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Pritzker distances administration from Sandoval, tries to assure public that capital plan is “on the up-and-up”

Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As noted earlier in two different posts, the governor held his first press conference in well over a month today.

Before even taking questions, Pritzker called on Sen. Martin Sandoval to either resign from or be removed from the chairmanship of the Senate Transportation committee. “Corruption and self-dealing will not be tolerated,” he said. “Sometimes I have to say some difficult things to the leaders,” he said later in response to a question about whether he’d talked to Senate President John Cullerton about Sandoval.

* I told subscribers this morning that the governor’s office told me IDOT has received no federal subpoenas. Pritzker said this afternoon that neither the governor’s office nor IDOT had been served with subpoenas or search warrants. He also said this

I know there’s reference [in the Sandoval search warrant] to some IDOT employees, but, as of now anyway, there’s no allegation, there’s no interviews that we’re aware of, that have been requested.

He also said he didn’t know who the unnamed IDOT officials were.

* He was asked about Sandoval’s involvement in the capital bill

We were at odds with Sen. Sandoval in a number of very important ways. He, in fact, put forward a different capital bill than the one that was ultimately put through. And his was rejected, and amendments he put forward were rejected. So, I feel confident that the procedures that were gone through were good ones. But as I say, as we go through and those projects are reviewed we’re going to make sure and identify any challenges that may exist so that we’re doing the right thing and the entire thing’s on the up-and-up.

Sandoval introduced a “horizontal” capital bill weeks before the governor’s office was prepared to issue its own. As subscribers may recall, it caused some tension.

Pritzker later mentioned something I told subscribes about on Monday. Pritzker said there was opposition from IDOT over Sandoval’s pressure to use recycled asphalt shingles, a business dominated here by Mike Vondra.

* The first question out of the gate was about our Question of the Day, the $250,000 appropriated to the Village of McCook “for costs associated with upgrades to the municipal building.” Pritzker’s response

All of the allocations that are made have to go through a rigorous process before they are paid out, before those projects are initiated. That is one that is in place. It of course means that we should make sure that it is transparent, that it’s done completely on the up-and-up and I am making sure that we’re reviewing all the policies and procedures so that any projects that get approved are approved with the utmost confidence that these are done in the best interest of taxpayers and nothing of the sort of corruption or self-dealing that has been alleged.

* He was also asked about his fractured leg, which has kept him from most public appearances

For the last couple days anyway it’s felt pretty good.

He told reporters that they’ll be seeing him more now.


After years of darkness, Statehouse lights restored

Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The outside illuminating lights at the Statehouse were shut off years ago during the impasse. Here’s a photo from last week…

* Last night…

* Brenden’s story

In perhaps the most visible sign the state has emerged from the darkness of a more than two-year-long budget impasse, the lights illuminating the Illinois State Capitol dome were switched on Tuesday night for the first time since 2015.

Illinois Secretary of State spokesman Henry Haupt confirmed the return of the lights, which were shut off due to the impasse as the state fell as much as $12 million behind on its City Light, Water and Power tab.

The dome lights have been upgraded to LED, which significantly reduces electrical costs. The Secretary of State’s office, which maintains the Capitol Complex, estimates that the cost comes out to about $4.33 per day, or just under $1,600 per year.


*** UPDATED x1 - Cullerton responds *** Pritzker wants Sandoval’s chairmanship yanked

Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Your move, Mr. Senate President…

…Adding… The governor apparently told Cullerton this himself and not just blindside him with a media announcement…

*** UPDATE *** The answer is apparently “No”…


*** UPDATED x1 *** Legislative Inspector General releases reports on Kevin Quinn, Tim Mapes

Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

A long-awaited legislative inspector general’s report requested by former political consultant turned #MeToo whistleblower Alaina Hampton concludes Kevin Quinn — a former top political aide to Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan — violated sexual harassment provisions now in place.

But the harassment in question happened before those provisions were added to state law as part of a revamped ethics act. That revamp was part of a cleanup effort after a swath of #MeToo allegations last year. […]

But since Quinn no longer is a state employee, he can’t even be disciplined for that violation. Current Legislative Inspector General Carol Pope — who adopted Porter’s findings — recommended that a memo from the speaker be placed in his official personnel file; the memo would state that he violated that provision and that “he never be rehired as a State employee or contractor.”

A separate legislative inspector general’s report about former Madigan chief of staff Tim Mapes was also released on Wednesday. Pope, too, found that Mapes “violated the Ethics Act by engaging in conduct of a sexual nature with the purpose and effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, and offensive working environment.” Pope wrote that Mapes also refused to cooperate with the investigation. He, too, will get a memo in his file and can never be rehired as a state employee.

* Tribune

Pope said her predecessor referred the matter to the Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul to consider criminal charges against Quinn, but Raoul declined to prosecute Quinn over the Hampton allegations.

Well, that’s new.

* More

[Pope] cited Mapes for “conduct of a sexual nature with the purpose and effect of creating an intimidating, hostile and offensive working environment.” […]

In response, Mapes’ attorney called the allegations “baseless and untrue.” […]

The accounts from Garrett, whom Pope “found … to be entirely credible,” were corroborated by three other employees in the speaker’s office, including two witnesses who “worked closely with Mapes and generally had good relationships with him,” according to the report.

The letter from Mapes’ attorney is quite something. No apology, defiant to the end.

* Kevin Quinn documentation

* LIG summary report

* Speaker Madigan response

* Alaina Hampton response

* Kevin Quinn response

* Tim Mapes documentation

* LIG summary report

* Speaker Madigan response

* Tim Mapes response

*** UPDATE *** Speaker Madigan…

The former Legislative Inspector General reviewed my actions and determined Ms. Hampton’s allegations against me were unfounded. She advised me that my office took the investigation seriously and made a reasoned decision as to how to impose consequences for Kevin Quinn’s misconduct.

I have strengthened and improved protections for victims of harassment in both my office and across my political organizations. These changes include instituting mandatory training on sexual harassment, intimidation, and other important workplace protections, and creating strong reporting mechanisms to report workplace complaints. I am committed to ensuring that anyone who reports a complaint is protected, they are treated fairly and that everyone has a safe and welcoming work environment.

* And this is from Ald. Marty Quinn…

The Legislative Inspector General’s report reiterates the statement I made in February 2018 and confirms my handling of this situation. When Ms. Hampton notified me of inappropriate text messages from my brother, I took immediate action. I also did exactly what she asked me to do. I understood Ms. Hampton wanted the text messages to stop and I made sure she was never contacted by my brother again. I have never wavered from creating a safe and productive workplace and I never will.


Mayor uses unpopular president to boost census participation

Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Obviously, President Trump is not beloved in the city (just the opposite), so attempting to motivate census participation by framing it as an act of defiance could turn out to be a pretty smart move by the mayor

Mayor Lori Lightfoot wants to convince Chicagoans to take part in the upcoming U.S. census by casting it as an act of defiance against President Donald Trump’s administration.

The city will launch a campaign to try to get participation up to 75% of the population from an estimated 66% 10 years ago, Lightfoot said Tuesday. The push comes in spite of what the mayor said is Trump’s attempts to suppress the number of residents who fill out the forms in Democratic-leaning parts of the country with large immigrant populations like Chicago.

“I think we can make a very compelling case as to why this is, in some ways, the ultimate form of protest, which is to be counted and not let somebody treat you as invisible and drive you into the shadows,” Lightfoot said at a news conference to announce her administration will earmark $2.7 million to help increase census turnout in 2020. “So I think we have a very compelling message in opposition, frankly, to what the prevailing conservative, anti-immigrant message is, to get people motivated to get counted.”

Trump wanted to include a question on 2020 census forms asking people their citizenship status. While the U.S. Supreme Court rejected that idea, Lightfoot acknowledged there is still widespread concern among undocumented immigrants that federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents will try to use census information to deport them.

* More

Lightfoot said she would ask the City Council to set aside $2.7 million in the 2020 budget for outreach efforts to be led by well-established community organizations familiar with Chicago’s hard-to-count residents — immigrants, refugees, renters, those who are homeless; people with disabilities; those who don’t speak English, young children; seniors citizens; and college students. […]

“We’re looking at $1,400 per year per person that we stand to lose if we don’t get people counted,” Lightfoot said. “You add that up across tens of thousands over a decade, that’s real money that’s not coming to Chicago.”

The city’s effort will get an assist from Chicago-based advertising firm FCB, which will build and launch a citywide campaign free of charge.

The campaign will paint the Census as a “true tool of empowerment,” said Michael Fassnacht, president and CEO of FCB Chicago.



Foxconn division enters $100 million partnership with the U of I

Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Crain’s

The University of Illinois plans a $100 million center to develop smart technologies in partnership with a division of Foxconn and the long-planned Discovery Partners Institute.

The Center for Networked Intelligent Components & Environments will be based on the Urbana-Champaign campus as part of the Grainger College of Engineering. […]

Foxconn Interconnect Technology will fund the $50 million over 10 years. The unit is separate from Foxconn Technology Group, the electronics-assembly business that is building a factory near Kenosha, Wis., and is funding $100 million in engineering research at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

* Daily Illini

Foxconn’s presence at the University already includes a space in the University’s Research Park, as well as Lu’s recent $21.5 million investment toward a five-story addition to the University’s mechanical engineering building.

Researchers from Foxconn Interconnect and the University will be working together at the new center to focus on research for a wide range of projects, including the interaction between humans and robots, new measurement techniques for nanoscale components, methods for capturing manufacturing data and new data-processing techniques in sensors.


Chris Cleveland calling it quits

Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

He’s a survivor, a long-lived Republican and conservative activist in an overwhelmingly Democratic city who not only kept his party job but got noticed over the past decade. And now he’s hanging it up.

That’s Chris Cleveland, the GOP committeeman of the Lincoln Park 43rd Ward, who announced in recent days that the search is on for his successor because “the time has come for me to get back to the private sector,” specifically running the software company he owns.

Cleveland, who also chairs the Chicago Republican Party, actually managed to find some success in a city that, despite its reputation, still is home to hundreds of thousands of GOP voters.

As he noted in an email to supporters and in a follow-up interview, he sued both Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan and the Chicago Board of Elections (winning both), challenged the nominating petitions of dozens of Democrats, opened two offices in the ward and actually fielded a semblance of an organization with precinct workers and election judges. He even had some fun, filing a civil rights complaint after a Chicago alderman tried to block opening of a Chick-fil-A outlet in his ward.

Go read the rest.


Raided town’s cops clear out municipal building after super-brief village meeting

Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Patrick Elwood at WGN

Residents in Lyons left a City Hall meeting frustrated Tuesday evening. The meeting came just days after the town’s City Hall was raided by federal agents.

The village’s monthly public meeting started at 7 p.m. and was over by 7:06 p.m. Those residents who wanted to say a few words were not allowed to speak.

The FBI raided the town halls of Lyons, McCook and Summit, and just days before that, raided the Cicero and Springfield offices of Sen. Martin Sandoval. […]

As a WGN reporter interviewed Earl Johnson, a Lyons resident who is an outspoken critic of Mayor Christopher Getty, a man who residents said is an ally of Getty walked by and spilled soda as the on-camera interview was conducted. He then set off his car alarm.

* Some on-scene tweets from the BGA…


Illinois coal production is up, but trouble is ahead

Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Cole Lauterbach at Center Square

A new analysis from credit rating agency S&P predicts cities in areas like Southern Illinois must get ready for “credit challenges” as money moves out of coal.

As investors, both in public and private sectors, make an effort to invest in things like renewable energy, S&P said coal-reliant areas could experience added budget pressures due to a loss of not only tax revenue should a mine or coal-fired plant close, but the also the local tax base after workers leave the area for other opportunities.

“In S&P Global Ratings’ opinion, reliance on coal-related revenue and economic activity, absent diversification, may result in long-term credit deterioration for some U.S. government entities,” the report said.

Specifically to Illinois, the authors pointed out that coal accounts for less than 1 percent of the state’s GDP and the state doesn’t collect a severance tax on coal. This, the authors said, would ensure that the decline of the coal industry in Illinois would have a minimal effect on the state’s overall economy.

Southern Illinois, however, would be one of the more intensely-affected regions.

“In localized areas where there is a power plant closure, where there is a mine closure, that can have a more negative economic impact in that area,” credit analyst Timothy Little said.

U.S. coal production is in decline, with half of those operating in 2008 having been since shuttered, but Illinois’ coal production has bucked that trend, according to S&P.

“Over the past decade (2007-2018), production increased 52% compared to declines or flat production in the nine other major coal-producing states and a 34% decline in coal production nationally,” the report said, attributing that increase to strong export demand and relative ease of extraction compared to other areas.

The report’s ominous warning is due, in part, to a larger movement of ethical investing referred to as environmental, social, and governance, or ESG, initiatives that focus on sustainability factors among other issues.

“The ESG components to our ratings are just as important as some of the financial metrics that are key,” S&P analyst Kurt Forsgren said.


Danville picks casino operator

Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jennifer Bailey at the Danville Commercial News

D-Vegas has been a long-running nickname used by some residents for Danville, it being the opposite of a bright lights big city.

Now after a 30-year wait for a casino, Danville is living up to that nickname and could be called that by a lot more people. The casino renderings of Haven Gaming LLC’s casino resort and entertainment center is reminiscent of a Las Vegas-style property.

The Danville City Council voted 12-0, with Ward 4 Alderman Mike O’Kane absent and a vacant Ward 1 seat at the start of the meeting Tuesday night to accept the casino steering-committee’s recommendation of Haven Gaming as the casino operating partner. Haven Gaming is a team of about seven people with more than a century of gaming experience combined with casinos, for example in Joliet, Michigan City, Ind., and in California.

The proposed casino will have 1,250 slot machines, 40 gaming tables and also sports betting lounges and bars, a 2,500 seat entertainment venue, conference/banquet center, 300-seat buffet, a boutique hotel and rooftop spa/salon, pool and lazy river, celebrity-style restaurants and other amenities. There also will be waterfall and other outside features.

* Artist rendering…


* Sun-Times

“This has been a long time coming,” a tearful Danville Mayor Rickey Williams Jr. said before the City Council unanimously passed a measure approving a proposal from a politically connected casino development group that includes a powerful ex-state lawmaker who resigned in controversy earlier this year.

Nearly 25 years after the General Motors foundry shut down in nearby Tilton, the once-prospering city of Danville — where Abraham Lincoln practiced law before his political ascent, and where actors Dick Van Dyke and Gene Hackman grew up — has seen its number of residents shrink to about 30,000, according to U.S. Census estimates. That’s a population decline of about 30% from its heyday in 1970.

And now, more than 30% of Danville residents live below the federal poverty line, more than double the statewide poverty rate of about 12%, Census figures show.

But state and city leaders are betting a casino can help turn that tide, despite the fact casino attendance and revenue figures have been steadily declining for years as video gambling machines have proliferated at at thousands of bars, restaurants, lounges and rest stops since they launched in Illinois in 2012.


*** UPDATED x1 - Pritzker addresses approp *** Question of the day

Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the capital bill, co-sponsored by Sen. Martin Sandoval

The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Village of McCook for costs associated with upgrades to the municipal building.

McCook, of course, was one of the towns visited by the feds last week two days after Sen. Sandoval’s offices and house were raided.

* The Question: Your top ideas for how McCook should spend its municipal building upgrade money?

*** UPDATE *** The governor was actually asked today about this appropriation. Pritzker said all projects will be reviewed, “so that any projects that are approved are approved with the utmost confidence that these are done in the best interest of taxpayers and nothing of the sort of corruption or self-dealing that has been alleged.”


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Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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