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*** UPDATED x1 - Another one *** Unclear on the “our party” concept

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bernie

AARON MERREIGHN of Riverton, who ran for lieutenant governor last year under the Conservative Party banner, says he’ll run as a Republican next year for state representative in the 87th House District, now represented by Rep. TIM BUTLER, R-Springfield.

“Our Republican Party’s still falling apart,” said Merreighn, 36, who works in human resources for the Illinois Department of Revenue. […]

Butler said Merreighn “needs to make up his mind on which party he wants to be in.”

Merreighn said he “left the Republican Party last year” when he became running mate to then-state Sen. SAM McCANN. Their ticket got 4.2 percent of the statewide vote in November.

Merreighn ran as a Democrat for precinct committeeman in 2014 and was listed on a Libertarian Party of Illinois news release when he ran for Riverton village trustee in 2015. He was not elected in either race.

If he loses maybe he’ll run on the Green Party’s ticket.

*** UPDATE *** Democrat, Libertarian, Conservative, Republican and… the Veterans Party? Yep…

And, yes, it’s a thing.


Todd Stroger is absolutely right

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bet you never thought you’d see that headline, eh? Anyway, I thought for sure this was a political prank on Toni Preckwinkle when I heard about it, but she has fully embraced an endorsement by Todd Stroger

The former County Board president, who lost an ugly 2010 campaign to Preckwinkle, is now backing her, he tells The Spin.

“Yeah — what’s the saying? ‘There are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, just permanent interests.’ And my interest is in seeing things get done in the neighborhoods that are typically overlooked. If I can bend the ear of the mayor to get something done, then so be it,” Stroger, who lives on the city’s South Side and works for South Side Chicago Ald. Howard Brookins, 21st, said Wednesday. […]

The two have “spoken about three times in the last week and a half — about the campaign and what my role could be. And I gave her some unsolicited advice, of course. What I told her was I thought that the campaign should start focusing more on the future, not on the past — we know who she is, (time to tell people) what is her plan. There’s no use sitting and fighting with your opponent.” […]

“Toni is proud to have the support of Todd Stroger because of their shared commitment to the community. He joins a growing coalition of community members who know she has the experience and vision to lead the city as the next mayor of Chicago,” campaign spokesman Chris Meagher said in an emailed statement.

Stroger is absolutely right about the need to focus on the future instead of constantly talking about her and her opponent’s pasts. Check out this debate story with that frame in mind

Lightfoot then posed a question to Preckwinkle, noting how one of them will become the first African-American female elected mayor of Chicago and asking her to discuss the race’s significance.

Preckwinkle took her answer in a different direction, again trying to draw a distinction between her long career in public service as a teacher, alderman and county board president and Lightfoot’s background as a City Hall appointee and corporate attorney.

“You know, I think it’s true that this is a historic time. But it’s also true that we took very different paths to get where we are,” Preckwinkle said. “I worked to bring change, to actualize change, to transform the institutions I represented and the communities I represented. And let me just say, that’s hard work. Resolve isn’t good enough. It takes patience and courage to do this work.”

She went on to criticize Lightfoot for her work at Mayer Brown saying, “While I was transforming our health care system, increasing access and improving the quality of care, my opponent was working for a law firm that defends tobacco companies and polluters.” […]

“Well, I will actually answer the question,” Lightfoot said. “I hope this campaign and the fact that one of us as African-American women is going to be the next mayor of the city really gives hope to young girls that are out there and young men that are out there to know what my parents taught me: that anything is possible if you actually have the opportunity and take advantage of it and use it as a ladder up.”

* Even Chance the Rapper’s endorsement focused on the past

Flanked by black activists with whom he consulted before making the endorsement, Chance said, “The resounding voice has been that they don’t necessarily feel comfortable or safe going into a city where Lori Lightfoot sits on the fifth floor” of City Hall.

“Her past record as a prosecutor has not been in the best interest of young black people in Chicago, hasn’t been entirely truthful. And even her campaign and the image that she’s created since the February election has been … very untrue,” he said.

Those same activists — from groups like Black Lives Matter and Assata’s Daughters who have rallied around the #NoCopAcademy label — “appreciate Toni Preckwinkle,” Chance said. […]

“The truth is that the most qualified person in terms of somebody who’s gonna look out for all the people of Chicago [and] account for the police, victims of gun crime, victims of economic crime is Toni Preckwinkle. So, I’m fully behind her,” he said.

* But no cash

This isn’t his first entry into the mayor’s race. He and rapper Kanye West poured hundreds of thousands of dollars and ample hype into former candidate Amara Enyia’s campaign.

Chance may have given Enyia a $400,000 contribution in January, but said he wasn’t planning to open his wallet again.

“I don’t have any more money for Chicago politics,” Chance said, when asked if he would bring fresh cash to Preckwinkle’s campaign.

…Adding… Lori Lightfoot…

I have great respect for Chance and the community activists and organizers across the city who are fighting for social justice,” said Lightfoot. “I share their passion and commitment to pursuing true police accountability because we have not had nearly enough progress to date. That’s why I’ve fought for police reform throughout my career. As mayor, I will take my efforts to the next level by working with stakeholders who’ve been engaging in this fight from the get-go. My campaign is about delivering change, which means working together to enact new paradigms and new policies. I would create a robust youth committee to incorporate the perspectives and policy ideas of these activists into our city government. Young people have a voice, we just need to listen.


It’s just a (gas tax) bill

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve been telling subscribers about this for days

There’s a $2 billion gas tax increase on the table at the statehouse to pay for infrastructure projects, but some warn such a move will hurt lower-income families the hardest. There’s also an effort to give municipalities more ability to impose their own gas taxes.

State Sen. Martin Sandoval, D-Chicago, said motorists should expect a push to double the state’s gas tax from .19 cents a gallon to .38 cents heading into the home stretch of spring session. An amendment to Senate Bill 103 would also increase the annual vehicle registration fee by $50, and $130 more for electric vehicles.

A fact sheet from the International Union of Operating Engineers says those increases along with doubling the fee on drivers’ licenses and increasing truck registration fees by $100 would raise an additional $2 billion.

State Rep. Joe Sosnowski, R-Rockford, said increasing the motor fuel tax will hit working families.

There’s lots more to this bill, but you either gotta subscribe or wait for somebody else to write about it.

* Meanwhile, a spokesperson says this bill may be called for a vote next week in the House Revenue Committee. From a press release…

Legislation under consideration in Springfield that would allow municipalities to impose their own local, .03¢ per gallon gas tax is being welcomed as a tool for struggling communities to rebuilding their local economies.

The legislation, House Bill 102, would require municipalities to register a responsible bidder ordinance with the Illinois Department of Transportation to allow them to impose a local motor fuel tax of up to .03¢ per gallon, a tax which would be administered and enforced by the Illinois Department of Revenue.

“With towns, villages, and cities throughout Illinois struggling to pay police and fire pension costs while straining to preserve core services, local leaders need additional revenue to fund community capital construction projects ,” said long-time local municipal attorney Michael Del Galdo, managing partner of the Berwyn-based Del Galdo Law Group, LLC., who serves as general counsel for multiple suburban Cook County communities. […]

“By including a responsible bidder provision in the bill, municipalities will be assured that a qualified workforce will be employed on behalf of projects supported by a local gas tax,” said Marc Poulos, Executive Director, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa Foundation for Fair Contracting. “More broadly, this bill will help local communities rebuild their finances and revive their local workforce after the damage inflicted on their budgets and economies due to the Rauner Administration’s historic mismanagement.”

…Adding… Tribune

[Orphe Divounguy, chief economist for the Illinois Policy Institute] said the state should eliminate waste and investigate corruption before raising more taxes.


1,500 rally for state separatism at Effingham rally

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Review

A week ago Sunday, over 1500 like-minded downstate Illinoisans filled to overflowing the Effingham Performance Center to hear the latest about how Chicago Leftists in the State Capitol are ramming through radical gun control and abortion policies, forcing public school children to study historic figures based on their sexual orientation, and taking money out of their wallets while stealing basic Constitutional rights.

The frustration and resentment of Chicago political powers forcing their Leftist worldview on voters that supported Donald Trump in 2016 was palpable among the 1500 gathered as speaker after speaker tackled the issues.

That was especially true when State Rep. Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville) asked the crowd midway into the program, “Who wants to separate from Chicago and Cook County?” The crowd stood and cheered in response. […]

“Everything that matters to the people in my district is under attack,” Halbrook told Illinois Review this week. “The issue of life, the issue of marriage, the school curriculum. Everything these people hold near and dear to their hearts - our hearts - is under attack by far left legislators from the city.”

Three downstate freshman state legislators - Rep. Darren Bailey, Chris Miller & Blaine Wilhour - rented the Center for a town hall, and within two weeks, over 1500 people gathered on a Sunday afternoon to hear what was going on in Springfield. Halbrook was invited to address the crowd.

Halbrook said he introduced the resolution at the urging of Gina Merritt of New Illinois - a separation group from the northern part of Illinois that has been working with Paul Preston of New California. The movement is catching on downstate under the leadership of Effingham County Board member Dave Campbell, who first introduced the Second Amendment Sanctuary county resolution last April.

* From New Illinois’ Facebook page

Facebook’s official description of the group

Charity Organization in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin


* Rep. Halbrook’s speech is a must-watch

“Let’s build a wall around Chicago, let’s get Cook County to pay for it,” Halbrook said at the end of his speech.

* Meanwhile, if you watch the entire video of the rally, you’ll see David Smith of the Illinois Family Institute was one of the speakers and was well-received. Smith got into some hot water this week, however

On the same day hundreds of pro-life supporters rallied inside the state’s Capitol to protest abortion bills, the Illinois Family Institute quietly deleted a Facebook post and website article which compared Democrats to Nazis.

Despite the backlash and its decision to take down the post, the group’s executive director is defending its content.

“You cannot help but connect the torturous ways that human beings were treated in Nazi camps in the way that pre-born babies are being treated in the women’s womb,” David Smith told the Sun-Times Thursday.

The now-deleted post

Back to the story

Smith told the Sun-Times he took down the post “because people aren’t getting past the headline.”

“It’s becoming a distraction so I took it down, until we can come up with a better headline or flesh it out,” Smith said.

“It asked the question, Democratic politicians and Nazis, is there a difference? And considering the abortion holocaust that our country is going through and the push for extreme late abortion legislation, we were asking the question,” Smith said.

During his Effingham speech, Smith said “Southern Illinois has to be heard,” then quoted anti-Nazi minister Dietrich Bonhoeffer “who stood up to Hitler” and who said, “Silence in the face of evil is evil itself.”

* Related…

* Jettisoning Chicago has always been a dubious proposition: Cook County - where Chicago is located - gets back just 80 cents for every dollar it sends the state, according to the study. But Halbrook’s own Shelby County gets back $1.44 for every dollar it sends. Clay County, where Bailey is based, gets back $1.84.


Zalewski unveils sports betting menu options

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Finke

In an effort to kick-start discussions on sports betting, state Rep. Mike Zalewski has filed four different proposals to bring sports betting to Illinois.

The Riverside Democrat said the proposals will be discussed at a hearing of the House Revenue Committee next week.

“What we have learned the last few months is there is great interest and agreement in the gaming industry to bring sports betting and its economic benefits to Illinois and little agreement yet on now to best do it,” Zalewski said in a statement.

Zalewski said the proposals that will be discussed were modeled on sports betting in effect in other states like New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania. He said each proposal will “generate hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue and other economic benefits with varying rates and fees.”

A detailed fact sheet is here.

* Sports Handle

Zalewski’s plan is to legalize sports betting by the end of this session, but Illinois has a history of resistance to gambling expansion, so the question of whether or not mobile sports wagering will be front and center is one that is currently unanswered.

“I think it may be in-person sports betting to start and then mobile will roll out,” Zalewski told Sports Handle. “The brick and mortars in this state are going to say, ‘We’ve been here the longest, we’ve vetted, we’ve tested, we’ve been here before, why would you wait here for the online guys, when we’re show ready right now?’

“That may be appealing to us as a policy piece. It’s a hybrid, so I think slow beginnings are probably preferred over going too fast. “

* Hannah Meisel

Zalewski’s four options for legalized sports betting all take different approaches. One amendment would allow the Illinois Lottery to take on the responsibilities for sports betting, rather than the Illinois Gaming Board. It would also allow people to make their bets anywhere Illinois lottery tickets are already sold, like a gas stations or convenience stores. […]

Another amendment would allow professional sports leagues to get a cut of sales from sports betting in Illinois. Zalewski acknowledged that this idea isn’t universally popular because not everyone thinks that leagues should share in the revenue. But, Zalewski pointed out that Illinois is the home to many pro teams. […]

The New Jersey model would allow operator licenses for all riverboats and organizational licensees, and allow for bets both online and in person.

The Mississippi model would empower the Illinois Gaming Board to do more, though online betting in that model would not be allowed from a better’s own home. Rather, a person would have to be physically in a brick-and-mortar casino or racetrack to place bets online.

* Dan Petrella

Also looming in the background are perennial issues — such as creating new casino licenses and allowing slot machines at horse tracks — that have derailed negotiations over gambling expansion for the past decade. Pritzker has said he wants sports betting to be dealt with separately from other gambling issues.

Casinos, horse tracks and video gambling operators are “all very interested in sports betting as an option, and they’re all still very much interested in what they want separately,” Zalewski said.

“Among lawmakers, we’re very cognizant that it’s hard to keep this issue separated,” he said. “That being said, if you get bogged down on this topic because people insist on getting … a hundred percent of what they want, then we won’t get it done.”

If lawmakers are able to get a bill to Pritzker’s desk this spring, Illinois could be the first Midwestern state to legalize sports betting after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year overturned a prohibition on state-sanctioned wagering on sporting events.

[Headline changed because I had a brain freeze or something.]


#TaxSplaining: Does the governor’s revenue forecast add up?

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* OK, this is gonna get a little complicated, but stay with me here. From the Illinois Policy Institute

Pritzker’s [graduated income tax] plan assumes Illinois will see average annual income growth of 3.61 percent. His administration claims this “conservative” estimate is both consistent with the state’s recent performance and accounts for a one-year stagnation in income growth to account for a slowing economy. But Pritzker is wrong on both counts.

According to the IRS, the average annual growth rate of Illinois’ adjusted gross income over the past five years of available data has been 3.37 percent, meaning the administration fails to correctly account for the past. The governor also alleges that a one-year stagnation of income growth in his assumption is “conservative” and accounts for an economic slowdown. But Illinois’ total income has not only stagnated, but declined in two out of the past four years on record.

* First of all, Pritzker’s office says they’re using net income for their five-year projection, while the IPI is using adjusted gross income. What’s the dif? From the governor’s office…

Net Income vs. AGI

We used net income because this is the taxable base upon which the tax rate is applied. Federal AGI is only a part of the picture, and is insufficient to create a realistic projection. When individuals file income taxes in Illinois, the state modifies the Federal AGI and then applies its own exemptions and deductions to come to the net income value.

* And the governor’s office looked at compounded annual growth instead of just simple growth. Team Pritzker…

The advantage of using a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) versus a simple annual average growth rate is that it provides a more realistic measure of growth. CAGR smooths year-to-year volatility, providing a more accurate way to—in the case of investments—measure actual fund performance over a given period of time. We need a 5-year forecast of incomes, because our most recent available data is for the 2016 tax year and the year the fair tax would take effect is 2021. Because we’re relying on a 5-year forecast, it’s far more important to know the likely values of income at the point in time five years in the future (2021), not what is happening in any given year between 2016 and 2021.

A CAGR is the compound average of a single year of growth. The annualized figure takes into account that we used the CAGR for 4 years of growth, and no growth for the fifth year [to reflect an expected national economic downturn]. So, the annualized value is effective 4/5ths of the 5 year GAGR.

* Now, click here to see the governor’s chart. My own impression when I first read the IPI’s report was that the group was looking at growth in all income levels, but I was more curious about people who earn higher incomes because they’re gonna get hit with the higher rates. From the governor’s office…

The growth in upper income brackets in Illinois is dramatically outpacing growth in lower income brackets.

That certainly makes sense and was what I expected.

* According to the governor’s office, the five-year 2011-2015 compounded annual growth rate for Illinoisans making $50,001-$100,000 was 0 percent. The same growth rate for Illinoisans making $25,001-$50,000 was 1 percent. The governor’s projected five-year growth (2016-2021), including a year of a national slowdown, is 0 percent for both. It’s -1 percent for incomes under $25K.

But the 2011-2015 growth rate for people making between $101K and $500K was 5 percent and it was 7 percent for those making over $500K. Those are projected to be 4 percent and 6 percent, respectively, for the 2016-2021 forecast.

Higher tax rates kick in at $250K.

…Adding… From the Illinois Policy Institute…

1) They used the preliminary 2016 income number from IDOR when a final number is available. The final number is lower by $3 billion, which maybe explains why they didn’t use it. This is artificially inflated, meaning the one-pager is artificially inflated too.

2) The numbers they gave you don’t match the total 2016 income number they released initially in the one-pager. The reason is that the one-pager added non-Illinois-resident filer income to the total (a highly volatile revenue source). Doing this makes their taxable income estimate rosier in 2021. Recall that the 97% tax cut claim is based on the one-pager.

In other words, they took growth in a number that doesn’t include an income source and applied it to a number that does include that income source (roughly $31 billion in 2016). They are flying by the seat of their pants here.

This also means they’re including 560,000 non-Illinois-resident returns in their 97% tax cut talking point.

3) Despite these inaccuracies, taking the info from the one-pager — 15.22% total growth from 2016-2021 — we backed out what the 4-year annual growth rate was. We use AGI because this reflects actual changes in income whereas net income can reflect changes to the state tax code. Predicting based on net income means you have to estimate size of deductions, etc. We checked IDOR data on net income and that still doesn’t reflect Pritzker’s assumed growth on the one-pager.

4) Economic growth should not be expected to increase at the tail-end of an economic expansion, even if their numbers were legit. They say it’s exactly the same for four years and then in one year it doesn’t grow. That’s irresponsible.

The one-pager referenced above is here.


*** UPDATED x1 *** TRS opposes Pritzker’s pension holiday, buyout expansion

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Unanimous statement by the Teachers’ Retirement System Board of Trustees

The Teachers’ Retirement System is currently 40 percent funded. The system is at a growing risk of insolvency in the event of an economic downturn. This danger is the direct result of eight decades of state contributions that always have fallen far short of actuarially based funding. TRS long-term investment returns consistently exceed the System’s expectations; but investment income alone will not be enough to prevent insolvency.

The TRS Board’s fiduciary duty to its 417,000 members is its paramount concern. The payment of future TRS benefits are jeopardized without a credible plan to address the System’s long-term sustainability. The TRS Board and staff unanimously adopts the following positions and will actively pursue their realization as a state government budget is developed for fiscal year 2020:

    * TRS opposes any Fiscal 2020 budget for the state of Illinois that will appropriate to the System less than $4,813,577,696, the contribution calculated under state pension funding law and certified by the System on January 14, 2019.

    * TRS opposes any extension of the target date currently in statute for the System to reach 90 percent funding. The target should remain no later than fiscal year 2045.

    * TRS repeats its long-standing warning that the state’s current pension funding law perpetually locks in underfunding for the system. A “full funding” state contribution for TRS in FY 2020 is $7,878,670,709, as certified in January of this year.

    * TRS opposes any expansion of the current member “buyout” program if an expanded program does not fund the buyouts with monies other than from System assets. At a funding level of 40 percent, TRS is not accumulating any assets to pay the future benefits of active members and could not afford to buy them out.

    * We respectfully request that, as in recent years, TRS and our system actuaries participate in the fiscal analysis and evaluation of any proposals that would impact the system and its members.

We stand ready to work with anyone on solutions to these important issues.

I’ve asked the governor’s office for a response.

*** UPDATE *** And here’s the governor’s office response, such as it is…

Illinois is facing enormous fiscal challenges, with multi-billion dollar deficits projected for years to come. Governor Pritzker has proposed a bridge budget and a plan that will put Illinois on a path to firmer fiscal footing through the fair income tax.


Pritzker’s Growth Fantasy

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s tax plan assumes Illinois will see average annual income growth of 3.61 percent. His administration claims this “conservative” estimate is both consistent with the state’s recent performance and accounts for a one-year stagnation in income growth to account for a slowing economy.

But Pritzker is wrong on both counts.

According to the IRS, the average annual growth rate of Illinois’ adjusted gross income over the past five years of available data has been 3.37 percent, meaning the administration fails to correctly account for the past. The governor also alleges that a one-year stagnation of income growth in his assumption accounts for an economic slowdown. But Illinois’ total income has not only stagnated, but declined in two out of the past four years on record.

Not only are the governor’s assumptions wrong given the state’s recent performance (which he states are the basis for his claims), but they are wrong given the anticipated growth trajectory of Illinois and the U.S. economy as a whole. The governor’s estimates don’t account for the possibility of a slowdown or even a recession, which two-thirds of business economists in the U.S. expect before 2021, according to polling from the National Association for Business Economics.

Pritzker’s plan won’t deliver on the promises he’s making, meaning it will only serve as a bridge to further tax hikes.

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The Credit Union Difference

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

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Simon Poll: More now think state is on right track, 66 percent back $15 minimum wage

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Paul Simon Public Policy Institute

At first, hearing that six in ten Illinois voters think the country is headed in the wrong direction, and that two-thirds think the state is headed in the wrong direction, would seem like bad news. However, both numbers—particularly regarding the state of Illinois’ direction—are improvements over last spring’s numbers, according to the latest Simon PollTM, conducted by the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

While 67 percent said they thought things in the state of Illinois were off track and moving in the wrong direction, that was significantly below the 84 percent who gave “wrong direction” responses in Spring 2018. More than one in five (22 percent) in this year’s survey said things in Illinois were moving in the right direction, compared to just 9 percent last Spring.

About six in ten (61 percent) surveyed this year said things in the United States were off track and moving in the wrong direction, compared with 64 percent in the spring 2018 poll. Three in ten (30%) said things were moving in the right direction, compared with 27 percent a year ago.

The Simon PollTM was based on a statewide sample of 1,000 registered voters conducted March 11 through March 17. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percent.

“Thinking back to a year ago, what changed in Illinois to cause more than one in eight voters to change their minds about the direction of the state?” asked Charlie Leonard, one of the directors of the Simon Poll. “While there has been good economic news here and there, we have to think that a change in state leadership—the decisive victory of Governor J.B. Pritzker over the unpopular former governor, Bruce Rauner—has a lot to do with it, even though Governor Pritzker’s lukewarm approval rating doesn’t look like he’s received much of a ‘honeymoon’ period.”

Significant regional differences surfaced regarding direction of the State of Illinois, with 27 percent of City of Chicago respondents saying the state is headed in the right direction, compared with 22 percent in the Chicago suburbs and 17 percent downstate.

Perhaps representing partisan enthusiasm with the election of a new governor, Democratic respondents were more optimistic about the direction of the state (36 percent “right direction”) than were Independents (14 percent) or Republicans (10 percent).

Regarding the state of the country, “right direction” responses topped 35 percent in Downstate Illinois, followed by 30 percent in the Chicago suburbs and 25 percent in the City of Chicago.

Partisan differences on the direction of the country may also reflect the partisan makeup of executive leadership, with Republicans far more likely to give “right direction” responses (60 percent) than were Independents (27 percent) or Democrats (10 percent).

Typically, respondents are more optimistic about their local communities than they are regarding their state or the country as a whole. In this year’s survey, 56 percent said things in their city or area of the state were moving in the right direction and 35 percent said they were moving in the wrong direction, very similar to last year’s result.

Reform Issues

As in past Simon Institute surveys, support for legislative term limits tops eight voters in ten. This year, 84 percent supported “a proposal limiting the number of years state legislators can serve in the House of Representatives, the State Senate, or a combination of the two,” and 61 percent strongly supported term limits. By contrast, only 13 percent opposed term limits.

Similarly, 85 percent supported leadership term limits, limiting how long legislators could serve in positions such as Speaker of the House or President of the Senate, with 65 percent strongly favoring the proposal. Just one in eight (12 percent) opposed leadership term limits.

Partisan and regional differences on both term limit proposals were minimal, with large majorities in all categories supporting the reforms.

Again, as in past surveys, a proposed constitutional amendment to have legislative district maps created by an independent commission rather than the legislature received two-thirds (67 percent) support, with almost four in ten (38 percent) strongly favoring the reform. Fewer than one in four voters (22 percent) opposed the redistricting proposal.

Whether in Chicago, its suburbs, or downstate, more than six in ten respondents supported the independent redistricting commission. However, while still a solid majority, fewer Republicans supported the redistricting reform (63 percent) than did Independents (70 percent) or Democrats (72 percent).

Minimum Wage Increase

Interviewers asked respondents whether they “support or oppose incremental increases in the state’s minimum wage, with is currently $8.25 an hour, up to $15 per hour, by January 1, 2025.” While minimum wage hikes usually spark controversy, two-thirds (66 percent) of Illinois voters in the Simon Poll sample supported the minimum wage increase—with 49 percent strongly favoring it. About a third (32 percent) opposed the increase in the minimum wage.

Regional differences in support for the minimum wage hike appear, with support highest in Chicago (81 percent), followed by the Chicago suburbs (71 percent) and Downstate Illinois (48 percent). Even stronger partisan differences appear, with nine in ten Democrats (91 percent) supporting the wage increase, as opposed to four in ten Republicans (39 percent). Fifty nine percent of Republicans opposed the minimum wage increase. A solid majority of Independents (58 percent) support the gradual minimum wage increase.

John S. Jackson, one of the directors of the poll, summarized the debate over this issue, “The minimum wage bill was passed by the Illinois General Assembly with strong support from Governor Pritzker. The opposition was led by the Republicans, some business groups, and legislators from downstate. They argued that the increases would cost jobs and that downstate living expenses were less than those in metropolitan Chicago, and thus there should be a two- tiered minimum wage. Supporters argued that the requirements for a ‘living wage’ downstate were often well above what this bill would provide and thus workers there also needed a wage increase to meet those requirements. In addition, supporters pointed out that there is very mixed evidence over whether minimum wage increases lead to job losses. These divisions represent the usual polarization in Illinois and the nation at this point in our history.”

The margin of error for the entire sample of 1,000 voters is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. This means that if we conducted the survey 100 times, in 95 of those instances, the population proportion would be within plus or minus the reported margin of error for each subsample. For subsamples, the margin of error increases as the sample size goes down. The margin of error was not adjusted for design effects.

Live telephone interviews were conducted by Customer Research International of San Marcos, Texas using the random digit dialing method. The telephone sample was provided to Customer Research International by Scientific Telephone Samples. Potential interviewees were screened based on whether they were registered voters and quotas based on area code and sex (<60 percent female). The sample obtained 54 percent male and 46 percent female respondents. Interviewers asked to speak to the youngest registered voter at home at the time of the call. Cell phone interviews accounted for 60 percent of the sample. A Spanish language version of the questionnaire and a Spanish-speaking interviewer were made available.

Field work was conducted from March 11 to 17. No auto-dial or “robo” polling is included. Customer Research International reports no Illinois political clients. The survey was paid for with non-tax dollars from the Institute’s endowment fund. The data were not weighted in any way.

That’s pretty high on the male end, which is actually good news for Pritzker on the $15 minimum wage question because 73 percent of women support the plan while 59 percent of men back it. If that universe more accurately reflected the usual electorate, the 66 percent overall support would be higher.

Also, while all Downstate Republicans and some Downstate House Democrats opposed the plan, the region was split 48-49 on the new law. And 64 percent of people making over $100K backed the plan as well as 68 percent of those who are age 66 and over. Even 40 percent of conservatives support it.

Crosstabs are here.


Measure advances to block immigrant detention facilities

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AP

Trustees of a small village near Chicago are moving closer to allowing a private immigration detention center to be built in the area, despite pushback from activists and communities.

Dwight trustees last week voted to annex and rezone 88 acres (36 hectares) where Virginia-based Immigration Centers of America could build a detention center. The company must now secure a contract with the federal government by September 2020.

Village Board President Jared Anderson says the project could help stimulate the region’s economy by creating about 300 jobs. Dwight is about 80 miles southwest of downtown Chicago.

* Tribune

[Jared Anderson, the Dwight village board president] said pushback against the project has largely come from outside of Dwight. He estimates that he received about 100 emails about the project, but only five to seven of them were from Dwight residents. […]

Sonny Garcia, of Bloomington, Ill., who organized actions against the proposal, said area activists only learned about the plan in February from a local newspaper story. He said some Dwight residents told organizers they felt intimidated to voice their opinion in public.

* Pantagraph

About 300 people attended the [Dwight village board] meeting, which was moved to Dwight High School to accommodate the crowd. The audience included several opponents who gathered at the Amtrak station and marched to the high school.

While village President Jared Anderson previously spoke of economic benefits for the village, opponents spoke at the meeting against federal immigration policy and the role such a facility would play in it.

After the vote, opponents of the project shouted down the board, causing Anderson to abruptly call an end to the meeting.

They shouted obscenities at the board and several even approached board members. They were rebuffed by the increased police presence at the meeting.

* Press release…

State Rep. Kelly Cassidy, D-Chicago, advanced legislation to ban for-profit prisons today out of the House Labor and Commerce Committee, in an effort to block private immigration centers that have recently been approved in Illinois.

“We recently saw a resurgence of municipalities and local governments attempting to approve new for-profit and privately operated detention centers that would target immigrants,” Cassidy said. “Detention centers only confine those detained and cause more suffering to people who are going through one of the difficult times they will face in their life. The holding of a person, whether for a crime or for their immigration status, in a facility that will earn money for holding them is financially and morally irresponsible. For-profit detention centers focus on exactly the opposite of what we should be doing in our state, which is putting profits over the well- being, care, and basic rights of decency of people.”

Cassidy’s House Bill 2040 would prohibit the state or any unit of local government from operating private detention facilities, like those recently proposed to hold detained immigrants. Private, for-profit immigration centers have been attempted in four locations in Illinois. The legislation would also prohibit the entering of contracts, receiving payment or providing payment to a facility owned, managed or operated by a private company or person.

“Stopping these kinds of centers is about ensuring common dignity and humanity to people,” said state Rep. Elizabeth ‘Lisa’ Hernandez, D-Cicero. “There is no evidence that these types of facilities save any money, and often provide no oversight or specialized care to those held there. This bill is a major step in the right direction when it comes to protecting immigrants and providing the proper care that every person deserves.”

The legislation represents initiatives of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. It passed out of the House Labor and Commerce Committee Wednesday and awaits approval from the House as a whole.


Yet another ISP trooper hit by motorist

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Unreal…

Illinois State Police (ISP) District 11 Commander William Guard announces the fourteenth ISP squad car to be struck statewide in 2019 as a result of a Scott’s Law violation.

On Wednesday, March 21, 2019 at approximately 10:54 p.m., an ISP Trooper was struck while assisting in the investigation of a traffic crash on Interstate 55 northbound at milepost 9.4, St. Clair County. The initial crash, reported at 10:29 p.m., involved a vehicle that left the roadway and struck a light pole. The pole fell across the lanes of traffic and seven additional vehicles struck the downed pole prior to ISP Troopers arriving. The first ISP squad car arrived at approximately 10:39 p.m. to stop traffic and move vehicles around the downed pole.

When the third ISP squad car arrived at approximately 10:42 p.m., the Trooper positioned himself further back away from the scene to slow the approaching vehicles prior to them arriving at the initial scene of the downed pole. The Trooper was on foot, outside of his marked squad car with lights activated, when both he and his squad car were struck by a passing truck tractor, semi-trailer combination. The Trooper was transported by ambulance to a local hospital with serious, but stable injuries.

The Illinois State Police Traffic Crash Reconstruction Unit and Zone 6 Investigations are continuing the investigation into this incident. No additional information will be released at this time.

* Here’s the car…


Statehouse rally roundup

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Five times in ten years is not exceedingly rare, but it is definitely unusual….

Thousands of people from groups including Illinois Right to Life Action, the Pro-Life Action League and Illinois Family Institute, held a rally on Wednesday to protest the bills.

In fact, the mass of people from the anti-abortion-related groups and another rally in favor of gun control — along with the normal crowd of lawmakers, lobbyists, staffers and others on a session day — grew so thick inside the Capitol, police temporarily closed the building to new visitors.

The crowd was estimated to be as large as 4,000 people at one point, the Secretary of State’s office said. According to a news release, people were brought to the Capitol by bus from across the state. […]

Capitol Police said they believe the building has been temporarily closed due to large crowds five times in the last 10 years.

* More

According to a news release, people were brought to the Capitol by bus from across the state.

“Friends, I believe there’s a sleeping giant that’s been awoken and it’s called the Church of Illinois,” Republican Rep. Darren Bailey, from Xenia, said to a cheering crowd.

Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker, although never commenting on whether he supports this specific legislation, has vowed to “make Illinois the most progressive state in the nation for access to reproductive health care.”

* And one more

State Rep. Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro, said the bills being advanced by Democrats go beyond just keeping abortion legal in Illinois. One measure, she said, would allow for abortions at any stage in the pregnancy.

Bryant said Gov. J.B. Pritzker doesn’t have a mandate to make the state, as he said, the most progressive state in the nation for reproductive rights.

“Not everyone votes, but I promise you on this issue, you’ll find that if you look at the witness slips in opposition of these bills both in the House and in the Senate, we’re talking about tens of thousands,” Bryant said.

* Related…

* Thousands of pro-life supporters rally against abortion legislation at the state capitol: Though pro-life groups may believe they will not see eye-to-eye with lawmakers backing the bill, some co-sponsors of the proposal said they agreed that aspects of the bill need to be reexamined. “There’s a provision of the bill currently that would allow non-medical meaning non-doctors to perform some aspect of an abortion service. I have problems with that portion, I have shared that with the sponsor of the bill. There are certain things we have to have for public safety,” said Champaign democrat Carol Ammons.

* Hundreds Rally At The Capitol To Protest Abortion Bills

* IL Supreme Court denies abortion funding law challenge; Dissent: ‘Political question’ claims deserve hearing


*** UPDATED x1 - Think Big Illinois responds *** Rate the new Ideas Illinois digital ad opposing the graduated income tax

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Ideas Illinois launches digital ad asking voters if they trust Madigan & Pritzker with a blank check

Ad comes as Pritzker & Madigan seek passage of massive Jobs Tax on middle class families & jobs creators

Ideas Illinois today launched a digital ad asking voters if they trust Speaker Madigan & Governor Pritzker with a blank check when it comes to their taxes.

“The bottom line is we simply cannot trust Speaker Madigan and Governor Pritzker with a blank check when it comes to raising taxes,” Ideas Illinois Chairman Greg Baise said.

* Rate it and keep in mind that this is a digital ad, not a TV ad

* Script

Announcer: There’s a debate going on about Illinois’ tax system.

The latest sales pitch from Springfield insiders?

Pritzker and Madigan want to change the constitution to allow a permanent jobs tax on middle class families.

‘Trust us,’ they say: we’ll use your money to fund our schools, fix our roads, shore up pensions and cut property taxes.

Do you trust them?

In the last 8 years these same Springfield insiders handed us two of the largest tax hikes in history.

…promising these tax hikes would solve all problems. But nothing changed.

We’re still burdened with debt – schools are underfunded – roads and bridges, crumbling – property taxes, still sky-rocketing.

But here they go again, asking you to pay more.

They’re putting a constitutional amendment on your 2020 ballot, paving the way for their jobs tax on the middle class.

It won’t say how much you’ll pay: a blank check for Springfield. Pritzker and Madigan want you to trust them to do the right thing.

But they broke their promise before… and they’ll do it again, if we trust them again.

Not this time.

Visit ideas promises to learn more.

*** UPDATE *** Think Big Illinois…

Today, Ideas Illinois released a new digital ad in their latest attempt to mislead Illinoisans about a fair tax. The only problem is, they actually told the truth for a few seconds of it, and in doing so, detailed exactly why a fair tax is needed to help Illinois fix its $3.2 billion budget crisis and fund critical priorities in our state.

The ad details what the revenue from a fair tax would go to – addressing the $3.2 billion state budget deficit, funding schools, fixing roads, protecting pensions and cutting property taxes.

“In their latest effort to keep our current unfair tax system in place, Ideas Illinois actually showed exactly why we need to implement a fair tax,” said Quentin Fulks, Executive Director of Think Big Illinois. “Not only will a fair tax bring in $3.4 billion of much-needed revenue that will go to fund critical priorities like our schools, but it will do so while lifting the burden off middle and working-class families. That’s why Think Big Illinois is committed to fighting for a fair tax.”


*** UPDATED x1 - ILGOP responds *** Rate Think Big Illinois’ new TV ad

Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, Think Big Illinois released its first television ad advocating for Governor Pritzker’s fair tax plan. The ad details the $3.2 billion deficit the previous administration’s brand of irresponsible governance and mismanagement left the state in, and how Governor Pritzker’s fair tax plan will put Illinois back on track.

Under Governor Pritzker’s fair tax plan, 97% of Illinoisans will see no state income tax increase, with only those making above $250,000 paying more. A fair tax will bring in $3.4 billion in much-needed revenue each year, which will help solve Illinois’ budget crisis and fund critical programs, including our schools.

“Governor Pritzker’s fair tax plan will bring much-needed revenue into the state, while lifting the burden off middle and working-class families who are disproportionately hurt by our current tax system,” said Quentin Fulks, Executive Director for Think Big Illinois. “Think Big Illinois is committed to standing alongside our working families as we fight to implement a tax structure that works for all Illinoisans.”

* I talked about the ad with subscribers earlier this morning, so I’ll just let that be and monitor your own reaction

* Script

There’s a $3.2 billion hole in Springfield.

And after years of ignoring it, we can’t keep doing more of the same.

Under Governor Pritzker’s fair tax, 97% of Illinoisans will not see an income tax increase.
Only those making above $250,000 a year would pay more.

The governor’s fair tax puts the middle class first, while making the wealthy pay their fair share.

Let’s do what’s right for Illinois’ future.


“It’s been two short weeks since J.B. Pritzker unveiled his jobs tax, and he has already broken his promise to middle class families. Pritzker called his plan ‘tax relief’ for the middle class, but now he says it’s ‘not…an income tax increase.’ Tomorrow it will be a tax hike on all Illinoisans.

“Pritzker’s change in rhetoric is further proof that his jobs tax proposal is nothing more than a blank check for Pritzker and Madigan to raise taxes on anyone, at any time, for any reason. J.B. Pritzker and Mike Madigan cannot be trusted with a blank check to spend more of your hard-earned taxpayer dollars.” - Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot


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Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Update to today’s edition (Updated)
* Uber’s Local Partnership = Stress-Free Travel For Paratransit Riders
* IEA releases member poll, with eye on major pension upgrade
* Finally, a CTU fiscal proposal that doesn't involve magic beans
* Go read the rest
* As lawsuits and strike threats fly, Pritzker calls on Stellantis to live up to its commitments on Belvidere plant
* Today's quotable: George McCaskey
* Buried nugget and magic beans
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