s 50 percent female and approximately 40 percent people of color.

As part of an occasional series on the diversity of Pritzker’s picks for these positions, The Daily Line has been tracking racial and gender diversity of those the governor has appointed to head up state agencies and serve on state boards and task forces. […]

Illinois is one of the nation’s most diverse states. According to the latest stats available from the U.S. Census Bureau, the people of Illinois were 61.3 percent white, 17.3 percent Hispanic, 14.6 percent black and 5.7 percent Asian. […]

Pritzker has mostly met those diversity goals, with 163 women named to director posts for state agencies and to state boards and commissions, and 130 people of color appointed by the governor since January. Pritzker’s hires in the governor’s office are also a diverse group, though The Daily Line’s analysis does not extend to those who report directly to Pritzker.


When your word isn’t your bond

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My Crain’s Chicago Business column

I’ve known Mike McClain for years.

I couldn’t possibly count the number of times House Speaker Michael Madigan’s most trusted adviser and I went out together in Springfield, mostly with other people but sometimes just us. Yes, he was a useful conduit into Madigan’s mind, but we were also friends, even though we regularly argued about almost everything having to do with Madigan. I didn’t write “nice” things about Madigan because of him, but I felt that I did write informed things.

I respected him, but I now know that he lied to me.

McClain told several folks and me that he wasn’t being paid by Commonwealth Edison after he officially “retired” from lobbying in late 2016. He regularly joked about being on a tight budget whenever he came to Springfield to meet with Madigan.

But he wasn’t telling the truth. WBEZ reported Nov. 13 that ComEd paid McClain $361,000 for “legal services” in 2017 and 2018. The company claimed the designation was an error after reporters pointed out that he’d deactivated his law license. He was actually paid for “political consulting services,” a company spokesperson said.

Why he felt the need to lie about something as inconsequential as getting paid by ComEd simply baffles me. But more importantly, it’s totally natural to feel that if he would lie about that, you gotta wonder what else he did.

The Democratic political world in this state is freaked out about McClain being in the crosshairs. First they learned that the insider’s house was raided in mid-May, and then they found out that the government was listening to his phone conversations.

And then it was revealed that McClain foolishly overshared information in emails to a group of campaign bundlers and a presumably smaller group of lobbyists. We also discovered along the way that he recruited a handful of pals to make secret payments to Kevin Quinn, the brother of Madigan’s alderman who was fired for sexually harassing Alaina Hampton. McClain warned Quinn by email not to divulge that secret to anyone.

But some of the panic is a little overblown. For instance

Click here to read the rest before commenting please.


Pritzker campaign asks judge to dismiss 8 plaintiffs from racial discrimination case

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Brian Mackey

Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s campaign operation is striking back against a group of former workers who’re suing for racial discrimination.

Lawyers for Pritzker’s campaign say eight of the 12 defendants have blown deadlines, provided incomplete answers to questions, and ignored obligations to sit for depositions.

Because of that, they’re asking a federal judge to dismiss those plaintiffs from the case.

* From the filing

1. After weeks of attempting to schedule Plaintiffs’ depositions, eight Plaintiffs still have not provided available dates for their depositions to occur by the extended December 10 deadline.

2. In addition, none of the Plaintiffs have supplemented the information they withheld from their interrogatory responses based on untimely objections that the Court ruled they had waived. They have taken the position that the Court ordered them only to supplement their document productions.

* From the memorandum in support of the motion

Defendants request that the Court enter an order (1) dismissing with prejudice the claims of the eight Plaintiffs whom counsel have refused to provide dates for depositions to occur by December 10, (2) compelling the remaining four Plaintiffs to supplement their interrogatory responses with information withheld on the basis of untimely and waived objections and ordering Plaintiffs and their counsel to pay Defendants’ reasonable fees and costs associated with retaking any deposition based on late supplementation, and (3) granting Defendants’ reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs in bringing this motion. […]

Plaintiffs’ consistent position has been that their counsel are simply too busy to complete discovery in the time period ordered by the Court. Defendants cannot effectively defend this case unless they take Plaintiffs’ depositions, and the only way to do so now is to again extend discovery–which would effectively reward Plaintiffs’ misconduct. In these circumstances, while dismissal is a serious sanction, Defendants respectfully submit it is the right one here.

* And this isn’t the first delay

Finally, on September 19, Defendants received a CD containing the discovery responses and document productions. The discovery letter accompanying the materials was dated September 16–three days after Plaintiffs said they mailed the materials–and neither of the two separately mailed packages had any postmarks indicating when they had been sent. Despite finally responding more than six weeks late, Plaintiffs nevertheless raised several objections, confirming during a subsequent meet and confer on October 1 that they withheld documents based on those untimely objections. The verification pages that Plaintiffs submitted with their interrogatory responses further showed that several Plaintiffs did not complete their responses until September–well after the August 2 deadline.

…Adding… Some context…


*** UPDATED x1 *** Madigan settles Hampton lawsuit for $275,000

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

A former campaign worker has reached a $275,000 settlement with four of House Speaker Michael Madigan’s political committees over allegations of sexual harassment by one of his top lieutenants and allegations the speaker’s Democratic team had blackballed her, the Tribune has learned.

Alaina Hampton filed a federal lawsuit in 2018 accusing Madigan’s political operations of retaliation after she reported inappropriate behavior by Kevin Quinn, a veteran aide whom the speaker has ousted.

The settlement comes a little more than a week after the Tribune reported that Madigan’s longtime confidant Michael McClain, an ex-lobbyist for ComEd, had orchestrated for other current and former ComEd lobbyists to give Quinn contracts after Madigan fired him amid the scandal. The more than $30,000 in payments to Quinn and emails about the work are part of a sweeping federal investigation into ComEd lobbying activities, the Tribune has reported. […]

Of the settlement, Hampton will receive $75,000, according to Shelly Kulwin, her attorney. Kulwin said his law firm would receive the bulk of the rest of the funds, but a portion also will go to Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund, an organization that has helped women impacted by sexual harassment cases since the beginning of the national #MeToo movement.

* Press release…

Following is a statement from Alaina Hampton regarding the settlement she and her attorneys have reached with the Democratic Party of Illinois, the Democratic Majority, the 13th Ward Democratic Organization, and Friends of Michael J. Madigan:

“My case against the Democratic Party of Illinois, the Democratic Majority, the 13th Ward Democratic Organization, and Friends of Michael J. Madigan has been resolved. Going public with my story and pursuing a cause of action against some of the most powerful people in this State, and people I cared about, has not been easy. The past three years have taken a toll on me, so I am relieved to move forward with my life and put these events behind me.

“Since speaking out publicly nearly two years ago, we have seen positive changes in this State. The legislature has passed sweeping legislation to deal with sexual harassment, which achieves important gains–although there is still more to be done. Others have come forward as well, leading to multiple firings and resignations of abusive men. Lastly, a space has been created for an open and honest dialogue about sexism and abuse in the workplace that I’m confident will continue.

“Now more than ever, I know how important it is for women and others in the workplace to live in a society where we address these issues head on without fear of retribution and have in place resources to help victims and survivors heal. I am committed to continuing to advocate for and work on behalf of those fighting for justice and those working to move forward with their lives after trauma. On December 3, I am convening a #MeToo Meetup so that others who share this commitment can connect, exchange ideas and work together to make sure we can one day live in a world where no one has to face sexual harassment and violence at work or anywhere.

“I would like to thank my legal team at Kulwin, Masciopinto & Kulwin, LLP, the Times Up Legal Defense Fund, Joanna Klonsky Communication Strategies, and everyone else who has supported me throughout this process. No one can go through this alone, and no one should have to. I hope to be a source of support for others who experience sexual harassment and abuse.”

* Madigan spokesperson…

We are pleased with the agreement to resolve the lawsuit. Speaker Madigan remains committed to protecting employees, volunteers and candidates who care about working families and the rights of women, minorities and others whose voices are often silenced. Creating a fair and welcoming workplace is a priority for Speaker Madigan and the Democratic Party of Illinois. Over the last two years, the Speaker and the party have made significant changes to strengthen training, policies and reporting procedures for staff and volunteers to ensure their rights are protected.

*** UPDATE *** Good for her…


Good riddance to a bad tradition

Monday, Dec 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

Another relic of Tim Mapes’ days as House Speaker Michael Madigan’s chief of staff has passed into history.

Mapes could be a kind and generous man to his friends and family. He was often the delightful life of the party when he chose to go out.

But the dude also had a wide and nasty mean streak and was a control freak beyond anything I’ve ever seen at the Statehouse. Outside of the aforementioned friends and family, only a few eyes watered up when he was ousted from his chief of staff job and executive directorship of the Democratic Party of Illinois after being accused of sexual harassment last year.

Every two years, Mapes would head over to the Illinois State Board of Elections’ office on the Friday before the candidate petition filing period officially opened on Monday and stake out the House Democrats’ first place in line.

The House Democrats have built a huge and efficient petition-gathering process. After tens of thousands of signatures are gathered, a specialized team goes over them with a fine-tooth comb to make sure the signatures are valid. And then the forms are checked by lawyers to make sure the required information is properly filled out.

Two years ago, Mapes had copies made of every petition submitted by every candidate, regardless of party. The organization entered all the names of every petition circulator into a database so that the union behind Sam McCann’s third party gubernatorial bid could avoid breaking the law by unknowingly using a circulator who’d also gathered signatures for a Democratic or Republican candidate.

They take this petition stuff super-seriously, in other words.

Anyway, Mapes would stick around for a half an hour or so on those Friday afternoons and then “volunteers” from his House staff would take turns camping out in front of the board’s office throughout the weekend without pay. Mapes would return on Monday morning before the election board’s office opened and triumphantly stand at the front of the line with all the House Democratic candidate petitions in tow.

The ritual was seen as a rite of passage for young staffers and it was supposed to promote unity and project an image of power and toughness to the Republican Party and everyone else.

”We’re so determined to win we’ll even camp out for days in the freezing cold just to secure the first place in line,” was the thinking.

Mapes also clearly used the exercise to find out who would endure whatever he commanded and, more importantly, who wouldn’t.

But it was downright cruel and unnecessary. I always felt so sorry for those folks. It gets cold in November and expecting young people to risk their health to satisfy the demands of an older man’s ego was a bit much.

Plus, it didn’t actually accomplish anything. All anyone has to do to qualify for the first ballot position is make sure they join the line with their petitions at the board’s office before 8 o’clock on the first Monday morning of candidate filing.

Madigan’s new issues staff director Craig Willert decided to abandon the practice this year. There was no “volunteer” campout the weekend before the first day of filing on November 25th.

The old-timers may mutter about how these kids today just don’t have the gumption that they did back in their day, but old-timers are gonna old-timer. Not every tradition is a good one.

This change tracks with some others made to Madigan’s operation in the past few months or so.

State staff are now required to submit applications to work on campaigns, for instance. In the past, it was just assumed that staff would work campaigns, paid or unpaid, whenever their participation was deemed necessary.

And, to be clear, lots of people prefer working campaigns to Statehouse government work. The Issues Staff is basically the campaign staff who have state jobs during session months. Many or even most of those staffers signed up for the campaign experience more than the policy work.

But not everyone is so gung-ho. Secretaries and others are often roped in to work at phone banks. Some members of the legal staff do legal work for campaigns.

From now on, though, only those who have submitted applications will be asked to work on campaigns. And all staff were told that their state jobs did not rely on their decision to submit or not submit campaign applications.

”This is how it ends,” declared one morose House Democratic old-timer the other day when speaking of the new application requirement. Maybe, but it’s also how new things begin.


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