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Question of the day

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pritzker is to the looming end of the spring session as ____ is to ____?


Illinois counties with high firearm suicide rates tend to be “gun sanctuaries”

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* USA Today

Opposition to new [gun] laws comes from counties with some of the highest firearm suicide rates in the nation, according to a report by the Giffords center, a gun violence prevention group named for former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was severely injured during a mass shooting in Arizona in 2011.

The analysis focused on counties in Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico and Washington that directed their sheriffs to ignore new state laws if they deemed them unconstitutional. County resolutions include references to “tyrants throughout history” and say there is no “persuasive evidence that ‘gun control’ laws actually reduce crime.”

“There’s irony that the folks most resistant to these lifesaving laws are in areas where constituents are at the highest risk,” says Adam Skaggs, chief counsel at the Giffords center.

The report points to places such as Custer County, Colorado, where the firearm suicide rate is 32 per 100,000 – four times the state’s average, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In February, the county’s board of commissioners passed a resolution that says the state’s red flag law is “in direct conflict with provisions of due process, as outlined in the 4th Amendment, and contradict the right to bear arms.”

Firearms account for more than half the state’s suicides, according to the Colorado Health Institute.

The study is here.

* I asked for the breakdown of Illinois counties and you can find that by clicking here.

You must always be careful when comparing counties in Illinois because some are huge and most are small or even tiny. For instance, as you can see on the spreadsheet, there’s no data on 18 Illinois counties beyond annual suicide rates. That’s because, I was told, the actual numbers are so low (the counties are quite small) that the CDC doesn’t release the firearm-related breakouts. All 18 are above (some way above) the state average in suicide rates. 13 of those 18 counties are self-declared 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties. Other counties that didn’t make the list have such low numbers that the CDC doesn’t even release stats on suicide deaths per 100,000.

* Of the 63 counties with CDC-reported firearm suicide rates above the state average of 3.771 per 100,000 people, 39 are self-proclaimed “Second Amendment sanctuaries.” That’s 62 percent.

Seven of those 63 counties have firearm suicide rates above 10 per 100,000. Of those, 5 have declared themselves to be gun sanctuaries (71 percent). The highest firearm suicide rate in the state is in Massac County, at 17.254. It’s a sanctuary county.

Of the 13 counties with firearm suicide rates below the state average, just 3 are 2A sanctuaries. Those three counties (including Effingham) have a total population of about 127,000.

Cook County, by far the largest in Illinois, has the lowest firearm suicide rate in the state, at 2.440 per 100,000. All the suburban collar counties except McHenry have firearm suicide rates below the state average. None are gun sanctuaries.

* To be clear, nobody is suggesting that declaring a gun sanctuary county leads to more firearm suicides. As noted above, there’s just some real irony in the stats.


It’s just a bill

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is mainly a problem for employees, who touch dozens or even hundreds of these contaminated receipts every day…

* I hated algebra when I was kid, but I did get good grades, even though I don’t remember much of it

Pleasant Plains is a small but prosperous town about 15 minutes northwest of Springfield. Its schools are all rated “commendable,” and their test results outshine state averages in every subject.

And yet, in March, the high school principal, Luke Brooks, asked Illinois lawmakers to stop requiring algebra. […]

[Rep. Katie Stuart (D-Edwardsville)] negotiated an amendment that keeps the Algebra I requirement, but allows geometry to be taught as a component of an “integrated, applied, interdisciplinary or career and technical course,” such as carpentry.

* More education

State Sen. Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant, D-Shorewood, got a series of bills passed last week to help address the shortage of teachers across Illinois.

She passed H.B. 423, with bipartisan support, which places a hold on requiring educators to take a controversial licensing exam, according to a news release. […]

The bill eliminates the basic skills exam until July 1, 2025, during which time the Illinois State Board of Education is required to reevaluate the methods it uses to score a prospective teacher’s knowledge and preparedness and adopt rules for any changes. […]

Bertino-Tarrant’s legislation, H.B. 1472, would allow retired teachers to return to teach where there are shortages without impairing their status.

* Interesting coalition name…

Excerpt of accompanying press release…

In 2015, the United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration named gender neutral single-occupancy restrooms as a best practice in the workplace. SB 556 is also consistent with changes to restroom designation standards initiated by the International Plumbing Code in 2018 and International Building Council in 2019. SB 556 mirrors laws in California (2016), Vermont (2018), and New Mexico (2019).

Businesses support gender neutral single-occupancy restrooms. According to a survey conducted in 2017 by the Chicago Restroom Access Project, 79% of business owners in Chicago found it totally acceptable to update the current law to ensure single-occupancy restrooms are designated as gender neutral. Additionally, 51% thought such changes to law would have a positive impact on their business, and 39% thought it would have no impact.

* One more

Insurers would be required to cover medically necessary epinephrine injectors for minors under a proposal by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) that passed the Senate recently. […]

Epinephrine injectors – commonly known by the specific brand name EpiPen – deliver the life-saving drug epinephrine to individuals experiencing a severe allergic reaction. Epinephrine works by narrowing blood vessels and opening lung airways, reversing the symptoms of an allergic reaction that, if left untreated, can cause death.

Morrison’s proposal, contained in House Bill 3435, requires certain private insurance policies to cover medically necessary epinephrine injectors for those under 18 years of age. […]

House Bill 3435 passed without opposition on May 17 and will now head to the governor’s office for his approval.


HRO chair wants to kick Chicago out of Illinois

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Washington Post has a story about Rep. Brad Halbrook’s House resolution to eject Chicago from Illinois. The piece doesn’t really tell us anything new, but I did notice this

According to Halbrook, there are eight co-sponsors, up from three when it was introduced last year.

I hadn’t checked the sponsorship list in a while, so I pulled up the status of HR101 and noticed that Rep. Tony McCombie (R-Savanna) is now listed as a co-sponsor.

Rep. McCombie is the chairperson of the House Republican Organization’s political action committee, which raises money for House campaigns.

According to a search of the Illinois State Board of Elections’ website, HRO has raised almost $71.6 million over the years. Of that, $28.1 million has come from contributors in the city of Chicago. That’s 39 percent of the total.

* House Republican Leader Jim Durkin, who put McCombie in charge of HRO, had no comment today. Statement from Rep. McCombie…

This is a political bill. As the political arm of the Illinois House Republicans, it is my responsibility to remind Chicago that there is more to Illinois than Chicago.

You’re gonna “remind” Chicago by… threatening to kick it out of Illinois? Apparently, however, she’ll still accept their contributions.

* Meanwhile, as long as we’re on the subject of House Republicans

Deputy Republican Leader Tom Demmer complained that the governor’s office isn’t listening to a GOP proposal for balancing the budget. In an internal memo obtained by Capitol News, Dermer said, “While Governor Pritzker has been occupied hosting cocktail parties, the House Republican Caucus budget team has been working diligently to ensure we are on sound footing offering a budget plan that doesn’t rely on additional tax increases on Illinois families and small businesses.” That’s funny because Demmer, who represents the northwestern suburbs of the 90th district, attended a cocktail party just last night at the governor’s mansion in Springfield.

I confirmed that attendance earlier today.


About that expungement issue

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the other day

A Republican state senator on Wednesday suggested that Illinois’ Democratic governor issue a mass pardon of all low-level marijuana convictions to relieve legal concerns associated with a bill that would legalize possession and sale of recreational marijuana.

Sen. Jason Barickman of Bloomington said a mass pardon would pave the way for the automatic expungement of hundreds of thousands of past marijuana-related convictions, a goal of the bill’s sponsors to correct for injustices of the “war on drugs.”

Barickman said he is “interested in coming to an agreement” that would allow him to support Senate Bill 7. But he said the expungement process would be “incredibly convoluted” in the state’s 102 counties without a mass pardon by the governor. […]

A mass pardon or individual pardons would avoid the potential of expungements being declared invalid under the Illinois Constitution because the legislature lacks the power on its own to reverse convictions, according to Robert Berlin, president of the Illinois State’s Attorney’s Association.

A couple of thoughts on this.

1) The proposal as currently written also expunges arrest records. The governor can’t do anything about those.

2) The opponents also objected to the proposal’s provision providing for future expungements. But the state already has a similar automatic expungement law on its books, and it hasn’t been challenged in court

Except as otherwise provided in subsection (0.15) of this Section, the Department of State Police and all law enforcement agencies within the State shall automatically expunge, on or before January 1 of each year, all juvenile law enforcement records relating to events occurring before an individual’s 18th birthday…

* From Ben Ruddell, Director of Criminal Justice Policy, ACLU of Illinois…

There is no constitutional reason why the General Assembly can’t pass a law requiring the automatic expungement of criminal records. We already have such laws on the books here in Illinois.

It is our understanding that SB 7 is still a work in progress. The ACLU and other advocates and stakeholders have, at the invitation of the sponsors, submitted comments and suggested changes to these provisions and a host of others. But any suggestion that the legislature can’t constitutionally require the automatic expungement of marijuana convictions is just a red herring.

* But law enforcement interests aren’t the only ones with objections to the bill as written

State Representative Carol Ammons said during a recent interview it will be difficult for her to get behind a proposed bill to legalize cannabis without significant changes to the legislation. The Urbana Democrat said expungement for prior marijuana offenses is chief among her concerns. A summary of the legislation outlines an automatic expungement process for people arrested and convicted of cannabis crimes.

But the summary explicitly excludes individuals who were also charged with other offenses when they were arrested for cannabis crimes. Those individuals could separately petition the courts to have their records expunged, according to the summary.

Ammons said that’s not fair. She believes everyone regardless of what other crimes they may have been charged with should still be able to receive automatic expungement for cannabis offenses.

“If I have a marijuana charge, and I may have robbed a bank and they found a little marijuana on me, and they charged me with that up-charge. Take away the marijuana charge. I’ll still deal with the bank robbery,” she said.

I’m thinking that’s a bit much.

* Related…

* Wolf Signs Bill Sealing Some Criminal Records After Decade: Lower-level, nonviolent crimes in Pennsylvania will automatically be sealed from public review after 10 years under a law signed Thursday, a change designed to lessen the stigma for people seeking jobs or housing.

* Utah Becomes the Second State with Automatic Expungement


All rise!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mark Brown

This is as good a time as any to pick a fight with Chicago aldermen — the public thoroughly disgusted by a federal investigation that has left the City Council’s most powerful member severely wounded and threatening others.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot pushed to take full advantage Monday on her first day in office.

She started by using her inauguration speech to give the aldermen a visual demonstration that the public is on her side in her call for reform, employing the audience at the Wintrust Arena to help make them squirm. […]

But the more interesting part came a minute later when Lightfoot called out public officials who “cut shady backroom deals.”

“Stopping it isn’t just in the city’s interest. It’s in the City Council’s interest,” Lightfoot said.

When she delivered that line, she struck a tough guy pose, turned around and looked at the aldermen directly — among them Ald. Edward M. Burke, currently facing federal charges.

The crowd went wild, seeing exactly what she was doing. Then Lightfoot began a slow clap and raised her arms to instruct the aldermen to get to their feet, too.

This was how she led up to her comments on taking away “the worst abuses of the so-called aldermanic privilege.”

* Video clip


* After reading a few stories quoting aldermen whining about how Lightfoot has treated them, I texted a buddy of mine who is also a Statehouse lobbyist…

Me: So, do you think I could away with writing: “Most politicians come across as dominant people, but they’re really submissives”?

Buddy: Better than fragile ego maniacs.

Me: Probably so.

Buddy: Better framing is politicians are mortal. No amount of popularity or ascension on the political ladder will ever be enough to mask their insecurities.

Me: That’s pretty good. I think I’ll steal it

Buddy: Have at it. I’ll be spending the next 2 weeks exploiting those insecurities.



Prizker nixes state bailout for private foundation

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dave McKinney at WBEZ

With less than two weeks left in the spring legislative session, Democratic Gov. JB Pritzker’s office is putting the kibosh on any taxpayer bailout of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Foundation, which as of last year owed more than $9 million from the purchase.

That pronouncement deepens uncertainty about the fate of some key bits of so-called “Lincolniana”: the blood-stained gloves Lincoln had with him the night he was assassinated, a quill pen left on his desk and a presidential seal he used.

Also in the cache bought by the foundation is a stovepipe hat that purportedly belonged to Lincoln. The hat was once appraised at more than $6 million before experts questioned its authenticity.

Last year, the foundation asked for state support to pay off its outstanding loan balance. If that support didn’t materialize, the group threatened to auction pieces of the Lincoln trove it acquired in 2007 from collector Louise Taper, who at the time was a member of the foundation’s board.

The governor and Democratic state Sen. Andy Manar, of downstate Bunker Hill, have been pressing for greater transparency into the foundation’s finances.

Earlier this year, Manar floated legislation that could have forced out the foundation’s senior leadership. Now, he is pushing a measure designed to foster greater cooperation between the foundation and the Springfield-based cultural institution it was set up to serve, the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum.

“The governor has spoken with Sen. Manar, and they don’t believe it’s appropriate for the state to pay off this private debt. They are working on legislation to reset the relationship with the foundation,” Pritzker spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh told WBEZ in a prepared statement.

Not sure what happens next. Maybe the foundation’s board of directors ought to pass the hat amongst themselves.


Bluhm’s “penalty box” language could apply to… Bluhm?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is a long look, but the payoff is worth it. From Legal Sports Report

Illinois is considering a three-year penalty box for daily fantasy sports companies that operated in the state previously. This is despite the fact that they operated during a gray period of legality and that sports wagering is different from DFS.

* Background

Allies of casino operator Neil Bluhm and others that already have a brick-and-mortar presence in the state are battling with internet operators DraftKings and FanDuel, which are in the market with a form of betting on fantasy sports despite a 2015 advisory opinion from then-Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan that the practice was illegal under current Illinois law.

Bluhm is pushing an amendment to disqualify DraftKings and FanDuel from being licensed under the sports betting bill. “They are free to team up with other entities that did not violate the law,” like Bluhm’s Rivers Casino, says Bluhm attorney Paul Gaynor, a former top official with Madigan’s office.

The internet gamers respond that Bluhm is just trying to parley the clout he’s built with millions of dollars in campaign contributions into anti-competitive legislation.

* The penalty box language

(N)o online sports wagering license or sports wagering skin license shall be granted for a period of 3 years after the effective date of this Act: to an applicant if the applicant, any affiliate of the applicant, or any officer or director of the applicant or its affiliate engaged in conduct constituting illegal gambling under any law of the United States, the State of Illinois, or another state as determined by a final decision of a court of competent jurisdiction or as described in an official opinion or pronouncement of the Attorney General of this State or any other state and continued to engage in such conduct after that opinion or pronouncement was issued

* But

In response to that [attorney general] opinion, the fantasy sites filed suit, asking the courts to declare they were not illegal gambling operations. After years of litigation, the state and fantasy sports sites settled the matter without a ruling, allowing the sites the right to again sue the state should any authority use the Attorney General’s opinion to seek to prosecute them for illegal gambling.

In their report, the Jenner & Block attorneys noted no such prosecution has ever taken place in Illinois. Further, during the litigation, they noted Madigan’s office itself asserted the opinion was non-binding and “entirely without legal effect,” and thus “not reviewable” by a judge.

Yet now, the Jenner attorneys said, supporters of the “bad actors” amendment are attempting to use the 2015 non-binding Attorney General’s opinion to give the opinion the force of law, aimed squarely at two primary targets.'’

“In essence, (the amendment) would give legal effect to the Attorney General’s disputed advisory opinion after the fact and without judicial review, all to the benefit of and at the behest of particular in-state casinos,” the Jenner lawyers wrote.

* And now there’s a new twist

In 2001, then-Attorney General Jim Ryan issued an advisory opinion in which he declared he believed a practice known as “advance deposit wagering” (ADW), which allows would-be bettors to place horse racing wagers online, was illegal under Illinois state law.

Lisa Madigan replaced Ryan as attorney general, but in 2008 said the opinion should stand.

The law was ultimately changed in 2009, specifically allowing ADW betting in Illinois through companies licensed by the Illinois Racing Board, and who operate in partnership with an Illinois horse racing track.

However, in the intervening years between the Ryan ADW opinion and the change in state law, a number of interests continued to offer ADW services to Illinois residents.

Notably among these was online wagering site In January 2008, for instance, YouBet announced it agreed with four Illinois horse tracks – Hawthorne, Fairmount Park, Maywood and Balmoral – to create an ADW platform for Illinois residents. The announcement came despite the attorney generals’ opinion. […]

Others operating ADW services in Illinois before 2009 included a company known as America TAB. In 2007, America TAB was acquired by Churchill Downs. The company continued to use the platform to collect wagers from Illinois residents after the acquisition.

Three years later, Churchill Downs also bought YouBet.

Earlier this year, Churchill Downs secured a controlling interest in Rivers Casino.

Neil Bluhm is Rivers Casino’s chairman.



PPP poll: 58 percent support governor’s “Fair Tax” in targeted House districts

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Polling memo…

From: Katherine Patterson, Public Policy Polling
To: Interested Parties
Subject: Majority in Key Illinois HDs Support Fair Tax Amendment
Date: May 20, 2019

A new Public Policy Polling survey finds that a majority (58%) of voters in Illinois Legislative Districts surveyed support an amendment to the Constitution called the Illinois Fair Tax. The amendment, currently being considered by the State Legislature, would change the state’s income tax from a flat tax, where everyone pays the same rate of income tax, to a graduated tax system where wealthier people making more than $250,000 a year pay a higher rate. Only 33% of voters oppose the Illinois Fair Tax amendment.

When presented with arguments in support of and in opposition to the Fair Tax amendment, a majority of voters in the Districts surveyed are convinced by arguments supporting the amendment. 51% of voters are very convinced by the argument that the tax system would be fairer with the amendment, and that 97% of those surveyed would see no increase in their state income taxes. An additional 19% find the argument somewhat convincing, with only 28% of voters unconvinced. A plurality of voters surveyed (47%) are not convinced by the argument by opponents of the Fair Tax that new taxes will be wasted by the state, and that higher income taxes on the wealthy will hurt the Illinois economy.

Key findings from the survey include:

    • 75% of Democrats and 55% of independent voters surveyed support the Fair Tax, with only 16% of Democrats and 37% of independents in opposition.
    • A majority of voters in every age group support the Fair Tax, with 53% of voters age 18 to 45, 62% of voters aged 46 to 65, and 55% of voters older than 65 in support.

PPP surveyed 517 Illinois voters in House Districts 45, 48, 49, 51, 53, 55, 56, 57, 61, 62, 76, 80, 84, 96, 111 and 112 from May 15-16, 2019. The margin of error is +/- 4.3%. This poll was conducted by telephone.

1) 58 percent is strong support, but it’s gonna need 60 to pass muster with voters (or over half of everyone who votes in the election).

2) A result not fully fleshed out in the memo

Opponents of the Illinois Fair Tax say these new taxes will simply be wasted by the State and that taxing higher income people more will hurt the Illinois economy and cost jobs. Do you find this a very convincing, somewhat convincing, or not a convincing reason to oppose the Illinois Fair Tax?

    Very convincing 26%
    Somewhat convincing 21%
    Not convincing 47%
    Not sure 5%


3) Also not mentioned in the memo

Do you approve or disapprove of President Donald Trump’s job performance?

    Approve 39%
    Disapprove 57%
    Notsure 4%


4) PPP is a robopoller, so keep that in mind.

5) District-by-district numbers would be much better.

6) Here are the Democratic House members matched up to their district numbers…

45 - Diane Pappas
48 - Terra Costa Howard
49 - Karina Villa
51 - Mary Edly-Allen
53 - Mark Walker
55 - Martin Moylan
56 - Michelle Mussman
57 - Jonathan Carroll
61 - Joyce Mason
62 - Sam Yingling
76 - Lance Yednock
80 - Anthony DeLuca
84 - Stephanie Kifowit
96 - Sue Scherer
111 - Monica Bristow
112 - Katie Stuart

7) Crosstabs are here.


When Will The Illinois House Pass the Reproductive Health Act?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

On Monday, thousands of voters gathered and marched demanding Illinois pass the RHA. The time is now for action — so that Illinois is not dragged into the past.

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High-speed rail advocates call Pritzker capital bill “retrograde”

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A Midwest High Speed Rail Association blast e-mail to supporters…

Tell Gov. Pritzker the capital bill needs more trains and transit!

Springfield is debating the capital bill right now.

Several weeks ago, Illinois Senator Martin Sandoval introduced legislation for a major transportation package that could lead to more trains around Illinois and the Midwest by significantly rethinking the way the state funds and selects projects.

Last week, Governor Pritzker released his own proposal for a “capital bill,” but it lacks some of the critical advantages of Sen. Sandoval’s proposal, and instead opts for “business as usual.”

Please click here to send a message to the Governor

Sen. Sandoval’s proposal includes the creation of a sustainable, dedicated fund for transit that sets aside money every year for things like track upgrades for better Metra and Amtrak service. Knowing that these funds would be available into the future would make it easier to plan and execute the sort of large-scale, transformational projects we need to bring high-speed rail to the Midwest.

Gov. Pritzker’s proposal only contains a few one-time allocations for certain transit projects, leaving trains and transit to an uncertain future of relying on one-off legislative appropriations. A good solution would be to dedicate 30% or more of new state transportation revenue to trains and transit.

Sen. Sandoval’s proposal also included a requirement that major projects be evaluated and prioritized based on a broad range of data-driven, measurable factors like environmental impact, economic development, and safety. This would make it much easier for trains to compete with traditional highway projects, but Gov. Pritzker’s proposal lacks this forward-thinking requirement.

Finally, Sen. Sandoval’s proposal indexes the gas tax and other transportation user fees to inflation, ensuring these revenue sources do not effectively degrade over time as they do today. Gov. Pritzker’s proposal does not index to inflation, meaning the state will find itself back in the same funding squeeze ten or so years from now.

Illinois has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make it easier to get around and significantly reduce our carbon impact by setting a transportation policy that favors investing in trains and transit. Instead, the Pritzker administration is pushing a retrograde approach that would only further entrench Illinois and the Midwest’s reliance on cars and highways.

We’ve made it easy to send a message to Gov. Pritzker. Time is running out on Illinois’ legislative session, so act now!

* Meanwhile, here’s Kristen McQueary

Nearly two years ago, voters in Cook County rebelled against taxation. It was a rare galvanization.

Overtax our income, we’ll shrug. Overtax our property, we’ll acquiesce. But add 68 pennies to a bottle of soda and you’ve unleashed a “Game of Thrones”-style Battle of Winterfell, a thousand Arya Starks with dragonglass daggers and steely eyes.

R.I.P., soda tax of 2017. Even Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle realized she would have to pry bottles of Mountain Dew from Cook County taxpayers’ cold dead hands before they would back down.

And yet, where is the swell of opposition to broader, deeper, more impactful taxation? Gov. J.B. Pritzker, now in the final, frenzied days of the spring legislative session, is pushing a $41.5 billion bricks-and-mortar capital program that would hike taxes on top of the tax hikes in his budget proposal. Remember that columnist a few weeks ago who advised taxpayers to guard their wallets? Yes, that was me. I told you so. […]

The state of Illinois — we taxpayers — are still paying for projects built in the mid-1980s through bond programs. We’re still paying for former Gov. George Ryan’s “Illinois FIRST” program, for pension bonds sold during the last 15 years to make ends meet, for former Gov. Pat Quinn’s infrastructure bill. We still can’t pay vendors on time for services they perform for the state, and we are paying off bonds we bought to cover those day-to-day costs. But what the heck. Let’s see how much more debt we can accumulate.

The need for the pop tax and the use of its revenues were never adequately defined by Preckwinkle. Capital projects cost money, and this isn’t Washington, DC where we can just borrow without worrying about ever paying it back. You want your road fixed? Pay up.

With that being said, I’m not loving the idea of borrowing money for 20 years for infrastructure repairs that won’t last as long as the bond payments. What the governor has proposed is six years of projects financed with bonding and tax hikes that will last much longer than the construction. I’d personally be more comfortable with more pay-go.

…Adding… The late Chuck Sweeny’s final column was a lament that no projects for his beloved Rockford were listed in the governor’s capital plan outline

I’m surprised — but maybe I shouldn’t be — that Gov. JB Pritzker’s $41.5 billion, six-year capital spending plan listed no transportation projects for the greater Rockford area west to the Mississippi River. […]

Now these aren’t the only northern Illinois projects that will be funded should the governor’s plan pass, but I sure would have liked to see the greater Rockford area included in the initial plan he released Friday.

I am hopeful that the $14.7 million the state owes the Chicago Rockford International Airport for the state’s share of funding for the $41 million AAR maintenance, repair and overhaul hangars will come through should this plan pass.

Once again, Quinn promised the money in 2014; Rauner put it on hold in 2015 when he and the General Assembly couldn’t agree on a budget for two years. To get the hangars built on time and on budget, the airport took out a $17 million line of credit from five local banks in 2015 and is paying $80,000 a month in interest.

The governor’s plan provides $70 million for “aeronautics.”

* Related…

* Northern Illinois leaders write letter to Gov. Pritzker asking for support at Rockford Airport

* Tax on Beer and Internet Streaming Proposed

* BGA: Lawmakers should seek reasonable registration bump for electric vehicles

* Gov. Pritzker’s capital plan proposes $57M for Route 47 in McHenry County


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Addendum to today’s edition

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Today’s post is sponsored by SEIU Healthcare. Follow along with ScribbleLive

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