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Rate Marie Newman’s new TV ad

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, Marie Newman’s campaign released its second television advertisement highlighting the contrasts between Marie and Dan Lipinski’s views on health care. The ad, “A Clear Choice for IL-03,” reminds voters about Lipinski’s vote against the Affordable Care Act and how that would have allowed insurance companies to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. In contrast, Marie believes that health care is a right and is fighting to expand health care coverage.

The ad also highlights the Chicago Sun-Times’ endorsement of Marie Newman, because she “leaves no doubt that she will stand up for health care, Dreamers and women’s rights.”

* Ad

* Script

People concerned about health care can’t trust Dan Lipinski.

Dan Lipinski voted against Obamacare which means Lipinski would deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.

Democrats have a clear choice – Marie Newman.

Marie’s believes that health care is a right because she knows what it’s like to have gone without health insurance. Unlike Dan Lipinski, Marie is the only Democrat who will fight to expand health care to everyone.

The Sun Times endorsed Marie saying there’s “no doubt she will stand up for health care.

* Much of this campaign is being fought around the healthcare issue

You can rate that one, too, if you’d like.


Caption contest!

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Have fun…


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Campaign updates

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Crain’s

Sales of marijuana fell in the second month of legalization in Illinois.

Revenue was $34.8 million in February, down from $39.2 million in January, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation said today. Those figures do not include tax.

Total February sales were down 11 percent. Average daily sales were off 5 percent after accounting for fewer days in the month.

Out-of-state buyers accounted for 26 percent of sales in February, up from 22 percent in January.

Probably to be expected, considering the initial novelty, the resulting lack of product (growers really need to step up) and the lack of personnel to deal with the long lines (retailers really need to hire more people). But, one month is not a trend and this is gonna be legal in perpetuity, so I generally take the long view.

* The Question: Have you visited or do you plan to visit an adult-use dispensary? If so, tell us about your experience. If not, explain why.


It’s just a bill

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square

A bill to ban all red-light cameras in the state could advance in Springfield.

Last week, state Rep. David McSweeney, R-Barrington Hills, got House Bill 322 passed in the House with bipartisan support. That measure would ban red-light cameras in non-home rule municipalities, or municipalities with fewer than 25,000 residents. […]

“My bill to ban all red-light cameras made it out of the [House] Rules Committee,” McSweeney said. “So I can’t call it today. I hope to call it in the next few weeks.”

House Bill 323 was assigned to the House Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Committee. A hearing date for the bill has yet to be scheduled.

When the partial ban passed the House last week, some opponents said they wanted to see a full ban. McSweeney said once the full ban bill comes up for a vote, the results would be telling.

“We’re going to see who’s for real,” McSweeney said. “We’re going to see who’s for real if I get that bill to the floor. We have people who on principle oppose that, and I respect that, and we’ll see the people, and I hope they do. I certainly believe that they’re people of their word. If I get this voted, it’ll take a supermajority. I’ll have to work hard. [House Minority Leader] Jim Durkin and [red light camera company] SafeSpeed are working against me.” […]

A spokesperson for Durkin said he would support a ban on all red-light cameras in Illinois. As to campaign contributions Durkin got from SafeSpeed, Durkin’s spokesperson said he donated the money to charity right after it was revealed the indictment against former Senator Martin Sandoval, D-Cicero, identified Company A as SafeSpeed.

* SJ-R

For the second time in two years, a bill that set up a way to cap some prescription drug costs failed to advance in the House.

The House Prescription Drug Affordability and Accessibility Committee voted 8-5 against sending House Bill 3493 to the full House for a vote.

The bill’s sponsor, state Rep. Will Guzzardi, D-Chicago, said he would continue to try passing the legislation.

Under the bill, a five-member board appointed by the governor would have had the authority to review prescription drug costs and set upper limits of what could be paid for the drug. Not all drugs would be reviewed. A brand name product that costs over $30,000 or has a price increase of $3,000 a year or more would be reviewed as would a bio-similar drug that wasn’t at least 15% cheaper than the drug it replicates.

Guzzardi said Maryland uses this approach and 15 other states are considering something similar.

* Heartland Institute

Lawmakers in the Illinois General Assembly recently introduced HB 4138, which would create the Phase Out Corporate Giveaways Interstate Compact. This compact would serve as an agreement between member states to refrain from participating in the practice of corporate subsidies. Corporate subsides manifest in the form of tax incentives or grants, in an attempt to attract businesses.

Typically, these subsidies are handed out for the purpose of creating jobs, hosting manufacturing facilities, building development offices, as well as the relocation of headquarter offices. The Phase Out Corporate Giveaways Interstate Compact holds that any state and the District of Columbia may become a member of this compact by passing the compact through their legislature. The overall goal of this compact is to reduce corporate welfare.

Rep. Bob Morgan (D-Highwood) introduced the bill, which is a good first step in ending the practice of corporate welfare. In general, corporate subsidies overwhelmingly benefit large corporations. The bill defines “corporate giveaways” as any company-specific grant or company-specific tax incentive. A “company-specific grant” means any disbursement of funds via property, cash, or differed tax liability by the state government to a particular company. “Company-specific tax incentive” means any change in the general tax rate or valuation offered or presented to a specific company that is not available to other companies.

* Capitol News Illinois

A panel of state senators Tuesday approved legislation requiring public colleges and universities to add mental health contact information to the back of student identification cards.

As a parent of a first-year college student, Villa Park Democratic Sen. Tom Cullerton said it is a “trying and stressful time,” as with any other parent who misses their child. But he said such situations are also difficult for the student, who may be away from home for the first time.

His initiative would ensure phone numbers for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Crisis Text Line and the school’s mental health counseling center are published on each student’s identification card.

If an institution of higher education does not have such cards, the bill requires that information be published on its website instead.

* CBS 2

A Kankakee girl took her fight to Springfield on Tuesday to help kids sell lemonade.

“Everyone is sick and tired of all of us getting shut down for our lemonade stands, and I think it’s time to make a change,” said Hayli Martenez.

Last summer, Kankakee County shut down Hayli’s old-fashioned lemonade stand because the family did not have water and sewer service.

Hayli’s mother, Iva Martenez, was unemployed and behind in the water and sewer bills. Iva said although the faucet was off, she and Hayli used bottled water.

More from the Daily Journal

Hayli, 11, gave her views to a public health committee with Sen. Patrick Joyce, D-Essex, next to her. Joyce is sponsoring Senate Bill 3459, which is referred to as Hayli’s Law.

“I am ready to make a change for little people, like little girls and boys, who have lemonade stands,” Hayli said. […]

“My lemonade stand is a dream I shared with my grandma before she passed away. She always told me to make lemonade out of lemons, so I did,” Hayli said. “When my lemonade stand was shut down I became very upset. I asked myself, ‘Why me?’ I didn’t do anything wrong.”

The bill passed the Public Health Committee and now goes before the full Senate. If passed by both the Senate and House, it would go to Gov. JB Pritzker. If signed into law, it would go into effect immediately.

The kid is not only savvy and smart, but she has a million-dollar smile…


GOP congressmen reportedly push back after Pritzker requests federal intelligence outline of “all known threats to election systems”

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NBC News on February 20th

President Donald Trump pushed aside his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, because he was angry about a briefing to lawmakers that said Russia is interfering in the 2020 election to aid his re-election, current and former intelligence officials briefed on the matter told NBC News.

At issue was an election briefing to House members last week by Shelby Pierson, the DNI’s election security czar. The news was first reported by The New York Times.

The fast-moving developments have caused serious concern among intelligence officials.

* The very next day, Gov. Pritzker sent President Trump a letter and cc’d the state’s Republican delegation. The governor cited reports like the NBC story above and pointed out the “widely confirmed” reports that Russia targeted Illinois’ election infrastructure during the 2016 election.

Pritzker then requested that DNI outline “all known threats to election systems so that Illinois can be as prepared as possible to ensure our election is protected from all hazards including foreign interference.” He did not, as far as I know, release the letter to the news media until I requested it this afternoon.

* The governor was asked about his letter today at an unrelated press conference

Reporter: Republican congressmen say you’ve sent a letter to the president… They say that you got some facts wrong there, but they’re also saying that you need to focus on Illinois and [automatic voter registration] problems that are happening. Can you address that?

Pritzker: Well, they would like me not to focus on the fact that the President fired his DNI for telling the truth to Congress. These are republican congressmen that are speaking. What I’ve written a letter to the President about is to make sure that I get fully briefed on any kind of potential Russian hacking, or interference with our elections. I’ve been focused on this since before I took office. And Day One and in office I gathered people in my administration who are in charge of securing our elections to make sure we’re doing everything we can. But we need to get proper information from the intelligence community from the federal government. And it appears when the President is firing his DNI for telling the truth about Russian interference, that we’re not getting all of the information we need. So I insisted that we get that.


Hinz: Lightfoot to endorse Biden

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

Mayor Lori Lightfoot plans to make an announcement in the next day or so, and although sources close to her aren’t officially confirming anything, all indications are that she will back former Vice President Joe Biden.

Lightfoot and Biden connected by phone earlier this week, right after he won most of the big Super Tuesday primaries.

* Press release…

Congressman Sean Casten announced today that he is endorsing Joe Biden for President.

“As a freshman member I am keenly aware of the power of strong, diverse coalitions. For that reason, I am proud to announce my support for Joe Biden. Joe has the empathy and the heart to unite our party, our country — and he has experience and the tenacity to get it done.” - Congressman Sean Casten

* Local 881 of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) is endorsing Biden…

In announcing the support of the 34,000-member Union, Steven M. Powell, President of Local 881 and UFCW International Vice President, stated:

“Another four years of the Trump Administration would be a disaster for working people. It is critical that our next President be a friend to workers and an advocate for Unions. We believe Joe Biden is the best candidate to help our members and lead our nation. Joe Biden has been an advocate for our Local Union, has a great track record of putting working families first, and is committed to strengthening the rights of Union workers. He has developed a specific plan to help increase unionization, prevent employers from hindering the organizing efforts of workers, and protect collective bargaining rights. We strongly believe that Joe Biden is the best candidate to defeat Trump and will provide leadership that puts workers first. We are proud to give him our endorsement.”

* Treasurer Mike Frerichs…

Given today’s unfortunate news regarding the suspension of Elizabeth Warren’s campaign for President of the United States, I wanted to share my thoughts with those of you who, like myself, were inspired by her performance and disappointed by the headlines this morning.

I had the honor of working alongside Senator Warren while advocating for her candidacy and can attest to the fact that she is an extraordinary person; I know that she would have been an excellent President. She showed that you can advocate passionately for progressive ideas without being divisive. Her campaign demonstrated a sincere objective to be helpful and kind, even in the face of harassment and bullying.

While I am disappointed that she has ended her campaign, I have no regrets for supporting her. I think she has furthered the debate of ideas and has left the Democratic Party stronger because of her campaign.

I am heartened that she is still a fierce fighter in the US Senate for the fundamental change our country needs.

The one thing I am certain of is that we haven’t heard the last from Elizabeth Warren.

* Politico

Joe Biden, who jolted Democrats by capturing victories in 10 states (Maine wasn’t declared for Biden until midday Wednesday), has queued up a combined $228,000 in ad buys on three Chicago stations: CB2/2, ABC/7 and WGN/9.

To put this into perspective, the House and Senate Democrats spent about a million dollars a week on Chicago broadcast to help put each of their 2018 candidates over the top. $228K is a drop in the bucket, but it’s better than nothing, I suppose. And he didn’t need any air cover on Super Tuesday (or a field operation, for that matter). We’ll see how he does in the next debate against Sanders.

* Tribune

Sanders to hold rally in Grant Park on Saturday, another in Rockford Tuesday: The presidential candidate will hold a 2:30 p.m. rally at Petrillo Music Shell, in Grant Park.

As always with national politics, take a deep breath before commenting, and try not to infect comments with cable teevee talking points.


“The number of [COVID-19] cases reported in every chart and table is far too low”

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Cook County Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced a fifth Illinois resident has tested positive at the IDPH laboratory for coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The specimens have been sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for confirmatory testing. The fifth individual is a Cook County resident in his 20s who flew into Chicago O’Hare Airport earlier this month after traveling to Italy. The individual acquired the infection while in Italy and is hospitalized at Rush University Medical Center in isolation. Public health officials are identifying and contacting all close contacts.

“The state of Illinois is working around the clock to contain COVID-19 and educate the public,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Public health officials anticipated there would be additional cases and we will continue to implement robust measures to contain the virus while also preparing for further transmission. The risk of COVID-19 to the general public in Illinois remains low, but we encourage the public to be vigilant and take extra care with the normal precautions you should take during flu season.”

The CDC has confirmed one of the recent presumptive positive cases and we are still awaiting results on the other case. Both remain in home isolation and are doing well. At this time, the exposure route for the third and fourth cases is not known. Both individuals recently traveled to another state, but health officials have not been able to link them to a COVID-19 confirmed case in Illinois or the other state. Therefore, because IDPH has been unable to identify a point of exposure for these two cases, IDPH believes it is possible these cases may be due to community transmission in Illinois.

“While we expect to see additional cases, we are not seeing widespread transmission of the virus in Illinois and we believe the risk to the general public remains low,” said IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike.

OK, but read on.

* The Atlantic

We know, irrefutably, one thing about the coronavirus in the United States: The number of cases reported in every chart and table is far too low.

The data are untrustworthy because the processes we used to get them were flawed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s testing procedures missed the bulk of the cases. They focused exclusively on travelers, rather than testing more broadly, because that seemed like the best way to catch cases entering the country.

Just days ago, it was not clear that the virus had spread solely from domestic contact at all. But then cases began popping up with no known international connection. What public-health experts call “community spread” had arrived in the United States. The virus would not be stopped by tight borders, because it was already propagating domestically. Trevor Bedford’s lab at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, which studies viral evolution, concluded there is “firm evidence” that, at least in Washington State, the coronavirus had been spreading undetected for weeks. Now different projections estimate that 20 to 1,500 people have already been infected in the greater Seattle area. In California, too, the disease appears to be spreading, although the limited testing means that no one is quite sure how far.

In total, fewer than 500 people have been tested across the country (although the CDC has stopped reporting that number in its summary of the outbreak). As a result, the current “official” case count inside the United States stood at 43 as of this morning (excluding cruise-ship cases). This number is wrong, yet it’s still constantly printed and quoted. In other contexts, we’d call this what it is: a subtle form of misinformation.

This artificially low number means that for the past few weeks, we’ve seen massive state action abroad and only simmering unease domestically.

* The federal government is going back on its pledge to test lots more people

The Trump administration won’t be able to meet its promised timeline of having a million coronavirus tests available by the end of the week, senators said after a briefing Thursday from health officials.

“There won’t be a million people to get a test by the end of the week,” Republican Senator Rick Scott of Florida said. “It’s way smaller than that. And still, at this point, it’s still through public health departments.”

Scott and other lawmakers said the government is “in the process” of sending test kits out and people still need to be trained on how to use them. The entire process could take days or weeks, they said.

* Only two people tested in Sangamon County so far

Two Sangamon County patients tested negative for coronavirus over the weekend, public health officials confirmed.

Sangamon County Public Health Director Gail O’Neill said that two people exhibited fairly standard respiratory symptoms and had either recently traveled outside the country or been in close contact with someone who had. But the tests came back negative.

Though others have been monitored for symptoms, O’Neill said those have been the only two test administered in the county thus far.

* And if/when the virus does catch hold, it’s not pretty

Parents keep their children inside. Few people shake hands anymore. More than two dozen firefighters remain in quarantine. Restaurants and hair salons are close to empty.

Such is life in Kirkland, Wash., the suburb just east of Seattle known for its folksy downtown and spectacular lakefront views, but now above all as the U.S. epicenter of COVID-19.

Of the 11 U.S. deaths from the coronavirus epidemic, eight were residents of a local nursing home that is struggling to care for others who may have been infected. An additional death occurred at a Kirkland hospital. […]

On Monday, the city reported that two police officers and 27 firefighters — a quarter of its Fire Department — had been placed in quarantine after being exposed to patients from the nursing home.


Students are now out of school in South Korea, Iran, Japan, France, Pakistan and elsewhere — some for only a few days, others for weeks on end. In India on Thursday, all public and private schools through the fifth grade were ordered closed through March in the capital, New Delhi, affecting more than two million children.

In Italy, suffering one of the deadliest outbreaks outside China, officials said Wednesday that they would extend school closures beyond the north, where the government has imposed a lockdown on several towns, to the entire nation. All schools and universities will remain closed until March 15, officials said.

On the West Coast of the United States, the region with the most American infections so far, Los Angeles declared a state of emergency on Wednesday, advising parents to steel themselves for school closures in the nation’s second-largest public school district. Washington State, which has reported at least 10 deaths from the outbreak, has closed some schools, while on the other side of the country in New York, newly diagnosed cases have led to the closure of several schools as well.

The speed and scale of the educational tumult — which now affects 290.5 million students worldwide, the United Nations says — has little parallel in modern history, educators and economists contend. Schools provide structure and support for families, communities and entire economies. The effect of closing them for days, weeks and sometimes even months could have untold repercussions for children and societies at large.

* Some limited help is on the way

State and city health units are in line to get some help dealing with the coronavirus epidemic—financial help that is.

A deal reached [yesterday] between Congress and President Donald Trump will deliver at least $14.7 million to the Illinois Department of Public Health, with an additional $8.7 million headed to the Chicago Department of Public Health. […]

In a separate action, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released another $2.75 million to the state and $1.75 million to the city for coronavirus surveillance and infection control.

* And the state’s new sentinel surveillance program should help us figure out what’s going on

Starting today or Friday, Carle Foundation Hospital will begin screening as part of a new sentinel surveillance program that could indicate whether the virus is present in local communities among people who don’t have an apparent connection — for example, due to their travel history.

And since the hospital serves patients from 41 counties, the surveillance has the potential to signal the presence of the virus in more than just the Champaign-Urbana area.

There are already “a handful” of possible Champaign County coronavirus cases under investigation by the Illinois Department of Public Health, according to Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Administrator Julie Pryde.

But the best way to be prepared for a community spread of the virus is to collect more data, and as early as possible, she said.


…Adding… Oy

HANNITY: We have a report today the global death rate at 3.4%, and a report that the Olympics could be delayed. Your reaction to that?

TRUMP: Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number. Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it’s very mild.

Um, both can be true.

* Related…

* Sick CPS students ‘will be sent home immediately,’ district says, as coronavirus fears spread

* Glencoe Public Works Employee Under Voluntary Quarantine After Exposure to Coronavirus: The employee “was exposed to a different individual, who was subsequently confirmed to be infected with coronavirus,” the statement said, but was not showing any signs of the virus and was self-monitoring under voluntary quarantine at home. The employee was also in contact with their healthcare professional, officials said.

* Spreading coronavirus infects city’s economy, mayor’s budget: The mayor is also counting on $163 million from raising ambulance fees paid by private insurers and getting federal approval for reimbursements administered by the state for ambulance transports for low-income patients on Medicaid. That hasn’t happened yet — nearly five months after the mayor said that approval was “imminent.” Lightfoot has said repeatedly she remains “very confident” the feds will green-light the ambulance plan, despite her repeated attacks on President Donald Trump.

* WIU prepares for coronavirus outbreak: He said the McDonough County Health Department is working alongside them, to screen anyone who has traveled to an infected area.

* Coronavirus is testing CEOs everywhere: Unlike past crises, this one is rooted not in familiar economic factors such as a credit bubble, but in epidemiological forces beyond the ken of the average CEO. Few, if any, are qualified to make judgments about how many people are likely to be infected, how many will die, or when the virus will subside. Without answers to those questions, predicting economic consequences becomes all but impossible.

* Not Enough Face Masks Are Made In America To Deal With Coronavirus

* Washington state urges patience as Covid-19 test delays stoke anger: “We have had patients presenting here, angry that they cannot be tested for COVID-19, yelling, cussing, throwing their dirty mask at us and even spitting their secretions on the floor and walls on their way out,” Ruedebusch, who works at an urgent care clinic in the Seattle suburb of Monroe, wrote on Facebook.

* Coronavirus imperils airlines: Many slash flights; U.K. carrier Flybe goes under

* From Broadway to Chicago’s theater district, coronavirus attacks our human need to gather together

* Ultra’s March festival canceled over coronavirus fears in Miami, sources say

* The Gig Economy Has Never Been Tested by a Pandemic

* Coronavirus fears change art of shaking hands in US capital


So, We Got 8 More Days Of These…

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

This space is prepaid, so we’re gonna do 8 more posts.

What do you want us to do with Rich’s blog for the next week and a half?

Leave a comment and we’ll steal some of the best ideas. — Team Bloomberg Comms


United Way: 36 percent of Illinois households can’t afford basic necessities

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) joined the United Way in releasing their report on Illinois ALICE households – asset-limited, income-constrained and employed.

The report focuses on families living above the federal poverty level, but below the threshold of a basic survival budget of $57,144 for a family of four and $19,212 for a single adult.

“People all over Illinois are struggling to get ahead. We know this intuitively, and we see it in our communities. I see it every day in my west side and west suburban district,” Lightford said. “ALICE allows us to put some real data behind that intuition.”

In Lightford’s district, only 18% of households fall below the poverty line, but many more people than that are unable to afford an unexpected car repair or be able to put anything aside for the future. Those households are much more represented in the more than 47% of households in the 4th Senate District that are ALICE households.

Lawmakers will use the data to help better understand the needs of Illinoisans as they make public policy decisions to help struggling families.

* Deb Pressey at the News-Gazette

Researchers found 36 percent of Illinois households didn’t earn enough to cover that basic survival budget in 2017, the most recent year for which data was available. That included 12 percent of households at or below the poverty level and another 24 percent above the poverty line but still below the survival budget thresholds.

While Illinois households in the ALICE category earned significantly more than the federal poverty level of $24,600 for a family of four and $12,060 for a single adult, they still didn’t earn enough to cover the cost of housing, child care, food, transportation, health care and technology, researchers found.

* From the report’s executive summary, here is the “range of obstacles to achieving financial stability”

• The extent of hardship: Of Illinois’ 4.8 million households, 12 percent lived in poverty in 2017 and twice as many — another 24 percent — were ALICE households. Combined, 36 percent (1,758,032 households) had income below the ALICE Threshold, an increase of 20 percent since 2007.

• The basic cost of living: The cost of basic household expenses in Illinois increased steadily to $57,144 for a family of four (two adults with one infant and one preschooler) and $19,212 for a single adult — significantly higher than the FPL of $24,600 for a family of four and $12,060 for a single adult. The cost of the family budget increased by 38 percent from 2007 to 2017, driven primarily by increases in the cost of housing, health care, and child care, and by the addition of a basic smartphone plan to the budget.

• Low wages: Low-wage jobs continued to dominate the landscape in Illinois, with 56 percent of all jobs paying less than $20 per hour. Although unemployment rates fell during this period, wages remained low for many occupations. With more contract work and on-demand jobs, job instability also increased, making it difficult for ALICE workers to meet regular monthly expenses or to save. In addition, gaps in wages varied based on the type of employer as well as the gender, education, and race/ethnicity of workers.

• The role of public assistance: Public and private assistance continued to provide support to many households living in poverty or earning slightly above the FPL, but it provided less support to ALICE households whose income was above eligibility levels. Spending on health care and health insurance outpaced spending in other budget areas; there remained large gaps in other types of assistance, especially in housing and child care.

* Emerging trends

• The changing American household — Shifting demographics, including the rise of millennials, the aging of baby boomers, and domestic and foreign migration patterns, are having an impact on who is living together in households and where and how people work. These changes, in turn, influence the demand for goods and services, ranging from the location of housing to the provision of caregiving.

• Increasing vulnerability of workers — Within a global economy, economic disruptions, natural disasters, and technological advances in other parts of the world trigger rapid change in supply and demand for U.S. industries. Increasingly, this risk has been shifted from companies to workers. In addition to the often-disruptive effects of technology on jobs and the workplace, ALICE workers have low wages and increasingly face income volatility.

• Growing health inequality — As health costs rise, disparities in health increase, especially according to income. Expensive medical and technological advances that are out of reach of lower-income households will only further this divide. The societal costs of having large numbers of U.S. residents in poor health will also grow.

Click here for the summary and click here for the full report. Click here for an interactive county map. Lots of poverty in southern Illinois.

* Related…

* More deep poverty found north of Dempster

* General Assembly forecasters agree with administration on revenue estimate

* Legislators Mull Creation of Behavioral Health Workforce Center

* Food stamp change fuels anxiety as states try to curb impact

* New Report Finds Illinois Women And Girls Face “Barriers” To Success


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x2 - Oberweis responds *** Oberweis accused of “illegal scheme,” and a state’s attorney is a witness

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sue Rezin campaign Press release…

Perennial candidate Jim Oberweis was caught red-handed in an illegal scheme breaking federal campaign finance law to illegally funnel “soft” money from his state campaign account to his federal campaign for Congress.

Simply stated, this was a campaign money laundering scheme to violate federal campaign finance laws.

Federal campaigns for Congress and U.S. Senate are much more restricted than Illinois state campaigns in terms of the contributions they may receive and the sources from which they may receive them. Federal law not only prohibits the corporate contributions permitted under Illinois law, but also places limits significantly lower than Illinois’ on contributions from individuals and political committees. Because of these inconsistencies, federal law generally prohibits a candidate’s use of state campaign funds for his or her federal campaign.

Numerous Republican candidates have told Sue Rezin for months that Jim Oberweis called them and asked for a contribution from them to his campaign for Congress in exchange for a contribution from him of greater value (almost always double the amount) to their respective campaign committees. This was Oberweis’ way of using funds in his state campaign account for his federal campaign —and it is illegal. It would still be illegal if he wasn’t offering contributions of “greater value” than those he was soliciting for his campaign for Congress, but the “greater value” offers demonstrate the lengths he is going to illegally convert “soft” state campaign funds into “hard” federal campaign funds.

This has gone on for many months. None of the state and local candidates knew this was illegal and were a bit puzzled as to why Oberweis wanted to do this. But none were willing to go on record about Oberweis’ request. They didn’t want to make waves.

Until, at the beginning of February, Jim Oberweis had an agent of his campaign, Keith Becker, contact LaSalle County State’s Attorney Karen Donnelly via Facebook message saying: “State Senator Jim Oberweis said he would make a reciprocal donation of greater value for a donation to his campaign.” Becker then followed up with an email to State’s Attorney Donnelly with Jim Oberweis’ personal cell phone number letting her know that Oberweis was expecting her call.

No part of LaSalle County falls within either the 14th Congressional District or Oberweis’ state senate district, but Oberweis’ scheme was spreading to any Republican willing to accept a larger donation from Oberweis’ state campaign in exchange for a smaller contribution to his congressional campaign.

Donnelly proceeded to call Oberweis, who personally reiterated the offer. He then sent Donnelly a contribution check from his state campaign fund, which she still has. She then contacted the Rezin campaign about the incident and signed a sworn affidavit attesting to what exactly had transpired. The Rezin campaign has submitted that affidavit as Exhibit I in its complaint today to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).

Jim Oberweis has been caught red-handed, exposed by an affidavit from the LaSalle County State’s Attorney herself. Yes, Jim Oberweis actually solicited a State’s Attorney in his illegal scheme.

* Evidence from the campaign

The full FEC complaint and the affidavit are here. Rezin has filed two additional FEC complaints against Oberweis, which you can read more about by clicking here.

I’ve checked in with the Oberweis campaign and I’ll let you know if they respond.

*** UPDATE 1 *** From January 15

House GOP hopeful Jim Oberweis loaned his campaign $1 million, according to a Federal Election Commission report posted Wednesday

But he paid himself back $500,000 on the same day.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Oberweis campaign (updated with latest draft)…

In a desperate last-minute effort to try to gain some traction on her failing campaign, Sue Rezin’s campaign has resorted to dirty smear tactics in her attacks against Jim Oberweis. These allegations are simply not true.

The truth is Jim Oberweis has donated to Republican candidates for his entire adult life. He has put in over five hundred thousand dollars of his own money to beat Lauren Underwood, and he is the only Republican with the resources to do so. The campaign has followed, and will continue to follow, both the letter and spirit of the Federal Campaign Contribution and Disclosure laws.


Illinois Credit Unions: Giving Back To The Communities We Serve

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Credit unions exist to help people, not make a profit. It is this motto of ‘People Helping People’ that sets credit unions apart. Credit unions exist as member owned, not-for- profit financial institutions that have a strong sense of community. Credit union staff collaborate with civic and local organizations and volunteer their time and talents to give back to their communities. Credit union staff across Illinois have volunteered over 16,500 hours per year in recent years to assist local causes and make an impact in the communities they serve. If you are not yet a credit union member, go to to discover all the advantages that membership holds. Help to strengthen our communities from the inside out by becoming a credit union member today!

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ILGOP tries to block Nazi

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tina Sfondeles at the Sun-Times

Still reeling from a national embarrassment two years ago, the Illinois Republican Party is launching a late primary five-figure ad blitz against Holocaust denier Arthur Jones in the Southwest Side and suburban 3rd Congressional District, targeting the avowed anti-Semite with robocalls, mailers, digital ads and face-to-face warnings to voters.

The five-member Illinois Republican Congressional delegation is also endorsing Will County Board Member Mike Fricilone for the GOP nomination, calling him a “very clear choice” and an antidote to Jones, whom they call a “fake Republican.” […]

While attention has centered on the Democratic primary and whether U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski can cling to victory over challengers Marie Newman and Rush Darwish, political observers are also curious just how many votes Jones may get in the March 17 primary.

In 2018, Jones caught the GOP by surprise and wound up running unopposed in the primary after party leaders failed to field an alternative candidate in the heavily Democratic congressional district. […]

“We have plans to spend upwards of $50,000, and as more money is raised, that money will go directly to defeating Nazi Arthur Jones,” party spokesman Joe Hackler said.

* No TV ads, though. Here’s one of the digital ads…

* Press release…

Will County Board Member Mike Fricilone today announced he has received the endorsement of the entire Illinois Republican Congressional Delegation in his bid to secure the Republican nomination for Congress. Fricilone is running for Congress in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District. His opponent is Arthur Jones, a former leader of the American Nazi Party and Holocaust denier.

The delegation is made up of Republican Congressmen Mike Bost (IL-12), Rodney Davis (IL-13), Adam Kinzinger (IL-16), Darin LaHood (IL-18) and John Shimkus (IL-15).

Joint Statement from Illinois Republican Congressional Delegation

    Republicans in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District have a very clear choice in the race for the GOP nomination for Congress. Mike Fricilone is our choice in the upcoming Primary Election. Mike is running on a platform with fresh, bold and conservative ideas that would help the people of the 3rd District as well as our nation.

    We also in the strongest terms condemn the candidacy of fake Republican and former American Nazi Party leader Arthur Jones. His hateful rhetoric has no place in the Republican Party or our nation.

Quote from Will County Board Member Mike Fricilone

    “I am deeply honored and humbled by the Primary Election endorsements of Congressmen Bost, Davis, Kinzinger, LaHood and Shimkus. During my time on the Will County Board, both as Republican Leader and Finance Chairman, I have worked to ensure that we always had an agenda that would move our community forward with conservative ideas. I am running for Congress on a record of actual accomplishment, while my opponent is running for Congress to have a platform to spread hate and deny the Holocaust. I stand strongly with the Republican Members of Congress from Illinois who seek out common sense conservative solutions to improve the lives of families throughout the State of Illinois.”

The ILGOP is also holding a press conference today in the city.


Open thread

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yak away to your heart’s content, but please keep it Illinois-centric and be nice to each other.


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Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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